Gun Control Horror: Defense Distributed’s New ‘Zero Percenter’ is a Finger in the Eye of the ATF’s ‘Ghost Gun’ Rule

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0% Aluminum Billet
Courtesy 80% Arms


The Biden administration recently proposed new regulations defining exactly what constitutes a firearm and which specific parts are required to have ATF-issued serial numbers for tracking. If enacted, Federal Firearms licensing and serial numbers will be required on many gun components that heretofore could be bought and sold without regulation. Wilson’s new software, which he intends to release later today, is designed to circumvent those controls by converting a 1.5 inch by 8 inch block of aluminum into the essential component of a firearm using one of Defense Distributed’s $2,500 Ghost Gunner 3 desktop printers. 

Dubbed the Zero Percenter, because it can turn a completely untouched piece of aluminum into a firearm, the software and a few accompanying components are Wilson’s answer to what he considers government overreach. He seems to care little about the “open source” terrorism and crime it might unleash. So-called privately made firearms or ghost guns, the type Wilson has long championed, have confounded law enforcement officials for years. According to the Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco Firearms and Explosives, from 2016 through 2020, some 23,906 suspected ghost guns were recovered from crime scenes, including 325 homicides or attempted homicides.

“There’s always going to be this mystical platonic line where a component becomes more like a gun than not a gun, and to regulate those intermediary steps of manufacture in any serious level completely disrupts modern American manufacturing, the American system,”  says Wilson, dressed in black and brandishing a 24-carat gold ring, embossed with the initials DD. “They are literally trying to control the world. But as the Zero Percenter demonstrates, blocks of metal are also guns.”

— Michael del Castillo in Open Source Terror: How The World’s Most Dangerous Crypto Anarchist Intends To Neutralize Biden’s Proposed Gun Control Regulations



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  1. Logical conclusion of the proverbial game of cat-and-mouse over gun control. I see this type of process expanding over time, with 80% finished frames morphing to 60% or less, even 0% as shown here.

    I’d love to have a Ghost Gunner 3, if I had an extra $2500 to blow my nose with.

    I noted that Michael del Castillo refers to the machine as a “printer”. A printer adds ink or similar material onto a substrate. This machine removes material, and is therefore akin to a CDC. It’s only a minor point, but it made my eye twitch nonetheless.

    • For all intent and purposes the Ghost Gunner is a table top CNC.
      So how long before hardware stores will be required to have an FFL to sell aluminum, steel, etc?

      • Oops. Typo. I meant “CNC”. Thx for the correction.

        (stumbles to kitchen to refill on coffee…)

        • Tumble outta bed and stumble to the kitchen
          Pour myself a cup of ambition
          Yawnin’ and stretchin’ and try to come to life

        • RE: “According to the Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco Firearms and Explosives, from 2016 through 2020, some 23,906 suspected ghost guns were recovered from crime scenes, including 325 homicides or attempted homicides.”

          Recovered from “crime scenes?” Criminals are generally stupid but today most know better than to leave behind anything with their fingerprints and DNA.

          Notice the article said “suspected” Ghost Guns. Says a lot about who is handling evidence. Either you know or you do not. The books are cooked because someone has a problem with the Freedom to buy a half baked firearm. The same busy bodies probably have a problem with frozen pizzas.

          Slavery is more or less others ordering you around telling you what you can do and not do and what you can have and can’t have like a job if your refuse to allow your slave master to vaccinate you, etc.

        • I think what’s “included” is patent bullshit. I bet there were not 23,906 firearms *of any description* left behind at crime scenes in a 4-year period. I hold that the entire release is a flat-out lie, print out the names and accused crimes of just the first twenty three THOUSAND for me, please. Oh! Not available? I am so shocked. How about just the ones where someone was charged with the felony of transferring a ghost gun?

        • Perhaps 24k guns were investigated in connection to a crime. The total would include recovered at crime scenes or seized after a search or warrant. It still doesn’t mean the guns were actually used in a crime — just that they were encountered as part of an investigation.

    • “I noted that Michael del Castillo refers to the machine as a “printer”.”

      ‘Printers’ are ‘additive manufacturing’, this is more ‘subtractive manufacturing.

