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Gun Control Advocates Ramp-Up Children’s Crusade #neveragain?

“Already, too many older Americans rusted by a corrosive political cynicism, which masquerades as grownup wisdom, are telling the kids to cool it, to accept that the world is more complex than their juvenile minds can fathom,” kvetches, “Some even malign them as mere tools of adult activists.” True story! But the News ain’t got time for that . . .

Those are foul insults. The teenagers who have paid the price for our failures not only have the right to lead this movement. They have a duty to do so, to build a better American future.

And so gun control advocates’ childrens crusade continues, leading to the National School Walkout on March 14. According to the civilian disarmament industrial complex’s mainstream media cheerleaders, it’s working!

Lawmakers say they are feeling more pressure than ever to act on gun control after the latest deadly mass shooting at a public high school.

A large reason, aides and lawmakers alike say, is the emotional pleas from students who survived the shooting — and who have expressed horror at the idea that nothing will be done in response to the killings of their schoolmates.

The grass-roots movement, dubbed “Never Again,” has kept an extra layer of pressure on members to enact stricter gun laws and take other steps to prevent future massacres.

Personally, as a Jew who lost his grandparents and extended family to the Holocaust, I’m appalled that the antis and their media supporters have adopted this phrase to further the proto-fascist disarmament agenda.

Never again is the cry of the Jews who survived the Nazi slaughter, and their descendents. Shame on anyone who usurps the phrase in an effort to [in most cases unwitting] set the stage for more government mass murder.

Yeah, I said it. And someone should say it to these deeply misguided meddling kids . . .

About 100 Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School students arrived at a Tallahassee high school to extended applause late Tuesday after a 400-mile trip on three buses. They told the 500 students and parents waiting for them that they are fighting to protect all students.

“We’re what’s making the change. We’re going to talk to these politicians tomorrow. We’re going to talk to them the day after that. We’re going to keep talking, we’re going to keep pushing until something is done because people are dying and this can’t happen anymore,” said Alfonso Calderon, a 16-year-old junior. “You guys are what we’re trying to protect.”

Despite their enthusiasm and determination, the students and their supporters aren’t likely to get what they really want: a ban on AR-15s and similar semi-automatic rifles. Republican lawmakers are talking more seriously about some restrictions, but not a total ban.

And that’s the good news.

Despite the media love fest with the teen survivors of the horrific slaughter at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School — a particularly odious form of bloody flag waving not-to-say-wallowing in the blood of innocents — the so-called “silent majority” still won’t support politicians who sacrifice their gun rights on the altar of feelgood political correctness.

The most famous Children’s Crusade didn’t end successfully. Neither will this one. But make no mistake: those who are exploiting these children are almost as guilty as putting them, and millions more, in harm’s way.

114 thoughts on “Gun Control Advocates Ramp-Up Children’s Crusade #neveragain?”

  1. If they really wanted “never again” they would support allowing teachers and administrators to carry in school. As ussual for the progressives its better to ban something and prevent, supposedly, anyone from having something than to let people take responsibility for their own affairs.

    • How ignorant can you get. The average teacher and administrator has never even handled a gun let alone owned one. They would be more of a danger to themselves and others if they even attempted to carry one every day.

      Can we do something? Yes and we can emulate what other civilized nations have done years ago. Better vetting of all gun purchases, safe storage of guns, enhanced security systems for storage of guns at home and at school security systems that have bullet proof doors and smoke pipes that spray smoke down on the intruder blocking his vision, hook ups to the police department as well as automatic door locks. All this takes money and it cost one school over 1/2 million dollars to make these changes but they were a rich district. Most schools do not even have enough money to heat the building in winter let alone install a system as mentioned above. Federal money is not there to help them either as we as the “New 21st Century Nazi’s shovel all of our tax dollars down the shit hole of wars of rape, pillage and conquest to fatten the pockets of the corrupt Republicans who make millions off of the Military Industrial Complex while giving themselves millions in tax breaks that further bankrupts the country. And to pay for it all they cut basic humanitarian social services like Health Care which includes money for Mental Health Care.

      Yes our country is corrupt to the core and our corrupt politicians prove they could not give a tinkers damn about the nations children in regards to their safety or their ability to afford to go on to higher education. Meanwhile the rest of the civilized world is passing us buy as we disintegrate into chaos and anarchy. Shades of the Roman Empire as history repeats itself verbatim in regards as to how the Romans destroyed themselves.

      The cheap way out because we have no money to do the job correctly and also save the Second Amendment is just to disarm the people by panicking them and with all the blood and gore and piles of higher and higher dead bodies of children and they do not need much more to panic as parents today are terrified to send their kids to school. The rest of the civilized world shakes their heads in total disbelief.

      • Good points, but also extreme.

        Bullet proof doors would be neat, but the last guy pulled the fire alarm and mowed them down in the hallway.
        All those defenses would of been useless, even the smoke screen wouldn’t have dispersed fast enough. Most of these mass shootings are over in less than 5 min.

        Calling the police is too long.
        Calling in a security guard takes too long.

        I do a lot of active shooter training.
        To be honest, the only real way to limit the amount of damage done is by taking out the shooter as quickly as possible while putting as much distance between the shooter and the victims as possible.

        Bullet resistant doors with internal emergency latches, good, but also make sure responding rescuers can get in to both save disabled victims and also in case the shooter barricades themselves in.

