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Guam Passes “Shall Issue” Concealed Carry Legislation


Guam is in an interesting situation. It’s not technically a state (it’s a “territory,” a leftover from America’s imperialist drive at the turn of the 20th century), but it’s still governed by the laws of the United States. Mostly. Anyway, Guam is technically part of the 9th circuit of the Federal court system, the same court that recently ruled against “may issue” licensing of concealed carry permits as a violation of the 2nd Amendment. The legislature of Guam saw the writing on the wall and has just passed a law turning their “may issue” territory into a “shall issue” paradise. From the local news . . .

Bill 296 would align Guam’s firearms law with other jurisdictions and require the police department to issue concealed firearms permits to residents who meet certain requirements. […] Currently, Guam has a “may issue” law, which gives the police chief to authority to approve concealed firearms applications at his discretion. While the police chief would retain his authority under the provisions of Bill 296, applicants would no longer need to show they have a good reason for applying for the permit.

The bill goes to the governor’s desk, who can either sign it or ignore it for 10 days and it will turn into a law. Or they can veto, but since only 2 legislators voted against the new law it’s not likely to remain vetoed for long.

65 thoughts on “Guam Passes “Shall Issue” Concealed Carry Legislation”

  1. It wasn’t my imagination then when I thought I saw a pig flying this morning. Happy Mother’s Day Guamians.

      • Wikipedia says it’s “Guamanians.”

        This reminds me of an episode of Taxi. Is it Delawarian or Delawarite?

        • And is someone from Maine a Mainiac?

          Less humorously the demonym for Colorado *used* to be “Coloradoan” but we’ve had a bunch of carpetbagger media pukes (not all of them Kalifornian) invade this state who don’t even pronounce the state’s name the same way we did, so we now settle for “Coloradan” and the “a” in “Colorado” is now an “aw” sound instead of the “a” in hat.

      • Thanks. Whatever. We have the Guamian, Guaman, and Guamanian, The indigenous people of Guam are known as Chamoru/Chamorro, depending on how you roll as an anthropologist or etymologist.

  2. “The legislature of Guam saw the writing on the wall and has just passed a law turning their “shall issue” territory into a “may issue” paradise.”

    Is this correct? Didn’t they move from “may issue” to “shall issue”?

  3. “just passed a law turning their “shall issue” territory into a “may issue” paradise.”

    Is that a Shannon Watts paradise?

  4. It’s a clear writing slip up. Obviously the other way based on the article info.

    Congrats Guam : ]

  5. “a leftover from America’s imperialist drive at the turn of the 20th century”

    Uh…what? The US is still very much an imperialist nation. The only difference being that now after we use US tax dollars to destroy their nation, we use more US tax dollars to rebuild everything we blew up and then let them be their own independent nation with the hopes that they’ll obey the will of US politicians out of thanks for the rebuilding / fear of being bombed again.

    • We tried keeping to ourselves but along came WWII.

      Guam was and is a very strategic island.

      My father was stationed there during the Korean Conflict. A Tech Sgt keeping the B29s in the air.

      • No, we didn’t try keeping to ourselves (read up on how we could have easily avoided WWI but intentionally made choices to cause the American public to push for war). WWII was actually a legitimate war, however it never would have happened if the US hadn’t gotten involved in WWI and provided the conditions for Hitler’s rise to power. Then of course nothing we’ve done since then has been a justified war (Not even Afghanistan, since they did not attack us – citizens of their country did. Attacking Afghanistan because of the actions of Taliban members is like trying to punish all gun owners because of some wacko who shoots up a school.) Even if you ignore the US’s role in creating WWII, it still doesn’t justify the 70 years of fear and oppression since then – it’s a sick joke for a nation to claim to value freedom and have a foreign policy of “Do whatever we say or die”.

        • That’s weird since there are plenty of nations who laugh at what we say and don’t die. But keep pretending.

        • “Attacking Afghanistan because of the actions of Taliban members is like trying to punish all gun owners because of some wacko who shoots up a school” – You mean the then current ruling government of Afghanistan, that Taliban?

        • I’m sorry that part about why WWII happend is completely false, ever heard of Wilsons 14 points?
          He was a evil racist slaving prick, but he got one thing right. He wanted to treat Germany well after the war so that it could be a good trading partner. It was Britian and France that wanted to make Germany pay for the war even though it was all of their faults. It was that disgracing (and the ecanomic problems) that convinced the German people voted for Adolf. So no, we were the only one of the allies trying to avoid a second world war. We went isolationist because after all that Europe decided to act like idiots anyways. At lest they put up with us but only because we were represented as white, Japan was not so lucky.