      In the old Soviet Union, photocopy machines were under lock and key. Someone they deemed ‘responsible’ had the key.

      Count on the Leftist Scum trying to do the same with this technology, after they finish flipping out over a bad cold virus…

  2. “He seems to care little about the “open source” terrorism and crime it might unleash. So-called privately made firearms or ghost guns, the type Wilson has long championed, have confounded law enforcement officials for years. According to the Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco Firearms and Explosives, from 2016 through 2020, some 23,906 suspected ghost guns were recovered from crime scenes”

    bullshit … and … bullshit.

    • It’s obvious that michael is afraid and or a complete disdain of enumerated negative individual freedoms. Thus the need to lash out with lies and BS.

    • “Suspected ghost guns”, mean those without tracible serial numbers. While this does include homemade guns, it also includes guns that have had serial numbers altered, those that were manufactured with no serial number and(I suspect) those guns that were sold so long ago that they can’t be traced to point of sale.
      This is much ado about nothing and is designed to get a roster of every firearm in the country.
      They will use the excuse that it is for tracking purpose, but we know it is all about confiscation.

      • rt66paul,

        They will use the excuse that it is for tracking purpose, but we know it is all about confiscation.


        Hold on a minute! Are you telling me that our selfless, all-loving, benevolent, and noble state and federal governments are lying to us in order to hide their plan to come after good people? I am shocked, SHOCKED I tell you!


  3. i wonder how many of the 23,000 ghost guns recovered were actually guns with the serial numbers ground off?

    • Without a standard reporting for law enforcement across the US, it’s going to be hard to determine, however the number of obscured firearm serial numbers pretty much over shadow actual home built firearms that have been used in the commission of a crime.

      • Not saying you are wrong, but how do we know that? Is there a source? It isn’t as if the ATF is giving out any info that would undermine its narrative.

        • How many 3d printed guns at this time could possibly be out there at this time, and how many could possibly be involved in a crime? it’s not like its really cheap to build them, much less sell them.

    • That was the argument made in a hearing in San Diego last year when the city passed a law banning 80% lowers. Now San Diego County has done the same this this week.

      I don’t remember the numbers, but it was argued that many of the so called “ghost guns” reported in crimes were firearms that had serial numbers filed off.

      I thought that was illegal to file off a serial number?

      • “I thought that was illegal to file off a serial number?”

        Yes, a felony. Even a Cerekote job can be considered ‘obliterating a serial number’, as FPS Russia found out when the feds were busting him for weed distribution. Apparently, allowing your girlfriend to smoke your stash makes you more evil…

      • The majority of the “ghost guns” reported in crimes are commercially manufactured firearms that have had the serial numbers changed, removed, or obligated. Contrary to dacian and a host of other anti-gun freaks the majority of the “ghost guns” reported in crimes are not “80%” gun kits or kit guns that have been ‘personally manufactured”.

        The NFA of 1934 made it illegal to obliterate, remove or alter the serial number of a “firearm” as classified by the NFA. However, the NFA only applied to a specific class of weapons. Later on, the GCA made it illegal to obliterate, remove or alter the serial number of a much broader classification of firearm, not just those subject to the NFA.

        • There is not a bunch of criminals out there ordering 80% kits and putting guns together. Sure, there may be some but gangs and criminals prefer commercially manufactured and besides gangs and criminals have had the capability to make their own firearms for the last 50 years if they wanted to set up to do it but no one cared really until 80% ‘guns’ and 3D printing started proliferating among legal gun owners.

          The goal of the anti-gun freaks has been and is to control, remove, ban, etc… legal exercise of the 2A by legal gun owners. Its never been about ‘ghost guns’ or ‘violence’ or anything else. They all wish it turned into a ‘privilege’ they control or are interactive in the control of for their own profit.

    • @thunder

      “i wonder how many of the 23,000 ghost guns recovered were actually guns with the serial numbers ground off?”

      over 90%

      • The definition of ‘Ghost Gun’ varies a little depending on how its used.

        For the ATF and other law enforcement agencies a gun is loosely called a ‘Ghost Gun’ if the serial number is obliterated, removed or altered, or a gun that does not have a serial number, and it can’t be traced ‘immediately’ (ever how long ‘immediately’ is for their processes).

