West Virginia Governor Jim Justice
West Virginia Governor Jim Justice (AP Photo/Chris Jackson, File)

“Proud day for me,” Republican Gov. Jim Justice said as he signed the [campus carry] bill, surrounded by more than two dozen state lawmakers, members of the National Rifle Association, and the West Virginia Citizens Defense League.

The law will take effect in July 2024. Similar legislation has passed in 11 other states.

Justice said guns have been present on state campuses even without the new law.

“For crying out loud, the doors are wide open,” he said. “This is just saying the law-abiding people have a right to be able to carry if they choose to do so. We just hope and pray that there’s never a problem. We can’t ensure in any way that there won’t be a problem.”

He wants the law to “send a message to the world, by God , if you want to mess with us, we can mess back.”

— John Raby in West Virginia governor signs campus carry gun bill


  1. Loads of exceptions in that bill. Of course, the restrictions will be ignored by the next shooter. Why is it that these supposedly brilliant professors and teachers are unable to comprehend that simple fact?

  2. this would be the perfect place to put that ‘F**k around and find out video’….unfortunately it has been removed from YouTube.

    It was at > https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d6sbPCIEMyI … and now it says ”
    Video unavailable This video has been removed by the uploader”

    (there are a few variations but its not the same)

  3. If it deters even ONE criminal whack-job from shooting up a West Virginia college…

    ‘Nuf said.

    • “If it deters even ONE criminal whack-job from shooting up a West Virginia college…”


  4. “The law will take effect in July 2024”

    Future implementation is fair for laws that create new crimes or penalties, to give citizens time to understand and comply. When a legislature (or court) amends or repeals existing laws that infringe a right, removal of that infringement should take effect immediately.

      • Imagine being the parent of a defenseless student killed in a “gun free” deathtrap in the interim, talking to the Governor: “So ‘the law-abiding people have a right to be able to carry,’ but only ‘if they choose to do so’ after the magical date of July 2024? ‘We just hope[d] and pray[ed] that’ violent criminals wouldn’t practice their trade until that arbitrary deadline, and are shocked! that that turned out not to be the case. You wanted to ‘send a message to the world, by God , if you want to mess with us’ after next July, ‘we can mess back,’ but also that our kids are free game until that oh-so-meaningful time.”

        • “our kids are free game until that oh-so-meaningful time.”

          No, currently guns are allowed on campus in West Virginia.

          “It is not now illegal to bring a concealed weapon onto a campus but if the gun bearer is asked to leave or give up the gun and refuses, that person can be charged.“


          And here’s some interesting observations:

          “While supporters cite the Second Amendment, he said, the author of that amendment, James Madison, joined with University of Virginia fellow board member (and UV creator) Thomas Jefferson to sign a resolution banning deadly weapons on the university campus.“

          “Delegate John Williams, also D-Monongalia, cited a Johns Hopkins School of Education study that showed of 111 mass shootings since 1966, only 13 took place in gun-free zones. The study said campus carry increases violence on campuses.“


        • “since 1966, only 13 took place in gun-free zones.”

          So (even ignoring all other GFZ) there’ve only been 13 school shootings since 1966? An obvious lie, from someone who (in any other context) probably claims there are 13 a month. Is that paragon of honesty your source for the other claims as well?

        • Johns Hopkins School of Education study that showed of 111 mass shootings since 1966, only 13 took place in gun-free zones.

          There’s been more than 13 since Jan 2020 (I found 26 SCHOOL shootings involving 4 or more deaths since 1966)… These “studies are ALL bullshit, you cite one that gives the numbers YOU like but you missed “Everytown” that said only 10% were in GFZs… Then there is Crime Research that says 94% occur in GFZs…

          Your study was NOT done by Johns Hopkins but rather it was done by Louis Klarevas, a professor at the University of Massachusetts-Boston. He uses three definitions: he refers to “gun-free zones” as places where civilians are not allowed to carry guns, and there aren’t armed personnel stationed on the property. He calls “gun-restricting zones” as places where civilians can’t carry guns, yet armed security is routinely present — such as military facilities or certain college campuses. He found 13 took place in gun-free zones and five took place in gun-restricting zones. That means that the majority occurred in areas where there was no evidence that private guns were prohibited. Since Klarevas includes mass shootings in private residences or during the commission of another crime… He also included shootouts between gangs in his study and uses a minimum of FOUR deaths per incident…
          If you are going to cite something at least include ALL pertinent parameters… There are numbers that range from 10% all the way to 98% and it all depends on which definition of a “mass shooting” is used, WHO is doing the study (pro-gun vs anti-gun) who PAID for the study, and WHO cites the study… Your dishonesty in order to “prove” YOUR point is obvious in EVERYTHING you post… I think you missed your calling; you are a prime example of the perfect far left progressive Democrat politician…

  5. Now is a perfect time to appropriate a libtard talking point.
    If it saves just one life…

  6. “Proud day for me,” Republican Gov. Jim Justice said as he signed the [campus carry] bill,

    Good for him…

  7. The three late night Jimmys will have monologues full of West Virginia / higher education oxymoron jokes for the next few nights. Brought to you by Pfizer.

