Joe Biden Angry
(AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster)
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President Joe Biden’s unpopular gun control moves are doing little to appease his gun control donor class. Worse, those same moves are distancing him from voters that clearly see crime as a central issue and gun ownership as a right to be protected. …

Biden has since nominated Steve Dettelbach, who once campaigned for public office on a gun control platform. President Biden is also circumventing Congress’s authority to write laws by issuing an administrative rule to redefine frames and receivers and ban arm braces on AR-style pistols and instituting a top-down policy of “zero tolerance” inspections that would revoke licenses of firearm retailers instead of working with small business owners to correct minor clerical errors. 

On top of that, President Biden is facing two additional factors not working in his favor on gun control and lawful gun ownership. Gun control groups are livid that President Biden hasn’t delivered their goal of disarming the American population. He was rated just a “D+” by gun control groups exasperated that he hasn’t ruled like a dictator to unilaterally ban entire classes of firearms and delivered a laundry list of gun control “must-haves,” including a Cabinet-adjacent position that’s outside of Senate confirmation to push even more gun control policies.

– Lawrence Keane in As Crime Grows, Biden’s Radical War on Self-defense Is Alienating Voters

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  1. Is the Biden administration discovering they have to follow the law too?

    At least as much as they can get away with.

    • Let’s see…May, June, July, August, September. October and “November.” Plenty of time to left to cut the chase and properly define Gun Control by its history for your friends, family, congressmen, etc. It all boils down to exposing The Truth About Gun Control…

      1) The Second Amendment is one thing.

      2) The criminal misuse of firearms, bricks, bats, knives, vehicles, etc. is another thing.

      3) History Confirms Gun Control in any shape, matter or form is a racist and nazi based Thing.

        • read for comprejhension much? Try it. It can be fun. Remember the old saw “reading is FUN da mental”. Guess ou’re going heavy on the “mental” bit.

  2. You’re a damn liar, man. That’s not true. And no one has ever said that. Look fat, look, here’s the deal. I graduated with three degrees.

    • let’s see.. Biden IS good for something. Let me think for a moment… yes, I believe I’m getting some twitches in y left leg.. yes, its slowly appearing now.. OK< here it is.. he is good at staring at the teleprompter and saying whatever blather rattles about within his empty cranium. He is also quite good at saying things that are just not true, even in HIS fantasy world. He's also proven himself quite adept at spawning and sort of raising hellions with no moral compass, perverted, deviant, self-centred (gets that from Pop) and incredibly greedy.

      Yes, I'd say Dopey Joe IS good……

  3. So the people constantly harping on about the threat of a unilateral dictatorial regime taking over America under the guise of “conservatism” is upset that their “liberal” dictatorial regime isn’t manifesting the way they had hoped?

    Just one of many reasons I hope nukes fly. BBQ’d petty tyrants and hypocrites would smell great.

  4. Biden has since nominated Steve Dettelbach, who once campaigned for public office on a gun control platform.

    Campaigned for office, not won office?
    Does that mean he “lost”?
    Sounds like a winning strategist to have on your side.

  5. Well gee I thought he would get an F as in F u Joe Biden.
    Gunm control, kinda a bad time to try and make that fly.
    I believe we can thank the high crime rate, covid pandemic ( btw, whatever happened to that shouldn’t 3/4 of the world be dead already) and the mostly peaceful protest for the surge in gunm sales. Then add in the UCrane thing.
    Yup bad time to champion gunm control if you wanna get elected.
    And really, does the ban the whatevers really think that by banning whatever is going to make a difference in crime? If they do their not as smart as they think they are.

    • Well gee I thought he would get an F as in F u Joe Biden.
      Gun control, kinda a bad time to try and make that fly.
      I believe we can thank the high crime rate, covid pandemic ( btw, whatever happened to that shouldn’t 3/4 of the world be dead already) and the mostly peaceful protest for the surge in gun sales. Then add in the UCrane thing.
      Yup bad time to champion gun control if you wanna get elected.
      And really, does the ban the whatevers really think that by banning whatever is going to make a difference in crime? If they do their not as smart as they think they are.

