Virginia gun owner militia open carry
Courtesy Jeff Hulbert

The preamble to the Second Amendment mentions service in a militia as a reason citizens have the right to keep and bear arms: “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed.”

In his ruling, Benitez builds on the 2008 Supreme Court case D.C. v. Heller. In that landmark case, the Supreme Court held, as Justice Antonin Scalia wrote, that the amendment protects a right to possess a firearm unconnected to military service and that individuals are free to use such weapons for “traditionally lawful purposes, such as self-defense within the home.”

Benitez accepts this individual right, including to own assault weapons, but he adds what he calls “citizen militias” to the mix, which he defines as an “informal assembly of able-bodied, ordinary citizens acting in concert for the security of our nation.” The AR-15, he says, is an “ideal arm” for such purposes.

While distinguishing a citizen militia from a “state-organized militia,” the judge is vague about what, exactly, a citizen militia is. The examples he offers include the armed partisans led by Fidel Castro, Ho Chi Minh, and the Taliban and Iraqi insurgents. Although Benitez surely knows that the United States has a long history of vigilantism and mob violence, he doesn’t say which informal groups of armed citizens in this country might qualify and which would not.

That lack of specificity is a problem. Does a citizen militia include the protesters who occupied the Michigan State Capitol during the spring of 2020, posing with assault weapons slung over their shoulders? What about the activists who in the summer of 2020 briefly created Seattle’s Capitol Hill autonomous zone, where guards armed with AR-15s stood watch at the entrance and patrolled the streets? Kyle Rittenhouse, on trial for killing two people with a Smith & Wesson rifle in Kenosha, Wisconsin, allegedly viewed himself as part of a militia and claimed to be helping the police.

— Eliga Gould in Why the Second Amendment protects a ‘well-regulated militia’ but not a private citizen militia


  1. Gould ( and many on the left) simply can’t resist nit-picking the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence to support their tyrannical & Socialist agenda’s.

    • Another pasty mouth pompous nitwit scrapping the bottom of the barrel with hopes of finding something, anything to adjust The Constitution of The United States to their liking.

      It’s all right along the lines of bigots who have a big problemo with, “All men are created equal.” Whoa Nelly…You mean a white person isn’t above a n-word? Well just let disgruntled members of the democRat Party get some sheets and make some pointed hats, burn some crosses and run around making sure no n-words have guns and let’s see who is who. If you want a gun you’d better be white, in a state approved militia and you sure as hell can’t be no n-word.

      The democRat Party is doing their best to whitewash its long despicable history of racism by not making Reparations but by rewriting history and blaming The Party of Lincoln. Of course if you know the history of the democRat Party you can clearly see bigotry is alive and well in their sneaky desire for Gun Control. After all what’s the difference between Gun Control, a noose and a slave shack? Absolutely Nothing, NADA,

        • “You’re quite a gymnast.”

          Yup, always fun to watch… 🙂

        • Guth Rader Binsburg said:
          “You’re quite a gymnast.”
          You can’t fool me by moving the first letters in your name. I thought you were dead?
          Have you resurrected?

          In any case, you must really be jealous of Debbie, who is always quite consistent, and I might add, quite correct and to the point.

          I have never found her to be in error.
          On another point, at least she know how to spell her name.

        • Old One,
          Being impressed does not necessarily mean I am jealous. Take you for example; I’m impressed by how dense you are, but I’m certainly not jealous!
          Mental gymnastics is a specialty. Arriving at racism out of an interpretation of the mention of militias in the Constitution is hardly to the point, but perhaps impressive.
          As to my name – are you being obtuse or are you actually that slow?

    • 10 U.S. Code § 246 – Militia: composition and classes
      (a)The militia of the United States consists of all able-bodied males at least 17 years of age and, except as provided in section 313 of title 32, under 45 years of age who are, or who have made a declaration of intention to become, citizens of the United States and of female citizens of the United States who are members of the National Guard.
      (b)The classes of the militia are—
      (1)the organized militia, which consists of the National Guard and the Naval Militia; and
      (2)the unorganized militia, which consists of the members of the militia who are not members of the National Guard or the Naval Militia.

      States’ constitutions required citizens to have their own firearms and certain numbers of rounds and powder, as all able bodied are the militia. Ignoring historical fact doesn’t change it.

      • I’m surprised the ACLU hasn’t filed a lawsuit against this code section because it says only women that are members of the gov’t controlled national guard can be “militia.”
        Also the age discrimination aspect.
        But the ACLU rarely takes up any case that could result is the elimination of a restriction on 2A rights.
        The left already believes that only criminals and the gov’t can have guns.

        • The aclu is a civil rights group just like the nra is a gun rights group.

          Both are in it for the money.

    • Apparently, they can’t resist being stupid, either.

      The BOR wasn’t ratified until December 15, 1791; the first Militia Act was adopted by the first Congress on May 2, 1792, and was considered and acknowledged to be merely a codification of common law. One version or another of that original Mlitia Act has been in effect ever since. To argue that either the Founders, OR Judge Benitez, had any lack of understanding of EXACTLY what a “mlitia” was is historical ignorance only a liberal could be capable of (Minor IQ to chime in with some ridiculously ahistorical and ungrammatical “theory” in 3 . . . 2 . . . 1).

      The Militia consists, under actual federal law continuously in effect since May 2, 1792 (with SLIGHT modification in language to reflect little details like Emancipation and Suffrage), of “each and every free able-bodied white male citizen of the respective States, resident therein, who is or shall be of age of eighteen years, and under the age of forty-five years (except as is herein after excepted) shall severally and respectively be enrolled in the militia, by the Captain or Commanding Officer of the company, within whose bounds such citizen shall reside …”

      Again, only a liberal could be that ahistorical or that STUPID.

  2. “Well-regulated in the 18th century tended to be something like well-organized, well-armed, well-disciplined,” says Rakove. “It didn’t mean ‘regulation’ in the sense that we use it now, in that it’s not about the regulatory state. There’s been nuance there. It means the militia was in an effective shape to fight.”

    Effing Duh.

      • The way I think of it, I’d describe the opposite of “well-regulated” as “in disrepair.” Think that’s really the heart of the article. She argues it means subject to bureaucracy. I can’t imagine someone actually looking into it wouldn’t find that out. For a while, thought it was just ignorance. It took me quite a while to recognize the misdirection (at least on the part of the people writing the “national guard” argument) is deliberate.

        • Usually it is intentionally spin, propaganda and lies. But quite often it is ignorance: they believe their own lies, and are too lazy to do any research.

        • “The way I think of it, I’d describe the opposite of “well-regulated” as “in disrepair.” Think that’s really the heart of the article.”

          The voltage regulator on a vehicle keeps the charge on the battery constant, avoiding damaging it.

          “A well-regulated militia…” – Translation – “A gang who can shoot straight”, not knowing what end of the gun the bullet comes out makes the militia worthless.