        Staff and parents that are willing to carry to the school being allowed to will help make the kids just as safe as they are outside of the school.
        Concealed or open carry people don’t mow down kids at the mall or wal-mart or church, why would a school be any different?

        Hospitals have the same problem, NOTHING stops someone from walking in and finishing what they started, the wife has been trying to convince the hospital to make the ICU floor lock down capable like the NICU is for years, but because nobody has came in there and shot the place up yet, there’s no need to “waste” money on that.

        The problem isn’t the type of firearms people have access to, its the access to people people have access to!

        • One idea about Fire Alarms…when you think about it logically there really isn’t any need to give students or just anybody the ability to pull them. This might have made sense back in the day when schools were all wood or there wasn’t technology to limit access but not today.

          Schools today are not tinder boxes…they are brick, cinder block and steal. They aren’t just going to instantly ignite. Fact is….I don’t think in my entire life time I’ve ever even heard of a school catching fire. There is no place in a school that an adult(teacher, etc) isn’t more than 20 feet away from a student. We can make it so only teachers, etc have access to fire alarms either with a code or a key.

          Will that delay an alarm..sure…but really by maybe 30 seconds or a minute. That little amount of time is not going to make a difference.

          Doing this would be one of the many smart things we could do. If a student or intruder can’t pull a fire alarm then that helps greatly in fortifying rooms. The ability to get kids out in the open makes fortifying them moot at this point.

      • Is this from some sort of a Communist propaganda leaflet? And who exactly appointed you to help us visualize physiological reactions of “the civilized” world. There is nothing civilized about the world. Your passive aggressive plans are a certain path to another tragedy.

      • Sicko kid
        The rest of the civilised world shakes head in disbelief, are you kidding me the rest of the world Ari the dictators or a communist country. You my friend are a troll the solution is to harden up the schools so go back to Mom’s basement and let the adults figure this out

        • And we bailed out the “civilized” world in Europe from the horror of Fascism and Nazism in the 1940’s with American guns.

      • Somebody is off their meds. The old “blood in the hallways” arguement is, well, old. Have yet to see it emerge. The Texas church shooting was stopped by an armed responder Who arrived on scene and somehow, despite using what is commonly referred to as a mass murder weapon, managed to avoid killing everyone in a 10 mile radius.

        You also suggest changes that you admit will be expensive (half a million dollars for one school) while stating that most schools cant afford to run the heat in the winter. So are you advocating that only the children of rich parents should be protected, or are you advocating taking money away from some schools/people and giving it to someone else?

        I am not advocating for forcing teachers to carry weapons, i am advocating for allowing them to make the choice to do so. Every mass shooting that occurs at a school has 1 thing in common. They all take place in a “gun free zone”. “Gun free zone” = law abiding citizens have disarmed themselves in the hope that a piece of paper stops them from getting shot. Allow the people we trust day in day out with our children to defend themselves and our children. That gun free zone only stays gun free until someone decides it makes a perfect killing ground.

      • “…The average teacher and administrator has never even handled a gun let alone owned one.”

        True. But that is not a reason to prevent the others who do one one and have taken it upon themselves to get some training from carrying on campus.

      • “Average teacher or administrator never handled a gun much less owned one…”

        Which bastion of liberal dystopia do you live in? For a great part of the country, you know, the non blue parts, that would be patently false.

      • So because of “the average teacher and administrator’s” shortcomings, we need to keep able and willing school staff disarmed? No one calls for issuing guns to all teachers. But why are already licensed carriers able to effectively defend themselves and their charges everywhere except where it’s most necessary?

        Keep your commie propaganda where it belongs, please.

      • Teachers and staff shouldn’t be armed without good training and carrying should be voluntary.

        The training should be conducted with the first responders and law enforcement. In addition, combat first aid training and IFAKs should be provided.

        As for the civilized nations, we bailed out the “civilized” world in Europe from the horror of Fascism and Nazism in the 1940’s with American guns. It is our 2nd Amendment that provided the ability to have a ready supply of riflemen.

        As the saying goes “The dark night of fascism is always descending in the United States and yet lands only in Europe.” American guns and the 2nd Amendment is what keeps it out.

      • BTW – It’s a “Tinkers Dam” It was made out of clay I think to hold the molten tin. Once you were done, you threw it away.

        Also – You are completely full of S&%t.

      • Cico kid
        You rant this same story, the rest of civilised world has past us by, that’s funny because these great civilised country’s have trampled on the civil right of their citizens with no one to stop these dictator or bureaucrat Socialism does not work for me Oh we do have the UN to step into help. That’s worked out so well. Keep trolling kid

  2. I’ll venture to bet that not a single one of these cherubs could pass a citizenship test and have no understanding of the damage they espouse.

    • The last test I saw 60% of Juniors and Seniors couldn’t even find the US on a globe but I bet they could lecture about global warming, the Palestinian ‘Holocaust’, and abortion rights. The left plays a mean long game.

    • The Nazis liked using the German Youth as well… it’s a good visual that gets bigot mothers smiling. The best way to build up the bigot population is to start them young – it’s very difficult to reeducate a bigot who has been raised from a young age to hate and fear a given demographic.

      • “He alone, who owns the youth, gains the future.”
        -Adolph Hitler

        Leftists understand this well. The Fabian Marxists started in schools of education, and schools of education remain one of their major strongholds.

  3. The same blood soaked bastards responsible for the school shootings are now using the survivors to ensure that more massacre’s will happen.

    Even a complete ban on all firearms would take generations, if ever, to have a real effect.

