New York Governor Hochul
New York Gov. Kathy Hochul (AP Photo/Jeenah Moon)
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Those who vote for the opposition are American citizens. They’re moms and dads and grandparents and brothers and sisters. In many cases, members of the same family, neighborhood, groups of friends, and teammates don’t vote the same. You don’t have to like them, and you don’t have to agree with them. But you must respect them as fellow citizens because they have the same rights that you do. Your political beliefs don’t elevate you to some higher plane of consciousness or more advanced state of humanity.

Do Democratic officials who think and speak like [New York Governor Kathy Hochul] want to start a civil war? Not necessarily, but they are starting to casually declare that people who think differently from them don’t belong in “their” states. Those who can’t anticipate the kind of trouble this can stir up have a remarkable lack of foresight. We’re already living with the challenging consequences of “The Big Sort.” What happens when people start thinking that Republican voters in blue states or Democratic voters in red states deserve to be ostracized and driven out? What happens when Americans start thinking they’re entitled to live in a community or state of political homogeneity?

When you’re a governor, you’re the governor of everyone, even the voters whom you vehemently disagree with and who didn’t vote for you. It’s the same with legislators. If a citizen shows up at a House member’s district office and says that their Social Security checks stopped arriving, the staffer isn’t supposed to ask whether they voted for their boss or not. It’s right there in the title, “public servant.” You serve the public, not just members of your own party.

So no, I can’t stand it when some Floyd R. Turbo out there talks up a second civil war, or wild-eyed activists in the Texas Republican Party put a call for a state referendum on “Texas independence” in the state-party platform. Some of us have lived through Waco and Ruby Ridge and Oklahoma City, and the elders among us remember the Weather Underground and “Days of Rage.” There have always been some yahoos calling for a revolution. Most days, they never amount to much — which doesn’t mean they aren’t capable of killing people or committing outrageous atrocities.

But those yahoos don’t control any levers of government — at least, not yet. Cuomo did, Hochul does, and Crist is still a congressman.

— Jim Geraghty in Which Side Is Itching for a Civil War Again? 

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  1. There are two sides to this and the country is pretty evenly divided along these two lines. There are those that want to destroy the USA and those that want to defend and preserve it.

    If the Democrat left would stop trying to change this country into something it was never meant to be then there would not be an issue here. The American right does NOT want civil war. It’s being pushed by the left. We are getting closer to it because the Democrat left keeps pushing to destroy this country.

    It’s NOT hard at all to tell which side wants civil war more. If you think it’s that hard then you are not looking at reality.

      • Obviously the busy body dear leader hochul and her ilk are funded by mini mike bloomberg and other white trash.

    • “There are those that want to destroy the USA and those that want to defend and preserve it.”

      They call that ‘progressive’.

      Strange thing is, tho, so is metastatic cancers that kill their hosts…

      • “Progressive”: Just another word for “Communism”. And when progressive-loving Americans realize what it truly stands for, they will be ready to blame everyone else for their own blindness for not seeing the truth.

    • “but they are starting to casually declare that people who think differently from them don’t belong in “their” states“

      Every red state TTAG poster…

      “There are those that want to destroy the USA”

      Yes, many of those would be the “tourists” who attacked the United States capital during a joint session of Congress debating our federal election under the rules mandated by the United States Constitution.

      Thankfully, many of those domestic enemies will be serving lengthy prison terms.

        • Like Dacian, wasted his life for a revolution that never happened. His one chance to be important.

          Almost as ironic as an anarchist who is dependent on welfare.

      • “Thankfully, many of those domestic enemies will be serving lengthy prison terms.”

        Yep, the law provides for lengthy prison terms for convictions of “trespassing,” “parading,” and “disorderly conduct.”

        It’s quite telling that you consider citizens exercising their First Amendment guarantees of free speech and free assembly as “domestic enemies.”

        Worst. Insurrection. Ever.

        • “Yep, the law provides for lengthy prison terms for convictions of “trespassing,” “parading,” and “disorderly conduct.”

          The seditious conspiracy charges many of these “tourists” have been charged with, pleaded guilty to or found guilty by a jury, or slightly more serious than “trespassing”.

          And I understand the kingpin of these domestic enemies is currently under investigation for serious crimes under the Espionage Act, and his residence when searched has yielded multiple national defense documents in violation of federal law.

        • The seditious conspiracy charges many of these “tourists” have been charged with, pleaded guilty to or found guilty by a jury,

          Exactly how MANY have “pleaded guilty to or been found guilty of SEDITION by a jury,”… Inquiring minds want to know. Oh wait, I know… ONE… Oath Keeper is 1st to plead guilty to seditious conspiracy for Jan. 6… NO ONE has been found GUILY by a JURY on SEDITION charges for which ONLY 10 others have been CHARGED…

        • “And I understand the kingpin of these domestic enemies is currently under investigation for serious crimes under the Espionage Act, and his residence when searched has yielded multiple national defense documents in violation of federal law.”

          Liar49er, I’m very interested in your citations proving any of that.

        • “currently under investigation for serious crimes under the Espionage Act, and his residence when searched has yielded multiple national defense documents in violation of federal law.”

          You know, it is a matter of public record that Donald Trump is under criminal investigation, multiple news agencies have reported the fact and re-published the unsealed search warrant and affidavit.

          You might try watching some other news services to be better informed.

        • have reported the fact and re-published the unsealed search warrant and affidavit.

          You mean the 28 pages of totally redacted text? You have seen nothing from the DOJ indicating that Trump has done anything “criminal”. Only YOUR left-wing resources giving “opinions” a bunch of talking heads with no grasp of reality… Keep talking, you’ve had Trump indicted 26 times since 2016 and yet there he is. All I can say is beware what you wish for Hillary, Obama, Braindead, Hunter, Fauci and as yet to be named FBI agents… You want to see “real” indictments? You might just get your wish…

        • “Donald Trump’s office hid classified documents from the government to stop them being returned, a court filing from the Department of Justice said.

          Investigators claimed “government records were likely concealed and removed” after a subpoena was issued for the documents to be returned to the national archives.

          Trump’s lawyers then testified under oath that all classified materials had been returned, a claim now proven to be false.

          Many of the files kept in Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago country club were clearly marked as classified. (Department of Justice)
          The 36-page filing appears to be laying out an obstruction of justice case against the former president.

          The Department of Justice said in their filing that more than 100 classified documents were seized in the FBI’s raid on Trump’s Mar-a-Lago country club this month.

          The filing also included a photo of some of those documents.

          The documents are clearly marked either “secret” or “top secret”.

          Most of the sensitive documents were in storage at Mar-a-Lago, but three were kept in a desk drawer in Trump’s personal office.

          The Department of Justice noted that it took the FBI mere hours to find twice as many classified documents among Trump’s files than his own office had surrendered after weeks of apparent searching.“

        • “…the kingpin of these domestic enemies …”

          Proven in a court of law? Charges filed? Indisputable evidence of such? No citation.

          “…currently under investigation for serious crimes under the Espionage Act, and his residence when searched has yielded multiple national defense documents in violation of federal law.”

          Investigation under Espionage Act? For what specific crimes? No citation.

          Defense documents in violation of federal law? Only opinion, no citation, no official action taken against the former President, no charges filed.

          “You might try watching some other news services to be better informed.”

          Other news sources that report opinion, hearsay, speculation?
          I wouldn’t trust any source that you cite because you’re a lair.

          Liar49er, keep swinging.

        • “The filing also included a photo of some of those documents.

          “The documents are clearly marked either “secret” or “top secret”.”

          So the DOJ released photographs of Top Secret documents — which is against the law — and distributed them to news agencies which published them — which is against the law.

          My God, that makes me guilty of espionage as well! I have rolls of microfilm containing thousands of images of government documents that are marked “Top Secret,” “Secret,” “Confidential,” and “Eyes Only.” I’m a historian who researches World War II.

          I’d better prepare for a FIB goon squad to kick down my front door and raid my wife’s panty drawer!

        • “Investigation under Espionage Act? For what specific crimes? No citation“

          Have you really not read the warrant which is available on all major new sites?