          (Almost as worthless as my demented troll, when one thinks about it… 😉 )

        • when the National Guard can be summoned to the capitol, and placed under federal control to protect a government of questionable legitimatcy…it ceases to be a “militia”…..

    • Nathan Freeman,
      Good points.

      And they want us to believe that there are nine amendments in the bill of rights that restrict the government, and one, the 2nd, that was designed to restrict the rights of the people? Wrong. The Bill of Rights was all about limiting government. Period.

      And the Bill of Rights was ratified two years after the country was formed. Are we to believe that The People, who had just fought a war of independence, had no right to be armed for those first two years? Of course not.

      • “And they want us to believe that there are nine amendments in the bill of rights that restrict the government, and one, the 2nd, that was designed to restrict the rights of the people? Wrong. The Bill of Rights was all about limiting government. Period.”

        Their ‘house of cards’ falls apart when an honest Leftist has that pointed out to them, and they realize it.

        Obama inadvertently helped that argument when he complained (on camera, no less!) that the constitution was nothing more than a list of “Negative rights”. He wanted a constitution of “positive rights”. The only problem is, that list can be endless. It makes sense when the ‘List of Rules’ is small enough to be easily remembered…

        • It’s only 27 words. You think after all this time there wouldn’t be any argument.

  3. Gould…weren’t they the alien soul-stealers in the Stargate TV series?

    Sarcasm aside, the Gunny nailed it in his comment.

    • I hate nit-pickers. They are a plague on humanity and there should be a vaccine for it.

        • “Is a nit-picker the same as a booger-picker?”

          Nope, initially, ‘nits’ were understood to be the laid eggs of head lice.

          ‘Nit-picking’ grew into a human grooming ritual in family groups, before the days of insecticide.

          (But hey, don’t let me stop you from making it about boogers. It’s still a free country, for the time being… 🙁 )

      • “Snake-like critters. Parasites.”


        Snakes are useful, keeps the rats out of the stores of grain… 😉

  4. There a a great bit of historical evidence that refutes this “militia only” claim. There are letters and memos between the Founding Fathers written while the Bill of Rights was being formulated, published articles discussing the various arguments during the crafting of the Bill of Rights, and the recorded words of many Founding Fathers. This narrow interpretation simply ignores all the available evidence to the contrary … which power-hungry dictatorial wannabes tend to do anyway.

    • The broad interpretation of an armed citizenry is contained in The Federalist Papers, #46 I believe. The argument is a little oblique. They argue that the federal gov. couldn’t afford (Ha, before the income tax.) an army big enough to oppress the individual states. They assume that the vast majority of the able bodied men living in the states would be armed and able to fight back.

    • “To disarm the people…[i]s the most effectual way to enslave them.” – George Mason

      If the representatives of the people betray their constituents, there is then no recourse left but in the exertion of that original right of self-defense which is paramount to all positive forms of government… The citizens must rush tumultuously to arms, without concert, without system, without resource; except in their courage and despair. -Hamilton

      “A free people ought not only to be armed, but disciplined…” – George Washington, First Annual Address, to both House of Congress, January 8, 1790

      “No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms.” – Thomas Jefferson, Virginia Constitution, Draft 1, 1776

      “I prefer dangerous freedom over peaceful slavery.” – Thomas Jefferson, letter to James Madison, January 30, 1787

      • ““A free people ought not only to be armed, but disciplined…” – George Washington, First Annual Address, to both House of Congress, January 8, 1790”

        Good one!

        Goes naturally with “A well-regulated militia, being necessary for a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed…”

    • Their view it not that different from the Mexican gov’t.
      Mexico has a “right to keep and bear arms” that has a huge exception. That being any firearm that is designated for gov’t and military use only, is banned for mere mortal civilians. And they only have one gun store in the entire country.
      The cartels have no such limits on firearms, ammo, or access. The gov’t prosecutes civilians that take up arms against the cartels.
      That is what democrats want in the US.

  5. It is nice when a judge recognizes the truth contained in the Constitution, having said that, it is irrelevant what judges recognize. It is only truly relevant what the citizens of America recognize. After all is said and done I doubt any of the crowns judges recognized our founding fathers right to defend their new country, but defend they did, with arms.

      • Yeah “AMF”… They might have made bowling balls and were not quite as conscientious about quality control (especially electrical) as they could/should have been, BUT AMF was an important placeholder in the history of HD keeping the company alive til Willie G. and others could gather the financial support to buy the company back and make it profitable again… I own a Knuckle, a Pan, a Shovel, 2 Evos, a Twin Cam, a Milwaukee 8 and two Sportsters (including an old 1964 Ironhead in a chopped Paughco frame) and I ride and enjoy ALL of them…

  6. The dude needs to study the history of the militias in the 18th and 19th Centuries.

    Unorganized militias protected themselves and their communities.

    • MS is one of the very few States which still maintains a traditional militia under the command of the Governor. It serves as a backup to the MSNG, and is part of the MS Constitution.

    • groups of people..whatever the size…coming together even briefly to defend their communities…even their neighborhoods…is a long standing tradition in this country

  7. “The preamble to the Second Amendment mentions service in a militia as a reason citizens have the right to keep and bear arms”

    I don’t believe this is true. I don’t think the second amendment gives people any rights, it states people already have the right in order for people to remain free.

    People don’t have a right to form a militia, therefore the govt will allow people to have guns…The people have the right to keep and bear arms PERIOD, and that right cannot be infringed.

    “the right of the people” Means the people already have the right.

    • Cato,

      Good point. The Constitution enshrines, protects God- given rights.

      But, leftist extremists tend to dis God.

    • The preamble to the Second Amendment allows for a militia as something a responsible member of the community could do with his firearm. The right to self protection, search of food and practice to get better are rights from God, as doing so hurts no one innocent.
      Well regulated means we can assemble to practice as a group and will be ready in case there is an emergency.
      Think volunteer fire dept.

      • The 2nd amendment allows nothing. The 2nd amendment states people have the rights to own firearms and those rights can not be taken away by the govt. The militia is mentioned because of its importance in keeping people free and a disarmed militia would be useless.

    • The ten amendments in the Bill of Rights are all about limiting government, not the rights of the people The right to free speech is a natural right, granted by our Creator, not by man or the Constitution. The 1st amendment was designed to provide additional protection to that right by explicitly limiting the government.

      Say it with me: your right to free speech does not come from the 1st amendment!!! It is a natural right. Just like the right to be armed does not come from the 2nd amendment. “Shall not be infringed” seemed pretty clear.

    • The Supreme Court agrees with you: “This [the right to arms] is not a right granted by the Constitution. Neither is it in any manner dependent upon that instrument for its existence. The Second Amendment declares that it shall not be infringed; but this, as has been seen, means no more than that it shall not be infringed by Congress.”- U.S. v. Cruikshank, 92 U.S. 542 (1875)

      • The government grants no rights. It cannot. The Constitution created the government, and was the People granting the consent to be governed and thus granting certain authorities to the new government. The Bill of Rights was simple prohibitive statements declaring areas in which the government was specifically restrained.