    In the mean time these bastards will fight tooth and nail to prevent the one thing that may actually stop these shooters. Eliminate gun free zones and encourage the good folk to carry guns at school.

  4. If you want gun control it’s as easy as moving to Australia or England. Where you don’t have the bill of rights to protect ya.
    Don’t let the door hit ya where the good Lord split ya!

    • Oh forgot, you can always just head south to Mexico. Guns are banned for the most part there. Ask them how that’s going for them.

  5. The U.S. Children in school are growing up fast and with only a 37 per cent rate of gun ownership in the U.S. they are the bulk of tomorrows voters and they have said they have never known any time in their lives that they were safe from maniacs with guns and you can guess who they are going to vote for when they turn 18 years of age.  With the Second Amendment now thoroughly trashed by a totally corrupt Supreme Court complete with back stabbing Republicans siding with the Democrats on the Court its only a matter of time before the Gun Ban laws slowly tighten around the necks of the red neck ignorant gun owners who for way too long refused to implement even minimal laws to prevent such mass slaughters of our children and citizens and they have no one to blame but themselves for their demise and the extinction of their culture and way of life.  It was all simply a matter of survival for the population as a group.  It was the average citizen against the minority of gun owners and the outcome is foreordained.  That’s reality like it or not.  The old axiom that a Conservative is so ignorant he is his own worst enemy rings true once again.

    The sad fact is that because we spend over 54 per cent of our tax dollars to enrich the corrupt Republicans with billions of dollars from the Military Industrial Complex we have no money left over for Mental Health Care, Federal Aid Money to schools which could install security systems and hire security guards.  One rich School district did do this on their own but most school districts are way too poor to do this and many students do not even have computers or books or even heat in the building.  The rest of the civilized world shakes their heads in totally disbelief at the U.S. which is one of the most corrupt countries on the planet.  Its actions prove that its children are its lowest priortiy and are considered expendable to graft, greed corruption and the blind greed and paranoia of the gun industry and the NRA.

    The school mentioned above installed several hundred cameras in the halls which can track and intruder, call  police, automatically lock bullet proof doors and then squirt white smoke on top of the  nut case shooter blinding and somewhat choking him to disorient him.  Of course all this took over 1/2 million dollars something most school districts do not have.

    Below is an example of what civilized countries have done decades ago and yes it makes a huge difference in school shootings as in several places like Britain, Germany and France and even Russia and Israel have done much to prevent this.  Britain has had no school shootings since the 1980’s proving that yes indeed there is a lot you can do if you want to spend the money and pass the laws.

    The real truth is that in civilized countries like Japan this tragedy would never have happened. In Japan in order to get a firearms i.d. card the police interview your doctor and your neighbors and their professional vetting system would also have detected the killers prior mental health problems as well. Contrast this to our own totally incompetent FBI that was warned twice about this nut case and they sat on their hands drinking coffee and ready porn magazines rather than go out and pick this nut case up for questioning.

    The NRA is also to blame as they have consistently pandered not to the majority of their members but to the minority of their hard core base who believe in no gun laws regardless of high the dead body count gets.

    Safe storage laws would have prevented the majority of school shootings (not this one) because if guns were locked up then the distraught kid could not take his daddy’s assault rifle and commit mass killings. This is not rocket science and as previously noted every other civilized country has safe storage laws to prevent theft, accidental child shootings and kids committing mass shootings.

    Vetting of all gun purchases again would prevent lunatics and criminals from buying guns with no paper work at gun shows or from private sales which are legal in the majority of states. We already have the Brady Bill in place it would cost very little to simply implement it for all gun sales.

    Because the NRA has prevented all of this from happening we as gun owners stand to lose everything and the corrupt Supreme Court along with the back stabbing corrupt Conservative Justices last summer reversed the Scalia decision due to public pressure and by letting the lower courts ban or restrict the right to own semi-auto weapons in Maryland and the other states like California now have the green light to start confiscating them and that is exactly what California now is about to do with no worry about the courts stopping it as they know now that the Scalia decision and the Second Amendment is now totally trashed and is ancient history and that now they can ban anything and everything they want to.  The Massachusetts Attorney General by Royal Decree with absolutely no new law passed banned assault rifles by “re-interpreting” an existing 20 year old law.  Of course the Corrupt Courts backed her up 100 per cent proving the Constitution is a joke and that the only thing it is good for is to wipe  your ass with it.

    Its the end of gun ownership in the U.S. as when the Dem’s regain control of Congress and the Presidency its a no brainier on what they are going to do and gun owners have no one to blame but themselves and the nut cases at the NRA as they all fought well established gun control measures that other counties put in placed decades ago that have prevented such school shootings from happening. Britain had just one School shooting in the 1980’s and they put an end to such horror as well as Australia and Germany as well. They and other countries dealt with the problem they did not wish that it just would not go away. Of course the Republicans wish it would but sooner than later they too will have to do something about it.

    • Sounds like a Hell of a Communist Manifesto! Are YOU looking for a job within the Politboro, Comrade? Ministry of Truth, Ministry of Pre-Crime, Ministry of Love, etc….

      • Jesus, Aaron, you read his entire rant? And responded? That’s like going back to the shit buffet until you “‘got your money’s worth”;-)

        • Valid point. Let me shorten it up some. I am actively working to ensure more tragedies like the school shootings happen so that I can corrupt the constitution and push an agenda paid for by Soros and Bloomberg.