        The gun-control freak definition is a privately made firearm, typically a homemade firearm, that lacks commercial serial numbers (e.g. ‘80%’ kits).

        Notice the difference here. The gun control freak definition specifically targets a privately made firearm which is most likely to be held by a legal gun owner and less likely to be used in a crime. Their definition completely ignores the criminality side of it by ignoring that the majority of so called ‘ghost guns’ actually recovered from criminals and crime scenes are commercially manufactured guns that have had the serial numbers obliterated or removed or altered.

        • I’m pretty sure the ghost gun definition has to include “emptying a 30 caliber magazine clip in half a second.”

    • I’d guess probably 150-200 of the 23,000 had the numbers ground off, 100-150 were homebuilt without serial numbers, and the rest do not exist. Show me how your guesstimate is better than mine!

  4. Pretty soon tools will be protected items and hardware stores will operate like prison shops.
    You’ll have to prove your intent and ability and be cleared to enter the shop area.
    Searched upon entering, watched while working and searched upon exiting.
    Your home or garage will get tossed randomly to search for contraband.
    Misbehavior will get you locked down in your 1,500 square foot cell.
    Really bad behavior will get you shuttled off to a isolation/quarantine facility.

    For those on the outside remember to keep your social credit score up if you want to keep working, paying bills and eating. Smile, repeat the phrases you see on the TV and never ask any questions.

    • It gets even better, they will have to regulate propane bottle patio grills, since those burners can fire a home-made furnace that can melt down the aluminum cans you separate for recycling.

      A sack of sand you bought from Home De(s)pot will need to be regulated, since once it’s damp, can be fashioned into a mold to make those blocks of aluminum.

      Once they realize the hole they’ve dug for themselves, it will finally open their eyes to what is really needed.

      A ‘Final Solution’ for *us*. 🙁

      (A good thing I’m planning on dropping a dime on my mentally-ill demented troll…)

      • Lol. ‘i’M pLaNnInG oN dRoPpInG a DiMe…’

        What a clown!

        I suppose ‘his’ incoherent comments make sense in ‘his’ aged, feeble and drug addled mind.

        Plus the more time ‘he’ spends exhibiting his mental deficiencies on this site is less time ‘he’ is out of the group home being a general nuisance to society at large!

        • An intelligent person would think, oh nameless, brainless troll, that even a demented troll would get tired of (i) looking a complete fool, every time he tries to “dunk” on Geoff, and (ii) having Geoff hand him his @$$, every time he essays to be witty, but . . . you seem immune to these instances of having someone smarter than you (99.9% of the human population) embarrass you in public. Apparently, you lack the capacity for embarrassment.

          Probably the only thing that allows you to continue your ineffectual and humorous attempts at stalking Geoff. Go back and get your GED, learn at least SOME English, and try again.

        • “Probably the only thing that allows you to continue your ineffectual and humorous attempts at stalking Geoff.”

          That’s the irrefutable proof of his dementia.

          Who in their right mind continues to just stand there and have their nuts kicked? It means one of two things, he either has nothing between his legs, or he truly is demented.

          Either way, I’m having *fun* with my personal punch-toy.

          Dance, troll, I order you to dance! 🙂

    • This country (and perhaps the entire world) is traveling down a road that leads to a very dark place. And not just because of firearms issues.

      • gunnygene,

        Anyone of modest intelligence can see the trajectory of the Ruling Class in the world.

        The “nice” pockets of Ruling Class view and plan to exploit the Working Class much the same as dairy cattle: the Ruling Class expects to keep the Working Class in “barns” (small dwellings), controlling as many aspects of life as possible and feeding the Working Class enough simple food to keep the Working Class producing. Of course the “nice pockets” of the Ruling Class will not hesitate to use a very heavy hand to keep the Working Class in line and producing.

        The nasty pockets of Ruling Class view and plan to exploit the Working Class as beef cattle to be slaughtered in due time for maximum gain. That includes the nasty elements of the Ruling Class doing whatever they want to the Working Class for thrills. Note that “whatever they want” means exactly that–including humiliating, raping, and murdering the Working Class for sadistic pleasure. And it goes without saying that the nasty pockets of the Ruling Class will gladly use any excuse to flat-out execute anyone in the Ruling Class who even hints at pushing back.