    • oh they DON”T really believe gun control ends or even slightly limits crime. They still flog that dead horse every chance they get, trying to bamfoozle the masses and the ignorati. WE know it wont/can’t work and why. They do too. but they plan to make a whole lott noise about ‘how well it DOES work” hopoing against home that enough stupid/foolish voters will believe them t so they CAN take our guns away they think. What they fail to enter into their calculus is that there are maybe a nundred thirty two of them, and very close to a hundred thirty two MILLION of us. Personally I think those odds are just about perfect.

  6. Gun/freedom proponents may have a rare opportunity to reverse Biden’s stance on unserialized frames, etc. etc. The firearms industry, FPC, SAF, and NRA just need to cut a few checks to “the big guy,” and all this will go away.

  7. In reality Biden has already banned the Ghost Gun scourge and he fully intends to pass Universal Background Checks which most Republican Congressmen actually support.

    It remains to be seen as to whether he can put assault rifles on the NFA list which has a very good system of vetting out psycho’s and criminals as the NFA history proves it beyond all doubt.

    • The only thing ‘proved beyond all doubt’ is your mental illness. And you’re the one that proved that.

      • Hey there jwm, you gotta give some respect to dacian. After all he’s a 74 year old ex ArmyMarine vet who flew submarines for the AirForce.

        • But that was only after he got his degrees from Harvard, Stanford, Yale, and Oxford. And invented the Internet. He’s a legend in his own mind.

    • Ghost guns were never a scourge. The Feds count scratched serial numbers as ghost guns which accounts for most crimes committed with “ghost” guns. The problem is that defacing a serial number on a firearm is already illegal. The criminals didn’t care. All Biden did is make it still illegal to break the law the criminals were already ignoring. It will change nothing.

      On Universal Background Checks…. we have made it illegal for felons to own guns. This means we need a way to check to see who’s a felon. The problem with the UNIVERSAL part is that it only works if we have a firearm registry. It’s easy enough to ensure FFLs are completing a background check, but without a registry, it’s impossible for private transfers. Most Republicans are probably on board with background checks, but I’m willing to bet that none are on board with a registry.

      Assault rifles won’t ever go on the NFA list. The most widely accepted definition is a semi auto rifle with some scary LOOKING features like a pistol grip. A Ruger Mini 14 is just as powerful and dangerous as an AR-15. Banning the AR while allowing the Ruger does nothing because future would be AR owners will just buy the Ruger instead. Of course, you could change the definition to any semi auto rifle, but then you’re saying that I need to take my M1 Carbine to get it registered and pay extra taxes to own a 70 year old WWII rifle? Ridiculous. It’ll never pass.

      The only reason the NFA vetting system is effective is because criminals aren’t going to spend their time and money to make sure they comply with the law. If you add “assault” rifles to the NFA, zero criminals will go register their guns and crime will continue as is.

      • to Tim

        quote————–The problem with the UNIVERSAL part is that it only works if we have a firearm registry.———quote

        Complete falsehood. Universal Background checks would make it illegal for citizens to sell their guns privately. Everything would have to go through a dealer. Anyone caught making a private sale would risk a jail sentence, loss of all gun rights for life and be fined heavily. Most all gun owners would never take that kind of chance and this would dry up very quickly the vast, vast sea of guns for sale to criminals and psychopaths.

        quote————Banning the AR while allowing the Ruger ————-quote

        Another Falsehood. Any rifle that takes a detachable clip or a fixed magazine that holds more than 10 rounds would be placed on the NFA list and that would naturally include the Ruger Mini 14. A grandfather clause would let present owners avoid paying the tax but mandate they register them.

        • I don’t think you understand. Let’s say you implemented Universal Background Checks TODAY. If I have a gun that’s not registered, maybe I bought it yesterday, maybe I bought it ten years ago. How is government going to know?

          The Federal Assault Weapons ban impacted semi auto firearms that had detachable clips and contained two of the following: Pistol grip, folding or telescoping stock, bayonet lug, grenade launcher (which remember that grenades are already heavily regulated), or barrel shroud. Several states banning assault rifles today use that definition. Your claim that the current definition includes anything with fixed or detachable magazine that holds more than 10 rounds is false.

