Police Deputy Commissioner Mike Clement poses outside a temporary gun collection venue in Porirua, near Wellington. (AP photo/Nick Perry)
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How big a failure is New Zealand’s mandatory ‘buyback’ gun confiscation program? This big. The country’s top cops have been reduced to begging the nation’s criminal gangs to turn in their firearms.

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern’s government rammed through an assaulty-looking gun ban and buyback scheme following the Christchurch shooting. With the amnesty drop dead date of the buyback period fast approaching, New Zealanders aren’t exactly lining up to hand in their guns.

From stuff.co.nz:

[Deputy Commissioner Mike Clement] warned gangs: no questions were currently being asked but after the December 20 deadline, there would be no guarantees.

He warned gangs: no questions were currently being asked but after the December 20 deadline, there would be no guarantees.

As we noted earlier, New Zealand’s gangs have let it be known that they have no intention of turning anything in.

Sonny Fatu, president of the Waikato branch of the Mongrel Mob, said that, while some members of the gang may have illegal guns, they will not be handing them in as they are necessary to their protection.

“Will gangs get rid of their weapons? No. Because of who we are, we can’t guarantee our own safety,” he told Stuff.

Still, the police are approaching the gangs, hat in hand apparently, pleading with them to give them their gats.

Earlier this month, Police Commissioner Mike Bush revealed 115 influential gang leaders had been identified and police had spoken to 53 of them about how they were managing the gun amnesty.

It was proving to be fruitless, as the patched members remained “very reluctant”.

You don’t say.

A few months ago, the buyback was trending at about 10% of the assumed number of firearms covered under the government’s confiscation law. If they manage to get up to 20% before the December 20 deadline — which the government has basically extended indefinitely — they’ll be do extremely well.

New Zealand Gun Buy back confiscation
Police Senior Sgt. Braydon Lenihan poses holding a banned gun that has been bent by a hydraulic machine outside a temporary gun collection venue in Porirua, near Wellington, New Zealand. (AP photo/Nick Perry)

It seems that Kiwi gun owners, like those everywhere, know that criminals have a stubborn tendency to ignore laws. And gun control laws in particular. Which is why the New Zealand “buyback” was doomed from the start.

That, and the fact that with no gun registration, the government has no idea who owns what, making proactive, door-knock confiscation impossible.

New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern
Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern (AP Photo/Mark Baker)

The government’s political opposition is letting it be known that PM Jacinda Ardern’s ambitious gun-grab has been an unqualified fiasco  . . .

“It indicates quite clearly that the police realised the Government buyback scheme isn’t working and they don’t anticipate getting anywhere close to the lowest number of guns … they determined that they needed to send a signal to ordinary people that they would not seek to criminalise them by default – that message is clear.”

ACT Leader David Seymour said the fact there was a permanent firearms amnesty in place, was an admission that Parliament had completely failed.



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      • Sure, I can explain the difference. Gangs operate in the shadows while governments operate in uh, er, (scratches head) — on second thought I cannot explain the difference.

      • “Political Officials, Gangs – can someone explain the difference?”

        Wait, wait…I can!

        Gangs supply you with “Sin” activities like gambling, and drugs, and prostitution…
        Hmmmm… river boat casinos, marijuana and “safe rooms” to shoot up, Las Vegas…Ok government does the same, bad example.

        Oh I know…gangs take your money and pretend to offer protection…for..that…. Ok government does that too, another bad example.

        Oh, Oh, How about gangs instill fear in people because of their size and power and ability to crush you …at…any…..time…

        OK, there is no difference.


      • Jacinda Ardern.

        Have you EVER seen a Gang Leader or Gang Member look THAT constipated?

        Globalist Stooges in NZ must use a LOT of laxatives.

      • It’s simple really. If the gang members get caught doing what the government does, the gang members go to jail. The government cannot stand competition.

    • Note to Jacinda Arden! If you thought criminals were going to follow gun control laws you must be a special kind of stupid!

    • Why don’t you target mental illness instead of going after the inanimate object? JD Smith from Wisconsin USA

  1. Who needs guns more? Someone who is in a gang and may have a member of another gang target him for only that reason, or Suburban Joe, who has no enemies, other that his golf buddies? Keeping firearms for defensive purposes is the single highest reason for having them in the first place.

  2. Let’s play MadLibs and substitute a few words for giggles and grins…

    “LOS ANGELES MAYOR ERIC GARCETTI pleaded with the LOS ANGELES area gang leaders to please turn in their guns.”

    Nope, doesn’t sound quite right this way either.

