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We Got Your ‘Guidance’ Right Here


After elbowing his way through all the dead bodies in line at his Chicago polling place this morning, W.H. Thompson (who chronicles the majesty that is politics in the Windy City at sent a phone pic of this gem. He writes, “Came across this stupidity this morning on my ballot. They say it’s “non-binding” and is only meant to provide guidance to the legislature. As if….” Dontcha love the Orwellian touch of naming SB3659 the Public Safety Act? The boys in Springfield may have looked east with envy to the Empire State for a little anti-gun inspiration. Almost no one south of I-80 will vote in the affirmative for this thing. The question is, will it really matter?

24 thoughts on “We Got Your ‘Guidance’ Right Here”

      • yes, yes it was. no, no i didn’t.
        a commenter at heyjackass proclaimed to be a member of DRIP: don’t re- elect incumbent politicians.
        district 9 and 18 had no recommendation from isra.

      • The Cook County Board voted to include this measure on Cook County ballots. My favorite part is that immediately above the initiative my ballot read, “To Cook County Voters:” Since those bans exist in Cook County and Illinois has the FOID card (a/k/a de facto UBC), I almost laughed out loud when reading the initiative.

    • Wonder if the touchscreen will register “yes” whichever button you touch–like those “Dem candidates only” machines. “Calibration error” ya know…

  1. Prohibit this………. ( inser nsfw hand gesture) I am glad I didn’t see such a thing on my Michigan ballot.

  2. Given how close we came to complete preemption of local assault weapons bans last year during the CCW fight… I’m not particularly worried. Especially if Quinn gets run out of town on a rail.

  3. Yeah I live in Cook County,Illinois. Correct me but isn’t it all of Cook? I live in a “friendly”to guns southern suburb. WISH I could move to Indiana as I don’t think anything will fix Illinois-and I think Rauner is way too buddy buddy with dems & tiny dancer. Lesser of 2 weevils…

  4. Judging from what the big money “Progressives” are doing in Washington, “transfer” is the word to watch.

    In I-594, the Washington State initiative, “transfer” equals moving the firearm from one person’s hand to another no matter how short the time.

    The media has provided cover for them by blah, blah, blah about ATF definition of “transfer”, but it is right in the initiative.

    (25) “Transfer” means the intended delivery of a firearm to another person without consideration of payment or promise of payment including, but not limited to, gifts and loans.”

    Spouses and other family members are NOT exempt.

    First “transfer” = misdemeanor
    Second “transfer” = felony

    They want us to be felons. It is very clear.

  5. I see Ads to re-elect Dick Durbin on this page when i load it.. I don’t think this site is his demographic..

  6. I live in a collar county and this is not on our ballot. I’m sick and frickin’ tired of the Chicago political machine running this otherwise wonderful state including the city and suburbs. As I researched the candidates I could vote for, I’m sad to say I don’t much like any of them, even the Republicans are liberal in this state, more of a lesser evil proposition, even the Libertarian candidate for Governor was cool with UBCs. If not for family and work, I’d walk on this place, alas, I am stuck.

  7. My wife and I voted in Lake Count and this was not on our ballots. How is it that something like this could be on the ballot in Cook County and not in Lake? This will most likely be our last election in this State.

  8. I’m in edwardsville il just out side st. Louis and this was not on our ballots ether. How can they run a vote for a state wide law and only put it on the ballots in certain county’s or city’s? Mike im with you on your comment….

  9. This was only in Chicago. If they do try to get this to the Senate, it’s pretty much DOA. It’s only real purpose was to get Democrats out to vote.

  10. I early-voted at our local police station in Chicago and I had an old lady and her son in the next voting booth over. “what’s this? ‘high-capacity magazines’ what?” ‘it means, you know they don’t people walking around the streets with assault rifles and clips with lots of bullets in ’em’ “ohmygod! no! I don’t want that!”

    The machine pulls this bullshit every other election to reinforce their subjects fears.

  11. As I understand it, it’s also pre-empted by HB-183 (and therefore unenforceable). It’s pure FUD directed against anyone who might consider selling gun accessories either online or within the city.

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