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[HTML1] “In an effort to reduce gun violence in Seattle, U.S. Attorney Jenny Durkan [above] announced Monday that her office will push to prosecute more defendants accused of committing gun crimes.” Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the true definition of “common sense” gun control: control the people who use guns illegally. As in lock them up on a federal beef. Quite why The Emerald City has come to its senses, opting for a punitive rather than a prohibitive approach to a recent spate of gang-related homicides is anybody’s guess. It’s certainly a come-to-Moses moment for longtime gun grabber (first time caller) Mayor McGinn, who joined US AG Durkan on the podium for the “your ass is mine” warning to the Seattle’s gang bangers. And quite a refreshing bit of politicking it was too, relying heavily on the catchphrase used by TV detective Beretta . . .

“We are here today to send a clear message: if you use a gun in a crime, you will do more time. You will do federal time,” Durkan said during a news conference at the King County prosecutor’s office in Seattle. “We will continue to work with organizations, the community and local law enforcement to address ways to prevent these crimes. We cannot prosecute our way out of this problem. But we will prosecute those who are the problem.”

Durkan and several other law enforcement officials announced additional efforts to get tough on crimes involving firearms, including seeking legislation to toughen penalties for juveniles accused of gun crimes. Others speaking during the news conference were Seattle Mayor Mike McGinn, King County Prosecuting Attorney Dan Satterberg, Deputy Police Chief Nick Metz and Kelvin Crenshaw, special agent in charge of the Seattle office of the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives.

[Talk about a “come to Jesus” moment; that’s the same Deputy Police Chief Nick Metz who blamed guns for the outbreak of shooting.]

Satterberg noted that state penalties for felons convicted of possessing a firearm are too lenient.

Federal penalties include up to 10 years for being a felon with a gun, a five-year mandatory minimum for carrying a gun to a drug deal, and a 15-year mandatory minimum federal prison sentence for defendants with three prior violent felonies or drug crimes. In addition to significant prison time, officials said federal prosecution results in more rigorous supervision by federal probation officers when felons are released.

Seattle’s sudden reliance on the federales to clean up Dodge City (or thereabouts) raises disquieting questions about the line between local and federal law enforcement. Especially as the initiative involves the Fast and Furious agents of the sting (i.e. entrapment) crazed ATF.


At the same time, it’s worth noting that Seattle’s po-po are under a cloud for “excessive force” (controversial surveillance video above). A meteorological event that AG Durkan herself helped create with her highly critical report on the force. Which may account for the policing take-over assistance.

Still, one can only hope that the move signals a “lock ’em up Dano” law enforcement trend for gang members gone wild (and ballistic). It’s what the NRA’s been calling for since ever. Now, let’s see if it works, ’cause if it does, look for federal firearms prosecutions to amp-up near you soon.

Is that a good thing or a bad thing? Yes. Yes it is.

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  1. I think the federal government should have no such power. This is purely a state matter. I’m especially repulsed that the Feds openly say they are going after common criminals only because they don’t like how the local and state authorities do their job.

    I am too cynical to see this in a good light. It’s essentially saying, “Hey, you rubes, we know what’s best for you. We don’t care how you vote, we will arrest whomever we feel like.”.

    They’ll be coming for you next.

    • Agreed. Can the Feds infringe upon the jurisdiction of any PD they want if that PD is deemed to be “incompetent”? Surely not. This is not a national state of emergency, and the federal government does not have standing in a state matter. I don’t expect to see anyone with a half decent attorney to get prosecuted in a federal court

  2. I’m all for measures that actually attack the trafficking and usage of illegally acquired firearms. We just need to get all the laws off the books that infringe on the law abiding…

  3. “Hi, I’m from the Federal Government and I’m here to help you.”

    Run Forrest, Run!!!!!

  4. I’m a little confused about the video. Is the guy with the backpack undercover? I’m assuming he is and that’s the excessive force complaint.

  5. From sea to shining sea the Feds are now getting involved in local law enforcement issues. Look out because here comes the US Police Force.

  6. The problem with prosecuting criminals who use guns in the commission of crimes is that it removes too many Democrats from the voting pool.

  7. Federal officers prosecuting local criminals? No no no no no. Are you fukcing kidding me? The feds do not have general police power under the Constitution and the one thing we don’t need is a US Gestapo national police force.

    Even decent people have more to fear from the feds than from a bunch of Seattle lowlifes. Gangs typically kill each other with collateral damage thrown in for headlines. Feds kill you, your wife, your children and, just for target practice, your Pugs and Pomeranians.

    It’s one thing to stay away from stupid people doing stupid things in stupid places. It’s another thing when the stupid people come through your door with a pretextual federal warrant written on tissue paper with vanishing ink.

  8. I seem to remember a similar program being rolled out maybe 10 plus years ago in Virginia. Was supposed to cut crime way down, lock up all the bad guys on long federal sentences……… ok I just looked it up, Project Exile was what it was called back in 1997.

    Seems like a lot of folks opposed it back then as too much of a federal intrusion in state’s business, and I see it eventually got replaced with an in-state program called Virginia Exile.

  9. Small correction. Beretta makes guns. Baretta was a TV police detective in the late 1970s.

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