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21 thoughts on “Pro Tip: ‘Ghost Loading’ Your Benelli M4”

    • It is not possible with a Mossberg 500. The carrier moves up and inline with barrel when the bolt closes on a 500. It doesn’t stay down and out of the way (and capable of holding an extra round) like it does on an M4.

  1. Very cool…. In the same cool category as bump firing I think. Neat trick but not practical for defensive use….

    I can’t help but I feel that if I don’t even have time to reload after 9 shots of 12 gage I’m in serious trouble…. I’d also be too worried that the gun would jam after the 1st shot.

    Murphy needs no invite, that SOB is Johnny on the spot… 🙂

    • “I’d also be too worried that the gun would jam after the 1st shot.”

      This is not a problem. Unlike other shotguns (870 comes to mind) a shall on the carrier with a closed bolt is not an invitation to a malfunction. The gun is designed this way. My older M1’s can do it. I’ve never felt the need to take advantage. Yeah, in a match it’s one more shell in the gun. For some that’s a big deal.

      • The newer Benellis can do this too if you weld the rear most notch on the bolt carrier. All Benellis had this capability until the USFW threaten to either outlaw the importation of the gun or make it capable of only holding one round in the magazine with a longer plug.

        The gun is more reliable how it was designed. If someone wants to cheat while hunting with a Benelli all they have to do is remove the plug which can be done in 20 seconds.

        I have had more than a little trouble with jamming on the new Benellis. Filling in the bolt carrier notch cured the problems.

    • Please note:

      The procedures demonstrated in this video are taken directly out of the Marine Corp Manual for the M4 they use in combat, designated the M1014. They offer the instructions precisely as demonstrated, and I was quoting right out of their manual for a good bit of the instructions.

      I’d say that makes it plenty practical for “self-defense.”

      : )

      • Yeah, the unit we took over from in Iraq left us a couple of M4s. A few of the guys who hadn’t had a chance to take a look at the manual yet actually thought it had to be carried that way in order to feed (because they were inappropriately activating the feed interrupt when playing around with it to determine the cycle of operation). It works just fine.

        • Sir, thank you for your service!

          The Benelli M4 is an amazing shotgun.

          My only gripes with it are:

          The relatively miniscule charging handle, I swapped it out for a much larger charging handle: awesome.

          The safety: I replaced mine with a much more tactical feeling safety.

          And, last but certainly not least, the incredibly stupid bolt release. Swapped it out for very large bolt release.

          Got all three new parts from:


        • Thank you Guy’s for enlightening me. I’m a big fan of KISS in a defensive gun use situation but I’ll be trying this out at the range. I’m not even close to the tip of the spear these day’s. If it gives you an edge against the BG’s I’m all for it.

          V.McCann…. Rock on Devil Dog…. Many Thanks to you Marine…

    • Thank you Guy’s for enlightening me. I’m a big fan of KISS in a defensive gun use situation but I’ll be trying this out at the range. I’m not even close to the tip of the spear these day’s. If it gives you an edge against the BG’s I’m all for it.

      V.McCann…. Rock on Devil Dog…. Many Thanks to you Marine…

  2. that benelli is a fine shotgun. but the price. my wife fell in love with one at the local gun store while we were browsing. price tag was above 1600. i’m a cheap ofwg. managed to lure her away with a s&w 38. close call tho. that was several years ago, can’t imagine the price nowadays.

    • Check out the Hatan Arms escort, definitely not in the same league but a passable knock off with a lot of the same features. Plus, the fast load system is cool. I got mine for about $220 because the guy had it mislabeled as a pump. (The sales guy figured it out, and the owner approved the sale.)

  3. I can’t speak to the M1/M4, etc., but at least some of the earlier sporting Benellis also do this. Later ones have a bolt change that doesn’t allow it without bolt modification. Presumably this is to keep you legal for migratory bird hunting with a 2-shot plug. Floating that extra shell is pretty inconvenient unless you’re sitting around with nothing else to do, like shoot ducks or bad guys. As others have mentioned, you don’t want to try it with many other guns, because it will jam them.

  4. I couldn’t reply off of he comments posted after mine, trying a general post.

    Thank you Guy’s for enlightening me. I’m a big fan of KISS in a defensive gun use situation but I’ll be trying this out at the range. I’m not even close to the tip of the spear these day’s. If it gives you an edge against the BG’s I’m all for it.

    V.McCann…. Rock on Devil Dog…. Many Thanks to you Marine…

  5. Dhoooo…. Clean-up on isle 7… all my attempts just posted. It wasn’t my browser or a simple refreash… I tested that…

    • We’ve had some major issues today after a database crash. Your patience is most appreciated.

  6. *Sigh*
    Over five minutes to explain that? Cool tip but that video could have been trimmed down a lot. The only reason I watched the entire thing without trying to skip to the part where McCain got to the point was because that was absolutely the best qualityYoutube video I’ve seen on a firearms related topic. Great quality lighting, camera, etc., just please respect the audience and cut out some of that fluff.

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