          Or, are you intentionally ignorant in a delusional attempt to further your flawed narrative?

          “The FBI’s search warrant targeting former President Donald Trump’s private club listed three statutes that were used to justify the seizure of boxes and documents from the property, some of them marked as top secret.

          Under a heading that reads “Property to be seized,” the warrant refers to: “All physical documents and records constituting evidence, contraband, fruits of crime, or other items illegally possessed in violation of 18 U.S.C. §§ 793, 2071 , or 1519.”

          18 U.S.C. §§ 793: Gathering, transmitting or losing defense information, which carries a penalty of up to 10 years in prison.
          18 U.S.C. §§ 2071: Concealment, removal, or mutilation generally, which carries a penalty of up to three years in prison and disqualification from holding office (more on this below).
          18 U.S.C. §§ 1519: Destruction, alteration, or falsification of records in Federal investigations and bankruptcy, which carries a penalty of up to 20 years in prison“

          You might notice, none of those statutes cited mentions the word ‘classified’ and it is not an element of the criminal acts described herein.

          “you’re a lair“

          Well yes, I do have a bobcat lair back up on the property, if that’s what you mean.

          I’m sure most medical professionals would agree, when the reality of your delusion sets in, you’ll probably suffer a severe psychotic break and require hospitalization.

          Thankfully, under Obamacare, affordable health care plans providing mental health services are available to everyone.

        • “…the kingpin of these domestic enemies …”

          Still awaiting your citations supporting this statement.

          “Have you really not read the warrant which is available on all major new sites?”

          New sites? No, I read news sites. But you refer to the “blanket warrant” issued in express violation of the Fourth Amendment? Well, yes, I’d like to read it, but there’s not much “there” there due to the extensive redactions. How about the specific documents that were listed in the warrant? Oh, that’s right — there were no specifics.

          You must mean that the President didn’t have the authority to declassify any of the documents that the DOJ supposedly displayed in their p.r. release today, despite opinions by numerous legal experts to the contrary. If the pictured docs are still classified, then the DOJ and news sites violated the law by publishing photos of them.

          Besides, your argument is moot: you cited Politico, an obviously biased and unreliable source.

          “I’m sure most medical professionals would agree…”

          You caught me in a spelling mistake; I suppose that’s a sure sign that I’m “deraigned,” as another idiot on the board would say.

          But since you’re speaking as a medical professional — isn’t it unethical to attempt to diagnose someone whom you’ve never examined? Why, yes — yes it is.


        • “But you refer to the “blanket warrant” issued in express violation of the Fourth Amendment?“

          No, I refer to the specific search warrant issued by the federal magistrate judge regarding the search of Maralardo.

          You may view the unsealed documents at your leisure:

          “You must mean that the President didn’t have the authority to declassify any of the documents“

          Classification status of the stolen document is immaterial, none of the cited US laws involved classification status.

          Trump stole these documents from the White House when he left in disgrace, it’s just that simple.

          “you’re speaking as a medical professional — isn’t it unethical“

          Nope, I never claimed to be a medical professional, only expressed my opinion that many would agree with me regarding your mental instability.

          Brace yourself for the impact of the indictments, I suspect you’ll be quite upset.

        • “…the kingpin of these domestic enemies …”

          Still awaiting your citations supporting this statement.

          “No, I refer to the specific search warrant issued by the federal magistrate judge regarding the search of Maralardo.”

          That must be a different warrant. A search for “Maralardo” in Google Earth turns up nothing. I was speaking of the “blanket warrant” issued in express violation of the Fourth Amendment since it does not specifically list the items that were subject to the search. “Miscellaneous secret documents,” “Confidential Document,” and “Any government and/or Presidential records created between January 20, 2017 and January 20,2021” are not specific items. The FIB also violated the President’s Fifth Amendment rights as well. Legal expert Alan Dershowitz:

          “”I think I’ve figure it out; I think I know why they gave a search warrant rather than a subpoena. The government would have had to give him production immunity, but if they went in and did a search, then there’s no Fifth Amendment because they just took the material. The material itself is not covered by the Fifth Amendment. It’s only the act of production. Since he’s 1,000 miles away he had nothing to do with the production. So that’s the excuse that they’re going to give. They were circumventing the Fifth Amendment rights of Donald Trump.”

          “You may view the unsealed documents at your leisure:”

          Nope, Politico is not a reliable source.

          “Nope, I never claimed to be a medical professional, only expressed my opinion that many would agree with me …”

          I didn’t say that you were a medical professional — it’s obvious that you are far from it — but that you were speaking as if you were one to be able to diagnose a mental illness in someone. Your opinion that “many” would agree with you is nothing more than that — your opinion, and an unqualified one at that.

          “Brace yourself for the impact of the indictments, I suspect…”

          You have advance notice that any indictments will come from this fishing expedition? I’m not saying that there won’t be, but it’s obvious that this is not a proper legal proceeding but a banana-republic political smear job of a private citizen.

          We’re done here. And you’re still a liar.

        • I’d better prepare for a FIB goon squad to kick down my front door and raid my wife’s panty drawer!

          You and the couple hundred million Americans and the several billion(?) “unauthorized” people around the world who have viewed those photos online and on TV… Oh wait? Trump DEclassified ALL of that stuff before noon on Jan.20,21 so YOU are good to go. Note they said “LIKELY” removed or concealed. I love watching the TDS clown show. “WE GOT HIM NOW”, Indictments are on the way, that Grand Jury must be running 24/7 pouring over all that Highly Classified, illegally (4th amendment) procured “evidence” that even THEY are not permitted by law to see if Trump did not have the authority to declassify them as our resident legal scholar Minerva assures us is the case. Dance clowns, entertain us, and remember, “be careful what YOU wish for… TRUMP “24”, DeSantis “28, 32″…

        • Maxx,

          “You and the couple hundred million Americans and the several billion(?) “unauthorized” people around the world who have viewed those photos online and on TV…”

          Nah, not those. I research WWII history and I’ve obtained several reels of microfilmed records of military units detailing their daily reports, crew assignments, bombing strategies, target results, etc.

          Most pages are clearly marked “Secret” or “Top Secret” on the headers, just like those documents in the photos released by the DOJ. Just as you said, the research documents, as well as the Trump papers, are now declassified (most are over 75 years old) and are available to the public through the National Archives or the Air Force Historical Research Association.

          But they still have the classification markings on each as they were microfilmed from the originals. So I’m guilty — guilty, I say! — of possessing “classified” materials. I was joking about storing them in my wife’s underwear drawer — there’s not enough room. 🙂

        • “I’ve obtained several reels of microfilmed records of military units detailing their daily reports, crew assignments, bombing strategies, target results, etc.

          Most pages are clearly marked “Secret” or “Top Secret” on the headers, just like those documents in the photos”

          Your arguments are infantile, the World War II material you speak of was declassified years ago, that’s why you were able to “obtain” it.

          And don’t get your panties in a wad about the photo released by the FBI and DOJ, all they show are the cover sheets for the classified files, it’s a typical search warrant evidence Photo giving a overview of the materials found and seized.

          As to my assertion that Donald Trump is the ‘kingpin’ of the insurrection and ‘fake elector’ attempts, the evidence bears this out, I think it’s clear this will be proven, as you put it, in court.

          Regarding your unsubstantiated claims:

          “I’ve obtained several reels of microfilmed records of military units… “

          “Most pages are clearly marked “Secret” or “Top Secret” on the headers… “

          Empty statements, you offer no evidence or citation to support your claims.

          And what is really sad about your empty speech, you are engaging in this bullshit in a childish attempt to give aid and comfort to a domestic enemy of the United States.

          The United States Constitution defines that behavior ‘Treason’ and mandates a specific punishment.

          But I would advise the patriots to worry not, the DOJ is vigorously pursuing the indictment, trial and incarceration of these traitorous bastards.

          “But let judgment run down as waters, and righteousness as a mighty stream“

      • To 9er.

        “Every red state TTAG poster…” Generalizations are the death of the ego.
        I live in a “red state”. I do not own an AR15. You live in a “blue state”. You need a blow job – badly.