  8. “the Constitution is clear that the only militias protected by the Second Amendment are “well-regulated” units authorized and controlled by state governments, not a private citizen militia.” – translation: “The Constitution clearly means what I want it to, even though it doesn’t actually say that.” What an embarrassment that this guy is at UNH.

    • The Constitution is clear that it is a right held by “the people,” not the militia or a state. Here’s an interpretation of the 2A using the author’s reasoning: “Heavily restricted government organized troops being necessary to a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be restricted.” It makes no sense that the preamble would say the exact opposite of the body. Let’s try: “A properly functioning troop of armed and trained citizens being necessary for a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be restricted.” Both parts are consistent. The people are the citizens that form the militia, and they have the right. Note that the right is given to all people, not just those in who are currently serving in the militia.

  9. Of course, he ignores that Benito’s ruling also argued that AR-15s are great for home defense.

    • Only debate I have against that is the associated hearing damage. Of course suppressors should be largely unregulated to begin with if logic and public health had anything to do with the subject.

      • Hollywood has a lot to do with how the public views suppressors..[“silencers”] this country…

  10. Gould has a pointless argument. The RKBA has been ruled an individuals right not a collective.

    • True, Jim, BUT . . . it was an individual’s right BEFORE the Constitution was even adopted. The Founders clearly understood that our rights are INHERENT (“natural” rights of “God-given” rights, take your pick). As others in this thread have noted, the Consitution and BoR “grant” us exactly diddly-squat. They merely (i) define and establish a structure within which to exercise those rights (ALWAYS subject to the right TJ put in the DoI to “dissolve it and form another”), and (ii) tell the “government” what NOT to mess with.

  11. I guess she never saw George Mason’s comment during the debate over adopting the Second, “The Militia, sir, is the people”.

  12. Gould has a pointless argument. The RKBA has been ruled an individual right not a collective one.

    • That’s the beginning and the end of the argument. The Bill of Rights restricts the government, not the people. It does not enumerate government rights, but the rights of individuals.

  13. I suppose it’s consistent with fluid pronoun type thinking these people are prone to.
    Nothing means anything until if and when I decide it means something and then you better agree with me absolutely or you’re literally Hitler.

  14. Benitez accepts this individual right, including to own assault weapons,

    I did not read the entire opinion, nor did I spend the night at a Holiday Inn Express, but I don’t believe the Judge made a specific reference to “Assault Weapons” which, if he did, would be okay since any “weapon” can be used to “assault” someone or something…

    The argument about Militias and “The People” is rediculous, in the 1700s there was no internet, cell phones, landlines or any other rapid communication methods and folks couldn’t just drop their plows and run off to some centralized location for a week of training so the 2nd acknowledged that ALL “people” had the right to defend themselves and that guns were a necessary part of that self defense… It also acknowledges that those “people” might be called upon to defend their communities and/or their country and should be properly equipped to do so…

  15. There is no mention or consideration of “citizen-led”, “business/privately-funded”, or “State-sponsored” militia in the Second Amendment. The Founders intended The People, individually and collectively, to be able to stand against any organized, armed band, be it the Ohio National Guard, the Alabama Chapter of the KKK, Michael Bloomberg’s armed security detail, the Janjaweed or any band of bullies that might threaten the lives, liberties and general pursuit of happiness of the American public.

    The purpose of the Second Amendment is to regulate the militia, not The People.

    Keep repeating that, over and over.

    Knowing what the then-Colonists had forced upon them by the Brits, particularly in Boston(!), there can be no doubt of their intention. Looking far into the future, they intended the Second Amendment to allow the general American citizenry to protect themselves from anything; from roving bands of criminal raiders to a full invading force from another nation. Drawing from thousands of years of previous history, they attempted to cover them all using the single word: “militia”.

    For our purposes, we need to stop worrying about what constitutes a “militia” and focus on the Creator-established right for people to protect themselves from anything that could loosely labelled a “militia”. This whole nonsense issue is just one more “problem” caused by the Constitution itself being conceived and written by men with far more experience, education, knowledge and intelligence than most people alive today. We seem to be able to read but not comprehend. We need to change this long-held narrative and return to the original intentions of our Founders- the Second Amendment was designed to control (regulate) anything that could be considered a “militia”, not The People.

    Long bio video:
    Short pre-roll video:

  16. If that were the case Mr. Eliga Gould, the 2nd Amendment would not even exist much less say what it does. The word “militia” would not even be part of the American lexicon of vocabulary. It’s wouldn’t be a thing and therefore would not be a topic of discussion.

    Militia does NOT mean National Guard. The militia is the citizen population. The average Joe. Your next door neighbor and your coworker. Every soldier that exists within every branch of the American armed forces comes from the militia…the general population. As such, the handling and skills in the use of firearms is absolutely critical.

  17. “Does a citizen militia include the protesters who occupied the Michigan State Capitol during the spring of 2020, posing with assault weapons slung over their shoulders?”

    Yes. The Second Amendment is to allow citizens “to throw off such government and to provide new guards for their future security”. It isn’t for stopping an invading army, it isn’t for self defense, it sure as hell isn’t for hunting, it’s for removing politicians from office when they become intolerable and holding the threat of such removal over their heads so they don’t. Period.

    • The leftards have so polluted the word “militia” I’m afraid we’re on our own. Yes Kyle in Kenosha was part of an unorganized militia. Look what it got him. We
      all have to make a choice. Citizens or subjects…

    • “The Second Amendment is to allow citizens ‘to throw off such government and to provide new guards for their future security’. It isn’t for stopping an invading army, it isn’t for self defense, it sure as hell isn’t for hunting, it’s for removing politicians from office when they become intolerable and holding the threat of such removal over their heads so they don’t. Period.”

      Exactly. You beat me to it.

  18. well regulated=overtaxed to the point of stolen and misused by our government..and we have too many laws…

    so we are well regulated…leave us alone..

  19. The progs have demonized the word “militia” to mean “toothless white hayseeds chasing down minorities.” That’s the definition now being weaponized by the federal government against its own citizens. Again, the progs’ disagreement with the Second has nothing to do with safety, or “gun violence,” or any other canard. It’s about who holds the power; the People, or a centralized government.

  20. Christ, these people can read the lines between the lines between the spheres of lines between the concepts of lines currently arguing with the concepts of between. It’s a never ending parade of horse shit and gobbledygook. It’s so tiring.

  21. Although Benitez surely knows that the United States has a long history of vigilantism and mob violence…

    What country on this planet does NOT have a long history of vigilantism and mob violence? Inquiring minds want to know…

      • REALLY? Where do you get your information?
        South Sudan hasn’t known peace since it became an independent nation in 2011. Tribal warfare, children kidnapped and forced to fight, “Despite renewed political commitment, staggering levels of violence continued across South Sudan for the second successive year, UN experts note”… South Sudan declared Independece in 2011 to escape the violence of the Sudan only to see it continue on steroids since… The entire “History” of South Sudan has been rife with violence, be it 10 years, 10 days or 10 centuries…

    • the difference is we have a bit more than torches and pitchforks to operate with…an armed peasantry has always been something feared in Europe….

