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Part of George Zimmerman's "chilling arsenal" (courtesy

The “stash” itself isn’t news; released George Zimmerman’s firearms inventory back in November. But‘s just released ACTUAL IMAGES of the guns found in GZ’s possession during his last and hopefully final run-in with the law. The pics are blurred and heavily watermarked but it’s the headline’s ballistic bombast that’s so beguiling.’s reckons the former Floridian’s got a “chilling arsenal.” (Not to be outdone, The Daily Mail, reckons Mr. Zimmerman was “armed to the teeth.”) Here’s the list of “deadly weapons” Herr Zimmerman was “hiding” inside his Florida home . . .

-One Keltec 12-gauge shotgun
-One Walther .380 handgun with seven rounds of live ammunition in the magazine
-One Taurus 9 mm handgun with live rounds in the magazine
-One GLOCK 19 handgun with 16 live rounds
-One AR-15 semi-automatic rifle
-Dozens of rounds of ammunition
-Several gun holsters and bags

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    • I spit up a little at the “dozens of rounds” comment. I mean one loaded 30 round mag is “dozens of rounds, right? My Glock 17 with an extra mag is “dozens of rounds” also, and I’ve been known to carry that on me on occasion. Dozens??? Really???? Dozens……. I’m going to bang my head against the wall until the pain goes away from this.

    • Dollars to doughnuts that Nancy Grace’s security carries “dozens of bullets” to work with her every day.

      Because the world is full of Travyons, and they ain’t after Skittles and iced tea.

      • Oh, I’ll wager each of them carries 75 rds, minimum, just for their pistols, and double that for their shoulder arms in the vehicles. Leftards never scrimp&save on THEIR personal defense, they are important.

  1. Reminds me of training day: “does it look like this? / yep exactly like that / well I know what mine looks like, now I want to see what yours looks like.”

  2. That’s all he’s got? With all the people threatening his life, I figured he’d have a bit more hardware and much more than “dozens of rounds” of ammo.

    • Remember he has lots of debt from the court case, in court the Lawyers win. I’m surprised he can afford this much.

  3. It doesn’t matter if they have 1 gun or 500 guns. He can only shoot one gun at a time. That is what gets me with these idiots in the media.

  4. Some pistols, bullpup shotgun, and modern sporting rifle and their all up in arms? If anything that’s a starter kit for most gun enthusiasts. But leave it to the media to make people freak out about a little stash.

    • Yep!
      Hype begets eyeballs and ears begets ad time and ad space revenue. These f’n a-holes try to sensationalize everything they report on, even the weather; and most of them couldn’t give a shit, producer/editor on down, how far from the truth they stray or who they hurt.

      Instead of ‘The Nightly News’ it should be called ‘The Nightly Lies’. Except for a very few, they’re like most politicians – beneath contempt.

    • Yeah…I see some of the more casual, recreational shooters at the range show up with more guns than that.

      And I guess the sky really is falling if there is LIVE ammo in a gun. Wow. What a menace. Are they asking for LEO’s to carry unloaded, too?

  5. That is pretty modest if you’re honest. A Taurus 9 and a 19? Seems silly to supplement “perfection”. Course homeboy made himself famous with a PF9 so I guess there is no accounting for taste

  6. Sounds like someone needs to go shopping for more ammo, one can never have enough, dozens in not enough for a good range day.

    • Cut him a break. Some of us haven’t gotten around to enhancing that part of our “collection” yet….

  7. If that paltry cache means that Zimmerman was “armed to the teeth,” then I must be armed to my upper palate.

    • Armed up to my sinuses, I suppose, if clays guns count. The Daily Mail really ought to publish a style guide so that we might know whether we possess an “extensive arms cache,” an “arsenal,” “sufficient guns for Armageddon,” or “armament sufficient to equip the 4th ID.” DA’s could borrow it for spokesperson use.

  8. Where I live, some guys have that in their car. When I read “arsenal” I was ready to be impressed. Then I realized who was using the word. Sigh. Dozens of rounds. An hour at the range is 200+ rounds for me!

    • Something clearly got lost on the way to the Daily Mail article. I’m quite sure what they meant to say is “George Zimmerman’s impoverishment due to legal fees is brutally evidenced by his nearly-bare arms cupboard, holding little more than a few guns and less than one-hundred cartridge….”

