Alabama Democratic Senator elect Doug Jones (courtesy
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Press release:

December 12, 2017 — Today, Giffords, the gun violence prevention organization founded by former Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords and her husband, combat veteran and retired NASA astronaut Captain Mark Kelly, congratulated Doug Jones on his victory in the Alabama special election to fill an open United States Senate seat.

“We congratulate Senator-elect Doug Jones on running a hard fought race that focused on lifting people up instead of bringing them down,” said Peter Ambler, Executive Director, Giffords. “Alabama voters could not support Roy Moore’s record of ignoring the rule of law, disparaging entire groups of Americans, and sexual misconduct with girls.

Throughout his career Jones has sought justice for those who have not received it and will continue that effort in the United State Senate. We look forward to working with him to keep our communities safe by confronting the gun violence epidemic devastating our country.”


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  1. While there are numerous causes which can be attributed to the Alabama debacle, the failure will galvanize the Trump-centric conservative insurgency. Establishment UniParty republicans will be blamed for this defeat and will not receive the support of the insurgency. A reckoning is coming in 2018.

    • I wouldn’t read too much into this. I really don’t see the democrats achieving what the tea party did in 2010. Wether Moore did what the media claimed or not, there’s limited returns on that strategy. They’ll sure as hell try to paint every GOP politician as a rapist but it won’t work. If Moore was defeated in the primary by the guy Trump wanted, Jones would’ve lost.

      • “If Moore was defeated in the primary by the guy Trump wanted, Jones would’ve lost.”

        This, this, and exactly this.

        But recognize the lesson. This is at least the 3rd high profile election where President Trump has weighed in for a close election and that candidate lost. The president is polarizing, and his support is valuable in some elections, but detrimental in others. Where the base is already charged up, that’s when national politicians, including the president, need to back off of their vocal support. The local and state parties, and the bench of their candidates, need to be the ones that drive those outcomes, not the president and certainly not Mr. Bannon. That was a mistake and one that may have cost us a senate seat.

        • JWT, Trump’s support had exactly zero to do with Moore loosing. He was slandered out of the election, pure and simple. While far from a perfect candidate, he never had a chance once the trial by media began. The left has let the mask slip here. They hold elections in disdain. They only want victory and will stoop as low as necessary to achieve it. Politics just got a whole lot dirtier.

      • Hank,

        “They’ll sure as hell try to paint every GOP politician as a rapist but it won’t work.”

        You do realize it worked like a charm. This is a particularly incidious implementation of Progressive standard operating procedure: paint their opposition as stupid, crazy, or corrupt.

        Because it is politically incorrect to hammer the living $hit out of false accusers of sexual harassment/assault, this will go on ad infinitum. And because Republicans will never do it themselves, they are going to lose BIG from this point forward.

        When Republicans learn to play dirty like Democrats, they will start winning elections again. Unfortunately, I don’t think this will ever happen and we are now seeing the end/death of the Republican party.

        • I don’t agree. Not at all. I’ve been hearing this since Obama won, and won big, in 08 and 12. I remember many claiming the GOP would never win another presidential election, ever again. Trump and the GOP shattered all that. The democrats lost over 1,000 legislative seats during Obama’s terms. The nation is not on some huge liberal march to the left, in fact, the nation is leaning more to the right now then when Obama took office. The problem is the GOP is huge, but divided, while the democrats are slightly smaller, but are in lockstep. We’ve still got the momentum and we are still infact winning. We can’t let this hiccup cloud our judgement and let the left take advantage of that. Let these left wing idiots on CNN celebrate. Let them think this is the start of a “blue wave”, because the harder they push left the farther they go into the big cities and coasts, leaving real America behind, the stronger Trump grows.

        • Hank,

          Do you know why Trump won? Because he has no qualms playing “dirty” politics.

          Do you know why Republicans picked up a lot of seats in state legislatures and governor’s offices? Because their Democrat opponents had not bothered to propagate multiple allegations of sexual impropriety against their Republican opponents. Now that Democrats know it works, what makes you think that they won’t apply it with gusto everywhere?

        • I’m sure they will. I stated that originally. And I’m also very glad Trump plays dirty. I just don’t see this one election as some harbinger of liberal doom. But I do also agree the GOP should follow the democrats example and play dirty games in the midterms.