  22. It’s really quite simple, but the progs always muddy the waters in order to sow doubt and confusion. The PEOPLE as a whole are NOT part of the “well-regulated” militia, they SUPERSEDE it. A “well-regulated” militia, well-organized, trained, and supplied, is necessary for security, but that does not mean the PEOPLE are barred from holding, wielding and using arms.

    There. Easy as pie. A piece of cake. Clear as glass.

    • Yes. The regulated/organized militia is just a small subset of the people. The right of *all* the nation’s people to keep and bear arms must not be infringed — because you can’t assemble that subset if the larger set doesn’t exist.

  23. They wipe there A$$ with all the supplementary information where the founders made it absolutely clear what they meant, people in charge to interpret law especially when it comes to a well documented amendment who just use that one part (“well regulated” etc) to make there judgement are purposefully and willfully ignoring its entirity for gain

  24. The huge difficulty here, with respect to state-organized militia and informal or not chartered militia, lies in the actual history of the Revolution.

    First, there EXISTED military companies which self-organized. They called themselves “Associators” because they voluntarily associated. In the case of PA, the Quaker legislature did not adopt a militia law which would have compelled its members to take up arms. In other cases, circumstances motivated voluntary association. E.g., on the frontier, villagers weren’t going to wait for a charter from a distant capital before they organized themselves.

    Second, in the colonial era, militia were chartered by the colonial legislatures in the name of the Crown. When these militia decided to resist the Crown they had a loyalty problem. Officers resigned their Royal commissions and accepted commissions from their local legislatures, or from their subordinates. Neither had any Royal power to grant the officers their new commissions. We must ask: When did the formerly Royally-chartered legislatures become re-chartered by some democratic process? It would not be until sometime following their ratification of the 4 July 1776 Declaration of Independence. Until that moment – and possibly a subsequent re-election by their constituents – these legislatures acted under only a Royal charter.

    The dilemma we face is this: Either these militia were disloyal renegades with no official charter, and therefore, their acts were treasonous; or, alternatively, any People have an inherent right to join together to resist tyranny.

    From the viewpoint of the Crown, the conclusion is the same either way. Such as took up arms were treasonous and would be hanged when caught.

    From the viewpoint of “a decent respect to the opinions of mankind” would just men of good will and of a democratic mindset have respected the Crown’s hanging of rebellious militia openly carrying their arms, under the supervision of officers, and in uniform?

    The author would have us reject our founding as the outcome of illegitimate seeds of unofficially sanctioned arms taking. This we can not do.

    • “Either these militia were disloyal renegades…or…people have an inherent right to join together to resist tyranny.”

      Interesting…started me thinking. I think it’s not either/or, but both; you actually kind of said so yourself.

      They *were* disloyal renegades — until they defeated the power that considered them such. At that point they were no longer renegades; they were The Power. They could have continued behaving like renegades or become a new set of tyrants (most revolutionaries do), but instead they reorganized not merely for their own benefit, but for everyone’s. And being men of principle, they recognized that if they had the right to organize and resist tyranny, everyone must — and encoded it in the founding documents of their new constitutional system.

      Which is why the would-be tyrants — who themselves are disloyal renegades, adhering to an ideology that is hostile to the constitutional republic — are trying so hard to cast themselves as the guardians of some kind of holy social order and our founding principle as disorder.

      Until and unless they defeat the rest of us, they’re on the renegade side (the wrong side) of that both/and scenario. And if they do defeat the rest of us, they’ll STILL be on the wrong side of it, because they’re renegades whose true aim is tyranny…so they have to remove our ability to throw off the shackles they’re shaping. And failing that (because they’ll never confiscate enough guns to keep themselves safe, and they probably know it), convince the rest of us that we shouldn’t actually *want* to repudiate them.

  25. Who are the militia? They consist now of the whole people, except a few public officers. But I cannot say who will be the militia of the future day. If that paper on the table [the Constitution] gets no alteration, the militia of the future day may not consist of all classes, high and low, and rich and poor.
    — George Mason

    That “paper on the table” did get the update he was hoping for, in the form of the Bill of Rights. Yet gaslighters like Gould are still trying to destroy the militia that they were explicitly attempting to protect.

  26. Just another elitist Bolshevik pretending to be a Constitutional scholar, like Chicago Jesus. Leftists despise the Constitution, and don’t be fooled, they do like firearms, the ones which they control to eliminate their political opponents. Leftists are against random killing unless they are the ones who are doing the random killing.

    • And the Lefties fully support government sanctioned violence of arms being brought against citizens. Guns the Left controls are good, and should be used to disarm political rivalries, whose guns are necessarily bad, as the Left does not control them.

  27. Considering that during the time of the Revolutionary War, Militia groups that were formed for the most part supplied their own firearms. As was also the case after the Revolutionary War. Many of the states simple did not have the necessary monies to arm it’s Militias. Which was not necessary considering that the owning of a firearm was considered an essential tool of everyday life. Since history from this time is rarely taught in schools and if it is it’s mostly about the Founders not the everyday citizens. Which makes it easy for Liberals to insert their own story lines into the argument. Revisionist History has long been a tactic of Tyrannical Regimes. The Nazi’s relied on it during their rise to power. What we have been witnessing over the last several decades is Liberals following the same playbook. Sadly it is only now that many have finally opened their eyes long enough to see it clearly.

    • the difference is we have a bit more than torches and pitchforks to operate with…an armed peasantry has always been something feared in Europe….

  28. The progs engage in this linguistic legerdemain because they know it is almost impossible to remove/change the Second. They use weasel-words, canards, and baseless fears to stoke support for infringements. Unfortunately, they won’t just give up. The power they seek is just to important to them.

  29. Let’s use the common-sense approach and meet in the middle. This way- everyone’s happy…

    A well regulated [gov’t supplied, trained, and bureaucratically controlled] Militia, being necessary to the security of a [Constitution-]free [oppressive, tyrannical] State, [inexorably requires that] the right of the [able-bodied, self-trained, self-supplied, self-organized] people [citizens] to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

  30. There answer to this is easy. Do the citizen militias swear to uphold and defend the constitution. That is what separates the IRA from the NRA. Enough said.


    • Strangely, NTexas, that almost-incoherent word vomit (LOUD word vomit!!) sounds very much like what King George and his ministers might have said about Washington, the Continental Army, and the militias. Jefferson expressly stated that men had the inherent right that “. . . whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these Ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its Foundation on such Principles, and organizing its Powers in such Form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.”

      Do try to keep up, slow and annoyingly loud one. (and also consider learning punctation and basic grammar – or do you see yourself as the “anti-e.e. cummings”?? Trust me, you aren’t.)

    • You spelled Trump like leftist.