  9. If they only saw the massive cache of ammunition i keep in the headboard. I also have a high capacity skeet launcher. In my pants errrr in the closet. For clays…seriously.

  10. Yeeeeaaaah, screw that guy. I’m not sure if he’s a trouble seeker or a trouble magnet, but the mainstream (and non-mainstream, to be honest) media suuuuure love him, or more accurately, love to make money off him. Politics aside, they still have every incentive in the world to keep his mug in the news, considering the ratings and hits he generates. Wish he’d just move to the Alaskan Interior and disappear for awhile.

    • media suuuuure love him, or more accurately, love to make money off him

      Bingo! Like “Deep Throat” said to Bob Woodward, “follow the money.”

    • Moving to Alaska would be a very wise decision for Zimmerman were he to do it. Once he acclimated he’d probably love it and stay. End of story – and harassment.

  11. You here that people? Dozens of rounds of ammo. Dozens! Clearly, he was planning a horrific attack on Times Square. After all, why would someone need such a massive amount of things that go in magazine clips (or maybe they go in the shoulder thing that goes up?).

    Honestly though, I’m actually shocked he doesn’t have more. Given the number of death threats he’s received…..

  12. Well, more than I got …. I only have a Ruger 10/22. Great for scaring squirrels – and if I ever need to defend myself I figure I’ll do my best James Yeager and lean forward, look real mean and pretend it’s an ‘assault rifle’.

    • Hey man, gotta have at least one squirrel gun around the house…

      I shot a squirrel on my front porch last fall… Well, it was either a squirrel, or a trick-or-treater.

      I don’t know, it was hard to tell with Spiderman and that lion screaming.

    • 12 feet for me, but that does include an AR as well as a G19.
      This crap about Zimmerman is so full of lose. Personally, I’m thinking the man is seriously under-armed. Body armor wouldn’t hurt, either.

      • Lemme think this through, My 1911 is still under the blankets on the bed, so I’m down one gun but in this room there is an 870 and a 500 Mossburg, an XDs9 a .380 bodyguard, a type 56 (sks) 2AR-15s an FN-FAL, and this is my office, not the ‘gun room’. There is also better than (estimating) 5000 rounds of ‘live’ ammo in here. There is also a Safari Land IIIA vest in here and another from pointblank in the next room. I’m sure my office is woefully under armed but still, I wonder what the media would make of it?

  13. “There but for the grace of God…” If many of us were involved in such a high profile shooting, we would be plucked and cooked before our trial. This is a weapons cache, mine would be an arsenal at the very least. On top of that would be thousands of rounds of ammo and an “ammunition manufacturing facility” in the basement.

    On the other hand, I am in SD where I am considered an enthusiast rather than a threat.

  14. I have the same amount of firearms in my home. And well over a thousand rounds of ammunition as well. Is that a stash, or the ar15 and m9 sitting right next to me? I have 15 in the mag of the M9, 30 in the mag of the ar15, plus 2 more full mags. By reading this I have more ammo ready to be fired just with those 2 firearms then he did his entire household. To hear her tell it I am the most dangerous person in the world. However I am sure there are readers here who have more. Plus I do not have a million dollar bounty on my head.

  15. That’s it when they said he had a arsenal I was thinking he had thousands of guns were I live that’s a good start.

  16. Holy Crap!! I need to stay the hell out of Florida or wherever he is!! My two .45 ccw’s total 59 Rds on my person!! I’m a “Gun Totin Frekking Freak” by MSM standards!! Guess I better lose my other 12 guns in a boating accident this weekend!!
    Hey Ralph!! Can I borrow your boat this weekend?? The one with the “patch” on the hull!!

  17. I think you didn’t post the entire list. I’m seeing only five guns and “dozens” of rounds…that’s like any individual room in my house…

  18. Dozens of full ammo cans would be a better start.
    Port dude. It’s probably all he could find at a ‘one-box-per-person’ store.

  19. Dozens of rounds of ammo? That’s less than one bullet for every death threat. I sure hope that George is a good shot.

  20. 5 revolvers
    + 1 due for delivery to FFL early next week
    4 pistols
    1 shotgun
    500 rounds minium for each caliber
    And thats after I sold a pistol and a revolver a couple of months ago, too many holsters to count on my fingers. Hardly an “arsenal”

  21. So, WHERE is Zimmerman’s infamous PF9? Was he carrying it when they found this sinister stash? Did he sell it when he was out of money? Did the Florida Authorities keep it after the trial?