        Thank you for not being a Dacian bot. Other than that, well…

        • “Generalizations are the death of the ego“

          Interesting. Personally, in my search for mindfulness one of my goals is to abandon ego.

          As Little Bear said, “Today is a good day for my ego to die”.

        • MajorStupidity,

          “Personally, in my search for mindfulness one of my goals is to abandon ego.”

          So, one more thing in the LONG litany of failures in your life, eh, MajorStupidity?????? Sucks to be you, dunnit?

        • “litany of failures in your life“

          My friend, ‘mindfulness’ is not a goal that I think can be achieved in a single lifetime, sometimes it’s about the journey…

        • MajorStupidity,

          Certainly not a goal that could be achieved in YOUR lifetime, no matter how long you manage to avoid the Reaper. You could CERTAINLY stand to learn a little humility (you have so much to be humble about!), but I suspect that is beyond you, as well.

          MajorStupidity, you remind my of Oppenheimer’s quote after watching the first nuclear explosion, “I am become Shive, destroyer of worlds.” In your case, it is “I am become Titania McGrath, destroyer of credibility and Leftist pretensions.” You aren’t even a decent caricature, anymore. Your every post is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.

        • “You could CERTAINLY stand to learn a little humility… “

          How sad that you were completely oblivious to what you revealed by that statement.

          Do you understand that you show an abject lack of humility when you judge others as lacking humility.

    • A forecast (prediction) is not the same as “wants”.

      Can predict demtard party election fraud (actually is a certainty). The surprise would be if it is less than 5pt in key locations.

    • The second amendment really gets in the way of “revolutionary change”. It was never about hunting. It’s not about 3 Gun. It’s not about “SASS”. Single Action Shooting Society. The progressives have always hated individual gun ownership. I believe Gov Hochul was “A” rated by the NRA at one time. These people will lie in order to get poltical power. So they can have their revolutuion.

      At this point the 1st amendment is just toilet paper in much of the “red communist states”.

      • At this point the 1st amendment is just toilet paper in much of the “red communist states”.

        Red States????

        • I refuse to refer to a democrat control state as a “Blue state”. That is the Left just changing the political language. See the NYT from 10 years ago. For example. California is a “red communist state”. And that is what it was called when Brown was the govenor.

          Red communist Cuba. Red Communist China. Red communist Russia. Before the wall came down.

      • btw
        If people want to avoid a civil war??? Then go out and become an educated voter. And then go vote.
        Attend public meetings. Petition your elected representatives for redress of grievances. And don’t be like the Libertarians. Being like them is a good way to get into a civil war.

        Why It’s OK Not To Vote – Katherine Mangu-Ward video 1 hr long

        • MADDMAXX August 30, 2022 At 17:50
          Your comment is awaiting moderation
          MADDMAXX August 30, 2022 At 17:49
          Your comment is awaiting moderation
          Who said WE want to avoid it, I’m not going out of my way to help promote Civil War and I do vote though I’m not able to be as active as I used to be in campaigns. I DO NOT want to see the people of this country shooting at one another but when you see “ANTIFA” guarding “pro-abortion” rallies and clubs/restaurants hosting Drag Queen shows for CHILDREN dressed in black w/full face covering, openly displaying AR-15s something IS going to happen, and WE are fully prepared for it.

          AWWWWW did I hurt somebody’s FEEEEELZ? Moderated for WHAT? take a few seconds out of YOUR busy day to tell me WTF is “moderated” in THAT post and I can avoid this bullshit NEXT time… Was it ANTIFA? Don’t like DRAG QUEEN? FUK, that’s what THEY call THEMSELVES!!! PRO-ABORTION? THAT’S a “real” thing, THEY say so THEMSELVES!!! How do YOU discuss someone or something without NAMING them what they are ACTUALLY called by themselves.

        • “Then go out and become an educated voter. And then go vote.
          Attend public meetings. Petition your elected representatives for redress of grievances“

          Absolutely on point! I could not agree more, bravo!

  2. The Chinese Government Bootlicker F***-Ups like Hochul, and prissy little Charlie Christ have been throwing around those Neo-Blood Libel terms, “Racist” and “Fascist” quite promiscuously as of recent.

    I want these Maoist Pigfilth to keep talking. They’re quite clear in trying to turn the USA into North Korea.

  3. Damn, they sure got some lookers on their side. No wonder they’re all such bitter assholes.

  4. One side is (wrongly) convinced they are far intellectually superior to the other, and the other has generated several hundred thousand combat-tested troops over the past 22 years who know what end of the rifle the bullet comes out of, and who has had direct, personal experience in shooting at other humans.

    I’m utterly baffled that they can even think they can win such a conflict. Delusional doesn’t even begin to describe it…

    • In all civil wars the winners have the military on their side.
      Lucky countries have a military that seize power when the see the kids fighting and arrest all agitators, stabilize the country, and set a time table to return to democracy. This way there remains survivors and infrastructure.
      If one side of a civil war invites a foreign power to assist, say China, then I can’t see how destruction is avoided.

      • Max Boot did a study of insurgencies during the 20th Century. Some 60 % of those insurgencies were successful and did not involve much military support until mid to later phases IIRC.

      • “If one side of a civil war invites a foreign power to assist, say China,…”

        Luckily, they despise China as much as we do…

        • Quote: “Luckily, they despise China as much as we do…”

          Not sure that applies to the bitme clan, they seem to be getting rich by being friends with China.

      • “In all civil wars the winners have the military on their side.”

        Over 80 percent of the grunts, the folks that actually do the ‘dirty work’ vote conservative.

        It can easily play out like it is today in Ukraine. Utterly demoralized troops with little interest in getting shot in a foreign land (flyover country). Active sabotage by their own side to avoid getting shot. A mechanized army that can’t move is a target. An insurrection using drone warfare for recon and strike missions. Major cities cold and dark when HV electric transmission lines get cut by common, bog-standard scoped hunting rifles. Major highways in and out of those cities blocked by charred wreckage. Truckers not interested in getting attacked abandoning those semis packed with food for the cities.

        That’s just a superficial look at things. When millions of major city dwellers hoof it out of those cities, the rural communities won’t exactly be welcoming them.

        Where do you house 8+ million hungry people? From just one major city? I sure hope they think a little before wishing for something they have zero chance of coming out the ‘winner’ of…

        • Of course there is no real “win”. Syrian government “won” a hellscape and surrendered autonomy to Russia for example.
          BTW, many people directly assign Hillary to the nightmare of death and misery in Syria when she encouraged insurrection then USA cut support as Saudi funded ISIS joined the fight which was 100% predicted.
          Basic point is any civil unrest is a mess and all individuals can do is man the reloading table and prep, and also try to remain objective and think about how expert manipulation is always at play. Don’t buy identical politics stuff.

    • It’s not just their delusion with violent armed conflict, it’s their delusion in many other areas that also poses a serious risk to the United States.

      Their delusion that the United States can suddenly eliminate the use of fossil fuels poses a direct threat to our survival and could be another impetus for violent armed conflict. The Marxist eco-terrorists are clearly large and in-charge in Washington, DC and we could all freeze and starve to death because of their denial of reality.

      That’s probably a more likely reason for armed conflict to arise.

      • The plan is to harm the industry enough to make fuel cost prohibitive for the plebs. The ruling class has no intention of ending their travel via private jet. They don’t believe a word of the “climate crisis.” That’s food for the useful idiots. If you think inflation is bad now, just wait until they get their way. To add insult to injury, they’re subsidizing their “green energy” plan with your tax dollars. We’ll see poverty, death, and misery on a scale that would make Mao Zedong blush.

        • Some of you apparently think the progs are as smart and accomplished as THEY think they are. Not hardly.

          Look at their chicom flu performance. They didn’t know squat, but spoke with conviction and their drones believed the BS for several/many months. Now it is well established EVERYTHING they said was lying BS. Like they think 1949 was a plan rather than a warning.