    • Democrats seem to be having more sexual misconduct allegations leveled against them, real or fake. DRAIN ALL THE SWAMPS.

      • It’s just being reported that there was actually MORE write ins than votes for Jones. Jones still won, but there was 22,000 write ins as opposed to jones 20,000. Let that sink in a bit, if there was a better write in campaign it could’ve won. But also shows Jones victory a VERY weak one. The liberals celebrating this are brain dead.

        • You are confusing total votes with the victory margin. Doug Jones got 671,151 votes, Roy Moore got 650,436, and there were 22,819 write-ins. So yes, Jones won because of all those write-ins, but for a write-in candidate to win, they’d need to do better by an order of magnitude.

  2. Republicans deserve what they got. They voted for a guy that was removed from office twice, was anti first amendment, and an overall terrible person.

    Now Republicans will have to live with the fact that they supported a child molester and gained nothing from it. Let this be a lesson for 2018. We need to elect good people in the primary that can win the overall vote (Including minorities). It’s time to drop the social conservative garbage and elect some libertarian leaning Republicans to office.

    • Ok… what evidence do you have that Moore did any of the things he’s accused of? (The ones that would actually be illegal.) His main accuser admitted to forging her key piece of “evidence” on national TV.

      • I’m interested in what happens with the accusers claims. It seems the statute of limitations has expired, none of the cases rise to a level that would cause a prosecutor to bring charges, and there’s not going to be. Congressional committee that that lawyer could give the yearbook to. All in all, my bet would be that the accusers will fade into the woodwork and the yearbook will disappear.

        • Exactly nothing will happen – those women served their only purpose in this race and now that Moore is defeated neither the media nor the Democrats could care less about their stories; which is an excellent illustration of what women’s rights really mean to democrats. 🤠

      • Aside from the accusations. He wants to institute a Christian version of Sharia Law and throw gays in jail. Which is off-putting to most people in general.

        • When asked if gay people should be executed for being homosexual, Moore said “Well I don’t, you know, I’m not here to outline any punishments for sodomy.”

          So let’s be fair. He only *may* be down with a Christian version of Sharia law.

          Good grief. We dodged a bullet on this creep.

        • I repeat myself kiddo… no such thing. The punishment for sodomy under church law is not death in any branch of Christianity. It is the punishment in ALL branches of Islam.

        • There are Christian pastors calling for gays to be executed. Just one example:

          “Claiming that being gay is a choice like drug abuse, the senior pastor for a megachurch in Tennessee says that “gays must be put to death” because God commands it.

          Last Sunday, Brainerd Baptist Church Senior Pastor Robby Gallaty told his large congregation that Christians should never stop discriminating against homosexuals, claiming that gays could choose to be straight if they only accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.

          Gallaty explained why gays should be put to death:

          God said that the sins of the people had infected the very land in which they live. So what happens to people who engage in this activity, this sexual immoral activity? Go to Leviticus 20, God gives us the punishment for engaging in these sins… ‘If a man sleeps with a man as with a woman, they have both committed a detestable thing. They must be put to death. And their blood is on their own hands.’”

          Now, does this asshole represent mainstream Christianity? Certainly not. But it’s willful blindness to pretend that the fringe of Christianity doesn’t want to kill gay people.

        • All that matters about Roy Moore, is that he said that the First Amendment only protects freedom of religion for Christians. That alone makes him Christian Taliban scum.

        • Sorry kiddo, there are very specific rules for being a Christian. Christianity has the concept of heresy, Islam does not. You fail basic theology.

      • The evidence for “most of the things he is accused of” is his own words. Aside from the pedophilia accusations, pretty much everything else he is accused of he has proudly admitted — anti 1A, anti 13A, anti 19A, etc., and unwillingness to rule out the death penalty for homosexuality.

      • Ms. Nelson admitted to adding a portion of the yearbook inscription. Different from Ms. Corfman, who accused Moore of molesting her when she was 14. Enough accusers that it is a bit hard to keep them straight.

        • Oh, you mean the one who produced exactly zero evidence? Yeah… “Listen and believe” indeed. I’m sorry, but if you accuse someone of a crime, you better have something other than your word to back it up. Hell, you better be able to prove that the crime actually happened.

