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At 3:30 a.m. on September 4th, a husband and wife in their sixties were relaxing on their 70-foot yacht, the Sea Weed, docked in a marina near San Diego’s south bay region. The $1.8M boat had recently come into the couple’s stewardship under tragic circumstances after their son, a marijuana entrepreneur, fatally crashed his Lamborghini with a 26-year-old model inside.

Following their son’s death, the un-named parents had been spending much of their time on the yacht while waiting for the right buyer to take it off their hands.

But a 40-year-old man named Casey M. Ryan decided to board the Sea Weed. The stranger released the mooring lines, setting the yacht adrift. Then, from the upper control area, Ryan started the boat’s engines. This happened several times, and the husband shut the engines off each time from below.

Ryan then attempted to break into the boat’s interior space through sliding glass doors, but to no avail. He then came in through an escape hatch and attacked the 63-year-old owner. By then, however, the owner had armed himself. After a struggle, he shot the attacker.

He ran outside, yelling for help, saying, “I had to shoot! He was trying to steal my boat with me on it!” By the time police arrived, Ryan was dead. The victim was taken to the hospital and treated for minor injuries. His wife and dog were unharmed.

If there’s a moral to this unusual story, perhaps it is that that money can seldom buy safety, let alone happiness. It’s your responsibility, not anyone else’s, to protect yourself and your loved ones, whether in a car, in your home, or on your multi-million-dollar yacht.

Here is a brief news video of the incident, featuring interviews with other members of the boating community, via 10News:

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    • I’m on a boat m0tharfkka,
      Take a look at me,
      Breakin’ in to your boat,
      On the deep blue sea,
      Busting windows,
      And untyin’ your ropes,
      You better shoot me m0tharfkka,
      ‘Cause I’m breakin’ in your boat!

    • Surprised they didn’t hold this one till September 19th for talk like a pirate day. Arrrt what a crying shame that be!

  1. “It’s your responsibility, not anyone else’s, to protect yourself and your loved ones, whether in a car, in your home, or on your multi-million-dollar yacht.”

    Cops show up AFTER the crime has been committed. If people could get this into their heads, they’d quit living under the illusion that ‘calling 9-11’ will save them. WE are the ‘first responders.’ Cops are second responders. If we don’t or can’t ‘respond’ when someone threatens us and the ones we love, then we put our lives in the hands of the scum who threaten us.

    Good for this guy, is all I can say.

  2. The question is, why didn’t some enterprising LE agency step in and seize all of young Mr Weed’s assets when he died?

      • “He was probably in the “legal” pot business.”

        His ‘business’ was in the medicinal pot business.

        And the coroner’s report listed his death as ‘thermal’ injuries.

        The model was thrown from the crash and died two days later.

        Man, you can shoot me or stab me, just don’t burn me alive…

        • So the Commiefornians couldn’t seize all his assets as resulting from ‘criminal enterprise’, but the DEA could?

        • Gee, you’d think a $300,000 car would have a $1,500 fuel cell to protect the occupants from crisping after an accident.

          Burning folks alive is the up and coming MO for Australian mass murder coconuts who cannot get firearms.

  3. Sheesh. When I was 26 (1972), you could get free room and board for 20 years for being a “marijuana entrepreneur”. This guy got a Lambo with model and a multimillion dollar yacht. Well, at least is was only one model.

  4. “If there’s a moral to this unusual story…”

    I see two:
    1) Don’t speed in your Lamborghini when you have a BAC of 0.17 (plus Phentermine) or you might die.
    2) Don’t steal other people’s stuff or you might die.

  5. So, what is the legal landscape if there is a righteous self-defense event on the yacht 20 miles out to see in International waters? Who investigates? What laws apply regarding the possession of firearms much less use of deadly force for self-defense?

    • Once outside the state territorial limit (which I think is five miles), federal maritime law applies. What that law says, I haven’t a clue, but have to believe that it allows for defending against murder, mayhem, and assorted acts of mutiny and piracy.

      • If you’re on the open water, you have the right to defend your vessel against attack unless you are being boarded by sailors from a warship (technically if they are from a different nation, this could be an act of war depending on the circumstances – I suppose you could shoot at a warship, if you’re a fool).

        If you capture any pirates alive, you as the Captain have the option of turning them over to authorities at the nearest port, or you can have a trial on board your ship. If they are found guilty, you can hang them. There’s an example of this in the novel ‘Clear and Present Danger’, but that was with a USCG cutter, technically a warship.

        Laws from 1805 that never get updated sure are fun, aren’t they?

  6. 2 younger men learned a hard lesson here. Just because you can afford a Lambo doesn’t mean you can handle a Lambo. A hard learned lesson that brought tragedy to two families. Unless the model walked away uninjured.

    The other young man learned a very basic lesson. Don’t fukk with an old man. We’ll just kill you and let the lawyers sort it.

    • Ya if I ever have the opportunity to recommend a super car, I would pick the Audi R8. All wheel drive can make up for a certain amount of stupidity

      • My A6 will simply not lose contact with the road. At least not so far and I’ve driven it pretty hard.

    • Reading the linked story, I discovered
      1) The young Lambo driver’s female companion also perished because of the crash
      2) The young Lambo driver was under the influence of alcohol (0.17 BAC).

      So it’s not really a case of not being able to handle a Lambo. It’s a case of being stupid. Sometimes, these things are not complicated. Shame his act of Darwinism also took someone else’s life.

      • Still, recognizing his failings in judgement and maybe character, how many of us die in a Lambo with a model?

        It has a certain style.

      • The “model” received her own Darwin award. Airhead was running around with a “marijuana entrepreneur” (drug dealer). “Model” indicates a considerable lack of substance in any case. Why doe s the US need to import “models” (and Canadian “actors”). WHAT do they add to the US that we need?

  7. So why am I thinking that the green stuff that Popeye was always eating out of the can might not have been spinach after all?

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