      • Our CA Overlords don’t ever say “please” unless they’re slobbering for your vote in the weeks before an election. Even then, that word doesn’t mean the same thing in “politispeak” as it does in Engrish…or Spanglish…or any of the hundred different languages allowed to run amok here in our government.

  3. Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern . . .

    “In 2007 she was elected president of the International Union of Socialist Youth (IUSY), a position that took her to destinations such as Algeria, China, India, Israel, Jordan, and Lebanon.”

    Enough said.

    • Please give up your gunz. Please limit your return fire through my Governor’s Mansion kitchen window to one bullet if “yes”, and two if “no way Jose”.

    • What happened to all those uber-rich that bought land/houses/escape shelters in NZ? I’m assuming they all have a store house of weapons for the “zombie apocalypse”. It was rated “best place/safest place to live” a few years ago. I am kinda laughing now at them…..as in “oops, made a mistake, did ya?” Hah!

  4. China should just invade NZ and strip mine it. Lord knows the kiwi’s won’t do squat to stop them.

    • During a global military conflict, China would definitely control the strategic resources of New Zealand and Australia — both of which are well on their way towards a disarmed populace helpless to resist a military occupation. Enjoy your sovereignty while it lasts, sheeple.

  5. This is so farcical. If you know who the gang leaders are that you can go have a cup of tea with them then arrest, convict and imprison them. It would probably take more effort than the authorities want to put out though.

    • Hey we know who they are here in the United states as well; they are causing the majority of gang related violence. The data shows they don’t acquire the guns legally so don’t ever face a background check, “universal” or otherwise, and they are the ones in the revolving door justice system with rap sheets a mile long.

      The others would be the suicidal, angry killers seeking fame going out in a blaze if glory… or actual terrorists. We don’t know who they are, wait, yes we do, they are the failed cases in mental health and school systems again passed around, ignored, banned from bringing a backpack to school, etc, voted most likely to shoot up their class, etc.

      Those cases are pretty rare compared to the gang and domestic violence. And again, most are pretty well telegraphed in advance. So that probably leaves a tiny, tiny, tiny number with an unknown, unexpected assailant.

      Meanwhile, gun control for the masses of the law abiding! Because it is easier to punish them rather than there actual threats.

      • If we know who they are, name them:

        Pelouse, Obongo, Buythem, Buttgig, Fauxahauntus, Hildabeast, Ocasional Cortex,….Hmmm……the list is endless.

        If we could get all them to turn in their guns we would all be safer.

  6. The overall complication rate in New Zealand regarding their new Stasi-Style Gun Ban is about 10%. In 1996, after Port Arthur in Australia, the compliance rate was about 30%, and as of today with Australia still having Amnesty Turn Ins, compliance is less than 45% (about 40%).

    The big difference is that The Liberal-National Coalition Party of Australia maintained power for a lot of time after the 1996 NFA, and it helped their popularity.

    In New Zealand, Jacinda Ardern and her Labour Party are under water in the polls, and they hoped that their new gun bans would propel them to high popularity with their Electorate. Not the case.

    • Glad that she and her “party are under water”. Maybe there’s hope for NZ.
      Perhaps everyone over there should join a gang. Then, the government would beg “pretty please” to everyone.

  7. No surprise at all. The overall complication rate in New Zealand regarding their new Stasi-Style Gun Ban is about 10%. In 1996, after Port Arthur in Australia, the compliance rate was about 30%, and as of today with Australia still having Amnesty Turn Ins, compliance is less than 45% (about 40%).

    The big difference is that The Liberal-National Coalition Party of Australia maintained power for a lot of time after the 1996 NFA, and it helped their popularity.

    In New Zealand, Jacinda Ardern and her Labour Party are under water in the polls, and they hoped that their new gun bans would propel them to high popularity with their Electorate. Not the case.

  8. I have an idea. Stop worrying about who might have guns. Instead, punish those who commit crimes with guns. Murder? First degree is execution. Second degree 20 to life in prison. Third degree ten to 20. Robbery, ten to fifty, and execution if any deaths result. There’s not a lot more to worry about. That whole “with a gun” thing is as stupid as patents and copyrights that use “with a computer” to distinguish themselves from ages-old public domain crap.

  9. I was thinking, what a waste of a perfectly good AR-15 the copper had that just went through the hydraulic crusher. That there is some serious rifle abuse , shame on them.

  10. New Zealand has been reluctant so far to arrest formerly innocent people who are now going to be classed as criminals but in order to get the guns turned in this is exactly what they will have to do. A few high profile arrests and prison sentences will indeed achieve the desired results. If New Zealand is smart they will arrest a person or persons with prior records rather than a run of the mill working law abiding citizen which will send the message to the general population that if they do not comply they too will be next which is more than enough proof to show the government is willing to bring down the maximum penalty of the law on anyone. The old self preservation survival mechanism will kick in and just like in Australia the bulk of the guns were over time were indeed turned in.