    • Actually the numbers show that 50% of Republican white voters just didn’t show up. Maybe they did it out of “principle” in which cases they are credulous idiots believing media lies or maybe they were just lazy. All I know is that Alabama voters who stayed home need to do some soul searching for why they chose to undermine Trump’s agenda now after voting overwhelmingly for him for president. I imagine there are a lot of Alabama Trump voters feeling stupid now and they should. I hope they learn something about the cost of virtue signalling after Doug Jones finishes bending them over for the next few years.

    • Too me, we just watched how the 2018 elections is going to be, a lot of mud slinging. Besides, it is a short term lost. Since he is filling out the term of the seat. It is going to be how much Jones is going or not going to represent the citizens of Alabama.

      • He has already waffled when asked about his support for national reciprocity, notwithstanding that he lives in a gun loving deep red state. Being a short termer, he will follow Schumer’s lead and tow the Party line. Besides Cornyn trying to sabotage the House bill by insisting that NICSFix be voted on separately (ignoring that it is the best leverage he has for getting reciprocity passed), with this win you can kiss the House bill good bye. (Is it just ego that he wants HIS bill to pass and not any bill? Or an antipathy to national concealed carry?)

    • It also bothered me how he pulled out his concealed carry and waved it around during a speech at a rally.

        • The behavior of a fool, and the tipping point (even beyond the allegations) for many people I know. Having a D in sucks, but Moore has been a floater that just wouldn’t flush for a long time. Again, the result was in no way a statement about Trump. Had Strange been the nominee, he would likely have beat Jones. But, as I posted after the primary, Strange losing the primary was a referendum on the prior governor who appointed him, and without out of state influences during the primary, a nominee other than Moore could have had a real chance.

    • He wasn’t. But the feminazis don’t care about little things like evidence, credibility, or due process. It’s “listen and believe” time.

    • Oh, he was never convicted, and in any case the statute of limitations has long expired. On the other hand, he did say that the SC decision legalizing gay marriage was worse than one legalizing slavery, puts his religion over the Constitution, and was removed from office (twice) for defying the law.

      “It’s time to drop the social conservative garbage and elect some libertarian leaning Republicans to office.”


        • An act such as a guy in his ’30s going for 16 year old girls isn’t illegal, true…but it is creepy. And in any case, the are a host of other things that Moore did that make him a terrible politician. Putting his religion over the Constitution comes immediately to mind.

        • Here’s the thing about the ‘Deep South’ back in those days – teenage girls considered attention by a 30 year-old professional man with a good job to be a ‘good catch’.

          Quite a few of their mothers *actively* encouraged it…

      • Mark Kelly is NOT a “combat veteran”. He is a squid zoomie/airplane driver. Apparently he DID crash 3 fewer airplanes than John McCain though.

      • While I disagree with his stancs on gay marriage ( I could not give a shit less), he was right in his court rulings regarding the Obergefell decision. The SCOTUS literally pulled the legal justification out of their ass and shit on the 10th amendement in the process. But gay marriage makes all the paste-eaters’ butts tingle, so we let it slide that the rule of law means a whole lot less now.

        • SCOTUS’ decision was mandated by two facts: ALL marriages in the Untied States are civil unions (i.e. controlled by civil law) both as to creation, dissolution, and during probate, and the 14th Amendment requirement of equal treatment and due process under the law. If marriages were a religious union the result likely would have been different, but they are not.

        • Oh okay, because that is totally what the prevailing majority opinion was. Oh wait, no it wasnt. Well at least they’ll apply that standard to everything else, including firearm rights. Oh wait, no they won’t.

          It was literally a decision based upon MUH FEELZ.

    • Clintons were never convicted; doesn’t convince me of their innocence. People with political connections tend not to get convicted, as laws mostly apply only the little people.

      • Except that there is exactly zero credible evidence that Moore did anything illegal. All three of the people that came out making such claims have documented reasons to be gunning for Moore and zero evidence.

  3. I, for one, look forward to the press releases from “Protect Yourself and Others” policy orgs that arose, informed by the shooting that included Ms. Giffords.

    Oh, wait. Those orgs existed n had it right all along.

    Anybody seen announcements of when Bloomie will get on board with what works, n start funding gun orgs named for the people killed when Giffords was shot? … by her long-known crazy stalker? … at a public event without armed guards?

    There may be a practical problem parading around dead guys as figureheads for those other orgs. Standards n the ick factor obviously don’t apply, as Bloomie n company are happy to exploit a horiffically brain-injured woman for their current agitprop. Apparantly nice work if you can stomach it.