        • “To add insult to injury, they’re subsidizing their “green energy” plan with your tax dollars“

          But still, in the taxpayers subsidy race for dollars, the fossil fuel industry is clearly the profiteering winner:

          “Coal, oil, and natural gas received $5.9 trillion in subsidies in 2020 — or roughly $11 million every minute — according to a new analysis from the International Monetary Fund.

          Explicit subsidies accounted for only 8 percent of the total. The remaining 92 percent were implicit subsidies, which took the form of tax breaks or, to a much larger degree, health and environmental damages that were not priced into the cost of fossil fuels, according to the analysis.“

          Of course, those poor, destitute fossil fuel industries are doing so badly, they need every dollar the taxpayers can provide:

          “Shell earnings triple to $9.1 billion
          In the first quarter, Shell’s adjusted earnings rose to $9.1 billion from $3.2 billion in the same period last year. Net income rose to $7.3 billion from $5.8 billion in last year’s first quarter.

          BP records $6.2 billion profit, double profit over same time last year
          BP posted its highest quarterly profit in over a decade – with the British energy company announcing on Tuesday that its underlying replacement cost profit rose to $6.2 billion in the first three months of this year, more than doubling the $2.6 billion from the same period last year.

          Exxon doubles profits from last year to $5.48 billion
          At the end of April, Exxon Mobil reported $5.48 billion in profits during the first quarter of 2022 – also more than doubling its profits compared with the same period last year.“

        • “Like they think 1949 was a plan rather than a warning“

          Nelly, what are you talking about?

          If you’re actually discussing George Orwell’s 1984 then perhaps you might want to actually read the book because you would learn that he warned us against the fascist takeover by the corporate military industrial complex.

          George was a socialist, I just love it when right wing conservatives quote his wisdom, the irony is delicious.

        • And Miner? Do you ever have a point? You quoted what I said, then started talking about fossil fuel subsidies. I’m for a 100% end of all subsidies, but at least affordable natural gas and vehicle fuel doesn’t make us poor. As a matter of fact, it provably does the opposite. I’m okay with corporations making money as long as I can make a good living as well. They just implemented new taxes on the fossil fuel industry. Government subsidies for EVs makes them more expensive. Poor people buy high mileage used vehicles. No one is going to want to buy used EVs to replace their expensive batteries. Trying to switch electric companies over to wind and solar will be an expensive disaster.

        • Explicit subsidies accounted for only 8 percent of the total. The remaining 92 percent were implicit subsidies, which took the form of tax breaks or, to a much larger degree, health and environmental damages that were not priced into the cost of fossil fuels, according to the analysis.

          Pretty much the same “deal” that helped corporations like Johnson & Johnson, Google etc. from paying taxes on profits for decades. Now Big Phara gets the big win with Government buying 100% of WuFlu Vaxx AND exonerating them from ANY legal recourse related to injuries those products have caused. 40 billionaires created? Hmmmmmmmmm…. Yeah, those diabolical oil companies that have literally “FUELED” the WORLD economy for well over a century…

      • Agreed. The active flailing by both left and right encouraging fantasy is a big part of what is creeping USA to self destruct. The example of “delete fossil fuel by next week” with zero real initiatives is in direct contrast to reality. If instead there was real leadership, an analysis of what was actually possible would be done, and the costs presented to the population, and then execution of whatever that compromise was. Say 1/2 Trillion spent in 10 years to grow nuclear power. Nuclear energy is expensive, but calculable. Instead we get identity politics “we announce our vision and steer to the abyss”.

      • So not gonna buy a Tesla?
        Loved that guy I saw on TV who grew corn, made alcohol, mixed alcohol and corn oil under pressure to make di-ester (bio diesel), burned the dried residue for heat. Ran his diesel cars and tractors on his own fuel. BUT it took a lot of land.

    • Quote: “I’m utterly baffled that they can even think they can win such a conflict. Delusional doesn’t even begin to describe it…”

      Remember the millions of new gun owners over the last two or three years? I have suspected a lot of them were the left gearing up for their version of the “final solution”. Some of are even talking about it now. There may well be some of them with military experience.

      I don’t think the left by themselves have much of a chance but if it starts looking bad they will invite foreign help. Just hope it is the U.N. Nice blue berets so they stand out.

  5. The divide is growing, and will only continue.. Some of us refuse to accept that ped@philes, child abusers, Antif@ terrori$ts and others have a right to act how they want and express their insane opinions. Every functional culture ever has had limits on speech, behavior, and “expression”, and even with our bill of rights we still do. Society cannot truly exist in a free for all where everyone just does what they want. Looking at any major liberal city full of drugs, crime, trafficking, etc. will tell you that. Productive and destructive forces cannot coexist peacefully. Their views are simply too different. Its unfortunate that the evils in our society exist in the name of tolerance, when the cancer they cause will end up destroying any semblance of a nation we have left.

    • “express their insane opinions. Every functional culture ever has had limits on speech,”

      That’s right, no one should be able to say anything that makes me feel uncomfortable, uncertain or angry.

      • The world doesn’t owe you shit. I know it doesn’t take much range to cash your government check and get some 40’s at the corner store. Some jungle juice, a loaf of bread and a # bologna for the kids. Didn’t you have a wildfire not too long ago started by the grid?

      • Just like you want to get rid of the American flag, cause it represents White Supremacy..

        You want to get rid of the Constitution of the United States of America, cause it represents, White Supremacy!!!

        You want to get rid of guns, cause it represents, White Supremacy!!!

        You want to get rid of all statues and paintings of any body before 1900 cause they owned slaves!!!!

        The left is ignoring the facts there were black land owners in the USA that owned black slaves!!!!

        • “The left is ignoring the facts there were black land owners in the USA that owned black slaves!!!!“

          So what is the point of that statement?

          Do you think that a few bad actor black Americans owning black slaves somehow authorizes the vast industry of white supremacy slavery in the American south?

          The best estimates are perhaps about 20,000 slaves owned by blacks, equaling about .5% of the total slave population of the United States of America.

          And strangely, I have never found, and history does not seem to record, a single instance of a white slave owned by blacks in America, maybe that’s what people mean when they say ‘white supremacy’.

        • “You want to get rid of all statues and paintings of any body before 1900 cause they owned slaves!!!!“

          No, we want to remove the statues and flags of the traitorous bastards who unlawfully attacked United States citizens serving their country in the army and navy at Fort Sumter, all to perpetuate the crime of human slavery.

          And frankly, I think it sends the wrong message to our children. I mean after all, all those second-place trophies and flags do nothing but continue to hold up the ‘confederate states of America’ for ridicule.

      • no one should be able to say anything that makes me feel uncomfortable, uncertain or angry.

        Yet you exert YOUR “right” to do just that right here on a daily basis. You forgot to include “no person has the right to perpetuate a LIE in an attempt to overthrow or undermine a political party or administration, but YOU have no problem with THAT do you?

        • I’m sorry, it seems your sarcasto-meter is broken.

          “You forgot to include “no person has the right to perpetuate a LIE in an attempt to overthrow or undermine a political party or administration“

          I completely agree with your assertion, this is exactly why the January 6 insurrectionists are being charged with seditious conspiracy. And the Republican operatives who engaged in the ‘fake elector’ scheme are also facing prosecution for attempting to defraud the United States and our citizens.

      • Jordan Peterson’s retort at interview was so excellent where the leftist journalist assailed him for making people uncomfortable. He asked her how anyone can have a meaningful conversation without sone offense, such as she was doing to him. She was stumped.
        The basic truth of the left is they pretend to be kind and caring while spreading violence and hate against those who don’t comply.

  6. I can’t remember if I read here on another post or not, but there was an interesting article on what a civil war would look like in this country. Per the article, those that produce goods and services to include food tend to lean red and would simply cut off supply to the blue cities. The war would be fought within the states and it would be the red areas vs. the blue areas. This would spark widespread rioting in the blue cities and basically the left would eat themselves. I think our government knows something is coming and I believe that is why they crack down hard on otherwise gun owning law abiding patriotic citizens when they violate some obscure technicality and let the real criminals out through the revolving doors. We have two recent examples of that with ATF agents showing up demanding to be shown the guns from a multiple purchase and then another demanding someone to hand over a solvent trap. The guy who was asked about the solvent trap handled the agents fairly well, but I have a feeling they’ll be back with a warrant and crash his door in.