  8. Instead of dealing with the problem, this seems more like dancing around it.

    Far too many people in this country want to be educated by those that think we are safer by being helpless. We even send our children to places that push heavily for everyone to be helpless. I don’t see any point but to make the population crazy and/or subservient. I completely agree that there are guns on campus anyway. Otherwise we would never be discussing school shootings. What I have a problem with is this half-baked luke warm nonsense.

    You can make a law allowing for firearms in a classroom but not if it’s a school sponsored event of over 1000? I guess as the numbers grow, human life means less. This is akin to allowing people to be armed in their cars but not if they drive on public roads.

    The only thing that makes any sense and would actually make a real difference is to get rid of gun free zones.

    • To bring more legislators on board there probably had to be some comfort given to worrywarts. Crowds, even those much less than 1000, usually have a police presense which may be behind the crowd size stipulation. The delay till July is probably time alloted for those interested to absorb the ground rules. After all there is no margin of error for the use of deadly force.

      • Then why not just post a cop or two instead of going through all this effort? All too often, the presence of law enforcement just means the world gets to see how fast a badge can run away and hide.

        The fact that there is no margin for error is precisely why those that carry should not do so flippantly. This is infact one of the things that distinguish the law abiding from the criminal.

        • Mass shooting response by Police? Not a solution, period!

          One word: Uvalde
          One word: Columbine
          One word: Parkland
          One word: Florida (Pulse night club)
          Two words: Las Vegas (Route 91 Harvest music festival)

          and even more words… We could list every one but in reality its all of them to which police have responded.


          Each police response gave the shooter exactly what they needed – and that is a minimum of ~3 minutes kill-zone dominance from time of entry before they are engaged by police. A lot of people can be shot in 3 minutes starting at shooter entry no matter if its a hand gun or rifle or shotgun or single shot or bolt action or semi-auto. If they shot anyone during that ~3 minutes or not is irrelevant – the fact they had this time without being stopped by police engagement gives them ~3 minutes kill-zone dominance and the choice is all up to them. This increases the likely hood of injury or death by around 80%.

          History and fact has shown that in areas where an armed law abiding ordinary citizen is allowed to be armed and is present and employs DGU to engage the shooter quickly the shooter has (on average) 15 seconds or less kill-zone dominance time resulting in less to none injury or death and decreases the likely hood of injury or death by around 94% overall.

        • But, will an armed law abiding ordinary citizen allowed to be armed in an area and present employ DGU to engage the shooter quickly?

          No one knows, but we do know that police either don’t or don’t do it quickly enough. But overall, when it has happened, an armed law abiding ordinary citizens allowed to be armed in the area and is present and employs DGU to engage the shooter quickly has happened a lot more quickly than waiting for police to do it.

        • “Two words: Las Vegas (Route 91 Harvest music festival)“

          Please help me understand how an armed citizen at the concert could’ve possibly stopped the unhinged gun nut in the hotel room.

        • @Miner49er

          “Please help me understand how an armed citizen at the concert could’ve possibly stopped the unhinged gun nut in the hotel room.”

          Once again you attempt to take out of context to embark on your grand tour of out of context trolling stupid.

          The context was the police didn’t for a while and…gave the shooter exactly what they needed and that is a minimum of ~3 minutes kill-zone dominance before they were engaged by police.

          The overall context, that I set with the very first line, was “Mass shooting response by Police? Not a solution, period!”

          There is a lot you need help on for understanding, one is learning how to read to understand what context means.

        • As of the time of this post, for today:

          There have not been any mass shootings appear in the news.

          But, across the country there have been 937 criminals attacks using knives resulting in 810 (collectively) serious injury’s or deaths for defenseless unarmed victims and zero serious injury’s or deaths for 127 victims that were armed with a firearm and employed DGU. (note: DGU also includes brandishing without actually firing, 5 of the 127 had to actually fire because the attacker did not flee and persisted in the attack).

          Its still early though. Daily across the country there are ~1,400 (quickly moving towards 1,500 if the upward trend continues), criminal knife attacks upon victims. Last year it was ~1,300 daily but started increasing towards the end of the year.

  9. I don’t know about the college part, but otherwise this sounds great.

  10. Isnt it wonderful when a human gives you the right to protect yourself from bodily harm or death.
    Thank you Governor Jim Wallace for giving those students your permission to protect themselves.

  11. to miner49er

    “Please help me to understand how an armed citizen at the concert could’ve stopped the unhinged gun nut in the hotel room.”

    Well, that is not possible for you to understand. Because you don’t believe civilians should have guns.

    The fact is that citizens with their own rifles did, in fact, suppress the Texas tower shooter in the 1960s. Their efforts stopped the sniper.

    He was later killed by a police officer who was accompanied by 2 deputized armed civilians.

  12. @.40cal
    “…will an armed law abiding ordinary citizen allowed to be armed in an area and present employ DGU to engage the shooter quickly?”

    Not likely.

    Comparatively speaking, armed citizens in the public are rare at any given location. Which is one of the reasons so few mass shootings are stopped by good guys with guns. Add in firearm restrictions, and “rare” becomes almost “nil”.

  13. I wonder why you need to wait until July 2024, and not do it right now? Of course, there’s not much time left here, but still. Apparently, I will not appear at college until July, since it is not very safe yet. Although now I’m writing my dissertation and I would need to be present. But I found https://essays.edubirdie.com/write-my-dissertation and now I will do everything online. And you guys will manage on campus somehow without me for now. I want to be protected, especially since I have such a right.

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