          But let’s say for a moment that a new law changed the definition. This is certainly possible. You’re now telling me that I have to go register my M1 Garand, M1 Carbine, SKS, and Ruger 10-22 because they’re scary assault rifles? And I can no longer sell them without a months long wait? Come on bud. Even you can’t think that’s going to fly with politicians, POTG, or anyone who understands the law.

        • to Tim

          quote—————I don’t think you understand. Let’s say you implemented Universal Background Checks TODAY. If I have a gun that’s not registered, maybe I bought it yesterday, maybe I bought it ten years ago. How is government going to know?———-quote

          Go back and read my original post I already explained that to you. To recap the government does not need to know you own one because if you do not obey the new law you lose your gun rights forever, go to prison, lose your job and get fined heavily.

          Now com on be honest here. Any sane American would never take the chance and start selling off his guns “under the table illegally”.

          And you complain about the NFA law if semi-auto high capacity weapons were put on the NFA. A few Civilized nations that still let people own such weapons have been doing this for years and yes people still own them legally after doing the paperwork and waiting. And their far lower crime rate with these weapons prove the laws work and work much better than our total lack of such laws. History has proven it for decades. The London Bridge incident about two years ago comes to mind as a perfect example of gun laws working as intended.

          I would say even if semi-auto high capacity weapons ARE NOT put on the NFA list having Universal Background Checks on them and all weapons would still go a long, long way on reducing the vast, vast, sea of second hand guns available to criminals and psychopaths.

        • Tim, lil’d is big on ideas but short on processes and details.

          A UBC would only work with a firearms database. Otherwise, as you said, how does the government know what you have or had?

          Currently such a federal database is prohibited but it hasn’t stopped F-Troop from trying.

        • Without realizing it, dacky boy gave away the game.

          The point is to use the threat of enforcement to chill the exercise of otherwise completely legal and constitutionally protected activities, while being shielded from legal objections by the lack of actual enforcement. US courts do not hear purely theoretical arguments, only flesh-and-blood cases. Until there’s an actual attempt to bring someone to court over it, there’s no flesh-and-blood case. It relies on the natural desire of many lawful citizens to not get into or make trouble, and therefore become their own enforcers of an unjust rule.

          It’s passive-aggressive posturing, the domain of neg’ing bullies. And would-be dictators are nobody if not bullies.

        • dacian the mentally retarded @$$clown,

          All of that parade of horribles applies TODAY to felons who trade guns on the street on a daily basis, as well as to felons who traffic in narcotics, or stolen property. And we have ZERO trade in stolen guns, narcotics, or stolen property, right??? You COMPLETE @$$clown, you remain too stupid to insult, too absurd to take seriously, and too pathetic to have sympathy for. You are a caricature of a caricature of a caricature of a total uneducated buffoon of an ignoranus. Go micturate up a cable dacian the stupid.

      • Bloomburg brinbed Washington State to declare ALL semiauto rifles wiht detachable mags to be “assault rifles”. Yes, that most certiainly DOES include the Ruger 10/.22 How stupid is THAYAT? ON Tuesday election day I did not own one “assault rifle”. When I woke up Wednsday morning it seems I somehow acquired close to a dozen of them overnight. Didn’t cost me a penny, either!!!

        Funny thing about the “dastardly AR” pattern rifles.. that round (.223 Rem or 5.56 NATO) os so puny and feeble YA CAINT EVEN HUNT DEER WITH THEM!! True story. They do not have sufficent downrange energy to be sure enough to make a clean kill on something as large as a deer. One exception I think I heard about is I believe Ohio, where they can be used for taking their midget sized white tail deer. You certainly canot go after normal sized deer in other states, nor larger game such as bear, elk, moose, bison, cougar, bighorn sheep, , etc. Varmints and coyote and wild hog are about the only game animals that can be hunted with the.223/5.56 round. Yuo want ‘high power” you must step up to at least the venerable .243 Winchester, or even the amazing antique 6.5 x 55 Swede. One friend of mine has taken several trophy bucks with that round in an ex miiltary rifle with a custom stock. and a large cougar with that round. Four hundred plus yard range for all of them

        • to Tionico

          quote———–Funny thing about the “dastardly AR” pattern rifles.. that round (.223 Rem or 5.56 NATO) os so puny and feeble YA CAINT EVEN HUNT DEER WITH THEM!! True story. They do not have sufficent downrange energy to be sure enough to make a clean kill on something as large as a deer. One exception I think I heard about is I believe Ohio, where they can be used for taking their midget sized white tail deer.