        The future will be dark, indeed. It is only a question of whether this dark future begins in 5 years or 100 years.

        • Looking at the trajectory of our nation and the world it becomes an obvious match for the “end times” apocalyptic descriptions in the Bible.

          Plan accordingly.

        • Piss on book of revelation, you don’t need to go NEAR that far back. Doesn’t anyone remember that once Castro (and henchman Guevara) was mostly done executing his opponents in le revolucion, he took up executing his political opponents to take up the slack. When they were mostly gone, he began executing his fellow revolutionaries, since those schooled in arms were now a threat to his dictatorship. No one even tried to stop him, the process was extremely quick and heartless, men, women, children, accused equated guilty equaled executed, all in 5 minutes. There are tens of thousands today who believe they will be in the high echelons of the ruling class in America who would be among the first executed should they get their wish, likely including the current Prez and VP.

      • “This country (and perhaps the entire world) is traveling down a road that leads to a very dark place. And not just because of firearms issues”

        Yeah, it’s literally ‘book of Revelation’ type stuff playing out before our eyes. It may take a couple lifetimes or a short decade but we are heading down a VERY dark path and far too many are happily oblivious to it.

    • “Pretty soon tools will be protected items and hardware stores will operate like prison shops.
      You’ll have to prove your intent and ability and be cleared to enter the shop area.”

      Like knives in the UK. 🤔

      • Well hammers screwdrivers and various other basic tools do account for more homicides than rifles let alone “assault” whatever they are using for terms now so in a screwy way it is less nonsensical than other forms of arms restrictions.

  5. “The World’s Most Dangerous Crypto Anarchist” in the title of the original article made me almost spray my coffee. Wow. Wilson needs to have that on a t-shirt.

    • I would buy one, and a hoodie too. My first thought on reading the title:

      “Open Source Terror: How The World’s Most Dangerous Crypto Anarchist Intends To Neutralize Biden’s Proposed Gun Control Regulations”

      was “Hell, I already like the guy. You don’t have to keep talking him up for me.”

  6. CA is going to buy firearm parts through a licensed dealer soon. Is Home Depot going to have to be licensed to sell springs now or other pieces of metal than can be formed into a firearm part.

    I am surprised that someone else is not selling these CNC machines at a lower price. $2500 is a lot of money to carve out a lower.

    • Being a CNC machine, I assume that it will carve out anything it is programmed for, including aluminum handgun frames.

    • I believe the GG3 is now more than $2500. However these are true CNC machines with ball screws etc not some cheap Chinese belt driven piece of shit. I’ve had a GG2 for years and love it. That said, I’d love it even more if I had the extra coin to upgrade to the 3. That machine can do circles around the 2.

  7. The horror. Sooner or later, we’re going to have to start cracking down on people who actually commit CRIMES with these horrible guns….

    • No! The criminals are the victims, don’t you see?

      You being a productive, peaceful, contributing member of society, you’re the oppressor!

  8. I think i’m going to look into the CNC machine ‘printer’, maybe get one. I can see other uses besides guns.

    • Yeah, I can see that, too, but I’m afraid before it would do me any good, I’d need a source for the software to produce whatever widget I was looking for. Having recently had to run around the block to find a part for the icemaker in a 25-year-old Sears refrigerator, twice!!, I would love to be able to simply fire up my CNC and grind one out, but cannot see it happening. $2500 is not the problem.

  9. Its all quite laughable. The average American troglodyte slave’s low income is not going to allow very many losers, nut cases and street punk criminals to manufacture a gun. Most would be to stupid to accomplish it even if they were given all the hardware and software.

    And it has all been tried before and failed miserably. If one thinks some enterprising Capitalvanian is going to go into business making and selling Ghost guns en-masse think about what has happened in the past with illegal silencer production. Joe Street punk and his gang get caught with half a dozen silencers on their guns and Law Enforcement puts the squeeze on them and they then sing like canary’s as to where they bought them. Mr. Capitalvanian is quickly arrested and spends 20 years in Federal Prison. The same would happened when trying to sell ghost guns to the public.

