GOA florida capitol rally Tallahassee
Courtesy GOA
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Yesterday a few dozen people gathered on the steps of the Florida Capitol in Tallahassee in support of gun rights and constitutional carry in the Sunshine State.

“It’s time that we actually start fighting and expanding our robust Bill of Rights in the United States,” [State Rep. Anthony] Sabatini said. “And the Second Amendment being, in my opinion, one of the most, if not the single most guaranteed right in the Bill of Rights.”

Sabatini called out his fellow Republicans, some by name, including House Speaker Chris Sprowls, for not doing enough for gun rights. 

“We need them to change their tune to fix this travesty by passing constitutional carry, and also repealing the red flag laws here in the state of Florida,” he said. 

Here’s GOA’s press release on the rally . . .

Gun Owners of America (GOA) and state Representative Anthony Sabatini (R) hosted a press conference today at the Florida State Capitol. They were joined by dozens of gun owners, united to send one message: the Florida legislature must pass Constitutional Carry legislation.

GOA’s Florida Director, Luis Valdes, said “Commissioner of Agriculture and Consumer Services Nikki Fried exemplifies the issues with our permit system of being treated guilty until proven innocent, instead of innocent until proven guilty.”

Erich Pratt, Anthony Sabatini, Luis Valdes
Courtesy GOA

Senior Vice President for GOA, Erich Pratt, asked, “What’s the best reason this Republican-led legislature should pass Constitutional Carry? Because it’s in the Constitution. The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed!”

Rep. Anthony Sabatini also concluded, “Floridians should be able to exercise their Second Amendment right without a permission slip from the government. Bearing arms is a fundamental constitutional right… I’m looking forward to … getting this bill passed!”


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    • I am thankful for Anthony Sabatini and GOA for this. If I had a small nitpicky item, it’s this that Rep. Sabatini said: “It’s time that we actually start fighting and expanding our robust Bill of Rights in the United States.”

      I am good with fighting for the bill of rights, I think it is robust but frequently ignored, twisted, or corrupted to mean what others would like it to mean. I don’t know that we will get much traction with “let’s expand the bill of rights” and I would be a little scared what other “rights” would be proposed, right to free college, right to free health care, right to punish those who you are offended by.

      I guess I would be ok with “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed. We really mean it, no infringing at all, corporately or individually, got it?”

      • If we really meant it we would be be petitioning and demanding that federal proscecutors immediately charge ALL the agents who violated Deprivation of Rights law USC 18-241-242 when they illegally fiat mandated that bump stocks are MGs, that novelty sketches of Auto Key Cards are MG’s, that Rare Breed FT-15 triggers are MG’s that 80% build you own rifle kits are ‘Firearms’ and need to be 4473’d with Nics checks, etc. and etc. …and arrest and suspend from dute all participating agents and their superiors who ordered them to deprive these victims or their Constitutional rights keep unregistered, private firearms. And immediately charge fire and charge any prosecutors who conspire to not follow their Oaths.

        …if we were really serious.

  1. FL GOP is wretched, people like Sabatini being wonderful exceptions. With 40 senators for 21 million people, gun owner involvement would also have to be through the roof. It’s almost nonexistent in Florida. “Good nuf”. His bill is DOA.

    • And why is his bill Dead On Arrival? Answer: “… a few dozen people gathered on the steps of the Florida Capitol in Tallahassee in support of gun rights and constitutional carry …”

      Had 10,000 or more people showed up to the rally, the bill might have actually had an exceedingly slim chance of becoming law.

      Then again, I don’t think it would matter how many people show up in Tallahassee as long as the trillion dollar tourist industry exists in Florida–which would never allow “rednecks toting hand-cannons on their hips and terrifying tourists”.

      • I think the low rally turn out has more to do with people being afraid of being shitlisted and hunted down worse than Nazi War criminals like the Jan 6 demonstraters were? Shows how well extreme force and abusive use of federal agency power works, even against a hugely armed citizenry.

    • He might actually do so if it got there… But the Republicrat leadership has it rigged so gun bills will die in committee, that way they don’t have to risk a vote on them. The senators and reps are good with the status quo, because if they voted against it, they couldn’t say they were proud second amendment supporters to get re-elected.