    • “Per the article, those that produce goods and services to include food tend to lean red and would simply cut off supply to the blue cities.”

      And they would have zero problem refusing to drive those semis into those blue cities.

      Strange thing is, making major cities very cold and dark in the depth of winter is lots easier when they don’t tend to have CO2-belching fossil-fuel powered power plants… 🙂

      • Geoff at the rate we are going re power generation much of anything north of Poughkeepsie may be uninhabitable outside of late 1800’s heat generation for at least 1/3rd of the year.

        • Don’t doubt it, now what about the 80+% of NY/North East that is utterly reliant on natural gas/propane/electric heating?

      • They can keep warm in their Teslas while rationing themselves on their hoards of organically grown, fair trade tofu.

        • One of the larger and better farmers in this area dabbled in tofu soybeans several years ago. Too fussy for the price premium, did it only one year. Them Tesla driving tofu eaters better start putting out large gardens.

        • Hawkeye (Deerslayer?), I just assumed they were prepared. They are preppers, aren’t they?…

    • “The guy who was asked about the solvent trap handled the agents fairly well“

      Come on now, ‘fess up.

      The ‘solvent trap’, and the accompanying thread adapter, is clearly nothing but a subterfuge to evade current NFA requirements.

      It’s stupid shit, they accomplish nothing but erode our liberties with their childlike subterfuge.

    • The left will become “humanitarians” and long-pig will be on the menu. They see their enemies as “pigs” and will treat them the same.

  7. Democrats believe in diversity, inclusion, and tolerance…as long as you agree with them.

    Political liberals are also far more likely than conservatives are to say they are no longer friends with someone due to political differences (28 percent vs. 10 percent, respectively). No group is more likely to end a friendship over politics than liberal women are; 33 percent say they stopped being friends with someone because of their politics.
    Republicans Have More Friends Across the Political Divide than Democrats

    • Not me, not any longer. If I now find myself in the company of someone who admits to voting left I immediately vacate the area, after a couple (that would be two) choice words directed right at their face. We need to ostracize them, severely, not them ostracize us.

      • Many of them are lifelong voters of the left. They ignorantly believe that anyone to the right of Bill Clinton is evil. They won’t listen to facts because they consume MSM (propaganda) everyday. They’re convinced. I have family like that, so I just avoid any political discussions with them.

        • Yes, your right, many are. And it’s about time we make them rethink their choices. Even (maybe even especially) family. Case in point: I’m now, suddenly, in possession of many Prohibited™ firearms, one of them, a Colt H-Bar, registered (mandatory) long ago. Soon I’ll get a letter, followed by a knock on the door by people (rcmp) carrying guns my tax dollars helped provide. That ain’t gonna go well, not for them and not for me. ie: others voting left has very likely cost me my life. Cool, ain’t it? Coming soon to a town near you…

    • Not and never “friends” pedos, felons, thieves, or progs. Why would you allow/initiate “friendship” with a degenerate POS? OOOOh no is that divisive?

  8. Everyone knows the best way to bring people together is to rally them against the “other.”
    Teamwork, unity and all that.

    • I get the distinct feeling that when they say diversity is our strength they ain’t talkin bout you n me…

  9. Just be prepared for when the electricity goes out and doesn’t come back on, mass starvation. Now days they will be invading for the made up excuse of climate change or maybe to free the slaves again.

  10. The thing that is going tobstart the civil war is that if the other side de ides you are evil that justifies any action to stop you. You then have no choice but to defend yourself. It doesn’t matter anymore if either or niether side wants a civil war. If the left continues to demonize and attack the right and go to any lengths to defeat the right, supress our speech, and impose their beliefs and will upon us then there will be a civil war, like it or not.

    • I wonder what the useful idiot activist armies will look like in the summer of 24 if they don’t feel confident about stealing the election.

  11. And by the way, just like we up here in the queens colonies no longer have a ‘Liberal’ party, you guys no longer have a ‘Democrat’ party. Like almost every ‘western’ nation nowadays we all have utterly corrupt and usurped mafia like organizations intentionally pushing an agenda of division and directed by already unimaginably wealthy, power hungry actors behind the curtains for the most part, all while robbing us absolutely blind. Up here you don’t start working for yourself until after your lunch break and are then taxed another 12% on already heavily taxed goods on every single little item you might pick up on your way home, with just enough time left in the evening to send in your exorbitant property taxes for barely existing “services” you’ll likely never use. And we are on the lower end of taxation among most modern nations. Look at these ‘people’; look at the total assclowns we have as our ‘leaders’, pandering, lying pieces of excrement that they are. They most certainly af sure ain’t in it for us poor slobs. Imagine how it would be and what we could have and what we could accomplish if these purely criminal grifters were all entirely stripped of their assets and placed behind bars or on a water logged raft in the middle of the Atlantic in December. There’s yer utopia. Wake me when the shooting starts, I’ll be in my gun room polishing up my 20lb level IVs…

    • Something similar seems to be happening across the entire Western world. The increasing authoritarian and antagonistic governments are busy locking down resources and making their citizens more dependent on them for survival. It’s almost like a global movement for power…

      “You’ll own nothing and be happy.”

      • Absolutely, Dude. And it’s all absolutely intentional and it all undoubtedly springs from the same source. It’s impossible for it to be coincidence across the globe. We haven’t even begun to ‘wake up’ nor do we yet understand, other than uttering vague terms like ‘a civil war’, what it’s truly gonna take to stop it (think of the children indeed) We won’t need to fight/take out your common lefty, we need to take out the leadership (and their gestapo enablers) and the mountains of guns and ammo they didn’t turn in at their own Buy Backs™. Globally. The green haired, nose ringed feminist transgender proponents have zero fight in them, just noise.

    • Yep…and a helluva lot of us are fed up. That reminds me I have to dial in my new LPVO.

      • Did that last weekend. Head shots out to 400 yds and upper torso out to 600 (limited by my ability not the rifles)

    • And a lot of those weapons in the hands of the left!!!

      Before Trump you tube was showing a lot of videos of the left demanding that guns be gotten rid of..

      After Trump many of these same people were posing with the same type of guns they were previously demanding be gone forever, have not heard them saying they got rid of their guns after their “DEAR LEADER” was elected..

  12. “Geraghty: It’s Getting Hard to Tell Which Side Wants a Civil War More”

    Well, not really when you consider the left democrats are the ones poking the bear with a stick.

  13. It is a global movement did you not hear the child molester say the US will be part of a New World Order? One world government push god out of everything. Buffalo shooter was sent by the government so that if you talk about replacement you are automatically a white supremacy terrorist. Figure it out ain’t just gonna be whites replaced. They want to give illegal aliens the right to vote. They are not citizens. Why would they do that? Repent turn away from your sin, accept CHRIST.

  14. TTAG commentators: Here we go again with the civil war talk. Anyone who wants civil war is either crazy, stupid or both. Civil war in any way, shape or form would be a total disaster, and there would be NO winners, just losers. Talk is cheap, but talk can foment unrest. So… CUT IT OUT.
    And by the way, one doesn’t have to be a rural hick to be a conservative; there are a lot of city dwellers who don’t swallow the progressive cool aid as well.

    • So, just to get this clear, it is your contention that if we don’t talk about it, it will just . . . go away????? Yeah, go with that, chief. Let me know how it works out for you.

      Yes, the first Civil War destroyed the South. The North actually GREW, in population, size, wealth, power, miles of railroad, productive capacity. So, maybe your “historical knowledge” isn’t all that reliable??

      And, personally, I agree with Thomas Jefferson, “That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, –That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. ”

      So, yes, another Civil War would be a total disaster . . . primarily for one side. Strangely, that is the side that seems to be doing the most to foment such. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. If the Leftist/fascists are that stupid, who am I to interfere with their karma??