    And I might add if ghost guns are made illegal the average Joe Blow gun owner who has a job and family is not going to attempt to buy or make a ghost gun and risk 20 years in prison, a 1/4 of million dollar fine and the permanent loss of his gun rights and loss of his job and home. Lets get real here and accept reality.

    Draconian gun laws work and work well as history has proven many times and in many countries of the past.

    And as far as another revolution with todays modern surveillance Paul Revere would have been caught in hours and hung by his dirty balls. As a matter of fact his original midnight ride made for a good patriotic story but did little to win the war. The real hero’s or villains, depending on how educated you are, were the French, not some local yahoo screaming his head off in the middle of the night.

    • To Dacian
      The REAL heros were the brave men and women who stood up to the most powerful military at the time and pushed for freedom.

      You keep referring to the USA as capitalvania like it’s a bad thing. If you think giving the government more money makes you more virtuous, your more than welcome to pay more. It doesn’t make you a better person to vote my dollars our of my pocket, that’s theft not charity.

      • . That is the beauty of the Left and Socialism because we care about people and we take care of those in need with civilized socialist programs that have been adopted by the rest of the civilized worlds decades ago.

        • What beauty? Socialism takes from people to give to other people…sounds virtuous right? This had been tried by major countries and only results in trickle up poverty.

          Also, do you pay extra in your taxes?

        • ” That is the beauty of the Left and Socialism because we care about people and we take care of those in need ”

          I never thought I’d ever say this, but… Thank You, dacian. You just gave me the biggest and best laugh I’ve had in decades.

        • You know what is best for your sheeple and if they don’t like it they must be mentally ill and locked up for their own protection.

      • quote———-It doesn’t make you a better person to vote my dollars our of my pocket, that’s theft not charity.——-quote

        The charities do not have near the money to take care of needy people. That has been proven over and over in Capitalvanian history. The heroics of the Far Left have for decades passed government programs in the civilized socialist world that have cradle to grave security. Of course the stingy greed mongers on the Far Right have screamed “Heath Care is not a human right”. So we tell a 5 year old girl she has to die of cancer because the Far Right squeeze every penny so hard in their fist is screams for mercy. That is not being civilized.

        • To Dacian
          Your argument is false on its face and you know it. In the USA, the health care system is not allowed to deny someone treatment. Your 5 year old girl would only have to walk into any hospital, clinic, ER or urgent care and she would be treated or rushed to treatment (and if she’s a 5 year old girl, it would be immediate treatment). This is an interesting argument you bring up, because this is almost the same (different diagnosed disease) issue that Charlie Gard hard in the UK. Charlie Gard was denied treatment and was denied being extradited to other countries for experimental treatment. In fact, being denied medical treatment from socialized health care is not rare, not rare at all. If your only form of health care is denying you service, where do you go? In the USA you go down the street to another hospital.

          Also, you never responded to my statement; do you give more in your taxes?

        • The charities are slowly drying up because charitable peoples bank accounts are drying up from over-taxation.

          So tell me, do you pay more in taxes?

        • Forp you are trying to spread right wing propaganda and refute the truth that it has been documented each year over 150,000 Americans die in Capitalvania because they could not afford preventive health care and life saving drugs.

          Seriously do you never watch accredited news programs and the horror stories about the people who died because they could not afford even old fashioned drugs like insulin. This is an outrage and an obscenity and the civilized world looks at America in abject horror.

          As I said before I have know personally people who died while waiting 3 months to see a specialist.

          I not only live in the real world and have to deal with the ruthless Capitalvanian greed mongers and criminals who bankrupt people over health care but I do not try and cover up the truth about it either.

        • dacian the stupid,

          Tell us you understand NOTHING about economics, without SAYING you know nothing about economics.

          Oh, you just did.

          Child, you are the comedy gift that keeps on giving. Is there a single subject in the world about which you are not abjectly ignorant and/or demented? No, no there isn’t.

      • quote—————The REAL heros were the brave men and women who stood up to the most powerful military at the time and pushed for freedom.—————–quote

        How naïve, how childish and how ignorant of what really happened in Capitalvanian history. The greed Monger Merchants conned a few Hillbillies to do their dirty work for them. The Corrupt Merchants set up the most corrupt government in the world and did not even allow the common man the right to vote. They set up an Oligarchy of the filthy rich that remains in place to this very day. They denied forever the right of the people to a true Grecian Democracy and multi-party Parliamentary Government.