      But they also don’t want to be pro-gun rights or a bunch of big city sheriffs and the tourist lobby will oppose them and paint them as crazy gun guys and start waving the bloody shirt.

      We will get one or two people like Greg Steube or now Sabatini who will try to change things, and republican leadership will shut them down by stone walling.

  2. Yes you need special permission and special training to wear a coat. The only people who want to keep the permit scam going are morons and those who profit from it. That includes criminals who know that if it takes a permit to carry means the odds of a citizen not having a firearm remain in favor of the criminal.

    All of this take off work, travel and show up on the state capitol steps is a waste of time and counter productive especially when few show.

    Do what I do…e-mail legislators about the racist and nazi roots of Gun Control and tell them not to forget the millions left dead in the wake of Gun Control. They can either side with The Constitution of The United States or they can side with what is an agenda of racists and nazis. There is no gray area and there is no nice and polite smiley face Gun Control.

    • That’s exactly what I do, day in, day out. Sooner or later, if enough people do that, they’ll start doing some math and say…’wow, if all those people start to vote against me, i could ACTUALLY LOSE!’

  3. Hopefully they will get a Constitutional Carry bill and not just a permitless carry bill that other states have gotten.

    • IF it ever passes it will be Constitutional carry… And to answer M. CROGNALEs question, Yes, DeSantis would sign it…

  4. Nothing more than political grandstanding for future votes. Most Republican law makers are not stupid enough to want to see people running around with guns who have not been vetted and not been trained as to when they can and cannot shoot and given some basic safe gun handling as well. Only the deeply paranoid would disagree.

    Cops do not support this as well because when they approach cars they like to know if the person is likely to be dangerous or not. They know that concealed carry people are less likely to try and shoot them because they have been previously vetted.

    Again the Far Right screaming for such nonsense while waving assault rifles and riding around in pick up trucks are always their own worst enemies as normal people and people who do not own guns (which are the majority) view them as throw backs from the Neanderthals demanding a reemergence of bronze age mysticism. They trash the image of law abiding gun owners who like to stay in a low profile.

    Addendum: Tell me the difference between the Taliban riding around in pick up trucks waving assault rifles and the Far Right in the U.S. doing the same. I’ll wait.

    Abortion is banned
    Gay marriage outlawed
    Rejection of science
    No vaccines (against their religion)
    No separation of church and state
    A State run religious caliphate (Their religion taught in public schools )
    A right wing dictatorship
    Freedom of speech banned.
    Woman treated as sex objects and given less rights than men
    Women banned from holding public office
    Women banned from the military and police forces
    Women forced to be subservient to men.
    Gays and LGBT people banned from the military
    Gays and LGBT people given less rights than all other citizens including the right to life.

    Again I will wait to hear of the difference (zero that I can think of)

    • Dacian,

      Do actual facts even matter to you?

      For starters, an entity did poll several thousand currently employed and retired police officers about their stand on all aspects of the Second Amendment. The overwhelming majority–on the order of 80%–supported the Second Amendment including our unfettered right to own military style semi-automatic rifles, normal capacity ammunition magazines (with capacities up to 30 rounds of ammunition), ready access to firearms in the home for home defense, and personal carry of firearms for self-defense. You can find the poll and the results at the website policeone.com or something like that.

      • None of that diatribe refutes the fact that the overwhelming majority of police do not want people carrying guns that have not been vetted and trained before receiving a permit. Now what part of this do you not understand??????

        Here is just on example of many

        SALT LAKE CITY (AP) — The latest push to loosen gun laws in states across the U.S. has put police officers at odds with Republican lawmakers who usually trumpet support for law enforcement.

        In states like Texas, Tennessee and Louisiana, police opposed pushes to drop requirements for people to get background checks and training before carrying handguns in public, plans that came as gun sales continued to shatter records during the coronavirus pandemic.

        “We feel it was just another opportunity to get our officers hurt,” said Fabian Blache Jr., executive director of the Louisiana Chiefs of Police Association. “It was a danger to law enforcement.”

