Moms Demand Action gun control
(AP Photo/Steve Karnowski)
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Here’s a blistering hot take: gun control isn’t even close to a sufficient substitute for a healthy moral and civil society, and it never will be. Limiting individuals’ civil liberties erodes their rights for no defensible purpose or lasting societal gain.

People like to talk about Europe a lot for comparisons to the US where gun crime is concerned, but several European countries which are the most respectful of gun rights also have lower homicide rates than their far more restrictive neighbors.

Switzerland, the Czech Republic, and Austria all allow citizens to acquire firearms that would be illegal in a few US states, and yet their homicide rates are all well below 1 per 100,000.

It’s the same reason why comparably-sized US cities can have completely opposite homicide rates, even when the safer city is in a state with far less restrictive gun laws. Look at cities with similar populations like Boise versus Buffalo. Or Gilbert, Arizona vs. Newark, New Jersey.

Politics — and law and order — are downstream from culture. Safer cities are more cohesive, with cultures and values that are better entrenched in their populations. That’s why they are, in general, safer with less crime. Gun control laws have nothing at all to do with it.

Try as they might, anti-gunners can’t replicate the effect of strong social cohesion with legislation like “assault weapon” bans or magazine capacity limits. It insults our intelligence when they insist these broken cities that are run by their allies — frequently for decades — are only a few more “common sense gun control” laws away from salvation.


Konstadinos Moros is an Associate Attorney with Michel & Associates, a law firm in Long Beach that regularly represents the California Rifle & Pistol Association (CRPA) in its litigation efforts to restore the Second Amendment in California. You can find him on his Twitter handle @MorosKostas. To donate to CRPA or become a member, visit

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  1. Cool “gateway to white nationalism” post, folks.

    TTAG is a dumpster fire.

    Andrew Brietbart is sucking satan’s cock in hell, assholes.

        • RE: “Here’s a blistering hot take: gun control isn’t even close to a sufficient substitute for a healthy moral and civil society, and it never will be. Limiting individuals’ civil liberties erodes their rights for no defensible purpose or lasting societal gain.”

          Well Gun Control History illiterate marching moms obviously assume Gun Control is Healthy and Moral…Such mom ignorance circles back to Gun talking blowbags who have failed miserably to Define Gun Control by its History. There is simply no excuse as to why America does not react to hearing the words Gun Control in the same manner they react to seeing Gun Control’s sidekick mr. noose.

    • Being disappointed with the way certain demographics behave is something that you must come to grips with. Being the “Great White Hope” that’s woke will in the end fail you and your wards.

    • Ain’t too bright, jsled. Here you are pouring gas on a ‘dumpster fire’.

      Thank you for helping to sell a million guns a month. Without retards like you and dacian and miner49er it would be impossible.

      • Ever wonder why jsled’s head looks wierdly out of proportion?
        It’s the unfortunate result of being born anencephaletic.

      • Some twisted fantasy or another he built up in his mind while missing the forest for the trees.

  2. Cock, like in rooster?
    Cocka doddle dooo.
    I bet with all them burning feathers Hell has to be a really stinky place.
    Hot wings anyone?

    • “Cock, like in rooster?
      Cocka doddle dooo.”

      jsled’s sister, a cheap street hooker – “Any cock will do”… 😉

  3. So why isn’t there a post about what’s going on in Israel? Because the situation clearly shows that you are your own first responder. And the videos showing intersections full of massacred civilians should shock the conscience. Also, Hamas going door to door to kidnap women and children while executing the men on the sidewalk.

    Pretty sure that is a lesson for gun owners.

    • Why I keep several firearms handy, in my home and vehicle. Especially with the open southern border within a half-hour by vehicle.

      • This just in: Fighting resumes in the contested Gaza Region for the Two- thousand three hundred and eighty-seventh year. News at Eleven….

        • When your thugs are going door to door kidnapping women and doing god knows what to them in your Jeep while you are screaming god is great, you loose any ability to claim victimhood.

  4. New T Tag policy. Freedom of speech cancelled and no critique’s of any T Tag articles permitted.

    quote————–Switzerland, the Czech Republic, and Austria all allow citizens to acquire firearms that would be illegal in a few US states, and yet their homicide rates are all well below 1 per 100,000.———quote

    What the article conveniently left out was that all of the above European States have draconian vetting laws before one can purchase these firearms.

    quote————Look at cities with similar populations like Boise versus Buffalo. Or Gilbert, Arizona vs. Newark, New Jersey.——quote

    In reality studies show that Red States with lax gun laws have far more homicides than Blue States do that have tough gun laws. Of course many big city gun laws are trashed by Red States which ship in thousands of unvetted second hand guns to feed the criminal element.