        The greed monger merchants wrecked trade with Britain that was making Colonies prosper and set back economic progress by decades. Later they set up the corrupt practice of gerrymandering to counter the common mans right to vote and later the corrupt Electoral College that trashed any semblance of a true democracy and the will and right of the people to change their own government.

        A conservative estimate was that 150,000 of America’s best and brightest left America for Canada which again set back Americas progress to become a prosperous nation. And remember 150,000 was a lot of people considering the fact that the population was less than 2 million people at the time (not counting the slaves of course).

        And the revolution enabled slavery to exist in America far longer because it was ended by the British long before America ended their institution of slavery.

        History has shown the American Revolution did not accomplish even one good thing for the American people. It was a disaster from which the Capitalvania never recovered from.

        • To Dacian,
          Slavery was present in the new world before the white man arrived. This is known fact.

          Also, the USA has never been a pure democracy. I’ll quote Benjamin Franklin (when asked by a lady what kind of government have you created for us) “a Republic, if you can keep it.”

          Also, insulting someone’s argument and talking down to someone like you do is not a good way to get your point across.

        • Forp,

          you have a point. The U.S. was not established as a democracy, it was established as a republic with a representative democracy form of government.

          A republic with a representative democracy form of government is one in which the people vote for and elect the government officials who will oversee/operate/maintain/govern the republic on the peoples behalf for the benefit of the people as a whole.

        • dacian the stupid,

          You follow one insane, deluded, false-to-fact idiotic rant displaying your ignorance about economics, with another displaying your abject ignorance of history. Retarded child, you are on a roll . . . to prove yourself the biggest fool commenting on this board. And you’re MILES ahead of your nearest competition, the nameless, brainless troll (or is he your sock puppet??)

    • Except in California, it is generally not illegal to purchase, manufacture, or possess a ghost gun. However, it is illegal to be “in the business of” manufacturing firearms for commercial sale without being licensed by the Feds. Further, as Cody Wilson demonstrates, it is nearly impossible to regulate or ban items that are not completed firearms.

    • Jeebus, dacian, once again you seek to plumb even greater depths of stupidity. Since you choose to accuse me of redneckism, I will respond. I personally know . . . well, let’s just say a number greater than 5 . . . people who have either (i) completed an AR from an 80% lower, (ii) printed a handgun on a 3D printer, or (iii) both. I’m sure that for a moron such as yourself, these are daunting tasks – maybe you approach them with fear, trembling, COMPLETE ignorance, and a thumb-fingered inability to use even basic tools.

      For those of us who take owning firearms seriously, there is literally NOTHING involved in producing an AR from an 80% lower that is challenging . . . other than the challenge of doing it ourselves, and obtaining the satisfaction of a job well-done. (My “homemade” AR prints 1″ or less groups at 100 yards, with high-end ammo, so I’m satisfied).

      If your brain moved at 1/1,000,000 the speed of your mouth . . . you’d still be a moron. Unfortunately, your are one of those unfortunate folks who would be at a disadvantage in a contest with a planaria, so . . . sucks to be you, dunnit????

      Seriously, go somewhere that your abject stupidity will only be a slight handicap. Slate, Salon, VOX all seem like more receptive homes to your particular brand of ignorant idiocy.

      Or there’s always the cable.

  10. So I like the fact that this product so clearly pokes its finger into the eye of gun-grabbing Lefties and the ATF.

    However, I can’t help to think that there are more capable (and probably cheaper) solutions based off of mini-mill CNCs. Also why would I want to buy from GG when I’m fairly certain all their customers will be logged by the FBI?

    Are there particular websites that focus on firearm builds made with industry norm mini mills?

    Can I assume that there are existing open source Gcode for AR lowers and uppers?

    • Yes there are open source files available. The advantage of this system is that it is setup with all tooling and jigs to achieve the required precision with minimal training required. Most people don’t realize how much calibration and setup is required for CNC machines if you don’t have premade holding jigs that the machine can reference off of. You have to have that because most inexpensive machines can’t machine on all axis so you have to take the part out and reorient it with high precision. There are some modern machines that do all that for you and you can simply attach a block of metal and let it go but they are very expensive like $10mil expensive.
      With this there isn’t any referencing, or setup required you just install the appropriate jig and install your block of aluminum and let it run.

