Guess What All the Good Boys and Girls in New York City Will Find Under Their Trees

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    • I have a girlfriend from NYC awhile ago who definitely was a bad girl…kinda miss her now that I think of it.

  1. Soon.

    And the wails of anguish, the gripping of pearls, and the screams of agony by Leftist Scum ™ everywhere will be sweet, sweet music to the ears of the POTG Faithful… 🙂

  2. In reality you can get all the second hand guns you want in New York or New York city because states with lax laws ship in thousands of second hand guns into New York that has tough gun laws making those laws ineffective.

    To curtail the vast underground gun market only Universal Background Checks and Safe Storage laws will cut way down on the vast pool of weapons available to crooks and nut cases.

    And the Bruen decision had zero to do with the right to own a gun or buy a gun rather it was about the right to carry a gun.

    • “…it was about the right to carry a gun.”

      That was only a *tiny* part of the ruling. The ‘Money Shot’ was declaring any gun control law after the early 1800s was expressly un-constitutional… 🙂

      • Right now we have background checks but they don’t work because the police and feds have failed time and time again on keeping it up to date with people’s crimes. Nearly every mass shooter in the last five years were people the feds, police, or military had already arrested for violent behavior before but skipped updating the info to the state/federal database.
        We already have safe storage laws…

        • or were absolutely known to have committed felony crimes of violence that SHOULD have been disqualifying but were never reported. . Even having been rrested or charged with such crimes renders one “prohibited” at least until acquitted by a court of competent jurisdiction.
          THAT is why NICS does not work.

    • Somehow I do not think states are “shipping” firearms to New York and New Jersey. I believe it is criminals bringing firearms either stolen, straw purchased, or illegally purchased in other states.I do not see that criminals will do a background check on the criminals they sell the illegally obtained firearms.So much for universal background checks.

    • NO. I’m just gonna say that to you every time I notice you from now on. NO! Get used to it. Learn to understand it. Feel what it means deep down in your soul. NO. No to any and every thing you feel the need to say.


      (Oh, just because I said that I would say “NO” every time I notice you does not mean that I notice you all that much. The lack of my saying “NO” to you should not be construed as my acquiescence to your position but, merely, as me failing to notice you at all. I just want to be clear – If I don’t respond to you it is not because I have no response, it is because I do not care about you enough to notice that you said something. M’kay skippy, we clear?)

    • darcydodo… News Flash…There are millions in NYC who just do not wish to reside in a victim pool.

      States are not rouge arms dealers even though you attempt to paint them as such but who are the culprits known to be highest gun salesmen in US History? That would be your pals the rapist bill clintoon and the self serving lord marshal b. h. obama followed by Jim Crow Gun Control democRat joe biden…The three democRats have sold billions and billions of firearms in the US. And to add insult to injury joe biden left mountains of US Munitions for terrorists in Afghanistan. And it does not end there…It includes joe exchanging a notorious arms dealer with b. putin for an America hating basketball playing spoiled brat and the gun craziness also extends to joe’s own son.

      I expect to see a written and signed apology from you followed by a 5 digit donation to Allen Gottlieb et al. Keep a few dollars for some new knee pads, old ones must be well worn from kissing so many democRat behinds.


    • @dacian

      “In reality you can get all the second hand guns you want in New York or New York city because states with lax laws ship in thousands of second hand guns into New York that has tough gun laws making those laws ineffective.

      To curtail the vast underground gun market only Universal Background Checks and Safe Storage laws will cut way down on the vast pool of weapons available to crooks and nut cases.

      And the Bruen decision had zero to do with the right to own a gun or buy a gun rather it was about the right to carry a gun.”

      1. Its is 100% false that ‘states with lax laws ship in thousands of second hand guns into New York’ – states do not do that, period. Plus, no state has ‘lax laws’ on ‘second hand guns’ or on any guns, they have the laws that apply in that state and its the states who do not like those laws that call then ‘lax laws’ because they want that other states laws to be tyrannical anti-gun laws like their own laws.

      2. It is 100% false that “To curtail the vast underground gun market only Universal Background Checks and Safe Storage laws will cut way down on the vast pool of weapons available to crooks and nut cases.” — let me explain the third grade math logic to you…

      If Bobby has 10 apples and wants to give Suzy 5 apples but Suzy’s mom says “No Suzy, you may not have those apples.” and Suzy obeys mom, does Bobby still have 10 apples? Yes, Bobby still has 10 apples. But if Jimmy comes along and wants 5 of Bobby’s apples, and doesn’t care that his Mom said he may not have the apples and Bobby gives him 5 apples, does Bobby still have 10 apples?

      Bonus question: How many apples does Jimmy have now?