    Anyway, I guess the Media’s confusion about gun ownership must result from the common use of the phrases “gun owner” or “gun owners”…maybe it should be “guns owner” or “guns owners”, since the former seems to mean to the MSMM’s that people only, generally own one gun (oh, and presumably one “live” round). Just goes to show how completely they fail to understand, or maybe we did…”the right of the people to keep and bear arms”…maybe that was supposed to be plural/singular instead of plural/plural…let’s see…”the right of the people to keep and bear an arm shall not be infringed.”…Nope! That just doesn’t roll of the tongue as eloquently as The Founders wrote it. Looks like the MSMM’s are just projecting their ignorance, again…or maybe deliberately engaging in spurious propaganda, exaggeration and sensationalism to advance their biased, anti-liberty, totalitarian agendas, again.
    Obviously, the MSMM, anti-Second Amendment Law Enforcement and Activists have a vested interest in making the ownership of more than one firearm look like a bad thing that no “reasonable person” would do, and what better way to propagandize this notion than to conflate it with George Zimmerman, since many of them still think “he got away with murder”. You all can choose how to characterize the situation for yourselves, as I have already pushed the edges of TTAG policies hard enough in this comment, and you can also “fill-in the blank” when I use the term “MSMM”….of course I mean “Main Stream Media Members”…of course I do….

    • I love how’s they are surprised and shocked to learn anyone had more than one gun, but when an increase in sales is pointed out the explanation is always more guns being bought by people who already own guns.

      • It goes to show how tenuous and inconsistent their position is, but that is consistent with the rules of propagandizing…you tell the lie that suits the subject of the moment and never mind that it contradicts the lie you may have told previously about a logically related matter. Just look at what has been said, and is being said, about Obamacare. It illustrates the point perfectly.

        This is why we POTG feel so frustrated with the general argument. For the most part, we stick to facts and maintain consistent logical positions, but the anti’s for the most part just make-up whatever “analysis”, “pseudo-facts” or spurious interpretation of actual facts that suits the particular lie they want to tell in response to a particular situation. You can never win an argument where the opponent is willing to lie and distort as it suits the moment. They have no interest in the validity of the argument, only in advancing their wrong-minded agenda, which is based on the indefensible premise that Human Beings have no natural rights.

      • You’ve nailed it. The follow on comment about inconsistencies is also right on. If the survey they like to rely on is correct on about 40% of our 311 million people own about 300 million known guns. That’s more than 2 guns per owner and since it’s logical to assume (especially from their POV) that some large percentage have only one gun meaning that the remainder must therefore own 3 or more to make the %s work out.

        Then again, finding an anti who isn’t reality/statistics/logic/fact challenged is like finding an honest politician.

  22. Seems with all the death threats, he’d have some higher quality guns. Kel-tec and Taurus wouldn’t be my go to guns.

    • Kel Tec no!! Taurus…yea! My old PT1911 has over 6000 Rds thru it and 0 failures!! New one has 1000 and no failures so far!! But I take care of them and do all my own work on them.

  23. Nancy Grace, shut your pie hole. I’d be more afraid of being between Rosie O’Donald and the buffet line than GZ’s arsenal.

  24. I was going to post something sarcastic, but I’m coming up dry.

    It’s just too tragic, and I just can’t. :[

  25. I only count 4 guns. Kel-Tecs are not guns.

    I think everyone else has already said it. Here in Texas, his “stash” would be a starter kit for a noob gun guy.

  26. Ok, so Zimmerman had a few handguns, a rifle and a shotgun……….to a gun enthusiast, not a big deal. However that same little collection becomes an ARSENAL once the anti-2A press gets a hold of it. Dozens of rounds-what the f@c# does that mean to a shooter? “I’m short”. What does it mean to folks with a lack of gun knowledge? “Holy Cr@p why would a ‘sensible’ person need that amount of ammo?” Along the COMMON SENSE TM same lines of “If we can save a SINGLE child” TM, “guns kill” TM, and “only trained professionals should use firearms” TM. The meme remains the same.