        There, a last-ditch public plea by dozens of Louisiana law enforcement officers helped narrowly avert a push to override the Democratic governor’s veto of legislation dropping concealed-carry permit requirements. But he expects the proposal to come back next year, and in several other conservative-leaning states police opposition didn’t stop laws dropping permit requirements.

        • Where was this survey? A handful of law enforcement sources quoted by media do not constitute an “overwhelming majority” Stating your wishful opinion as “fact” doesn’t make it so. No need to refute what isn’t supported.

        • You don’t need to be a HRT Delta SEAL Recon Sniper to be qualified to handle firearms safely and responsibly. I’ve trained about 200 absolute beginners over the last 30 years. All are still alive and have all of their limbs and appendages.

          Our legal requirement is to pass a probation period and complete a 20 question test (pass mark is 17 with all mandatory questions correct). I’ve scored 20 every time. And all the questions are from a provided handbook. Hardly elite operator level.

      • quote————-Serpent_Vision Where was this survey?——-quote

        Reading comprehension, Reading comprehension
        Have your wife read my post and explain it to you.

        • Still listening to those voices in your head, dacian? I see in Portland your buddies in antifa quit pretending and went full on SS even down to the black uniforms. No more brown shirts.

          You are the new age fascists. Not some fantasy ‘right wing’ group your masters have created for you as an enemy.

        • He has naughty dreams of being the Special Commissar executing all those enemies of the state. He aims to do more than Vasily Blokhin (Stalin’s personal executioner).

        • To Jethro W.M.

          Below is proof it was the Nazi Proud Boys that resulted to violence not the Anti-Fa

          After the violence ended in Northeast Portland, a man fired a handgun at what appeared to be a group of anti-fascists downtown. Portland police moved in and arrested 65-year-old Dennis G. Anderson of Gresham. He was charged with unlawful use of a weapon and unlawful possession of a firearm.

          “This van right here that’s on its side tried pulling into the parking lot, and all these Proud Boys gate security started hitting it with bats and busting the windows out,” one witness, who did not want to be identified, told OPB.

          The witness said people got out of the van and started to run away as Proud Boys attacked them.

          “I saw this dude beating a woman. There was like two ladies that got hit. It was a nightmare, it was fucking terrifying,” they said.

          In conclusion Jethro how does eating crow taste today. LMAO

        • That the same antifa/SS troopers that attacked a group of folks holding a church service in Portland? Men, women and children pepper sprayed?

          How does crow taste? Never had any. Fed a bunch to low iq types like yourself there, nazi boy.

        • quote————That the same antifa/SS troopers that attacked a group of folks holding a church service in Portland?————-quote

          No reference link equals more of Jethro’s rectum gas. We are tired of smelling it.

    • Dacian,

      And now on to more facts. You claim that faith-based conservatives are the same as the Taliban and provided a list. Here is the overlap and divergence. To be totally clear, my comments refer to faith-based conservative positions on the characteristics of Taliban society which you listed.

      Abortion is banned — killing children should be banned regardless of how developed they are or what environment they are in.

      Gay marriage outlawed — as it should be since marriage is the foundation of families and gay unions are not the foundation of families. Faith-based conservatives fully support the ability of two homosexual men or women to form a legal partnership and ascribe/assign anything that they want to each other (such as ability to visit the other in a hospital).

      Rejection of science — totally false. What faith-based conservatives do reject is unfounded/unverified claims no matter how vociferously some group promotes them as “settled science”.

      No vaccines (against their religion) — I am not aware of any faith-based conservative who rejects all vaccines. I have several vaccines and am very much at peace for having them.

      No separation of church and state — totally false. What faith-based conservatives oppose is government which categorically excludes faith-based conservative ideas and initiatives from government.

      A State run religious caliphate (Their religion taught in public schools ) — totally false. What faith-based conservatives oppose is public schools teaching other religions (especially Islam and Atheism–which is a religion) while categorically prohibiting any presentation/representation of traditional Judeo-Christian tenants.

      A right wing dictatorship — totally false and requires no explanation.

      Freedom of speech banned. — totally false and requires no explanation.

      Woman treated as sex objects and given less rights than men — totally false and requires no explanation.

