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Gun Control PSA Screws the Pooch

For advocates of civilian disarmament, misleading stats are misleading enough. Or are they? Nyaknno Owodiong-Idemeko’s public service announcement rehashes the same old anti-gun stats — the same contextless, poorly gathered or grievously misinterpreted data this website has fisked for seven plus years. But sticking to the same old stats aren’t good enough for the University of Maryland student.

“In some states getting a gun is almost as easy as buying a pack of cigarettes,” the video proclaims. “Mass shootings keep happening in almost every city,” it decries. “Homicide rates in America is [sic] outrageous beyond words,” it laments.

These people just can’t help themselves; they have to make sh*t up. In some ways, that’s a good thing. Anyone in possession of basic reasoning skills can see the antis for what they are: liars lying to promote their disarmament agenda.

Unfortunately, I don’t think many Americans are capable of rational analysis on a topic as contentious as firearms and gun laws. Sad but true?

44 thoughts on “Gun Control PSA Screws the Pooch”

  1. Unfortunately it’s sadly the truth, most people also take stats thru see on the internet at face value, and repeat them without any independent research

  2. ““In some states getting a gun is almost as easy as buying a pack of cigarettes,” the video proclaims.”

    Well… this isn’t false if you’re talking about a private sale.

    • Unless you can pull into any gas station, convenience store, or grocery store, go up to a counter, and find a person willing to privately sell you a firearm, it is false.

      • I wouldn’t need to go to a gas station, I know someone two doors over who would be happy to sell me a gun (if I paid his ridiculous asking price). The law is what they are trying to change, so the law is what I’m addressing here… not convenience or whether you happen to know people who want to sell.

        It just so happens I’m fine with that law as it is.

        • “For Hannibal, buying a gun is almost as easy as buying a pack of smokes.”

          There. Better?

  3. He did say killed _with_ guns instead of _by_. He said that many are uneducated about this issue (e.g., him).

    In what state are guns easier to buy than cigarettes? I’m clearly in the wrong state.

  4. Unfortunately, I don’t think many Americans are capable of rational analysis on just about any topic worth actual discussion. Sad but true.

    FTFY. I blame the schools.

    • That’s a feature, not a bug. The indoctrination centers nowadays specifically don’t want kids critically analyzing anything, they just give enough basic knowledge to do rote tasks assigned to them by their overseer. Hell, even the way they teach math now with that common core bullshit is designed to keep analysis of the work at hand to a minimum. We are raising an entire generation that only believe what they’re told to believe.

  5. People believe what they want. Facts or proof is irrelevant. Think about all the things people believe with no real proof or facts one way or the other. Aliens, God, Russian conspiracies, Clinton conspiracies, Jewish world domination, all Muslims are terrorists you name it someone believes it. Myself included.

    • I would agree with one caveat, the disbelief in God takes every bit as much faith as the belief in God, as there is no tangible proof either way.

      • Correct, and that’s true about any number of entities people are just fine not believing in, such as Thor, Zeus, Marduk, etc.

        The claim is there exists some extraordinary being, with extraordinary abilities, who has done extraordinary acts. If the state of the evidence and arguments is “there is no tangible proof either way”, then I have to go for rejection of that claim.

        • Yet rejection of the claim is itself an act of faith as you have no evidence (let alone proof) that the claim is false other that your own scepticism.

      • I believe what Carlos was trying to say is that he who makes extraordinary claims may be required to present extraordinary proofs, such that one who holds forth on the existence of any particular god, with particular attributes, may be required to present a level of evidence for such belief that well exceeds the rather mundane evidence required to suport more mundane beliefs.

        In other words, less evidence is needed to reject any given religion than would be required to support belief in it.
        If we must speak in terms of faith, then the amount of faith needed to disbelieve is considerably less than the amount needed to believe would be another way of expressing it, but these are not apples to apples comparisons.

        That’s not so much an individual argument against religion or the existence of any god as it is a definition of the relative proofs necessary for belief versus disbelief, and the affirmation that skepticism is the default and proper possition from which to examine extraordinary claims.

        • I like simpler way of saying it. Disbelief in claims of extraordinary that can’t be proved is default and basic position. It doesn’t require proof.
          Disbelieving claim that one of Neptune’s moons is made of blue cheese is not equal to belief that it is.
          No offense meant to anybody’s respective deity of choice.

  6. Ew, god, the mix of fonts, drama-llama music, vague floppy rhetoric… someone probably got a master’s in communication for this steamer.

  7. TTAG is obviously doing its part against ‘gun violence’, that PSA claimed Austin is the only city with a population over 400,000 with no mass shooting since 2013…

    • And yet my city of San Antonio (which has a much larger population than Austin) is just 60 miles south and apparently didn’t even make the map.

      Of course that depends on what their definition of “mass shooting” is, I suppose. I’m sure it’s whatever fits the bill for them.

  8. I have 39 guns in the house now. And swords and knives. Not one has escaped and killed anyone. I have yet to shoot or stab anyone. So far none of the weapons in my house have “triggered” me into doing something. Maybe they are just slow in their evilness. They are just biding their time then one day those evil weapons will make their move.

    Ain’t thought about suicide either. The only thing I really want is EMO grass, so it would cut itself.

  9. Typical for the anti-gun organisations. Throw out a bunch of half baked statistics mixed with looney talking points, and pound through them quickly to create an impression without allowing the people they are trying to influence time to think through the information they are pushing. Lies, lies, and more lies; but that’s all they got!