          Falsehood: I had a close friend who for years shot Whitetail deer many of which weighed over 200 lbs before field dressing. He used a .223 with full metal jacketed bullets and also expanding bullets. The measured range to the edge of his property was 225 yards. The deer often dropped dead on the spot and few ran more than 25 yards before piling up dead as a door nail.

          And by the way I live in Ohio and its illegal to take deer with any cartridge that is not straight walled and .357 or above caliber and approved by the fish and game department. The rare exception being a nuisance permit. And by the way you are totally ignorant on the size of Ohio deer as they are some of the biggest in the U.S. as they are corn fed primarily.

          Next time research before passing internet rectum gas.

    • dacian, the Dunderhead Biden has only proved what an idiot he is. “Ghost guns”? Just how many “ghost guns” committed a crime?

      The fact is that you people call any gun with a defaced serial number to be a “ghost gun”. your narrative is fraudulent.

  8. Where’s Miner to claim that Dem politicians don’t really support gun control and that only Republican are trying to take your guns? Why isn’t he here gaslighting reality yet? Don’t you guys know that this report is about Trump?!?!

  9. Wouldn’t be easier to make it illegal
    to kill someone? I presume firearms
    used in crimes that have their numbers
    ground off are counted as “ghost” guns.
    As far as kit guns are concerned not
    everyone is the champion gunsmith
    Joe Biden is who can complete the machining and assembly of one in 30
    We’ve created a culture than venerates
    criminals, glorifies violence what do you
    expect as a result? The solution isn’t
    making millions of law abiding citizens

  10. A bit of history. Before 1934, BATFE was a bureau within the Internal Revenue Service wholly engaged in the enforcement of prohibition. After it was repealed, like the IRS and all big government bureaucracies, it found another cause. It bounced around as the Bureau of Prohibition, the Alcohol Tax Unit, and the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax Division (IRS).

    In 1968, as part of Johnson’s Great Society, firearms were added and it became the Division of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF), under the IRS of course. Its function was intended to stop interstate firearms transfers except among licensed manufacturers, dealers and importers. The primary objective was to ensure timely collection of taxes.

    In 1970, Nixon added explosives and in 1972, when the IRS jettisoned the ATF Division, he created the Bureau of ATF. It became the BATFE when the residents of the trade towers were slaughtered by commercial aircraft

    During all that bureaucratic maneuvering, the FBI bombastically rejected the function for too many reasons to list here. For my tax money, the BATFE should be broken up with alcohol and tobacco oversight moved to the states. Due to overlap and expertise, the FBI now supervises big incidents of arms and explosives abuse. Seems the BATFE is extraneous to the process and redundant.

    What the BATFE has become is another unexpected consequence of supporting what seemed to be an innocuous and relatively unrelated law. Stung too many times, most private owners now don’t trust the government and oppose any tinkering, however slight, with the 2nd Amendment.

  11. From an antigun standpoint, Biden has done just about everything he could do without Congressional approval. He has arm brace and privately made firearms set to be banned. He banned the import of Russian guns and ammo (prior to Ukrainian invasion). He nominated an antigun lobbyist for BATFE director. They should be giving him at least a solid B+. Unfortunately for him, he did stupid politician stuff and promised things he can’t deliver, like universal background checks/registration and getting “assault weapons” and “large capacity military magazines” classified as NFA items. It’s too late to get any action from Congress. In the run up to midterm elections, Democrats are changing their tune from “hell yes, we’ll take your guns” to “I support the 2nd Amendment, but…”

  12. gamblor, if you believe that Biden is a “decent human being”, I have a bridge to sell you in Brooklyn. Interested?

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