          Actually doing something to stop the killings would undermine my financial backers agenda.

        • Thanks Vic! Got a real laugh from that.

          I count myself long winded when I hit 100 words in a post.

    • …Or are YOU just suffering from a severe bout of being a “Closet DemoCRAP with Bi-Polar Disorder, and Schizophrenia…Because YOUR multiple personalities are showing……”

      • I told myself I’d read Cisco’s first few sentences carefully to determine if he was at least trying to make a point or build a case for something. I made it through some of the ambiguity and poor syntax, then proceeded on into the name calling, etc., and decided at that point to skim. I know that I can be long winded in making my points, but I do try to proofread and summarize my argument in the first sentence, hoping the rest will be read properly.
        Cliff’s Notes are not available.

    • The whole thing is to much fail to tear apart in the time i have so heres the one thing that stands out. “Several hundred cameras” great for gathering the evidence to be gone over later, nit so good for real time monitoring. One person can only look at so many cameras at a time and actually see whats happing. I m not sure what the number of monitors is, but i can promise its less than several hundred. So multiple people all of which need paid, need equipment which fails regularly, need space to do the job, etc etc etc. And thos are ongoing expenses after the initial half million investment. Where does the money come from? Or allow teachers to arm themselves, the teacher will generally pay for their own weapon, and baffa bing bada boom you have armed first responders on scene to stop the incident immediately, not whenever it geys seen on camera, and without millions in additional spending

      • That would be an exceptionally stupid way to try and stop school shootings. Before this jackass when was the last time one of these guys even tried to get away. If you’re bent on taking out as many people as possible before departing this world, no amount of cameras will deter you. In fact in might even act as an incentive since these people are ultimately seeking notoriety.

    • Hey, cisco kid , are you even a gun owner because you sound like nancy pelosi and think like gabby giffords. You’re just another back stabbing piece of crap inundating a site that actually cares about the Constitution and the fact that this is a Republic and not a democracy. I know you don’t know the difference but you should read up on it before you open your butt-hole to speak your words of ” wisdom”.

    • You’re full of s**t, kid. Among other things, defense spending is 15% of the federal budget, not 54%.

      In other words, go f**k yourself, troll.

    • CiscoKid,

      “… red neck ignorant gun owners who for way too long refused to implement even minimal laws to prevent such mass slaughters of our children and citizens …”

      Pro tip: violent attackers have the insurmountable advantages of time,
      place, method, and surprise — preventing said violent attackers from slaughtering people is an endless losing game of whack-a-mole because there are an infinite number of times, places, and methods to attack with the element of surprise.

      The only life-saving element that is universally effective — regardless of which time, place, or method an attacker chooses — is armed defenders. And yet you and your ilk desire to eliminate the only element that is universally effective.

      Remember: the most effective overall security consists of multiple layers. Armed defenders are the last and most important layer of security. If all else fails — and sometimes all else does fail — armed defenders have a very good chance of saving the day. Smoke and mirrors ballistic glass do not.

      • “The only life-saving element that is universally effective — regardless of which time, place, or method an attacker chooses — is armed defenders.”

        This. All of the “commonsense” gun controls, locked safes, physician certifications, bureaucratic processes, won’t do a damned thing to stop a determined killer with a gun. If we ban guns, those who want them will still be able to purchase their favorite firearms from the dope dealer on the street corner. Anti-drug use laws have done little to stop illicit drug use. The price for street drugs actually drops when enforcement efforts are at their highest.

        • I saw a guy on Youtube make an AR lower with literal garbage. He melted aluminum cans, cast them into a blank, and finished it off with shop tools, nothing fancy.

          It’s beyond my comfort zone when I could just buy one.

    • US gun ownership rate is about 60% of households, up from about 52% seven years ago.

      As far as the NRA, it is the largest civil rights membership group in the US hand has higher positive ratings among all Americans than the ACLU does.

      The gun control lobby consists of a dozen active Democrat donors who pump about $140 million per year, but 18 times the NRA lobbying effort

      Yet support for assault rifle bans is down, support for all long term gun control nut agendas is down

    • Anyone actually spend the time and read the garbage this idiotic kid wrote? I ididn’t. I read up to the point where he talks about the second amendment and something about the courts or some BS.

      There is a process to repeal an amendment and even with all the so called morons growing up they still do not have the numbers, knowledge or ability to repeal the 2nd or any amendment. I bet this idiot doesn’t even know the entire process to successfully repeal an amendment.

    • what a bunch of absolute BOLLOCKs!
      comparing the US to other countries is a total no-brainer and just “cherry picking” BULL-shite….
      we always hear: Australia, UK, Germany, Japan etc…..
      but: we never hear: Brazil, Mexico, Venezuela…absolute SHITe-holes….with much higher murder rates than the US but… surprise! surprise! …. very strict gun laws…..
      ( ‘debunk’ the gun-grabbers’ myths)