    It’s not like their “activism” is doing any good. Apparantly, agitprop is fun n they don’t care what it takes. For the LULz. (What’s Bloomie’s 4chan handle, again?) In case anyone was unclear that these people will do absolutely anything in their “cause.”

      • Yup, see my upstream post. But Trump backed Strange who could not get elected, mostly because of who appointed him, and others, like Mo, did not get the out of state support that could have made the difference. So, we ended up running a floater that people got tired of seeing. As an aside, Brookes recently announced he has high risk prostate cancer.

  4. The Democrats will be pulling the molestation, groping, harassing bullshit in every election now that it’s worked here. Find a woman with a forged yearbook and away you go. The GOP elite like McConnell were against this guy too.

    I can’t say I like him but we don’t need another anti-gun Democrat in Congress, period. Sometimes you have to take the lessor of the two evils, especially in politics.

    • Is a guy who thinks “transgenders don’t have rights” (a direct quote) and who puts his religion above the Constitution the lesser of two evils simply because he agrees with us on one important issue?

        • Happy to do so. Direct quotes from Moore:

          “God is the only source of our law, liberty and government”

          ““What does one do when God’s laws conflict with man’s laws? God’s laws are always superior to man’s laws.”

        • … and? I still fail to see your point. There is no such thing as “separation of church and state” in the US. The very concept is a legal fiction.

        • I was asked for evidence Moore put his version of God over the Constitution. I provided it.

          That’s the point.

          “There is no such thing as “separation of church and state” in the US. The very concept is a legal fiction.”

          I’m curious, which church would you like to see intertwined with the state?

        • Hal accurately states Moore’s beliefs, and this was one of the reasons the Alabama Supreme Court kicked him off the bench—twice. If he wants to enforce “God’s Law” he can go join the Spanish Inquisition or become a minister. He has no place in a civil government of the people, by the people, and for the people.

    • Darn. I was going to joke that while the dead may not rise up and walk they can still vote Democrat. I’ll have to use the joke in the next Illinois elections.

      And as for the (R) voters who decided not to vote, if you didn’t vote don’t complain about the result!

  5. No problem the house and senat are over 2/3 red in sweet home alabama 🙂
    Enough for override any veto 2018 on constitunal carry

  6. Republicans dodged a bullet with Jones. Moore was a deeply flawed candidate. Had he been elected, there would have been constant political drama going on.
    Jones on the other hand is somewhat pro-2A. He’s a hunter and has cases of guns. He wants the laws already on the books enforced and advocates keeping firearms away from people who shouldn’t have them while allowing the law abiding access.
    Obviously the rest of the Democrats will attempt to sway him to take a tougher stance along with Capt. Kelley and Puppet sticking their noses up his ass already. I’m sure that along the way, Bloombag will be shelling out money as needed where legal, for reelection and such.

    In short, I think in this election there is a silver lining to the dark cloud.

    • Honestly, after the character assassination of Moore by the left wing propaganda complex, I’m impressed he got as many votes as he did. The chances of the DNC holding that seat next election are effectively 0. Would I have preferred Moore? Yes, because we need a few hard right religious zealots in the Senate to balance out the commies. I still think that everyone who made allegations of criminal activity against him should be required to prove their case in court or go to jail for election tampering.

      • “Character assassination”? That implies, dear boy, that he even has any character to assassinate.

        Just so you know what Doug Jones was running against… To quote a Quora post…

        He is still a repulsive piece of work and has plenty of other reasons why he is unfit for office, other than the kiddie rape, which he almost certainly did. But even if you’re going to screech “FAYK N00Z!” at that, here are bunch of other reasons why he should not be allowed within 500M of public office:

        He has said he wants to remove all amendments after the 10’th, meaning he wants to get rid of things like…

        The abolition of SLAVERY. (13′th)
        The right of women to vote (19′th)
        Term limits on presidents (22′nd)
        Direct election of congresscritters (17′th)
        The voting age being 18 (26′th)
        Equal protection under the law, and citizenship (14′th)
        Extension of voting rights to all men (15′th)
        Prohibition of poll taxes and literacy tests to vote (24′th)

        * He also doesn’t believe in the law.
        * That’s right, he gave illegal orders to not follow a FEDERAL LAW, something which it was his job to enforce. And it wasn’t the only time he’s violated his oaths, either.
        * He’s also dishonest and corrupt
        * He has stolen more than MILLION DOLLARS from CHARITY!
        * He also doesnt’ respect the First Amendment, religious freedom, or equality under the law. He wants a religious theocracy, which is in direct violation to the religious freedom, secularism, and pluralism the United States is based on.