  27. Dozens of rounds of ammunition? That’s all? Some of us here have enough to start a small Central American war.

  28. And all stamp, or coin or sport card collectors all stop at one … that’s the old witch craft mind set of the news media again…

  29. Quick call piers, I’m sure he can do a special, get his career out of the toilet as it were. He could even rent al capones locker again & stand there with his thumb up his A, well, just like his regular show.

  30. GZ’s last run in with the law?

    Doubtful….he’s got a few screws loose and he likes crazy broads.

  31. Why does the media have to portray every firearms owner as having an “arsenal” if they have more than two guns? The small group of firearms listed is in my mind a bare minimum at best. They are merely different tools for different kinds of jobs; not unlike a screw driver set.

    When I think of “arsenal” I think of National Guard arms bunkers or maybe what Sarah Connor had buried in the desert; well stocked with Dillon Areos…

    • Cuz the regular media are a bunch of candy asses.

      Having said that, we do need to recognize that those of us really into collecting, owning, whatever, are probably at the high end compared to the common owner of firearms who likely has a stash similar to George’s.

      To someone who has gone their whole life being told that guns are evil, self aware killing machines, (liberal, liberal arts, urban, reporter types) a stash like his raises eyebrows. If they were to look in some of our safes they’d evacuate their bowels at first sight and would have a hard time believing that everything was perfectly legal.

      I remember the first time I took a non gun owning friend to an independent owned gun store. You would have thought I was taking him to a crack den by how jumpy he was. He was like “is this on the up and up?” “Is this place legal?” “Uh, yeah dude. Welcome to the real America. We can has gunz!”

      I suppose his only prior exposure to guns at retail was the little carousel at Wal-Mart or something. Long story short, he owns guns now. Another victory for freedom!

      Sometimes you have to hold their hand to get them to the other side.

  32. Agree with the pf9 sentiment. Made my hand bleed. BUT I’d love to try the KSG. ANYONE GOT ONE?

  33. That is so many gunz I almost pooped myself a lil bit in shock.

    Why would a guy need that many guns and dozens of rounds of ammo and magazine clips?



  34. They left out the Pitbulls, grenade launchers, poison tipped spears, brass knuckles, porn magazine that had “children” (when actually there wasn’t, they don’t have to prove it, they just have to say it, and security cameras.
    That crap always gives me a good laugh.
    I have an AK, loaded 30 round mags, a .40 caliber piston with extra loaded mags, lots of ammo and a SR22 pistol. Am I armed to the teeth? HARDLY. Would it sound like I was if the cops put it in a news release?
    Only of they found my porn 😉

  35. Didn’t someone start a selfdefense “scholarship fund” for George?

    Woefully underequipped. Undercalibered, undermaged, underrounded.

    Nothing bigger than a 9mm? Notable shortage of spare mags? “dozens” of rounds? WIth every looney libtard in the country ready to run him down with their Prius! Guy needs to up his game.

    Full list from the nuts at “Radar” (pathetic, isn’t there a gov’t program for him?)
    • 3 Black Handgun Holsters
    • 1 Pack of Gum
    • 1 Religious Pendant
    • 1 Flashlight
    • 1 Pocket Knife
    • 1 Sanitizing Wipe
    • 2 cell phones
    • 2 .223 rounds
    • 8 9mm rounds
    • 2 .40 caliber magazines with 8 rounds each
    • 2 9mm magazines ( 1 with 14 rounds and 1 with 15 rounds )
    • 1 Interarms .380 Handgun
    • 2 Taurus 9mm Handgun
    • 1 Glock 19 handgun
    • 1 Kel-Tec 12 Gauge shotgun
    • 13 12 Gauge Shotgun rounds
    • 1 AR15 rifle
    • 1 Soft Sided gun case
    • 2 AR15 magazines
    • 59 AR15 Rounds
    • 1 Combination Lock

  36. “-One Keltec 12-gauge shotgun”
    The real news here is that Keltec actually manufactured and sold at least one of their shotguns.

  37. Well I hope the media never has a look inside my safe, 37 guns must be some kind of mega-arsenal, some even have those high capacity baby-cop seeking assault bullet clipazines they have a hard on for. Too bad I’d have to be Vishnu the destroyer to wield more than two.