      And to quote another great American philosopher, “War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things: the decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feeling which thinks that nothing is worth a war, is much worse. When a people are used as mere human instruments for firing cannon or thrusting bayonets, in the service and for the selfish purposes of a master, such war degrades a people. A war to protect other human beings against tyrannical injustice; a war to give victory to their own ideas of right and good, and which is their own war, carried on for an honest purpose by their free choice, — is often the means of their regeneration. A man who has nothing which he is willing to fight for, nothing which he cares more about than he does about his personal safety, is a miserable creature who has no chance of being free, unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself.”

      But you do you, chief.

      • That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. ”

        Which is EXACTLY what the Progressive Left is doing with their “Fundamental Transformation of America” and if left to it they WILL institute a “New Government” oddly enough using the very Constitution they so despise

    • Hey, CD, you *did* happen to see the title of the article we’re all commenting on…?

    • Go tell that to your Marxist allies who are constantly calling for “VIOLENCE” against Trump and Trump supporters, which numbers over 70 million real people!!!!

  15. Jim Geraghty, National Review and Buckley conservatism: standing athwart history and not doing jack sh*t to conserve anything for more than 65 years.

  16. Geraghty: It’s Getting Hard to Tell Which Side Wants a Civil War More…

    Don’t need a civil war. Just need a peaceful separation. If the federal government had little to no power, there would be no need for one. The states could each run their business, and nationwide ideological imperialism wouldn’t happen. However, particularly the left, want a strong centralized government, and they want to use democracy as a cudgel to beat their ideology into others different from them. So the answer is to break the nation up into regions. And that’s acceptable to me.

    • The more fine-grained the “regions of concentration” are, the harder such a division will be. It’s not just “north vs. south” – this can go county by county, or even block by block in some areas.

      So you’re going to need to relocate, say, 1/4 to 1/2 of the population in order to separate physically. And most people will want “those other guys” to move.

      That throws a bit of a pall on the separation approach, don’t you think?

      • The progs can just have Kommifornia SF to San Diego belt we will live without the beaches/etc. All the progs infesting the Puget Sound/Portland areas are going back to the Bay Area though and we will keep the ports for the reduced Pacific shipping desired.

        • “…we will live without the beaches/etc.”

          Fuck that noise. They can have Miami-Fort Lauderdale, we get the rest, Clearwater, St. Pete, Sarasota, including the Keys… 🙂

        • They can have Miami-Fort Lauderdale

          Wrong answer compadre, Not ONE square foot of Florida coastline, put them in the Everglades with the Pythons, plenty of food (they’ll learn to love snake and gator) but NOT my beaches, Miami can be reformed.

      • Not really. Democracy works both ways. It sucks for us, and it sucks for them. If I lived in say, Kansas, and voted to separate with other conservative states, the conservatives in my state won’t be moving. The liberals will. Same with California, etc. Conservatives will by moving out of those regions.

        The bottom line, is most people – they will be moving voluntarily.

  17. I sympathize with the author’s desire not to fall into the horrors of an actual civil war, but the horrors the far left supports are evil. I can not tolerate child abusers who encourage the chemical castration and surgical mutilation of children. The wokes who believe in DEI and ESG and CRT should never be allowed to infest government where they can force their ideologies on the rest of us. It is my hope that in November we can make enough of the woke political left unemployed to break the cycle and let us start reclaiming our country; if not a true civil war seems inevitable.

    • After a point it becomes not just inevitable but necessary, even almost desirable if there is no other ‘fix’. Wars should be fought for the next generation(s).

  18. The Left always accuse conservatives of what the Left is or does. This is Alinsky tactics 101. In previous decades (before the Clintons), Dems were more reasonable and could be reasonably dealt with. But since then, the Left has run to the extreme end of the spectrum (totalitarianism) and they’re showing their true colors without reservation.

    I’m an AnCap libertarian (small ‘L’). I just want to be left alone, “but after the tread” I regard steppers as unlawful enemy combatants. How many times must aggression happen before you accept that NAP has been violated and strike back? On this point I diverge from most Libertarians because the majority of them (and an overwhelming # of Republicans) are too chicken to acknowledge the 800lb gorilla in the room, and that’s the fact that leftists/communists have already “gone there”. No sane individual wants war, but the Left is clearly insane.

    So here we are, just waiting for the cowabunga to kick off, and the Left will not disappoint. We were 98% there in 2020, but the Left’s brownshirts were reined in because their purpose was done and the election was stolen. How many more NAP violations must we endure before forbearance runs out?

      • But I imagine that at a certain point those roles get reversed. And likely with great vigor.

        • It gets to a point where someone says “Enough. This stops *here*”…

  19. Only one side desires the complete and total literal government mandated extermination of the entire population of the United States that opposes or resists them in any way along with the complete and total literal mandated extermination of every single solitary United States citizen that does not share the exact same beliefs as them.

  20. There won’t be a war in that 2 sides will square off. Instead there will be increased vigilante justice. Lone wolf attacks or even small unit tactics.

    • Which will not only prolong the issues, even inflaming them further, and waste precious resources but will forever fail to cut any of the many heads off of the hydra…

  21. Trump was a master at dividing America and he made a bad situation started by Newt Gingrich even worse by fanning the flames of hatred, xenophobia, racism and prejudice and made it “cool again” to be modern day Far Right Nazi’s. Attacks on minorities such as American Asians, Indian Sikhs, American Jews and Blacks skyrocketed under the jack boot of Trumpism. All done by the Far Right which the FBI stated was the greatest danger to Americans and their freedoms as the Far Right has stated they wanted a Trump dictatorship for life.

    We have seen the Far Right before in history lynch black people, burn down any church that was not Anglo/Saxon White Protestant, Prohibit interracial marriage, have whites only schools and restaurants and drinking fountains, discriminate against gays and LGBT people, and discriminated against Asian and Indian Americans etc, etc. Adolf Hitler himself studied the various U.S. State and Federal discriminations and discriminatory U.S. laws of that era and admired them and patterned some of his own discriminatory laws and atrocities after U.S. racist laws and lynchings.

    What as encouraging was to see the majority of real Americans rise up against Trump and Trumpite Nazim by first protesting Trumps discrimination against American Muslims, and later in time turn in their own relatives when they tried to overthrow the legitimately elected U.S. Government and President on Jan 6th.

    America must remain vigilant against Right Wing extremism if we are to keep our current Government and way of life and even the U.S. Military assured Nancy Pelosi that when Trump was in power they were watching him closely and would not let him start a nuclear war with China to stay in power. One American General even had a conversation with the Chinese Military telling them they would not let Trump start an unnecessary war with them.

    If God forbid there is a civil war the jack booted Far Right will lose as the U.S. military knows how to “Waco” them and their leaders. Just as Janet Reno made extinct the Far Right Branch Davidians who enslaved women and raped their daughters and were heavily armed they were no match for the Law Enforcement with their flame thrower tanks.

    America will crush the Far Right and guarantee that “All Americans” have equal rights under both the law and under the Constitution.

    • Wow. I’m 99% sure you’re full of sh!t (👀) but if you do truly believe your endlessly spewing nonsense then you truly belong in a padded room. With no windows. Or lights. Do you at least clean the drool and spittle off yer Ma’s laptop when she comes downstairs, again, still, to reclaim it?

    • “…fanning the flames of hatred, xenophobia, racism and prejudice and made it “cool again” to be modern day Far Right Nazi’s. Attacks on minorities such as American Asians, Indian Sikhs, American Jews and Blacks skyrocketed under the jack boot of Trumpism. All done by the Far Right which the FBI stated was the greatest danger to Americans and their freedoms as the Far Right has stated they wanted a Trump dictatorship for life.”

      Yeah… disagree. The left like to legislate their ideology, from as high a point as they can, thus they do so federally. The bottom line is, the federal government should have virtually no power at all, except for waging war and national defense. In other words, taking tasks that all the states want them to take. Tasks that benefit all the states. But over time, the left has worked their way to destroy federalism and attempted to dominate the entirety of the country with their ideology. So the right elected trump, a flaming bag of dog shit, thrown into Washington DC, because we don’t like Washington DC. And that flaming bag did it’s job, and did it’s job well. If nationwide domination is the game you want to play, it can be played. But you won’t like it. Federalism is better. California doesn’t have to be like Oklahoma. Oklahoma doesn’t have to be like California. But that wasn’t good enough for you guys.