      but…let’s unpack this pricks’ BS….
      Australian gun laws are based on a highly dubious incident that occurred over two decades ago;
      to this day, it is still very hotly debated and disputed and there are hundreds of thousands if not millions of AUssies (out of a relatively small 25mlln total population) who do not fully accept the official account of this incident;
      Australian gun laws are loathed and despised by millions of AUssies…..if not a majority of the population, then a very significant minority;
      a n° of peer-reviewed studies have demonstrated that the 1996/1997 gun laws, introduced by a gun-grabbing Prime Minister who illegitimately and unethically used his land-slide electoral victory against a previously highly unpopular predecessor (within a few short weeks of being elected), have not reduced gun homicides neither have they reduced “mass shootings” where such are defined, apropos DoJ/FBI guide-lines as four or more fatalities;
      further-more, violent crime of all sorts has exploded….in particular armed, violent home invasions ….
      so that….Aussies are, now, virtually living in fear 24/7;
      the electoral repercussions for the Liberal/National Coalition Party….the political party responsible for the ILLEGAL and un-Constitutional (apropos Commonwealth of Australia Constitution 1901) gun laws…have been horrendous…
      basically: the entire Australian electoral land-scape was changed in the late 1990s by the rise of minor political parties like Pauline Hanson’s One Nation Party and pro-gun Independent candidates and the LNP was very nearly obliterated;
      by a corrupt process of pork-barrelling and frantic ‘scare’ tactics, however, some of them, including gun-grabber-in-chief John Howard did manage to just cling to power … although Howard was actually ‘outed’ from his own political seat of Bennelong in the 2007 Federal Election….only the second Prime Minister in Australian political history to whom this has occurred….
      the current electoral situation in Australia is highly volatile….with no main-stream political party having a sure grip on power and all the State and Federal Upper Houses/Senate having the “balance-of-power” held by the minor parties….even forcing the LNP to UN-constitutionally change the Australian Electoral Act in another desperate bid to retain power…..
      both of the main-stream political parties…..the LNP and the Australian Labor Party always close ranks on any ‘watering down’ of Australia’s North Korean-style gun laws and vote en bloc;
      how-ever: their days are numbered
      (particularly in light of the increasing prevalence of violent, gang crime in the major urban areas)

      like AUstralia, UK gun laws are, also, based on a highly dubious incident that may or may not have occurred and that some believe was, in fact, ‘set up’ to run ‘in tandem’ with the Australian Port Arthur incident and, most likely, organised by the same people …..
      unlike Australia, how-ever, the UK does have a Bill of Rights (BoR 1689) from which large portions of the US BoR were, in fact, copied….
      the BoR 1689 does permit UK subjects to own guns and the government can not interfere with that …. providing guns are not being ‘stock-piled’ to over-throw the Crown;
      hence, the UK gun laws are most definitely ILLEGAL and, theoritically, could be over-thrown by a challenge in the Privy Council;
      like Australia, the UK has, also, experienced massive increases in gun crime and gun homicides and most UK citz (esp. in large, urban areas….of which there are many in the UK) live in fear 24/7;

      Japan cannot be used as an example for gun control in any way, shape or form….
      it is a democratic country in name only….
      in effect: it is a highly regulated police state with no actual due process and no presumption of innocence for an accused person in a criminal matter;
      it is, also, a mono-racial/mono-ethnic state with a very high level of social conformity so, of course, violent crime is rare…
      it is a totally bogus analogy and should, when used, as a blatant ‘strawman fallacy’ by gun grabbers, be, ipso facto, justification to nullify their argument by default……

      not that long ago, ½ of Germany was a communist police state (East Germany) with, AFAIK, no private fire-arm owner-ship permitted;
      the current German gun laws are some-what modelled on EU criteria but most are the result of a series of highly suspect ‘mass shootings’ for which no proper trial or legal process occurred;
      the current German Chancellor, Angela Merkel, is highly unpopular and is almost universally condemned as an out-and-out traitor to the German people for flooding that country with psychopathic, Middle Eastern-type jihadis …..
      any such laws as gun control laws under her auspices can safely be viewed as illegitimate garbage

    • what a bunch of absolute BOLLOCKs!
      comparing the US to other countries is a total no-brainer and just “cherry picking” BULL-shite….
      we always hear: Australia, UK, Germany, Japan etc…..
      but: we never hear: Brazil, Mexico, Venezuela…absolute SHITe-holes….with much higher murder rates than the US but… surprise! surprise! …. very strict gun laws…..
      ( ‘debunk’ the gun-grabbers’ myths)

      but…let’s unpack this pricks’ BS….
      Australian gun laws are based on a highly dubious incident that occurred over two decades ago;
      to this day, it is still very hotly debated and disputed and there are hundreds of thousands if not millions of AUssies (out of a relatively small 25mlln total population) who do not fully accept the official account of this incident;
      Australian gun laws are loathed and despised by millions of AUssies…..if not a majority of the population, then a very significant minority;
      a n° of peer-reviewed studies have demonstrated that the 1996/1997 gun laws, introduced by a gun-grabbing Prime Minister who illegitimately and unethically used his land-slide electoral victory against a previously highly unpopular predecessor (within a few short weeks of being elected), have not reduced gun homicides neither have they reduced “mass shootings” where such are defined, apropos DoJ/FBI guide-lines as four or more fatalities;
      further-more, violent crime of all sorts has exploded….in particular armed, violent home invasions ….
      so that….Aussies are, now, virtually living in fear 24/7;
      the electoral repercussions for the Liberal/National Coalition Party….the political party responsible for the ILLEGAL and un-Constitutional (apropos Commonwealth of Australia Constitution 1901) gun laws…have been horrendous…
      basically: the entire Australian electoral land-scape was changed in the late 1990s by the rise of minor political parties like Pauline Hanson’s One Nation Party and pro-gun Independent candidates and the LNP was very nearly obliterated;
      by a corrupt process of pork-barrelling and frantic ‘scare’ tactics, however, some of them, including gun-grabber-in-chief John Howard did manage to just cling to power … although Howard was actually ‘outed’ from his own political seat of Bennelong in the 2007 Federal Election….only the second Prime Minister in Australian political history to whom this has occurred….
      the current electoral situation in Australia is highly volatile….with no main-stream political party having a sure grip on power and all the State and Federal Upper Houses/Senate having the “balance-of-power” held by the minor parties….even forcing the LNP to UN-constitutionally change the Australian Electoral Act in another desperate bid to retain power…..
      both of the main-stream political parties…..the LNP and the Australian Labor Party always close ranks on any ‘watering down’ of Australia’s North Korean-style gun laws and vote en bloc;
      how-ever: their days are numbered
      (particularly in light of the increasing prevalence of violent, gang crime in the major urban areas)