        He is an affront to America, her decency, and everything they stand for.

        What. A Piece. Of. WORK!

    • Incorrect. Until the Democratic Party is capable of fielding candidates with a spine, every Democrat can be considered a vote for the hard-left who currently run it. There are no more centrist Democrats, and there have not been since 2010. There is no dissension in the ranks without punishment, so a vote for Jones was a vote for people who hold the South in utter contempt. Morons -___-

    • When asked about backing national reciprocity for concealed carry, he waffled and refused to give a straight answer. I suspect he wants to retain his seat beyond the end of Sessions’ term, and I also suspect that Schumer will demand that he toe the line and vote no, unless Schumer can be convinced that a “no” vote will dash any re-election aspirations. (Which it might.)

  7. Dare we hope that thade ministration, The Stupid Party, and the “R” swamp things will get it out of their systems n actually do anything sensible come 2018? (I don’t actually prefer the “Rs” on the “merits.” I’ve just given up on the “Ds”, they’re irredeemable, even.)

    Oh, who am I kidding?

  8. Meh.If Trump hadn’t appointed good ole boy Sessions none of this would have happened. A gross error in Trumpism…I’m glad I am NOT a registered Republitard.

  9. Meh, Moore was a terrible candidate from the jump.

    In a state where Republicans in statewide elections generally win by double digits the most Moore had ever one by was something like 4%. That plus removals from the Bench, an oddball attitude, a kinda poor campaign and then being hit with allegations that caused the national level party to pull assistance from him… it was just a mess.

    The bright side is is that Jones will probably lose his reelection campaign in a couple years because he’s a terrible fit for Alabama.

      • Nah. I live in Colorado. I’m just capable of actually doing research and paying attention to politics while tuning out all the BS from both sides. It’s what I went to college for.

    • The ability of the Republicans to screw this up somewhat staggering. All they needed was a candidate with a pulse, instead they run a bible thumping circus freak. Well done.

    • – waits patiently for one of the TTAG regulars to come up with another completely insane response to this completely rational and insightful post –

    • Democrats 2% More Popular Than Unpopular Republicans Perceived as Pedophiles. Film at 11.

      If I ever ran for office and beat an accused pedophile by only 2%, I wouldn’t be boastful. A Louisiana politician once bragged that the only way he could lose an election in Louisiana was to get caught in bed with a dead girl or a live boy. That’s basically the case for any Republican running for statewide elections in Alabama.

  10. Anecdotally, Roy Moore lost because many principled republicans refused to vote for a judicial activist with a taste for jailbait. You can embroider that all you want, but he would have won if he hadn’t blown off the supreme court, no matter his justification.

    Source: I live in Huntsville, I’ve been listening to people’s opinion of this guy for years.

  11. I agree with what some of you have already said. This wasn’t cause of national figures weighing in. This was simply the Media and specifically the entire DNC initiating a smear campaign. In my opinion, Moore was a poor candidate. He was set on running that is technically legitimate. Allegations are just that allegations and nothing proven. Therefore, the allegations in legal speak is a “he said, she said” scenario. Yet, the Democrats, Jones and the Media treated it as if allegations = conviction. That is disgusting!!

    1. Treatment of those allegations as factual aka criminal is tatamount to pronouncing guilt without a trial. Violation of 7th Amendment and the preface of U.S.A law which is Common Law. Which stipulates that an accused in innocent till proven guilty in a court of LAW.

    2. Smear campaign by Jones and the Democrats satisfies most definitions of Slander and Libel. Could be considered malicious. Which would make it illegal (misdemeanors).

    I am sure I could think of some more if I tried. Yet, already we have what amounts to one violation of a man’s constitutional right to justice. And we have one party utilizing hearsay for political gain. Which I admit is not exactly new. What is unacceptable is the use of hearsay as if criminal-conviction to gain leverage. That is just wrong!! I hope that karma pays the Democrats and their base a thousand fold for their dishonorable nature.