    • Alright now! Let’s not be bragging about the size of our “Arsenal” here before somebody gets their feelings hurt!! Be nice! Some people just naturally have bigger “Arsenals”!! (Sarc/off).

  38. The media continue to beat their drums, “owning more than one gun and/or more than a magazine’s worth of ammo, or having ‘live ammo’ in your gun makes you a villain”. With that attitude they can make anyone on the anti-gun side hateful toward and fearful of any regular gun owner. I mean what does one even need live ammunition in a gun for anyway? What could one be planning with “dozens” of live ammunition bullets?

    • And how would they react to many of us that reload our own ammo and reload multiple calibers. I reload for 8 calibers right now(doesn’t include 12ga&.410).
      My God are we planning to take over the world with these arsenals?? (Sarc)

  39. I hope these reporters never are exposed to a 3-gun match….they’d probably stroke out.

    I take more ammo on a short range trip than he had, they’d be shocked if I’m going to spend an entire day at the range!

  40. The comments on made my eyes bleed. I am literally having trouble fathoming that there are more than five people on earth who are so brainwashed. How can we win against that?

  41. I like that analogy. Really, the libtards should look at the arsenal of Whitey Bulger when he was arrested. LOTS of excellent handguns and maybe one or so shotguns. No assault rifles but an excellent handgun collection.

    Or the Glock and ammo and spy gear that American hero Raymond Davis had when the ISI tried to assassinate him in Lahore, Pakistan.

    This is more like my daily carry, both on my person and in the trunk of my Texas car. He does need, as suggested, some body armor.

  42. I’m late to the party, as apparently GZ is on the whole “arsenal” acquiring thing.

    Wow, I got 16 rds on me right now, 8 of them in a pistol. !! 1 of those in the chamber!!!!! and I am sitting at my computer in my house. When I get in the sled to go work-about I have that AND another pistol, 9rds(1 in the tube) and 4 backup mags in the console for a total of 41. And there is at least one extra box of fidy rds in the floor storage in my map bag. Oops, it also has topo maps covering large sections of PA, all of Cape Cod, most of Mississippi and Ohio, chunks of Tenn and Kaintukay and a current RMc road atlas. And that don’t take into account everything ELSE still in the house.

    Wonder what these “journalists” would make of that?!?!?

  43. Wow most hunters and even the bird shooters I know have more than that. Those assorted holsters and bags really have an impact and really add to the “deadly” effect I keep trying to put a trigger lock on the gun slip my Beretta came in but the foam keeps getting in the way:) A good day at the trap or skeet range will consume a hundred rounds of shotshell’s without much effort. A hundred rounds of .22 is just for warm-up work on range day.

  44. wow, what a amateur collector. just noticed something, whenever someone gets caught like this, its always under 10 firearms. yet someone with over 100 in their collection never gets caught. maybe having more firearms means you are less likely to have trouble, or just spend too much time deciding which one to use…

  45. Don’t know how Mr. Z was set for funding but it seems to me his “stash” was a good start at having a fair to middlin collection. Sort of paltry by any stretch but he showed potential for having a well rounded and expandable collection.

  46. First Hilary Clinton has killed somewhere in the region of at least 30 people… and she didn’t even have a dozen bullets.

    Second, the companies that make high fructose corn syrup, that other BIG GMO corn company, that golden arches place have all killed more people than ALL of the people that have died in US related wars since ummmm…The Revolutionary War…and that’s a fact.

    Roughly 10% of all deaths in the US annually, or 251,454 deaths a year are caused by medical error just among the hospitalized patients in the United States…not counting the ones doctors send home because you have the flu, infection, septicemia, etc. THE 3rd HIGHEST CAUSE OF DEATH IN THE US of A…Goood Ol’ A’Merica!

    Violence related deaths account for less than 1% of all deaths in the US, however, when is the last time anyone from Monsanto has gone to prison, or doctors besides Michael Jackson’s doctor, or Hilary Clinton who we still haven’t forgotten about Benghazi ..bitch!

    I say we take George Zimmerman’s ‘Man Card’ away for only having dozens of rounds of ammo… I mean if he had dozens of boxes of 9mm that would be 100’s of rounds

    but like let’s say it’s 3 dozen and 5 guns …that’s like only 7.2 bullets per gun!
    I will no longer be able to close my eyes at night knowing… Hilary is still on the loose!

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