          Our only guilty point was cutting off Japans oil supply and acting like nothing was going to happen, which I lay at FDR’s feet.

        • So every war the U.S. has been involved with since WWII has been unjust huh? That’s funny, because I went to church with quite a few Koreans as a kid and never met one who wasn’t glad western forces helped save half their homeland from life under a dictatorship instead of sitting back and watching the whole thing burn. That’s not really a policy of “Do whatever we say or die” unless you’re siding with the communists, whose treatment of POWs and civilians was absolutely barbaric, so they had it coming anyway.

        • @Jack
          Sorry, it was Al Qaeda, not the Taliban. I used the wrong word. As for those few nations that we threaten but don’t invade? That’s a matter of either A) we are already fighting too many wars of aggression at the time or B) they have nukes and the US government is afraid of them fighting back.

          I was referring to the fact that, without US intervention (on the wrong side, I might add), Germany would have won WWI. Despite the revisionist history bullshit we’re taught in US schools, if you actually read up on the history, you’ll see that Germany was NOT an aggressor and that France (and Russia, if my memory serves) were the aggressors against Germany. Germany defended their borders and then the French and British came crying to the US to help them. They were like school yard bullies picking on a little kid and then finding out that the kid knows how to defend themselves, so the bullies run to the teacher and try to get him in trouble.

          So yes, you’re right about Wilson’s attempt to prevent WWII AFTER the war, but if he hadn’t been eager to get involved and had stayed out (as most Americans wanted, prior to the manufactured Lusitania incident), Germany and their allies would have won and no one would even know Adolf Hitler existed.

          The Korean War was unjust because it was none of our goddamn business. If the US has another civil war, would you want other nations coming in and determining the outcome instead of Americans deciding? Unless your answer is “yes”, then you agree that things like Korea and Vietnam were unjust.

          Ah, yes, the “communist” red herring. I’m extremely anti-communism, however if the people of that nation want to have a communist government, we do not have the right to murder those who support that form of government (especially when our policies resemble those of Marx more and more every day). As I said, it’s “do as we say or die”. Just becasue they support a different socio-economic system doesn’t mean that they should be killed. Nothing is more un-American than murdering people for having different views.

        • >> Despite the revisionist history bullshit we’re taught in US schools, if you actually read up on the history, you’ll see that Germany was NOT an aggressor and that France (and Russia, if my memory serves) were the aggressors against Germany.

          Uh, what?

          June 28, 1914 – Serbian terrorist assassinates Austrian archduke Ferdinand

          July 23, 1914 – Austria-Hungary issues an ultimatum to Serbia that essentially demands that it becomes an Austrian puppet state. Serbia agrees to 8 out of 10 demands nevertheless.

          July 28, 1914 – citing non-compliance, Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia. WW1 begins.

          July 29, 1914 – Russia (an ally of Serbia) begins partial mobilization.

          July 30, 1914 – Germany begins full mobilization while also issuing an ultimatum to Russia to stop their mobilization within 12 hours.

          July 30, 1914 – Russia offers to discuss the terms of mutual demobilization with Germany.

          August 1, 1914 – Germany declares war on Russia.

          August 1, 1914 – French government decides to not mobilize, and orders troops to withdraw 10km from the border with Germany to “avoid incidents”.

          August 1, 1914 – Germany issues an ultimatum to Belgium demanding passage of its troops to French border.

          August 2, 1914 – Germany invades Luxembourg (no declaration of war issued).

          August 3, 1914 – Germany declares war on France.

          August 3, 1914 – Belgium refuses to comply with German ultimatum and declares itself neutral in the conflict. UK declares that it will protect Belgium if the latter is attacked.

          August 4, 1914 – Germany declares war on Belgium.

          August 4, 1914 – UK declares war on Germany.

          Note who has been declaring war on whom. It’s pretty clear who was the aggressor.

        • July 28, 1914 – citing non-compliance, Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia. WW1 begins.

          July 29, 1914 – Russia (an ally of Serbia) begins partial mobilization.

          July 30, 1914 – Germany begins full mobilization while also issuing an ultimatum to Russia to stop their mobilization within 12 hours.

          July 30, 1914 – Russia offers to discuss the terms of mutual demobilization with Germany.

          August 1, 1914 – Germany declares war on Russia.