      You can drop the act and debate as an equal here. If you are capable.

  32. Anderson’s new book quotes the Criminal Founders of the U.S. such as the Incompetent George Washington, the hypocrite Jefferson and Madison etc. who were absolutely terrified of the slave uprising in Haiti and the overthrow of the French Government there. The Founders of the U.S. were worried that the White Slave owners who were fleeing and bringing their slaves with them would influence U.S. Slaves into an all encompassing U.S slave revolt which certainly had a big influence on the writing 2A the most disingenuous Amendment of the Bill of Rights and it was meant to be that way. More on that shortly. 2A was also written to cajole the States into joining the new Federal Government by promising them a State Militia independent of any Federal oversight (at least it was that way in the beginning). The Scoundrels that founded the U.S. were well aware of the rather low educational level and often low intellect level of the average citizen, it was almost as low as the current Trumpite morons as well as the Qanon nut cases of today. 2A was political and gave the proletariat the illusion they had the right to own arms as individuals but nothing could have been further than the truth about the right to own arms for the individual.

    Justice Burger and others like him have stated that a Militia is always controlled by the criminals in power i.e. the rulers of the States, and individuals who join take their orders from their masters (the henchmen working for the rulers). If you get out of line you get shot. In other words the Militia had nothing to do with the individuals right to own arms.

    It must be emphasized and recalled that the Criminals who founded the U.S. feared democracy and called it mob rule and even denied the right to vote to most white men, slaves, women and dogs, who were naturally forbidden to vote, the last thing they would have wanted to happen is to have the proletariat given the right to own arms but they could not spell that out in plain English hence the vaguely written 2A. The corrupt courts have taken full advantage of 2A’s vagueness and have restricted and banned guns for decades.

    The Criminals who founded the U.S. forever denied the people the right to a true Grecian democracy and a multiparty parliamentary government. When the scoundrel founders, later under threat, gave white men the right to vote with one hand they then quickly sabotaged that right with the corrupt practices of gerrymandering which made the right to vote nothing more a delusion and they later introduced the corrupt electoral college, as well as lobbying (which is merely legalized bribery) which firmly established a country for the filthy rich and run by the filthy rich (oligarchy) and it remains so to this very day and is perhaps the most corrupt country on the planet.

    Only 1/3 of the American people supported the Revolution and another 1/3 actually fought with the British and another 1/3 remained neutral. Roughly 150,000 Americans left for Candida after the Revolutionary war. Canada did not waste millions on a war which in the U.S. set its economic development back decades.

    George Washington was a megalomaniac and perhaps the most incompetent general in U.S. history. He had made a dismal record in the French and Indian War when he fought with the British and then had the audacity to ask for a Generalship in the British Army. The British of course laughed in his face and called him for what he was, incompetent, and they also called him a Colonial (original word for dumb ass hillbilly). Washington in a livid rage screamed that he would start his own army which was the real reason he wanted war with the British as it had nothing to do with freedom for the American people but rather his own wounded pride.

    The weak willed Washington, (to terrified of the greed monger corrupt merchants that wanted the war because they were too damn cheap to spend a few pennies in taxation to support the hand that was feeding them with prosperity i.e. Britain) stabbed his best general in the back (Benedict Arnold) by failing to reimburse Arnold for over 1 million in compensation for having spent his own money to help finance the war. Washington also stabbed his best friend Thomas Paine in the back and almost got him executed when he was imprisoned in France because he ignored Paine’s plea for him to help him and contact the French Government as to his release. Without Paine’s propaganda pamphlets the American Revolution would never have gotten off the ground. Yes Washington was a real back stabbing asshole.

    Washington forever the incompetent. lost more battles than he won and was almost captured twice. Washington was so incompetent he actually had to hire an old “has been” alcoholic German General to train his troops for him. If it had not been for French intervention with their professional army skilled in siege warfare along with their up-to-date cannon and the outstanding performance of the French Navy Washington would have lost the war and been hug by his dirty balls. The U.S. today would then have been a truly democratic country and probably be devoid of legalized bribery by lobbying and have multiple political parties and a democratic parliamentary government. The most patriotic thing any American could do today is to piss on George Washington’s grave.

    This Post sponsored by Putin Super Pac for Trump in 2024. Remember Biden is democracy’s best fiend and no Republican wants democracy.

    • This Post sponsored by Putin Super Pac for Trump in 2024. Remember Biden is democracy’s best fiend and no Republican wants democracy.

      Yeah Biden just might be democracy’s best “FIEND” (your words) ……

    • and yet Washington was the only officer to save the day when Braddock and the rest of his officers went down…

    • where were the French at Saratoga?…largely a “militia” victory…it wasn’t till after that that they chose to get involved…

    • No, dipshit, Republicans DO NOT want a democracy – which is kinda why, as the drafters of the Constitution were leaving Independence Hall, and a woman asked Benjamin Franklin “What kind of government have you given us, Mr. Franklin?”, he responded, “A republic, ma’am . . . if you can keep it.”

      The rest of your incomprehensible, ahistorical, overwrought word salad is summarily rejected for the putrid mess of Marxist propaganda that it is.

    • “Anderson’s new book quotes the Criminal Founders of the U.S. such as the Incompetent George Washington, the hypocrite Jefferson and Madison etc.”

      Look, ‘dacien’ thinks its being clever!

      The America you want will be run by Marxists.

      We know how deal with Marxists like yourself, little boy… 🙂

      • Socialism is the Far Rights Name for just about anything that helps people.

        The stingy Far Right are so ignorant they think that squeezing a penny so hard it screams for mercy today will not cause them to go bankrupt tomorrow when they desperately need social programs or services. Blind greed crushes all logical thinking of the Far Right. Its also the real reason they refuse to believe science when it tells them that global warming is real. Their blind greed is so totally encompassing that they do not even care what happens to their children as the world burns up under their feet.

        • Gee, dacian, thanks for pointing that out! I has managed to totally overlook all the good that socialism has done “the people” of Cuba, Venezuela, China, North Korea, Cambodia (those “Killing Fields” sure fed the poor, didn’t they??), Nicaragua, Russia . . . the list could go on and on, but I’m tired of typing to “refute” idiocy. Who you gonna believe, Karl Marx and Joseph Stalin and Mao Tse-Tung, or your lyin’ eyes??

          As for your completely unhinged statement about “The stingy Far Right . . .”? Obviously you are ahistorical and ignorant, or you would be aware that EVERY study on the subject (and there are dozens, if not hundreds) conclusively shows that “conservative” and “religious” people are FAR more likely to make charitable contributions, ACROSS EVERY INCOME LEVEL, than are “liberals.” Y’all Leftist twits want to be “generous” with other people’s money. P*** off, Leftist, or reach into your OWN pocket.

          Finally, “when they desperately need social programs or services”? Really??? How about this, dacian – I’ll happily forgo ALL of those “desperately need[ed] social programs or services”, if you and the rest of the Leftists, and Congress, and the White House (ah, but I repeat myself), keep their damn hands OUT of my pockets, and let me run my life, and my business, as I choose.