  10. I think there would be A LOT fewer smokers if it took even half as long to buy cigarettes as a gun at a gun store. Hmm, maybe that’s a good idea, background checks for smokers. Its not a Natural, Constitutional right and actually kills WAY more people every year than people with guns.

    • That’s right. And swimming pools are a much bigger danger specifically to children than guns are. And yet, there is no leftist politician advocating strict licensing, mandatory training, nationalized standards for locked gates or waiting periods for swimming pools. There are millions of private swimming pools in this nation and so it is a potentially high revenue stream for government intervention. And of course, such regulations would give a government more power and control over people’s lives and even so the leftists do nothing.
      So, clearly, they care less about saving children’s lives than they do about controlling a specific constituency whom they disagree with politically.

      • Shush! Antis don’t get sarcasm, parody or irony, remember? Prior to Trump, the EPA would like to have regulated pools I’m sure.

    • Please do not provide the statists with any more ideas on how they can restrict people’s personal freedom.

      • “Butt if it saves just ONE children, isn’t it worth it?” Also 5 gal Home Depot buckets.

    • Background Check, Safety Certificate, and a 10 day waiting period…
      they would need the patch just to tide them over till they got a carton

      From The People’s Republic of Kalifornistan

  11. I think a lot of people, especially in highly restrictive states with lots of antigunners all over such a Maryland, actually believe these things they spew. They are just too intellectually lazy to verify for themselves. But then so are highly paid mainstream media journalists.

  12. Many things are dangerous for children. Swimming pools are one good example. According to the CDC, thousands of children die from drowning in swimming pools each year and thousands more are injured. And yet, there is no leftist politician advocating strict licensing, mandatory training, nationalized standards for locked gates or waiting periods for swimming pool ownership.

    There are millions of privately owned swimming pools in this nation and so it is a potentially high revenue source for government intervention. And of course, such regulations would give government more power and control over people’s lives and even so, the leftists do nothing.
    So, clearly, they care less about saving children’s lives than they do about controlling a specific constituency whom they disagree with politically.

  13. Unbelievable made up “facts”

    As commented yesterday I went to seven stores just looking for .22 ammunition last week. No problem finding cigarettes if I smoked.

  14. There were a couple of places where the grammar was amiss. But have fun…

    – Gun violence statistics no one tells you about –
    – We need stricter gun control laws. –
    On an average day, 93 Americans are killed with guns.
    – Gun violence in America is real – We need gun control laws to combat these issues. –
    On average there are nearly 12,000 gun homicides a year in the united states.
    For every one person killed with guns, two more are injured.
    The presence of a gun in a domestic violence situation increases the risk of the woman being shot and killed by five times.
    – Many are uneducated on this issue and the statistics –
    Black men are 14 times more likely than white men to be shot and killed with guns.
    In an average month 50 women are shot to death by intimate partners in the United States.
    Background checks have blocked nearly 3 million gun sales to prohibited people.
    – In some states, getting a gun is almost as easy as buying a pack of a cigarettes. –
    Seven children and teens are killed with guns in the US on an average day.
    62% of firearm deaths in the US are suicides.
    The homicide rate per 100,000 residents in Greater Ville, a neighborhood in St. Louis, is more then three times higher than in Honduras, the world’s murder capital.
    Chicago police have been taking one illegal gun off the street every 74 minutes.
    From 2005-2015, 71 Americans were killed in terrorist attacks on U.S. soil. 301,787 were killed by gun violence during the same period.
    – Mass shootings keep occurring in almost every city –
    Austin, Texas is the only American city with a population of 400,000 or more has not experienced a mass shooting since 2013.
    Mass shootings account for less than 2% of annual gun deaths.
    – Our children are dying – we need to protect them –
    At least 756 American children have been killed by gunfire this year.
    In 2015, on average, a toddler in America shoots someone about once a week.
    Less than 10% of stolen firearms are recovered, as measured by their retail value.
    The FBI processed a record-setting 185,345 background checks on Black Friday.
    Domestic violence assaults with firearms are 12 times more likely to result in death than those without them.
    – Homicide rates in America is outrageous simply beyond words-
    America’s gun homicide rate is more than 25 times the average of other developed countries.
    – We can stop this – Educate ourselves and our children – Get legislators to help us fight this –
    Denver Rocky Mountain News – Horror – At least 21 wounded as two gunmen open fire at Columbine High School.
    (Newtown) 26 Killed in school shooting – 20 children among the dead
    (Various photo stills)
    It’s time for gun sense in America.
    We can end gun violence.
    PSA: Gun violence in America: Take action now.

  15. “Seven children and teens are killed with guns in the US on an average day.”

    Translation: One 12 year old, and six 19 year old gang bangers..

  16. I think the reason that most Americans can’t have a rational debate on gun policy is that they are willfully ignorant of the facts. Mostly because they just don’t care.

  17. I wouldn’t even say they are lying with some of their numbers. Could very well be that 750 people under 18 (or are they generously defining a child as <21?) get shot every year. The question is how many of them were gang members age 15-18 who were armed themselves and had it coming? Like 700? Or just 650?

  18. What a poorly produced mishmash of nonsense. Without looking the drivel presented. And WTH is a Nyaknno Owodiong-Idemeko” Some cousin of Mr Soetoro would be my guess, if so, then perhaps focus on convincing the other cousins to join our WASP civilization, and stop doing drugs/shooting each other.

  19. It’s as easy to buy a stolen gun in a back alley as cigarettes, narcotics, electronics, or any other illegal/stolen product. If you’re willing to be an accessory, the process is the same. It may be easier to buy the cigarettes illegally since Lil James probably isn’t a participant in the We ID program.

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