          Like I said, it your revised version completely ignores that France and Russia having troops on Germany’s border (in an attempt to intimidate Germany into not aiding their ally) and refusing to back down when Germany repeatedly requested that they withdraw their troops from German borders.

          I know, it’s the US story for nearly a century that all Germans are evil, thus Germany is always the bad guy – but that’s just NOT true about WWI. Any nation that had foreign troops stationed on their borders in an attempt to influence their policy would be justified in defending themselves, which is exactly what Germany did. The fact that the Central powers completely handed the Allies their ass (until the US and British governments colluded to get innocent Americans killed to create a “justification” for war) doesn’t make Germany the bad guy, just the better military. This bullshit is a classic example of “history is written by the victors”. The US blatantly fought on the wrong side and murdered innocent people to get public support for the war.

          • Did you skip about all the parts about “… begins mobilization”?

            Neither Russia nor France began mobilization until after the war began. Russia started partial mobilization in response to Austria-Hungary’s declaration of war on Serbia – a country they pledged to defend – and started full mobilization in response to German declaration of war. France didn’t start mobilization until the German declaration of war on them, even after deliberating whether they should do so after first shots were fired (elsewhere), yet deciding that they don’t want to risk Germany treat it as a provocation. So neither country had massive concentrations of troops to begin with, much less at the border.

            Ultimately, it doesn’t matter how you twist it – the first shots that were fired in the war were by the Central powers, and they were the ones crossing the border and occupying other states – including a bunch that were neutral. That’s textbook definition of aggression. “We did it to them before they did it to us” is a damn poor excuse as those things go, and not an excuse at all when it comes to Luxembourg and Belgium.

        • Neither Russia nor France began mobilization until after the war began.

          That is a blatant lie. But facts don’t matter to you, all that matters is that you believe that the Almighty United States cannot do any wrong, thus any nation they choose to attack MUST be evil. You are what is wrong with this country. Pull the flag out of your ass and stop seeing everything through star-spangled glasses. That flag you worship has stood as a symbol of fear and oppression for a century. By bowing before it, you’re supporting every criminal act of the government.

        • Nope. Although a few of the details, as I’ve understood them over the years, may disagree a little bit, overall I agree with you. Indeed, I’m neither as well educated on the matter nor as articulate as you in presenting it. You’re doing a decent job and I’m glad that you’re posting this information.

        • Other than hijacking the thread on Guam with your claims on US history in Europe, and finishing with “it’s a sick joke for a nation to claim to value freedom and have a foreign policy of “Do whatever we say or die”, I see no reason to be sarcastic.

      • @John

        Sorry, I assumed it was sarcasm because so many here worship the US government and react with seething hatred if you mention that it or the US military are capable of doing any wrong. It will be their downfall, especially if we ever have another civil war. They’d be praising and bowing before the very soldiers on their way to slaughter them…and they’d probably still praise those soldiers while they executed them and their families.

        *sigh* Sometimes gun owners and their blind devotion to a flag can make me so ashamed to live in the United States.

  6. I hope everyone doesn’t run to the permit issuing authority on the Island causing a weight imbalance and tipping the island over!

  7. May I presume Shannon won’t host any MDA public temper tantrums in Guam while she is on vacay? Or better yet, can we now presume Bloomy’s baldheaded bodyguards can now tool up to protect Shannon vs the other mothers who are her sacrificial lambs.

    • They would just think she’s another hysterical mainland woman who doesn’t get island time.

  8. Guam is not from our imperialist drive. it was acquired from Spain after the Spanish American war.

    • Like, purchased, you mean? As opposed to appropriated as spoils of war, as in, imperialism?

    • I think a lot of people would say that the Spanish-American War was pretty much part of an American “imperialist drive”.

  9. Showing that Guam’s legislature is smarter that Kaliforiastan’s. Every time a law is overtuned by the courts, Kaliforniastan’s legislature just ignores it leaving the overturne law on the books. This allows LEO’s and the district attorneys can still arrest people and hope for convictions for people who cannot afford a real attorney.

    • Our legislature is not smarter than anywhere else, This law would not have been past if we the Guam Gun Owners association did not write it and give to senator ada to be introduced. This is a pro-gun victory brought to our island from local gun owners who got involved and made a difference

  10. 39-2,I think the people have spoken loud and clear about exercising there civil rights of using the tool on there person. Congrats Guam!

  11. Huh. Apparently Guam’s legislators, though anti-gun, at least respect when they’ve been beaten in court and don’t try to dick around as long as possible until they are given a special invitation via caselaw.