      3. It is 100% false that “the Bruen decision had zero to do with the right to own a gun or buy a gun rather it was about the right to carry a gun.” – it was about possession and ownership to carry, ownership cant happen unless one can ‘have’ which means, in your insane context ‘buy’ – yes, aside from the right to carry the Bruen decision had everything to do with that right also being for ownership or buying. Its spelled out pretty clearly in Bruen, any intelligent person would have realized that which is probably why you didn’t.

      • To the Paranoid Booger Brain

        quote—————1. Its is 100% false that ‘states with lax laws ship in thousands of second hand guns into New York’ ———-quote

        Anyone who would make such an outlandish statement needs to be put under the care of a good psychiatrist.

        In reality two Chicago Studies proved that the average crime gun was second hand , had come from another state, and had been sold and resold many times. Police tracings in other states came to the same conclusion.

        Police tracings prove that there is indeed an “Iron Pipeline” that funnels tens of thousands of second hand guns from southern hillbilly states with lax gun laws into northern states and cities with tough gun laws.

        What is ironic is that the hillbilly red states with lax gun laws also have higher homicide rates as well. Too often the Far Right compare homicide rates of a big city but not the overall homicide rate of the entire blue state which many times are often less than the red states.

        The Lack of Safe Storage Laws makes it easy for smash and grab robberies. Since criminals do not know when you are coming back home or if you have a silent burglar alarm they know they have only minutes to rob a place and even a cheap safe will often deter them as they know they do not have the time to try and break into one and most criminals do not have the tools or expertise to even break into a cheap safe let alone a well built safe which could be mandated under a Safe Storage Law. All civilized countries have safe storage laws and with their Universal Background Checks have way lower homicide and mass murder rates and well as way less accidental child shootings.

        All these historical facts are ignored with the paranoid wave of the hand by the demented Booger Brain who lives in his own demented fantasy world of Commies under his bed and goblins coming to get him every hour on the hour. He is one sick puppy.

        • Anyone who would make such an outlandish statement needs to be put under the care of a good psychiatrist.

          And anyone would state otherwise without definitive proof is a lying, left wing, kommie, ignorant moron (but I digress)… You said that STATES with lax gun laws SHIP secondhand guns to those with stricter laws. I challenge YOU to provide PROOF that those STATES are responsible for the movement of illegal weapons to NYC and Chiraq, post a correction OR just STFU, the latter is the preferred option since we already know you can’t do the first and won’t do the second…

        • dacian the DUNDERHEAD. You keep referring to these two mythical Chiacao studiesd and yet to produce either. As pointed out previously these studies are most likely based on a conclusion reached before the study was even conducted. You call the Red States “hillbillies”. as having “laxed laws?” Laxed by what standard? Your standard that everyone should be unarmed? And not be able to purchase a gun without a “Universal Background Check” that doesn’t work to begin with?
          Again, you want to relegislate what is already on the books. Have you ever heard of RECKLESSD ENDANGERMENT. This law exists in each of the states that I know of. Care to prove me wrong?
          As I have also pointed out. there are lies, damned lies and statistics.

    • “In reality you can get all the second hand guns you want in New York or New York city because states with lax laws ship in thousands of second hand guns into New York that has tough gun laws making those laws ineffective.”

      Nice to see you admit that Dacy-boi.

      Now go away.

      • So what
        do you suppose lil’ d’s ” reality” is ?… anything after his first two words is complete nonsense.

    • prove that any state ships guns anywhere.
      you can’t.
      but the US government has a long documented history of shipping firearms.

    • dacian, the DUNDERHEAD. That is a ration of crap. The only shipper that accepts guns is UPS and their rules are pretty damn stringent. As I have REPEATEDLY pointed our to your thick posterior, “Universal Background Checks” are NOT background checks at all. They only check to see it the buyer has a “criminal record”. As many courts don’t file the necessary report to the FBI to be entering into NICS is it at best spotty and incomplete. HIPPA makes impossible to enter mentally ill patients into the system as it is considered an invasion of privacy. It seems the only way a mentally ill patent’s record is entered is IF there is a Court ORDERED commitment. So as usually you are still clueless.
      Your “Safe Storage Laws” are a vain attempt to legislate common sense and are unenforceable. To make such laws eve close to tenable you would have to disregard the 4th Amendment. You do know what the 4th Amendment is? I’ll give you a hint: SEACH WARRANT.
      Here is another HINT for you. To carry a gun, you have to own one? Bruen applies, DUMDERHEAD.

    • dacy-boy… Please name for me just ONE law on ANY subject that has prevented ONE CRIMINAL from committing a crime… Locks and Laws only keep honest people honest, those with a proclivity toward criminal behavior are NOT deterred by laws OR locks…

    • Let’s see…
      Here in Commierado, we have Red Flag Laws, Universal Background Checks on all purchases public and private, a fifteen round capacity restriction, and a Safe Storage Law.