          Like Ron White said, “Ya can’t fix stupid!”


          Your ranting about money, money, money shows that you would rather save a penny in taxes today and then go bankrupt tomorrow when you desperately need affordable health care or retraining or life saving drugs. You really believe that you will be lucky and never need any of this. Its hard to believe that even the intellectually challenged could really believe their own stingy and greed monger rhetoric.

    • Utopias of communist and socialists Country’s bring equitable suffering to all who are not connected to the ruling class. If the ideas of communism and socialism were so great, Venezuela would have immigration issues and people would be swimming to Cuba from Miami.

      That diatribe you cut and pasted proves the need of education reform and a complete overhaul to remove the Marxists ideals they promote.

      • quote———————Utopias of communist and socialists Country’s bring equitable suffering to all who are not connected to the ruling class. ——————-quote
        Don’t make me laugh hysterically. Example. American woman ex-pat living in France. She had a medial emergency and was rushed to a Paris hospital. She saw a nurse immediately and asked to sign one piece of paper. She then was treated by a doctor who kept her overnight. The woman expected an Capitalvanian American style rape bill of at least $3,500 but received a total bill of $32.50. Please, Please give us all that are stuck in Capitalvania that kind of suffering. We want and need much more of it.

        Quote—————That diatribe you cut and pasted proves the need of education reform and a complete overhaul to remove the Marxists ideals they promote————-quote

        Oh great Capitlavanian historian and political scientist (of which you flunked both subjects) tell us why in Socialized Europe and the Far East (that unlike in Capitalvania) people do not die in the streets like dogs because they cannot even afford life saving old fashioned drugs like insulin or preventive health care, or public housing so they do not have to live in tents or under bridges as they do in Capitalvania where life is considered cheap and expendable. Why is it that only Socialistic countries have cradle to grave security and treat their people like human beings with adequate retirement, full time work, overtime pay, paid for medical care and life saving drugs, mental health care , sane gun control laws which result in safe streets safe from mass murders every day.

        Sorry brainwashed Storm Trooper but you may live in a fantasy world but educated people are well aware of how the rest of the industrialized countries treat their people. The Danish people laughed their asses off when Trump said he was considering letting more of the come here. In Denmark they get better wages, overtime pay, 30 days of holidays, 3 weeks vacation just to start a job, better retirement, affordable education and heath care, safe streets and are treated as human beings in the work place.

        • If those places are so perfect, why not abandon this hellhole for that better life about which you’ve waxed so eloquent?

          You’re welcome to go to any of those socialistic utopias you like. Go ahead, we won’t stop you. The world’s your oyster.

        • We had a President who worked to drop costs of certain drugs such as insulin, even opening up exportation of those drugs to lower costs. He was a capitalist, then a new President decided that could not stand, he is a leftists.

          When you want to compare some of the European Countries to the US you forget many factors. The US is much larger and more diverse, and we send tremendous amounts of capital to those Countries. Their programs would fall apart without our capitalism supporting them. Consider also we have provided most of the costs of Europe’s defense since WWII.

          What happens if these places were made to work within their GDPs without the aid of our capitalist money? To provide for their own defense with out our help? Do you think they would survive?

          You make a good point for the US to withdraw aid to these utopias so we can spend less and do more here.

          The US does have housing for the poor, we give welfare out like candy on Halloween and yet the poor stay poor? Why is that? Is giving something to someone less effective that teaching them to earn for themselves?

          As far as your claim that no one dies in the streets except in the US is laughable. That is a human condition that will exist under any system.

          Look at our Southern border, why are all these brown and black people trying to come here? Some even make it from Europe and Africa to come here. Why? If these other Countries provided so much an immigrant would be better off there. Oh wait, these are mostly white Countries who dislike p.o.c. immigration and have tight border controls. A little racist isn’t it?

          However many of these places in Europe practice soft socialism with help of our foreign aid . We could find out if Margaret Thatcher was correct about running out of other people’s if the great evil capitalvania suddenly suspended foreign aid.

        • To Former Paratrooper.

          Quote——————-We had a President who worked to drop costs of certain drugs such as insulin, even opening up exportation of those drugs to lower costs. He was a capitalist, then a new President decided that could not stand, he is a leftists. —————quote

          Where do you get such baloney. Trump did not lower the cost of drugs they went up and Biden is working on expanding Obama Care but its the greed monger prostitute Republicans that are holding his plan up.

          quote————-When you want to compare some of the European Countries to the US you forget many factors. The US is much larger and more diverse, and we send tremendous amounts of capital to those Countries. Their programs would fall apart without our capitalism supporting them. Consider also we have provided most of the costs of Europe’s defense since WWII.——————-quote

          Wrong, studies show that the U.S. is the stingiest industrial nation on earth and it spends far less of a percentage of its Gross Wealth on foreign aid than smaller countries do such as Germany and France. Although the U.S. amount in dollars is more because of its size the percentage of what it actually spends is much smaller than many European Countries

          quote—————-What happens if these places were made to work within their GDPs without the aid of our capitalist money? To provide for their own defense with out our help? Do you think they would survive? ————–quote

          Wrong again. Germany and France are two of the richest countries in Europe and with the amount of foreign aid they give they prove that they could easily up their expenditures on their military but why bother when they have the Morons in the U.S. keeping our troops and weapons right there for them to use.

          quote———The US does have housing for the poor, we give welfare out like candy on Halloween and yet the poor stay poor? Why is that? Is giving something to someone less effective that teaching them to earn for themselves? ———-quote

          More ignorant and racist far right baloney. The U.S. expenditures for Corporate Welfare dwarf what the government doles out to poor people. You would not be making such asinine statements about the U.S. Government giving out welfare like candy if you had ever had to live on what little they actually give people compared to the tremendous benefits that Socialistic countries give to their people . Its absolutely shameful how little the U.S. gives its citizens compared to European countries and what they give and they are much smaller and less wealthier.

          quote——–As far as your claim that no one dies in the streets except in the US is laughable. That is a human condition that will exist under any system. ——–quote

          Fact. I spoke to a fellow from the Ukraine who when he got off the plane in the U.S. and saw the multitudes of people living on the streets was absolutely shocked and horrified, he said to himself “My God what kind of a country did I come too that lets people live like this.

          Another example: During the 80’s Putin brought an American man who had lost his job, his insurance and his home and he let the man tell the Russian people what Capitalvania was really like to live in. Putin told them next time you complain about mother Russia just remember what it is really like to live in the U.S.

          quote—–Look at our Southern border, why are all these brown and black people trying to come here? Some even make it from Europe and Africa to come here. Why? If these other Countries provided so much an immigrant would be better off there. Oh wait, these are mostly white Countries who dislike p.o.c. immigration and have tight border controls. A little racist isn’t it? —–quote

          No it is you who are the racist and far right people like you. In reality Trump reduced legal immigration to its lowest level in U.S. History while at the same time Europe took in millions of refuges, Germany alone took in 1 million refugees, the majority being from Syria while Trump banned all Syrian refugees and it was the son of a Syrian refugee that invented the cell phone and brought in millions of profit to the U.S proving that it is Immigrants and refugees that have continued to make American great not some racist moron in a read hat (Herr Drumpf) whose entire family going back 3 generations never served a day in the military. This is what your lord god Trump is really like. .