      like AUstralia, UK gun laws are, also, based on a highly dubious incident that may or may not have occurred and that some believe was, in fact, ‘set up’ to run ‘in tandem’ with the Australian Port Arthur incident and, most likely, organised by the same people …..
      unlike Australia, how-ever, the UK does have a Bill of Rights (BoR 1689) from which large portions of the US BoR were, in fact, copied….
      the BoR 1689 does permit UK subjects to own guns and the government can not interfere with that …. providing guns are not being ‘stock-piled’ to over-throw the Crown;
      hence, the UK gun laws are most definitely ILLEGAL and, theoritically, could be over-thrown by a challenge in the Privy Council;
      like Australia, the UK has, also, experienced massive increases in gun crime and gun homicides and most UK citz (esp. in large, urban areas….of which there are many in the UK) live in fear 24/7;

      Japan cannot be used as an example for gun control in any way, shape or form….
      it is a democratic country in name only….
      in effect: it is a highly regulated police state with no actual due process and no presumption of innocence for an accused person in a criminal matter;
      it is, also, a mono-racial/mono-ethnic state with a very high level of social conformity so, of course, violent crime is rare…
      it is a totally bogus analogy and should, when used, as a blatant ‘strawman fallacy’ by gun grabbers, be, ipso facto, justification to nullify their argument by default……

      not that long ago, ½ of Germany was a communist police state (East Germany) with, AFAIK, no private fire-arm owner-ship permitted;
      the current German gun laws are some-what modelled on EU criteria but most are the result of a series of highly suspect ‘mass shootings’ for which no proper trial or legal process occurred;
      the current German Chancellor, Angela Merkel, is highly unpopular and is almost universally condemned as an out-and-out traitor to the German people for flooding that country with psychopathic, Middle Eastern-type jihadis …..
      any such laws as gun control laws under her auspices can safely be viewed as illegitimate garbage

  6. Same voices saying children are too immature, irresponsible and inexperienced to buy a rifle at 18 are saying they should be voting at 16 and we should all hearken to their glorious worldly wisdom.

    So which is it? Are they wise and here to save society or are they incompetent, foolish and dangerous?

  7. They’re going to be so embarrassed [if] when they grow up.

    “You see things; and you say “Why?” But I dream things that never were; and I say “Why not?” – George Bernard Shaw.

    “I see stupid sh_t going on in FL, sh_t that they’ve born and bred there, and I say WTF !, WT everlivin’ F. Don’t pin your stupid sh_t on the rest of us you communist POS (D) FL.” – Joe R.

  8. The kids are puppets reading a script. It seems the lefty gun grabbers went and found sympathetic left leaning kids from the drama club/class at the school and have given them a script to read for the media in an impassioned performance and everyone is reacting to it like it’s real and not AstroTurfing.

  9. “Neo-Communist playbook…”


    Action comes from keeping the heat on. No politician can sit on a hot issue if you make it hot enough.

    Saul D. Alinsky, Rules for Radicals: A Pragmatic Primer for Realistic Radicals

  10. “Neo-Communist playbook…”


    Lest we forget at least an over the shoulder acknowledgment to the very first radical: from all our legends, mythology and history (and who is to know where mythology leaves off and history begins – or which is which), the very first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom – Lucifer.

    Saul D. Alinsky, Rules for Radicals: A Pragmatic Primer for Realistic Radicals

  11. “Neo-Communist playbook…”

    In the beginning the organizer’s first job is to create the issues or problems.

    Saul D. Alinsky, Rules for Radicals: A Pragmatic Primer for Realistic Radicals

  12. “Neo-Communist Playbook…”

    To say that corrupt means corrupt the ends is to believe in the immaculate conception of ends and principles. The real arena is corrupt and bloody. Life is a corrupting process from the time a child learns to play his mother off against his father in the politics of when to go to bed; he who fears corruption fears life.

    Saul D. Alinsky, Rules for Radicals: A Pragmatic Primer for Realistic Radicals

    • I’m pretty sure Tide Pods are laundry detergent (soap), not dish soap, but maybe Tide Pods are last week and the cool kids have moved onto Cascade ActionPacs. 😀

  13. I’m sorry, I guess I’m and old geezer now but I could give a crap what some emotional teenager says. For fuck sake, this is the generation that was making news a couple weeks ago eating detergent pods……Their brains are not fully developed.

    • Interesting point: gun grabbers will tell us that people’s brains are not fully developed until age 25 (or something like that) so people should not be allowed to possess firearms until they are 25 years old. Let’s throw it right back at them: peoples brains are not fully developed until age 25 so people should not be allowed to plead their case to news media nor petition government until they are 25 years old.