      “What as encouraging was to see the majority of real Americans rise up against Trump and Trumpite Nazim by first protesting Trumps discrimination against American Muslims, and later in time turn in their own relatives when they tried to overthrow the legitimately elected U.S. Government and President on Jan 6th.”

      Christians and Muslims have more in common with each other than with democrats.

      “Attacks on minorities such as American Asians, Indian Sikhs, American Jews and Blacks skyrocketed under the jack boot of Trumpism.”

      These attacks are mostly done by democrats. Inner city criminal democrats. Aka – gangland. Governed by democrat mayors too.

      “America must remain vigilant against Right Wing extremism if we are to keep our current Government and way of life and even the U.S. Military assured Nancy Pelosi that when Trump was in power they were watching him closely and would not let him start a nuclear war with China to stay in power. One American General even had a conversation with the Chinese Military telling them they would not let Trump start an unnecessary war with them.”

      ^^^ total fabrication. Trump was never going to start a war with China. What do we call this? Russian misinformation?

      “If God forbid there is a civil war the jack booted Far Right will lose as the U.S. military knows how to “Waco” them and their leaders. Just as Janet Reno made extinct the Far Right Branch Davidians who enslaved women and raped their daughters and were heavily armed they were no match for the Law Enforcement with their flame thrower tanks.”

      This is actually some pretty good trolling right here. It doesn’t make logical sense, but it is funny and is good trolling. If there was a civil war, half the military would be right wingers. So it’s not as dacian describes.

      “America will crush the Far Right and guarantee that “All Americans” have equal rights under both the law and under the Constitution.”

      Spoken like a true leftist. The leftist thinks they are wanted and needed and believe they are “liberating” other people from oppression. As a result, they can never see themselves as the actual oppressors trying to empower the federal government, destroy federalism, and then invoke their own brand of ideological imperialism over the entirety of the US.

    • BIDEN IS a master at dividing America and HE’S MAKING a bad situation started by BILL CLINTON even worse by fanning the flames of hatred, xenophobia, racism and prejudice and HAS made it “cool again” to be modern day Far LEFT KOMMIES. Attacks on minorities such as American Asians, Indian Sikhs, American Jews and Blacks skyrocketed under the jack boot of BIDENISM.

      There you go moron, fixed it for you… And no, I’m not going to waste MY time laying out the innumerable “racist” comments, blatant lies and derogatory statements (there are way TOO many) toward his opponents and their supporters (I am a proud “despicable” Ultra-MAGA supporter) that Braindead has made throughout his worthless career.

    • hey dac…

      “If God forbid there is a civil war the jack booted Far Right will lose as the U.S. military knows how to “Waco” them and their leaders. Just as Janet Reno made extinct the Far Right Branch Davidians who enslaved women and raped their daughters and were heavily armed they were no match for the Law Enforcement with their flame thrower tanks.”

      You must’ve reprogrammed your comment bot. I almost felt some passion. But I digress. You need help boy. Anyone who would promote a civil war needs to be “Waco’d” and buddy, you just put your “feelings” on the map.

      • “Anyone who would promote a civil war needs to be “Waco’d”…”

        Biden Says The Military Can Obliterate The Second Amendment

        “You can’t go out and buy an automatic weapon, you can’t go out and buy a cannon, and for those brave right wing Americans who say its all about keeping America independent and safe, if you want to fight against the country you need an F-15. You need something a little more than a gun.”

    • “We have seen the Far Right before in history lynch black people, burn down any church that was not Anglo/Saxon White Protestant, Prohibit interracial marriage, have whites only schools and restaurants and drinking fountains, discriminate against gays and LGBT people, and discriminated against Asian and Indian Americans etc, etc. Adolf Hitler himself studied the various U.S. State and Federal discriminations and discriminatory U.S. laws of that era and admired them and patterned some of his own discriminatory laws and atrocities after U.S. racist laws and lynchings”

      Hey DAC since your British it’s clear you have not read US History books!!!

      Its the DEMOCATS that created the KKK, it was DEMOCATS that created JIM CROW laws, its DEMOCATS who are the “RACIST”!!!

      The majority of the attacks on American Asians is being done by “BLACK” people!! The majority of the attacks on American JEWS are being done by “BLACK” people!!!

      • Whoa….. dac is British? I don’t get it. dac writes like a news bot. dac is devoid of imagination. dac has absolutely no sense of humor. I know the Brits are cold fish but I always thought that they’d be more Shakespearean in their commentary. Well that explains it. With zero knowledge of American history tainted by the tyrannical misfits of their own world conquering is it any wonder that “dac” fails to stimulate and garner more support for his insane rhetoric.

  22. We’re talking bout a Revolution
    Well yah know
    We dont wanna change the world.
    WAR, ,,, good gawd y’all
    What is it good for
    Absolutely nothing
    Here comes the new boss
    Same as the old boss.
    America where are you now
    Dont you care about your sons and daughters
    I shot Lucifer
    Christ compelled me
    We bring the truth to light

  23. It’s not just the .gov employees, it’s also the pundits.

    Since the Left always projects onto others what the Left itself desires…

  24. THere are I suppose a lot of people in most nations who think they want a CIVIL WAR and an end to Democracy . Until, it happens and they find themselve either on the wrong side or quickly become disillusioned.
    Then the rope awaits, The first victims of any revolution are it own Children simply because those that started it with highest ideals are the first to become disillusioned and therefor dangerous

    • Fuk do YOU know about Civil War, The FIRST victims of the American Revolution were a bunch of Regimented Red Coats and a few farmers. I believe the British got their asses kicked in that one AND their second attempt to impose their will on Americans. Then came crying for HELP when Germany was kicking their ass “TWICE”

    • Hey Al Hall.

      “Then the rope awaits, The first victims of any revolution are it own Children simply because those that started it with highest ideals are the first to become disillusioned and therefor dangerous”

      Bro. Learn some English grammar and spelling. Where you from? Brasil? Colombia? El Salvador? Dramatic commentary only works when it is coherent. Read some books. Joseph Conrad is a real good read. “Cry the Beloved Country”, a masterpiece. Good luck in America amigo.

  25. “The first victims of any revolution are it [sic] own Children …”

    1775-83 — ring any bells, Albert?

    • “1775-83 — ring any bells, Albert?“

      You know, our friend Albert could easily mention 1812–1814, when the British burned the US Capitol.

      So much for our early prowess at arms.

      • So much for our early prowess at arms.

        Exactly why it only lasted til 1814… Any clown can sneak up on something and start a fire, especially in 1812 when “pressurized” water was still a year, or two off and firefighting techniques were still a tad on the weak side… But then, that won’t support YOUR confabulation of “facts”

        • “Any clown can sneak up on something and start a fire, especially in 1812“

          Sneaking? The correct verb is ‘marching’.
          Just more abject ignorance regarding American history.

          “On August 24, 1814, as the War of 1812 raged on, invading British troops marched into Washington and set fire to the U.S. Capitol, the President’s Mansion, and other local landmarks. The ensuing fire reduced all but one of the capital city’s major public buildings to smoking rubble, and only a torrential rainstorm saved the Capitol from complete destruction. The blaze particularly devastated the Capitol’s Senate wing, the oldest part of the building, which was honeycombed with vulnerable wooden floors and housed the valuable but combustible collection of books and manuscripts of the Library of Congress, then located in the Capitol building. Heat from the intense fire reduced the Senate chamber’s marble columns to lime, leaving the room, in one description, “a most magnificent ruin.”

        • I am so over your ignorant bullshit, bottom line they got their asses kicked back to England AGAIN and learned their fucking lesson the second time. England and MOST of Europe has been devasted twice since then AND came on bended knee to BEG the US to bail their asses out. So, who the fuck cares what the British was able to on a given day in the 18 fucking hundreds, WHERE are they now? Braindead is doing his best to destroy our military capability again, but IF we survive the next two years four months and 20 days you assholes will be waiting for a long fucking time to get another shot at “Transforming the United States of America”. So fuck off Minerva I grow weary of you

        • “bottom line they got their asses kicked back to England… “

          Probably because their work here was done, time to go home and have a glass of Sherry.