          Quote–However many of these places in Europe practice soft socialism with help of our foreign aid –quote

          What ignorance. As I mentioned above European Countries like Britain give out a higher percentage of their wealth in foreign aid than the U.S. does. Quite making a fool of your self on subjects you know nothing about.

          Give up you are out of your league.

        • To ING

          quote——————–If those places are so perfect, why not abandon this hellhole for that better life about which you’ve waxed so eloquent?

          You’re welcome to go to any of those socialistic utopias you like. Go ahead, we won’t stop you. The world’s your oyster.—————–quote

          I and other Socialist Crusaders have not, like you, dedicated our lives to blind greed and racism but rather we choose to make life better for all Americans who will all receive equal rights, and a fair livable wage. We fight to defeat the greed monger criminal Capitalvanians who have enslaved the American worker by stagnating wages for the past 50 plus years while increasing their own wealth by a staggering 350%.

          We the Crusaders of Socialism fight to end white privilege, mass murder, police brutality and murder and a government that as Jimmy Carter said “Is the most warlike government on earth”. In the 245 years of U.S. History we have had only 16 years of peace. One of the sorriest records in all of civilization.

          We strive to live in a safe society ending the rivers of blood that flow down our streets on an almost hourly basis wile jackbooted Republicans only offer thoughts and prayers.

          We strive to guarantee no one loses their health care and home when they lose their jobs.

          We strive to make higher education affordable to all students so they do not go bankrupt when they do attend a university or even a vocational training school.

          Leaving is the cowards way out but staying in for the fight and the final defeat of the jack booted greed monger and sadistic and racist Far Right is the most noblest cause in the history of mankind. The victory will be the glorious triumph of good over evil.

          As Paul Henreid said to Humphrey Bogart in the movie “Casablanca” when they were fighting the Racist Nazi Far Right ” WELCOME TO THE FIGHT”

          And for those of you who still believe in bronze age mysticism it was the prophet Christ who drove the evil Capitalvanians out of a temple of worship as Christ was the perfect Socialist and lived his life as a Socialist. Remember the Far Right would crucify Christ if he were alive today. Now all you far right religious hypocrites put that in your pipe and smoke it because the truth does hurt.

      • quote——————–Dacian, you forget a few facts. Our foreign aid may be a few percentage points less, but you forget our expenditures for NATO as compared to the Countries who depended in that alliance. Look at the whole picture of American aid not just one part. A larger part of our GDP goes out to foreign Countries in a variety of ways—————quote

        Wrong here are the stats from two different sources

        In terms of raw quantity, the U.S. spends the most on foreign aid of any country; however, as a percent of GDP, US foreign aid spending ranks near the bottom compared to other developed countries. The next highest spender on foreign aid is Germany.

        As a percent of gross domestic product (GDP), however, U.S. aid spending ranks near the bottom of all developed countries. It accounts for 0.18 percent of GDP, twenty-second out of twenty-eight countries measured by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).

        quote——————Yes some European Countries took more immigrants in, and they were welcomed with open arms. We did curtail our immigration. The immigration policies of the left in this Country is detrimental to our citizens, especially those of color. Undocumented, illegal immigrants drive wages down. Legal immigrants do not.———–quote

        Standard Right Wing rabid sickening racism.

        Fact: Immigrants do not drive wages down the Capitalvanian greed mongers do. Immigrants take jobs most American will not do. Example: the California fruit and vegetable farmers cannot get Americans to do these jobs. The meat industry is another unhealthful industry that most Americans refuse to work in but immigrants do. Its fact that immigrants are more likely to start a business and more likely to be successful at it and not just in the U.S. its a phenomena that is world wide in all countries. And immigrants cannot run businesses by themselves they hire workers which give people jobs which further stimulates the economy. History has shown again and again immigrants both legal and even illegal are a benefit to the economy of all countries not just the U.S.

        Quote—————–If you want to raise wages, try to push for better education. STEM and trades offer good liveable wages. Studies in gender fluid intersectional turtles of the Middle Ages offers no path to earn a living.——————-quote

        You really fell into the shit house on this reply. The facts are that Germany and France and other European countries spend far more in both the private sector and governmental sector on retraining of workers. In the past in the 60’s the U.S. used to do the same but no more. It has become almost impossible for a worker to go back to school and finance his further education. Also Our governmental aid to education has been cut over and over again by the stingy Capitalvanian Republicans who refuse to invest in their own country and its people preferring to just buy and then sell foreign made goods.

        quote—————-Quit looking at skin color, start by acknowledging a person’s character. Give charity to someone who is down and needs a hand, but don’t allow them to use it for a reason not to work or earn a livin—————–quote

        Right Wing propaganda and bullshit. Your philosophy has failed miserably as we have now over 330 million people and private charities cannot even come close to giving aid to needy people. And as far as earning a living what bullshit, the Capitalvanians have stagnated the working man’s wages over the last 50 years and now people are working not 2 but 3 and even 4 part time slave wage jobs with no benefits, no heath care, no retirement, no days off and no vacations. They are modern day serfs.

        quote————-If people could do those simple things we could realize the dreams of our founders and the Declaration of Independence that all mean are created equal. Don’t be part of the group that holds us back.—————–quote

        No its bullshitters l like you that are holding the American people in the chains of economic slavery because you support the Capitalvanian criminals who pay wages so low that recently even the low paying unemployment checks were higher than what people were making holding down 3 & 4 part time slave wage jobs, that is how obscene it has become in Capitalvania.

        • You still didn’t look at the whole picture of what the US gives to the world beyond foreign aid. Where would Europe be if the US did not invest treasure and blood over the years since WWII. I dare you to look at the total contributions of the US to subsidize the rebuilding of Europe’s economy and infastructure. Then look at what each country contributed in the same time span. Again, the total, not just select time periods.

          You conflate legal and illegal immigration.

          You didn’t answer what view of socialism you follow. Your efforts and talking points reads like Marx. Especially telling is you don’t think people should have to work.

          Government is not your mother or father. Nor is it for coddling you. You are responsible for you, no one else is once you reach the age of majority. You are responsible for your family, not society or the government. If you can’t handle the responsibility, don’t reproduce.

          Marx was lazy, he allowed his four of his children to die of malnourition because he wouldn’t lift a finger to support his family. His two daughters committed suicide likely because their father failed to be there for them. He united workers, yet didn’t want to work. Now his ideas are heralded by the lazy who claim socialism will bring stability. Dead weight on society is nothing to aspire too.