  14. I almost feel sorry for these kids. All they’ve got to look forward to is 60 or 70 years of bitter disappointment.

  15. What we need is the NRA to organize thousands of people who have used guns to defend themselves from deadly danger. Get women who have killed or wounded rapists. Get grandmas who have driven off home invaders. Get *children* who have driven off home invaders.

    There are far more of them than victims of gun violence.

    • Most of them have jobs and responsibilities that they cant drop at a moments notice to go off for weeks or months at a time

      • Most is not all. And even then, most could afford to take one day’s vacation for a good cause, and there are millions to draw from. Finding a few thousand should not be hard.

        Or put them in a commercial. 5-10 seconds each — “I shot my wanna-be rapist” — “I shot a burglar with a knife” — “I saved my kid from a pedophile kidnapper”.

        Just get on the offensive. Stop letting these clowns define the narrative.

    • Soros and Bloomberg are not funding honest people who have used guns to end a real threat.

      They are funding people like me. People who have no shame or morals and don’t mind dancing in the blood of victims to advance their corrupt agenda.

      • “They are funding people like me. People who have no shame or morals and don’t mind dancing in the blood of victims to advance their corrupt agenda.”

        And that’s why we are laughing our asses off at you and your stupid ilk…

  16. I’ve seen this tactic of using young, wide-eyed, emotional youth to affect political change somewhere else before……

  17. #Neveragain in this case, seems to refer directly to personal responsibility. Somehow in the “everone gets a prize” age, no one ever seems to be personally responsible for their behaviour, or the consequences of that behavior.

    It’s absolutely insane! Rather than taking a hard look at the financial cowardice of our school boards for (most likely repeatedly) denying funding for adequate armed security for our children. Local authorities for responding 30 times and never making an arrest. Federal authorities who failed to act twice, despite having specific information regarding the shooter’s identity and knowledge about what he was planning, our immediate cultural and media response is to pass the buck, and gaslight the kids into shilling for so called “gun control”, when any truly responsible society (Israel for example) would be training them to react appropriately to the reality of 21st century threats, and would train them and arm their teachers, administrators, and security personnel to effectively DEFEND against a multitude of completely predictable threat scenarios.

  18. “The teenagers who have paid the price for our failures not only have the right to lead this movement.”

    Um, no. If people under the age of 18 have no explicit rights, then they have no right to assemble peaceably nor petition government for a redress of grievances.

    If people under the age of 18 do have First Amendment rights, then why don’t they have Second Amendment rights?

  19. Reminder that the Original Children’s Crusade was a scam that led many kids to be kidnapped and enslaved, if they actually survived the journey in the first place.

  20. “The grass-roots movement, dubbed “Never Again,” ”

    Amazing how this ‘grass-roots movement’ seems to have been organized instantly with signs and slogans ready to go.

    Yeah no I’m not buying it.

  21. “Some even malign them as mere tools of adult activists.”

    Really? Friggin’ really?
    Did the “kids” arrange their own busses for their roadshow across Florida? Or did “adult activists” help out?
    Of course there are adult activists behind the scenes using kids as the face of this movement. Hey kids, where did you get those pre-printed signs? Were any adults involved?

  22. Yet another anti-gun instagroup equipped and financed by Bloomberg. Time to write my Congress critters again.

  23. The whole country is being ruled by unruly children — at home, on the streets and in Congress.

    They all need a damn good spanking.

    • “They all need a damn good spanking.”

      Indeed, these children are little more than naive marionettes with empty heads and large mouths. To think that Trump is meeting with such mendacious mouthpieces is ridiculous. Especially considering that, to this ones knowledge, he didn’t even meet or invite Stephen Willeford and Johnny Langendorff to the White House.

      Halt and pursue a mass shooter, and the President ignores one. Hide in a closet for hours while pissing one’s pants and crying loudly, and one gets an invitation to the White House to be consulted on “gun violence” policies.

      This development direly pisses Esoteric Inanity off.

  24. Yeah like we need to give up rights based on the demands of soap eating teens who can’t figure out what bathroom to use.

    • Hey, here comes the tide pod brigade!!! Quick everyone be silent whilst they impart words of wisdom to all ignorant ears!!!

      Apparently hiding in a closet and bawling one’s eyes out now makes them authorities on all manner of subjects including civil rights, cultural phenomena and firearms technology.

  25. Right, like I will listen to these millennials/teens who can’t even figure out how to drive a manual transmission. Do they really care about school safety, kids safety. Not really or they would educate themselves.

    How about cell phone texting related traffic collisions? Over 11 teens are killed daily from texting and driving, Over 330,000 are seriously injured every year in texting and driving, where is the outrage? No, they want to take away gun owners rights instead. We should raise the driving age to 21 because teens are not responsible enough to have a phone and drive. Why aren’t teens outraged at Samsung, Verizon, AT&T etc? Because they are stupid, that’s why!

    • Every time I hear older folks talk shit about younger folks all I think is “Well, they’re your kids or grandkids dumbass”.

      It’s kinda funny to listen to generations of older folks, the ones who fucked up hard and let the system to go shit, complain about what that system produces when they did sweet-fuck-all to make sure the system was running properly. Kinda like the guy who never changed his oil but complains his engine has problems.

      Oh, and btw, I’m a millennial and I’ve never owned anything BUT manual transmission vehicles. I also do all my own maintenance on my vehicles and can fix just about anything around the house. We’re not all dipshits. Some of us had actual parents who taught us useful things and taught us how to figure shit out when we don’t know how to do it.