      But the Co. Springs’ Non Binary Nutjob Shooter had no problems getting a gun and killing 5 and wounding over a dozen more in an LGBTSTPXYZ Niteclub.

      Tell me again how your plan would work?

      Guess what, you’re so wrong it isn’t funny even reading your drivel.

    • I used to think you only smoked MJ. Your latest post suggest to me that you are really mainlining LSD or overdosing in psychogenic mushrooms.

  3. Sounds fair enough, after all, all the bad boys and girls already have their gunms.
    Christmas Trees, not in this house. I’d rather see the tree alive out there in the timber then dying in the house all strung up with decorations.
    Well that’s what I tell people, the truth is I’m just to damned lazy to do all that work.

      • External decorations with lights and other features is either done really well or not done at all. I’m in the latter category.

    • For several years I’ve bought small trees that I picked very carefully and then used rooting hormone on them and planted them once they started putting out significant roots.

      Now I have a small forest of pine (and a few palm) surrounding one of my 150gal fish tanks, which is also live planted. Really gives the living room a nice feel. Instead of a TV the main attraction in that room is that you can look into this artificial river I’ve created and watch fish, shrimp, snails and eels do their thing. Guests love it, particularly the kids, especially when the vampire shrimp are out in numbers.

      If you’re not going to do something like that I don’t really get the idea of a “live” tree. If for no other reason than that it makes a huge mess and just kills the tree for no real reason.

      Now, if someone could come up with a tree that dies in February and comes back to life for Easter, that might be fun and interesting in a blasphemous sort of way.

    • I couldn’t find a decent tree last year. The selection was dismal, so I joined the dark side and got an artificial. Holy smoke, it’s so easy now. Snap three or four pieces together and plug it in. I do miss the smell of a live tree.

    • Three “replicas” in my house, I agree killing a viable source of oxygen generation is senseless. All look real, have sprays to generate that smell of a live tree. 20 minutes to set up all three, all are LED w/fiber optics, no concerns about fire, watering, needles all over the floor or disposal… And the fireplace in my FL home is on a 48″ Vizio w/Christmas piano music 24/7 provided by YouTube…

    • You’re a mean one Mr. WordPress, you really are a heel…
      Clearly it was stolen by that grinchy WP

  4. I hope they all get a giant autographed poster of Guv Hoechul. By executive decree they must place it inside their front door so they see “it” every time they go out into the world they helped create. Merry Christmas to all!

  5. Hi Grace,
    We don’t really need another “funny article / gun meme” on TTAG. You have consistently been one of the most important sources of information relating information to us 2A supporters. If the general “gun grabbing” public sees one of these “humorous” articles, it will undermine the seriousness of our cause. You don’t really need to compete with Jeremy to maintain your high-ranking status in the lineup of TTAG bloggers.

    • engineer…Satire can say a thousand words and kicks off the discussion…It’s an open bar so you don’t need to be a party pooper. Don’t take memes lightly as they are an art form and art can have a lasting effect. I.E…It’s been many months and I’m still trying to shake one from my mind that showed the side view of an elephant flying solo like most men wish they could.

      • That’s because you’re not the sharpest tool in the shed. You need pictures or you’re completely lost.

    • This isn’t the same as Jeremy’s meme posts. She’s posting her original artwork. Everyone needs a lighthearted laugh every now and then. The general “gun grabbing” public already thinks we’re gun nuts. I don’t think TTAG articles will change that perception one way or another. The only thing that will change that perception is less propaganda and media lies. Right now, the only real counter to that is new ownership and management at twitter. There’s a reason the propagandists are furious about that change.

    • 5K is far too high.

      Maximum blast damage happens with the detonation around 2K. If you want nasty radioactive fallout, detonate even lower…

      • EMP alone would send them back to the stone age. Expect pop to halve inside of 96 hours as their non-violent society eats itself whle water and food supplies dwindle.

        • Wth? That wasn’t posted as a reply to myself. Bottom of the page under the spammers…


  7. how do you embed a link in text in a comment on word press simply using the comment capability users have here in the comments? How are these spam posts doing it?

  8. For all the screaming about the need for gun control laws, nothing but confiscation on pain of death for possession will even slow down those with criminal intent from finding, firearms to arm themselves with. Anything else will only affect those who are more or less law abiding and not the problem.
    Any registration scheme will never get more than half the firearms out there listed. The rest will be those in drawers, glove boxes, closets, those unreported by those who refuse to comply, and the majority will be in the hands of those who don’t care what the law may be. Those persons who if every firearm in the country disappeared today would be figuring out how to bring in weapons from outside the country. Which they already are doing.
    Sorry gun grabbers, the cat is long out of the bag on any type of firearm. Unless you plan on confiscating tools and shooting people with any metal working skills.
    Power equipment makes it faster and easier to make things like guns, but they can be made by hand with nothing but a few tools like drills and files.

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