          You definitely are a marxist.

          Reply as you will, I know your talking points. Your view is I am evil to believe people are responsible for their actions and the consequences. I am a racists because I judge a persons character and not their skin color. I am greedy because I support the only system that allowed people to capitalize on their work and products. And I would help a person in need but don’t feel responsible to provide for them forever.

          You bore me at this point.

    • Hey Dacian,
      you must really be proud to discover how your absolutely thought-depriving, and unerringly pre-pubescent so called mind, shines a light so bright, that everyone within your reach has discovered your great genius.

      To be so utterly and blindingly stupid is a trick very few people can achieve, and I’m sure it took a very long time of practice and study, for which I applaud you.

      I have no choice but to put you on a pedestal for such a monumental feat. May your name be carved in the stones of your pedestal for all eternity… 🙂

    • I’m not personally familiar with it, but is the pablum that dacian is disgorging critical race theory?

      If so- they’re making it assiduously clear just how fatuous and virulent CRT truly is.

      Pathetic, he said. That’s what it is.

      • quote—-I’m not personally familiar with it, but is the pablum that dacian is disgorging critical race theory?—————–quote

        Critical Race theory is shoving the truth about American racism down the throats of far right racists like you. Do not choke on the truth.

        • That’s a laugh Mrs. Robinson. That’s really a laugh.

          Dacian, you’re nearly a laugh.
          You’re nearly a laugh, but you’re really a cry…

        • Dacian, you forget a few facts. Our foreign aid may be a few percentage points less, but you forget our expenditures for NATO as compared to the Countries who depended in that alliance. Look at the whole picture of American aid not just one part. A larger part of our GDP goes out to foreign Countries in a variety of ways.

          Yes some European Countries took more immigrants in, and they were welcomed with open arms. We did curtail our immigration. The immigration policies of the left in this Country is detrimental to our citizens, especially those of color. Undocumented, illegal immigrants drive wages down. Legal immigrants do not.

          However, it was only recently that Europe decided to open their borders without proper vetting. Not a good thing. Some of these immigrants did not assimilate to the host Country. History will tell the failures of those policies.

          I know you solid in the socialist camp. Are you Maoist? Or a follower of Marx? Or another discipline?

          As far as many of your issues with society, those ills are caused not by patriots, nor by capitalism. Racism has two sides, those who practice it are ignorant and those who claim their opponents are racists are further more ignorant than actual racists.

          If you want to raise wages, try to push for better education. STEM and trades offer good liveable wages. Studies in gender fluid intersectional turtles of the Middle Ages offers no path to earn a living.

          Quit looking at skin color, start by acknowledging a person’s character. Give charity to someone who is down and needs a hand, but don’t allow them to use it for a reason not to work or earn a living.

          Your worth is your character, your ability to provide for your family and making decisions that benefit you in the long run.

          If people could do those simple things we could realize the dreams of our founders and the Declaration of Independence that all mean are created equal. Don’t be part of the group that holds us back.

    • Grecian democracy, nah I’m more into Mongolian democracy. No use killing people if your not going to eat them.

      • quote———————-Grecian democracy, nah I’m more into Mongolian democracy. No use killing people if your not going to eat them.————-quote

        Spoken like a true far right racist. By the way “Hill Jack” Mongolians history does not include cannibalism. I gave a little racism right back in your face, ya all. By the way you proved you flunked history class. LMAO

  33. Gould the Tool probably thinks that when the wagon trains were attacked by Native Americans when a mostly peaceful demonstration got out of hand, the settlers called 911.

  34. Everyone has their interpretation of the 2A, The Judges stance is what defines it. The People against Gun always want to manipulate it for their favor by whatever means including redefining what the constitution and bill of rights says.

  35. There is ample contemporary evidence of what the founding fathers were thinking regarding the militia:

    The Militia Act of 1792, Passed May 8, 1792, providing federal standards for the organization of the Militia.

    “An ACT more effectually to provide for the National Defence, by establishing an Uniform Militia throughout the United States.

    I. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America, in Congress assembled, That each and every free able-bodied white male citizen of the respective States, resident therein, who is or shall be of age of eighteen years, and under the age of forty-five years (except as is herein after excepted) shall severally and respectively be enrolled in the militia, by the Captain or Commanding Officer of the company, within whose bounds such citizen shall reside, and that within twelve months after the passing of this Act. And it shall at all time hereafter be the duty of every such Captain or Commanding Officer of a company, to enroll every such citizen as aforesaid, and also those who shall, from time to time, arrive at the age of 18 years, or being at the age of 18 years, and under the age of 45 years (except as before excepted) shall come to reside within his bounds; and shall without delay notify such citizen of the said enrollment, by the proper non-commissioned Officer of the company, by whom such notice may be proved. That every citizen, so enrolled and notified, shall, within six months thereafter, provide himself with a good musket or firelock, a sufficient bayonet and belt, two spare flints, and a knapsack, a pouch, with a box therein, to contain not less than twenty four cartridges, suited to the bore of his musket or firelock, each cartridge to contain a proper quantity of powder and ball; or with a good rifle, knapsack, shot-pouch, and powder-horn, twenty balls suited to the bore of his rifle, and a quarter of a pound of powder; and shall appear so armed, accoutred and provided, when called out to exercise or into service, except, that when called out on company days to exercise only, he may appear without a knapsack. That the commissioned Officers shall severally be armed with a sword or hanger, and espontoon; and that from and after five years from the passing of this Act, all muskets from arming the militia as is herein required, shall be of bores sufficient for balls of the eighteenth part of a pound; and every citizen so enrolled, and providing himself with the arms, ammunition and accoutrements, required as aforesaid, shall hold the same exempted from all suits, distresses, executions or sales, for debt or for the payment of taxes.”

    That’s right, folks. The founding fathers mandated that every man serving in the militia must provide his own weapons of war, and they had a very clear idea of what was required at the time. Imagine how the preceding paragraph would be written today. I am fairly certain that it would mandate that each militia member provide his own AR-15, sling, spare magazines, and ammunition, subject to certain standards.

    • During the Revolution Washington was short on men and weapons but this does not mean the new Government wanted citizens to have arms. They used the fools as cannon fodder to get into power and then immediately set in motion laws to deprive them of democracy and later the right to own arms. The history of the corrupt power mad courts have proved it.

      • The Militia Act was passed in 1792, ten years after the end of the war. And it mandated that citizens provide their own weapons.

        Regarding your assertion to the contrary, please cite your sources.

        • Wake up American history did not end in 1792. Take a look at the history of the corrupt gun hating courts which have blessed just about every anti-gun law ever passed and a deliberate and vaguely worded 2A enabled them to do so. And take a look at how the National Guard (original militia) has been now taken over by the Federal Government. The history is there for all to see and the Founders set it up so that in the future they could and did take away all the rights of the people as that was their intention from the very beginning.

  36. It doesn’t say “the right of the militia to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.” It says “the right of the PEOPLE to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.”

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