    Best course of action would of been Moore stepping down. At least till the issue was resolved in court or out of court. Then running for a seat in 2019. That would of left Jones against a much stronger Republican Candidate. And would of avoided giving the Democrats any smearing capability to use in that or any other election.

    • Just so you know what Doug Jones was running against… To quote a Quora post…

      He is still a repulsive piece of work and has plenty of other reasons why he is unfit for office, other than the kiddie rape, which he almost certainly did. But even if you’re going to screech “FAYK N00Z!” at that, here are bunch of other reasons why he should not be allowed within 500M of public office:

      For example…
      He wants to get rid of things like…

      The abolition of SLAVERY. (13′th)
      The right of women to vote (19′th)
      Term limits on presidents (22′nd)
      Direct election of congresscritters (17′th)
      The voting age being 18 (26′th)
      Equal protection under the law, and citizenship (14′th)
      Extension of voting rights to all men (15′th)
      Prohibition of poll taxes and literacy tests to vote (24′th)

      He also doesn’t believe in the law.
      That’s right, he gave illegal orders to not follow a FEDERAL LAW, something which it was his job to enforce. And it wasn’t the only time he’s violated his oaths, either.

      He’s also dishonest and corrupt

      He has stolen more than MILLION DOLLARS from CHARITY!

      He also doesnt’ respect the First Amendment, religious freedom, or equality under the law.
      He wants a religious theocracy, which is in direct violation to the religious freedom, secularism, and pluralism the United States is based on. He is an affront to America, her decency, and everything they stand for.

      What. A Piece. Of. WORK!

    • Just so you know what Doug Jones was running against… To quote a Quora post…

      Roy Moore is still a repulsive piece of work and has plenty of other reasons why he is unfit for office, other than the kiddie rape, which he almost certainly did. But even if you’re going to screech “FAYK N00Z!” at that, here are bunch of other reasons why he should not be allowed within 500M of public office:

      He has said he wants to remove all amendments after the 10’th, meaning he wants to get rid of things like…

      The abolition of SLAVERY. (13′th)
      The right of women to vote (19′th)
      Term limits on presidents (22′nd)
      Direct election of congresscritters (17′th)
      The voting age being 18 (26′th)
      Equal protection under the law, and citizenship (14′th)
      Extension of voting rights to all men (15′th)
      Prohibition of poll taxes and literacy tests to vote (24′th)

      * He also doesn’t believe in the law.
      * That’s right, he gave illegal orders to not follow a FEDERAL LAW, something which it was his job to enforce. And it wasn’t the only time he’s violated his oaths, either.
      * He’s also dishonest and corrupt
      * He has stolen more than MILLION DOLLARS from CHARITY!
      * He also doesnt’ respect the First Amendment, religious freedom, or equality under the law. He wants a religious theocracy, which is in direct violation to the religious freedom, secularism, and pluralism the United States is based on.

      He is an affront to America, her decency, and everything they stand for.

      What. A Piece. Of. WORK!

  12. Just so you know what Doug Jones was running against… To quote a Quora post…

    Roy Moore is still a repulsive piece of work and has plenty of other reasons why he is unfit for office, other than the kiddie rape, which he almost certainly did. But even if you’re going to screech “FAYK N00Z!” at that, here are bunch of other reasons why he should not be allowed within 500M of public office:

    He has said he wants to remove all amendments after the 10’th, meaning he wants to get rid of things like…

    The abolition of SLAVERY. (13′th)
    The right of women to vote (19′th)
    Term limits on presidents (22′nd)
    Direct election of congresscritters (17′th)
    The voting age being 18 (26′th)
    Equal protection under the law, and citizenship (14′th)
    Extension of voting rights to all men (15′th)
    Prohibition of poll taxes and literacy tests to vote (24′th)

    * He also doesn’t believe in the law.
    * That’s right, he gave illegal orders to not follow a FEDERAL LAW, something which it was his job to enforce. And it wasn’t the only time he’s violated his oaths, either.
    * He’s also dishonest and corrupt
    * He has stolen more than MILLION DOLLARS from CHARITY!
    * He also doesnt’ respect the First Amendment, religious freedom, or equality under the law. He wants a religious theocracy, which is in direct violation to the religious freedom, secularism, and pluralism the United States is based on.

    He is an affront to America, her decency, and everything they stand for.

    What. A Piece. Of. WORK!

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