  12. Now Puerto Rico and the others can hopefully be brought up to speed I hope. How Puerto Rico’s gun laws have not been challenged is beyond me. They have ammunition limits if I recall correctly, so many rounds per gun, and permit to buy the ammo. Just going off memory here, but I know their gun laws are terrible. Hopefully the local gun owners can organize and start moving forward.

    • Puerto Rico is bad , but they are shall issue after their appellate court correctly applied Heller and said that if the applicant believes they have a good reason, then it’s a good reason.

  13. Guam has been shall issue for Open Carry of rifles shotguns and handguns. It’s nice to hear that they may actually get shall issue for CCW because right now, a concealed ID card is very difficult to obtain.

  14. In 1976 my father was transfered to NAVCOMSTA Guam. While waiting for our housing on base to be readied, we lived in a motel in Agaña. One evening two armed men came in through the door my father had left slightly ajar while my mother went out to grab a cup of coffee and have a smoke. They tied up my father, and waited for my mother to return, tying her as well. Thank The Lord she was not assaulted. I was made to cover up with a blanket as they ransacked the room, then left after telling me to count to 100 before untying my folks.
    I still have the image of that gun pointed at my face burned in my head to this day. It was a revolver. I was 9 years old.
    The robbers were never caught.
    It is why I take my personal security serious. It is why I carry. It is why I chose to never be a victim again.
    Congratulations people of Guam.

    • I am sorry for the torturous results of that time. I am grateful you all were ok. THIS is exactly why we must not falter. I do NOT comment on these things. Seriously. This is the first time but for those that think guns are merely bravado on steroids? God help you because you do not understand the Lords word nor His connection to the founding fathers.

  15. That’s quite an improvement for Guam! Congratulations to the people living there. Now, let’s see if they can get from a privilege to the actual right. The Bill of Rights covers Guam as well since the 9th circuit has jurisdiction. That means shall not be infringed also applies.

  16. Hmm. Let’s see. My next vacation … Guam (left hand up high, right hand low), Hawaii (right hand up high, left hand low), Hawaii, Guam, Guam, Hawaii … I think I am going with Guam.

    Now that brings up an excellent question: what about reciprocity?

    • Guam does not honor any other state permits. However, Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Arkansas, Mississippi, Alabama, North Carolina and Indiana honor Guams CWPs

    • Even if this bill gets signed, Guam still completely shuts off any access to non-residents.

      You need an FID card to possess and open carry ($25 for 3 years) and for each gun you bring you must register for $45 (good for life, but an FID is needed). The concealed ID card is firearm specific (unless changed by this bill) and you need an FID and registration certificate.

      The crux is, you need an FID to do anything with firearms/ammo and there is no way to obtain one.

      The other thing is that the ONLY flight to Guam without leaving the U.S. is the United 200/201 from Houston to Honolulu to Guam. You can cut through Narita in Tokyo, Japan has no problems with firearms in transit but the JPN will page you to examine the gun and suitcase before you leave.

      Either way you go, you still need a Customs declaration of goods which you can easily get at any Customs Facility since Guam is outside of the customs territory.

  17. Kind of a side issue, but I wonder what the crime is like on Guam anyway. I’ve poked around online and it doesn’t like it’s exceptionally violent. But nor is it especially safe. Either way this is a win, if it goes through.

  18. Since the permit is still subject to the issuing officer’s discretion, calling it “shall issue” is a misnomer.

  19. The most likely thing to have happen in your home if you have a firearm there is the injury of you or one of your family members. The odds are really bad. Originally, 43 to 1 by Kellerman. So what if it is only 20 to 1. As fearful as you are, still the most likely event is you or yours getting injured. A really bad bet.

    • Total crap. Even the new ‘study’ uses the same flawed methods, i.e. the majority of statistics are comprised of homes in which criminals reside and in which criminal enterprises go on as a matter of business as usual.

      The fact that guns are in those homes and shootouts happen inside them, nominally initiated using guns that were brought in by outside parties during criminal transactions gone bad belies the assertion that the gun already in the home is more of a danger to its residents, and completely skews the results.

      The anti-gun movement is too tricky by half, and lies through its teeth in perpetuity. Nothing it says is ever the truth.


  20. I was in Guam a couple of times, but never got out of the airport as it was just a stop over. I remember buying and eating an $8 hotdog there14 years ago. They must be over $10 by now. Nice airport, wish I could have seen more of the place.

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