      • Pretty much. My current vehicle doesn’t even have he option for a manual, and I don’t do all my own maintenance. It’s cheaper for me to take it in once time is considered.

        • I’m one of those “kids” with a tool collection that puts most old timers to shame. Having such tools I need to have an excuse to use them.

  26. Remember when the Westboro guys gave their kids picket signs that said “God hates fags”? This is the same kinda crap. Dumb, entitled Gen-Z kids can’t think for themselves at all.

  27. Eh, let teachers teach. If they want to take on the additional responsibility to carry that is their individual choice.

    You would think there are enough army veterans and armed citizens needing jobs to load up schools with qualified personnel to be volunteer or long term armed security.

    It’s primarily the long police response times that make it feasible for murderers to get a high casualty rate.

    • I’m ex military and fully retired. I would gladly give up time and use my own weapons to defend a local school.

      People financed by soros will fight to the last to prevent real solutions to the problem.

    • I have a full time job and a family and I would STILL figure out time to work guard duty at the local high school. It may only be a couple hours here and there but hey, I would be there. And I would GLADLY use my own weapons too.

      I think more people are up for it like I am than we may think. Without crappy “gun free schools” laws, who knows how many people would volunteer.

  28. Parkland shooting “survivor” David Hogg certainly gets around. Here he is in Charlotte, North Carolina, doing more TV interviews.

  29. So I watched TV coverage of all the student anti gun speeches on the steps of Florida capitol today, My question?, How is this not hate speech?. They are threatening NRA members, calling gun owners crazy because we have a difference of opinion. Want to see hate speech, just watch these students.

  30. I just watched the remarks by students at the Fl. school where the shooting occurred and two things come to mind.

    What compliant Leftists the government education system are turning out,from what I just witnessed I’m thinking 21 isn’t enough perhaps age 25.

  31. There IS a place where kids are safe in school. It’s called “1950’s America”. The 1950’s were the most “conforming” decade in American history. There were no mass shootings of which I am aware. Nobody except hikers wore backpacks and school kids carried their books under their arm, not in a bag. Loose clothing was limited to winter wear in cold climates.

    And GUNS? You could purchase an M1 Carbine and 20 round magazines and ammo through the mail, no questions asked. And it would be a be delivered to you by our friendly United States Post Office.

    • In researching the question of “there never used to be mass shootings,” I discovered there have been mass shootings in every decade of the 20th century. The feds didn’t keep track until the mid 70’s.

      I do know there was a school massacre in colonial America. I couldn’t find out any details to know whether or not it was part of a political conflict. In the 20s a dude blew up a school. That’s still the largest school murder.

      • From what I understand, the rate of school shootings has been increasing, even as violence generally has been going down. One theory that seems plausible to me is that there has been an increase in social isolation, and it’s easier now for someone to be completely adrift and separate from the community. That means they don’t get help they need, they drift further in dangerous directions than they would have, signs are missed, and generally it’s no one’s job in particular to look out for them. Like I say, it seems plausible, but I’d like to see some strong research done before I really commit to the idea.

        • 1. Signs aren’t missed. Law enforcement and/or social services ignore them.

          2. According to the article I read on Politico, per capita mass shootings are up from the previous decade, but about the same as the two decades before that.

  32. Now if we could only stir up the voices of the 55+ million who lost their lives to abortion. THAT is the real travesty in this nation. The 18th Amendment is an abomination on the USA and must be repealed.

  33. These kids are clearly brainwashed on the issue as they are accusing the NRA of having bloods on its hands, the NRA politicians of having blood on their hands, etc…while they have a right to speak, the idea that we should be making legislation that restricts a right based on the whims of teenagers is nuts.

  34. Personally, as a Jew who lost his grandparents and extended family to the Holocaust, I’m appalled that the antis and their media supporters have adopted this phrase to further the proto-fascist disarmament agenda

    why wouldn’t they “adopt” it?
    the heavy duty gun grabbers in the US are JEWs, Fargo…. or wtf-ever yr ‘name’ is…..
    do you deny that?
    just try it!
    so….chances are…..this whole she-bang is being run by semites…hence their re-hashing a phrase with equally dubious antecedents …..

    • Incorrect, gun control has been and continues to be propagated by affluent whites in the US(Just as in Weimar/Nazi/present day Germany). Minorities and the dregs(although some are certainly complicit) are merely being used as a means to an end as they perpetually have been.

      Also, being a Jew isn’t so cut and dry. There is both a culture and faith that many different individuals of varying ethnicities have joined and become part of. Esoteric Inanity, while being of Scandinavian and Gaelic descent, admittedly has a Hebrew name, as many do that are not Jewish. This is the result of cultural integration. Now the definition of a Zionist, this one isn’t certain of.

      • the average, ordinary jew is as pro-gun as any European-American;
        how-ever, it can’t be denied that there are, indeed, some rich powerful jews who are, quite definitely, anti-gun;
        it is to be hoped that the gun-grabbers do not prevail this time……
        but: some-thing has got to be done to fore-stall them continually exploiting these sorts of incidents….
        maybe: some sort of RICO-type prosecution of the media …..

  35. You protect what you love. By that measure, Americans REALLY love their politicians and the rich, and don’t give two hoots about the average school student. Interesting that those little cherubs pictured are carrying professionally printed signs that must have been printed in advance in preparation for the next mass shooting. Preparation is everything.

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