      • I surely hope a million new guns a month are sold. The more sold the safer the world will be except for the blue leftist states whom dont deserve the safety nor freedoms they may have left anyway.

    • dacian,

      You will forever be the poster child for insurrectionism.

      The vetting in those Countries is less draconian than what you have opined for here. Austria had great laws until 1938, but your friends stopped by and disarmed anyone they thought inferior, you know, Jews, homosexuals and the like. After your ideological similar friends were defeated, some of those laws were relaxed, but it seems like your ideology is hard to let go of if you are the one in power. Not so good for the average citizen.

      The Czechs have relaxed their laws some since the fall of your other bff’s. They may actually become more like the US.

      The Swiss are a bit more complicated. They do allow silencers and auto weapons, and of course they are a society that likes marksmanship.

      Chicago is not in a red state. Nor is Patterson, Stockton, and others. The red states have issues in blue cities, and you have been presented that evidence in the past here.

      “Of course many big city gun laws are trashed by Red States which ship in thousands of unvetted second hand guns to feed the criminal element.”

      Where is the criminal element you mention? In Blue cities? Why are those cities such a draw for criminals? Why do red cities in red and blue states have less criminal violence?

      Can you answer honestly?

      • And your not the only one who is moderated, we all get it. My reply to you is moderated.

    • Do you think moderation only happens to you? We all get moderated here You’ll see soon when my two other posts pop up.

    • TLDR: see admittedly flawed fbi crime stats to see your points do not survive contact with skewed reality. Gets worse when you realize which groups get over and under reported and fixated upon. Read up and have a nice weekend.

    • dacian, the DUNDERHEAD. you are again, lying like a rug. Why is it you are so afraid of firearms? You claim to be an ‘expert’ but don’t even know the firing sequence of a cartridge. You claim there are more deaths from firearms in states with Constitutional Carry? That is another of your lies. Where do you get your stats from? Off the top of your head? “Red states” don’t ship firearms anywhere. That is another of your lies. I’d like to see the shipping labels verifying your outlandish claims.
      You anti-gun radicals are still propagating lies at the rate of 100 a minute. Time to come to Jesus, dacian, you are exposed for the liar that you are.

  5. Here’s another inconvenient truth — you can’t have a healthy cohesive civil society by forcing two or more radically different cultures to live in the same space. It just ain’t gonna happen.

  6. “Safer cities are more cohesive, with cultures and values that are better intrenched in their populations.” That’s pretty ambiguous. Anybody want to explain what he’s talking about.

      • I betcha ISRAEL ain’t paying $600000000 for hostages!🙄 “Surprise” attack. Mossad is pathetic. Something something Armageddon…

      • Remove the ‘Palestinians’ from Gaza. Body bags or on foot. Remove the threat to national security.
        Make Iran pay the price for arming Hamas and Hezbollah.
        Time for the terrorists to get a taste of terror.

        • Armored bulldozers after a intense carpet bombing should clean Gaza up nicely. I say Israel should carpet bomb for 40 days and 40 nights. And of course they will hit a few critical areas in Iran while this goes on.

        • Former I worry that may be closer to what happens than we will like fairly soon. Especially when I am hearing noise (no idea on quality of signal so rumor for now) about weapons we sent Ukraine being involved.

        • Why would they have to “borrow” from Ukraine when SleepyJoe sent their preferred supplier a recent gift of $6B. Yeah I know that the Whitehouse is denying that, but is there some sort of monthly banking statement for proof? I’m pretty sure that the war trophies we left behind in Afghanistan made their way to Gaza.

        • “…I know that the Whitehouse is denying that…”

          Maybe we ought to call it the “Whitewash House” although the sobriquet applies to the MSM equally well.

  7. Leftist/Marxist ideology destroys morality. Under their system, truth, morals, ethics are subjective and changeable to fit the current narrative. Has anyone else noticed the left always has to blame their faults and bad behaviors on outside influences or on those who they wish to dehumanize?
    Gun control as presented by the disarmament crowd does nothing to prevent those with criminal or evil intent. Nor will any of the social experiments do anything to protect the populace from violent crime. Welfare does nothing to get people out of poverty.
    Actual education and teaching critical thinking and actual problem solving skills are the only way people will move out of poverty and become successful productive members of society. When you hold people back by not allowing them to prosper by keeping them beholden to big daddy government, or give them just enough to survive but not give them the needed skills to move forward, you create an immoral and impoverished underclass that will resort to the only means left to them. Drugs, crime and promiscuity.

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