          “The ensuing fire reduced all but one of the capital city’s major public buildings to smoking rubble“

          You folks can whine about ‘cutting and pasting’ the actual facts of history, but that’s much better than the fantastic delusional versions of history that y’all spin to justify your fantasies.

        • Probably because their work here was done, time to go home and have a glass of Sherry.

          First of all, the Brits did not exactly MARCH into DC, they first fought a pretty messy battle at Bladensburg MD. during which the White House and Capitol were evacuated so when the Brits arrived there was no resistance.
          Andrew Jackson and General Packenham (aka the Brit) would probably give a different version of the Red Coats departure from New Orleans, a glass of Sherry was probably the very last thing on their mind. They burned a few buildings, and they paid a heavy price, the buildings were rebuilt, but the British humiliation will live throughout history. I should probably point out that it was SUPPOSED to be a SNEAK attack DURING PEACE NEGOTIATIONS (aka the Treaty of Ghent). You continue to project your version of things much like your inclination to FORGET to mention the FACT that it was Southern DEMOCRATS that declared war on the Republic to keep THEIR slaves.

          OBTW: How about your hero Braindead doing his BEST Hitler impersonation… The only thing missing was a shadow of the Swastika projected on the wall.

      • “You know, our friend Albert could easily mention 1812–1814…”

        That wasn’t a revolution. And Al doesn’t appear to have any friends here, except for you.

        Try to keep up, Liar49er.

      • Ugh… I hate discussions with an old, decrepit, retired American History lecturer (probably a fizzled out MA).

        Take the advice of Ms Plath and… “Most of the time I meditate on the opposite wall.”

        • “I hate discussions with an old, decrepit, retired American History lecturer”

          I understand, the actual facts of history can have such a negative impact upon your delusional worldview, it must be disconcerting.

          “Take the advice of Ms Plath and… “

          Well you know, Sylvia stuck her head in an oven at age 30, so I don’t really think I’ll take much of her advice seriously.

          But you have your role models, carry on.

  26. Here’s how this would play out:

    Cities are dependent on power sources that, in the vast majority, do not exist within their boundaries. Take down the transmission lines or substations, and the cities die in place. It won’t take as long it takes for the food or water to run out. Anyone not old enough to remember NYC in 1977, here’s what I’m talking about:

    Notice how the failure started outside the city – in areas that the city had no control over.

    This is pretty much how things would go in over a dozen major urban areas around the country. Take down the power from outside the city, no need to even approach the boundaries of the city.

    NB that the conditions in 1977 were very similar to today: Inflation, rapidly rising gasoline/oil prices, international unrest, the works.

    • The obvious fly in that ointment is that they would soon come streaming out into our areas like the mindless zombies they are. Oh well, back to scrolling through BulkAmmoIsUs…

      • Here’s something that I learned living outside of NYC growing up:

        Many city people have little to no idea how to drive. I mean, none. These skills are exposed quite readily during adverse weather.

        If said power plants were to go down during bad weather (purely as a hypothetical situation, you understand), those dazzling urbanites will be going pretty much no and where.

        • From one that is outside the worst of the spill zone of such an evaluation we still get massive numbers of NYC that flee past us up towards Lake George for some of the hurricanes. They can’t drive safely but they do drive and many of them have summer/voting for make it count houses in upstate counties. With that said critical power failures by storms or other means are the worst combination of probable and dangerous NY has on the immediate threat matrix that I can think of.

        • DG, I ride, constantly, everywhere, for well over four decades and let me tell you, damn near no one can drive but I hear what you’re saying. As Safe said they do however own or can at least access vehicles. They’ll be everywhere, there’s millions upon millions of them living like sardines in a can/rats in a ship in those gender challenged cesspools. Weather will slow, stop or kill many but nowhere near enough. It’ll be biblical. “Dazzling urbanites…” 😆

        • I have a cousin who has pretty much lived in New York all his life. He came to the south for a visit and I took him on a little trek out in the woods and carried a gun with me. He didn’t like the gun one bit, but every freaking noise we heard in the woods freaked him out. He practically climbed a damn tree when a king snake crossed the trail in front of him. I can survive in the woods if I have to; he wouldn’t last 10 minutes.
          Just imagine these city dwellers coming out into the areas to try to take our stuff. Not going to go well.

        • mgd only takes a few that survive long enough to be trouble when they are hungry/desperate. But yes many will do as bad or worse than you expect.

      • There will be plenty of roaches, rats, humans to eat in the cities.
        Long pig lamp oil to read by.
        Jokes aside, we see in Ukraine cities being cut off from grid and then line repairs after a day or so of delay.
        But a sustained attack on grid of course would leave only local micro power gensets and those need diesel.
        After a few months, the population will have shrunk, lack of clean water, massive fires, hoards of both good and bad people all desperate, what a nightmare.

    • “Notice how the failure started outside the city – in areas that the city had no control over.”

      Of course you know, any attack or sabotage of power generation or transmission systems would bring almost instant retaliation with overwhelming force from the authorities.

      And I do like your analogy of the 1977 blackout and it’s effects upon the population.

      But even with, as you point out “Inflation, rapidly rising gasoline/oil prices, international unrest“, civilization did not break down, there were not hordes of deranged zombies streaming into the countryside like a plague of locusts, law and order did not disintegrate in a chaotic, violent melee.

      And our systems are much better prepared today for that sort of failure/attack, there would be some areas of unrest but the vast majority of citizens would take it in stride. And more importantly, the vast majority of citizens would support the government’s efforts to regain control of our country.

      • Retaliation against who exactly? Miner this is a nightmare scenario that brute force and even savage 19th century counterinsurgency tactics would be utterly ineffective to address.

        • He’s counting on Biden’s personal fleet of F-47s he mentioned in his speech a while back. They’re all counting on them. I mean, they must be, right… ?

      • The “authorities” who would want to bring “overwhelming force” in retaliation wouldn’t know where to begin.

        After 9/11, I was part of a team that was on the phone several times with people in DC who were concerned with attacks on our infrastructure – all of whom had non-technical CV’s. The stuff they worried as an attack vector on infrastructure about was laughable. Their responses and ideas to prevent attacks were doubly laughable.

  27. “Some of us have lived through Waco and Ruby Ridge and Oklahoma City, and the elders among us remember the Weather Underground and “Days of Rage.” There have always been some yahoos calling for a revolution.”
    I don’t remember Randy Weaver or the Davidians calling for a revolution. Seems to me they just wanted to be left alone.

  28. I have read in multiple sources,that Blue States’ tax revenue subsidizes Red States.
    Talk amongst yourselves while I have a cup of tea.

    • Dead man’s hand, you are speaking the quiet part out loud, can’t you let the kids enjoy their delusional fantasies for just a bit longer?

    • Don’t tell me you actually FELL for that errant bulls***????

      Do the analysis, chump. When you factor out (i) military spending (the VAST majority of federal spending for DoD is in “red” states . . . because land is cheaper, more members of the military come from/live in red states, and the blue states don’t WANT the military), (ii) farm subsidies (which pretty much ALL of us want to get rid of), (iii) oil and gas subsidies (once again, mostly going to red states), and INCLUDE the impact of stupid s*** like the SALT limitations (once again, mostly blue states), that canard is proven false.

      More importantly, however, even IF it were true . . . enjoy eating all that money, you pathetic dumb@$$.

  29. So after the Civil war concludes and the victorious red state warriors have subjugated the blue state populace, please leave the infrastructure intact so that you’ll continue to receive your subsidies when you return to your plantations in the Red Zone.

  30. You missed the entire foregoing discussion, didn’t you?

    Maybe you should take your meds along with your tea.

  31. Neutron bombs are a great tool to quell unrest among the masses.
    Infrastructure mostly intact depending on how the folks hit deal with their horrible slow (20 days) death.


  33. Pretty stupid of the author to assume peaceful secession=revolution/civil war.
    In the future, secession may be the only option to avoid bloodshed

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