      Women banned from holding public office — totally false and requires no explanation.

      Women banned from the military and police forces — totally false and requires no explanation. Caveat: women who are incapable of carrying out required tasks for certain roles/positions would be and should be banned from those roles/positions–just as men who are incapable of carrying out required tasks for certain roles/positions should be banned from those roles/positions.

      Women forced to be subservient to men. — totally false and requires no explanation.

      Gays and LGBT people banned from the military — many faith-based conservatives support banning homosexuals from high-stress/combat units because homosexual desires/advances significantly erode unit cohesion and dynamics. Many faith-based conservatives support banning people with gender dysphoria from the military because they suffer from a serious mental-health deficit.

      Gays and LGBT people given less rights than all other citizens including the right to life. — totally false and requires no explanation.

      • Women banned from holding public office —
        Women banned from the military and police forces

        IT must have missed the Republican FEMALE, SENATOR/COMBAT PILOT from Arizona and Republican Sen Joni Ernst (Iowa) who was the 1st female combat veteran elected to congress… Can’t elect them if they don’t run

        • OBTW… Cops are not ELECTED and therefore politics has nothing to do with whom is hired… FYI 8% of Fortune 500 CEOs are women and that number is expected to double in the next three years…

        • To our forum Mad Man to the Maxx

          Give us all a break the Far Right fought against women in the military tooth fang and claw. Were you asleep with Rip Van Winkle for the last several decades or passed out on drugs in History Classes. LMAO

        • to Mad Man to the Maxx
          Quote—————-OBTW… Cops are not ELECTED and therefore politics has nothing to do with whom is hired… FYI 8% of Fortune 500 CEOs are women and that number is expected to double in the next three years…———-quote

          So what is your point about the Cops and politics, it does not change the fact that they are against doing away with a permit to carry a gun. Sober up before posting such nonsensical rants.

          And you are not telling us anything new about the present even though men C.E.O’s far out number Women in the profession and that is no accident, its called sex discrimination. Women still are paid less than men simply because they are women, studies are still validating that fact. Again Right Wing sex discrimination. This is not true in many companies run by Liberals though.

          Sober up and try again.

        • last several decades or passed out on drugs in History Classes.

          Actually I’ve spent the last several decades LIVING my life, something you obviously know nothing about… Once again you’ve walked into a gun fight armed only with a pocket knife, you can’t even remeber what you just posted about Republicans not wanting to hire female cops (had nothing to do with guns) but we are used to your hollow brainless Kommie rants and after a few laughs (thank you by the way) we’ll move on to something more important like which T-shirt am I going to wear on my afternoon motorcycle ride… Go for it VLAD, really let me have it…

        • to Mad Man to the Maxx

          quote————- about Republicans not wanting to hire female cop———–quote

          It was an accurate statement and I do not care if you do not want to hear the truth. Again you flunked history classes.

          Now get on your motor bike and go get another tattoo as if you already did not have enough. Excuse me while I barf.

        • Excuse me while I barf.

          I’ve suddenly come to the realization that I’ve been treating a twelve year old like an adult… Wow, do you have an original thought? I’ll keep an eye out for one and I’ll point it out to you should you actually ever post one… Til then you are an absolute waste of time and effort, you would not know the truth if it bit you on the ass and introduced itself… OBTW: It’s a 1200 pound, 107 cu. in. Harley Davidson Motorcycle… Hardly a motor “bike” AND you know absolutely “jack” about any tattoos that I may or may not have… What a Moron… Suns out, no rain in the area, see ya…

      • To No Common Sense
        quote—————-Gay marriage outlawed — as it should be —————–quote

        Well at least you admitted my statements were the truth. To recap, only Right Wing Religious Caliphate Fanatics like yourself believe that you have any rights, everyone you disagree with has no rights. The Constitution protects peoples civil rights, you should read it some time.

        And you could have saved yourself a lot typing by simply abbreviating the repetitive diatribe and stating “Do not confuse me with the facts because you cannot force me to face the truth”.

        • The irony of that last line. But what to expect from an animal that worships at the feet of the Nazi’s? No self awareness at all.

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