  11. Will Liberals and the Left call for the confiscation of computers? Just like a very long time when the government ordered the confiscation and destruction of the printing press. Because now it seems the government now, and back then, wants to stop the flow of knowledge.

    And will the Libertarians support this possible future action? Because Americans are connected via the Internet to other countries. Where laws about Firearms are different from ours.

    Right now you have Tech companies who are demanding private citizens not produce words and procedures that foreign governments find objectionable. All because American citizens are connected via the Internet to other societies.

    And Libertarians have supported these private Tech companies banning the passing of knowledge from one private citizen to another.

    • “Will Liberals and the Left call for the confiscation of computers?”

      computers they don’t own and control outright, yes. only left-approved computers will be allowed.

      (remember when the net was thought to usher in the information age?)

      • You have not answered my question Mr libertarian. Do you support the tech companies when they shut down a person’s Private Business which is located on the internet? Or if you’re uncomfortable with the government taking someone’s private property such as their computer? Would you support the government allowing you to keep your computer but programmed with special software so that it could not communicate certain words phrases and materials to other people?

        Since Libertarians have no problem with a multibillion-dollar private tech companies doing exactly what the government would be doing. Preventing citizens from being able to talk to each other.

        • “You have not answered my question Mr libertarian”

          … gosh. no-one’s ever called me THAT before.

          “Do you support the tech companies when they shut down a person’s Private Business which is located on the internet?”

          personally I’d assert that “the internet” and the various mega-companies that provide services on it now has the de facto status of a public utility – no responsibility for content and thus no editorial control.

  12. “He seems to care little about the ‘open source’ terrorism and crime it might unleash”

    looks like we’re going to get the terrorism and crime no matter what happens, so might as well accept it and steer it.

  13. given the number of guns and the quantity of ammo that already exists, is this new capability relevant?

    (especially since those on the right apparently have no intention of ever using what they already have ….)

  14. There have long been “Less Than 0%” Guns. Search YouTube, there’s a guy there who takes aluminum cans he collected, melted them down and sand-casted in a rough AR received shape. Then machined it into a finished receiver.

    He also did one with a bucket of range brass he picked up. Melted that brass, cast it and machined into a beautiful, but HEAVY, receiver.

    All done using his old workshop lathe and mill and other tools.

    Knowledge, skill, tools and raw material. In the face of that there’s no such thing as getting rid of all the guns.

    • “In the face of that there’s no such thing as getting rid of all the guns”

      they won’t get rid of the guns. they’ll get rid of the people.

  15. Treating a “Zero Percenter” as a gun part wouldn’t just affect retailers, but manufacturers of sheet and bar stock.

    Of course any law making “Zero Percenter” a gun part will include carveouts for everyone but private individuals. That could be wonderfully exploited to include every piece of scrap metal, or unused metal laying around in your home, garage, or shed. Thinking now that even a spade without a handle could be turned into a firearm.

    Love this stuff.

    • The Zero Percenter makes it even easier to start with your own casting. All you have to do is cast a block of aluminum to the required dimensions and not even worry about coming with something close to an 80% blank.

      • If the ATF rules a block of aluminum is a gun, personally casting a block would require a serial number be stamped into the block; dimensions not withstanding. By extension, I can see ATF declaring that the metals used to make castings are guns.

  16. Out here on the homestead, I have my forge, and the machine tools to make almost anything I need. Parts for old equipment, parts for guns, parts for vehicles. Might take a little more time using a hand mill over a CNC mil, but very doable.

    • Easily. With enough work and selection of hand files, it’s easy to make guns with hand tools. Not crappy Saturday Night Specials, either. Brit best gun gunmakers used to make high-dollar double guns with cape chisels, files, polishing paper, spill boring, etc.

  17. Would someone please do something with that communist Alfred E Newman piece of carp? Its not changing anyone’s mind about anything, its just trolling and pretending to be educated. We have a few just like him here locally. They are usually fat, work in menial jobs if any, are regularly divorced and have domestic violence convictions. How much does China (or Biden, same thing) pay for an anti American troll nowadays?

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