    The reality is that with today’s 21st Century surveillance systems the average citizen has no rights and has no say if the government decides to do something. Its modern day serfdom duplicating with modern technology what was done to people in centuries past. The rich ad powerful rule and the common man lives only at the pleasure of the government and that includes the U.S. as well.

    • We carry “their” best spy in our pockets, cell phones for everyone, the government even gives them away. Uhh huh

    • “The reality is that with today’s 21st Century surveillance systems the average citizen has no rights and has no say if the government decides to do something.”

      “Repeat a lie often enough, it becomes the truth.”

      You just keep right on believing that little delusion, son… 😉

    • “A few high profile arrests and prison sentences will indeed achieve the desired results.”
      Only if Kiwis are all a bunch of little bitches.You should stop judging others by your own shortcomings.
      Majority of Aussies didn’t comply. Why should Kiwis do any worse? I know you would like it if they did. On the contrary, this whole gun grab should energize them enough to kick the skinny female and her ilk out of their offices come next elections. Then they can get it overturned.

      • I wonder what the Maori population think about this. From what I have read, they are not likely to give up their weapons. Any Maori’s out there with an opinion?

  11. Lots of luck on that one,STUPID!! What the frigging &^$#@%^& did you expect when are disarming the average person, creating nirvana for criminals? I thought you guys were smarter than the English. I guess I missed.

  12. By golly if memory serves me correct, I believe the coppers ask for this same thing in Detroit back in the late 70’s early 80’s??

  13. Begging gangs.

    Chicago cops have been trying to stop the Gangster Disciples and Latin Kings from selling crack to kids in schoolyards.

    Maybe they should start begging.

    Maybe they should have begged Al Capone from selling booze,.

    • I don’t know if they tried begging, but the only thing that stopped the gang rule of the booze business was the end of the Prohibition.

      • Yeah… because why shouldn’t we legalize crystal meth? What could possibly go wrong? These gangbangers are terrorists working on behalf of foreign powers with cover from the treasonous Demokkkommie party. I say send in the Marines and get rid of the whole lot of them.

  14. If the police can get the gangs to surrender their hardware I’ll think about surrendering mine. Which means yeah no ain’t gonna happen.

  15. The same thing is happening in London in relation to knives.

    Begging criminals to wake up tomorrow as lawful citizens is a fool’s errand. Asking law abiding people who live around criminals to give up their arms as a means to protect themselves from said criminals is whistling past the graveyard.

  16. I don’t get it. NZ has a very small population, and land mass a quarter of that of Australia. How hard can this be? Just monitor places where people are likely to use their guns, and setup stakeouts. No need to “find” all the guns; make it impossible to use openly. The threat of arrest will keep the law-abiding from using guns in mass shootings. NZ is not really good at fielding an authoritarian police force.

  17. Unfortunately for law abiding New Zealand firearm owners they had a 10 year owners licence. So the government has a list of who to check when they want easy convictions. No registration of firearms aside from pistols previously but they want people to do this “voluntarily” now. As I’ve said before a good reason not to be on government lists.

    One of the extra changes their prime minister announced in July is that the 10 year licence is now 5 and NO refunds for that money. Seems she is going out of her way to annoy legal owners.

    No one I spoke to when I was hunting in NZ in July like the new laws. She is hoping the city vote will save her.

    • I guess it pays to have a few guns so you can turn one in if you want them off your back and keep the rest.

  18. This is exctly the primary reason to buy privately without a bill of sale or any use of personal ID given/copied by seller. Just because there isn’t a “legal” Fed firearms registration/purchase database now, doesn’t mean the wont be in the future.
    If Feds shut down all commercial sales and directed the surrender of all FFL records: they would have a damn good start to build a historical database and start looking for and confiscating guns.

    Yeah, lots of citizens in lots of countries thought it would never happen too. Beware!

  19. Well next year the NZ police will just have to boot doors and take the other 90 percent of guns. Should be a piece of cake.

  20. A large proportion of guns in the world are held illegally. So NZ is just joining the club. Already street prices is ar15s are like 4-5k. So holding on to them is a good investment

  21. More proof, if any were needed, that anyone who believes these laws will do any good is a fool. Anyone who complies is a total sucker.

  22. Who the hell voted a Socialist into office? Was it your neighbor? Your family members? Try to make them understand what a terrible mistake they made and promise never to do it again and then get these assholes out of government.

    • “Who the hell voted a Socialist into office? Was it your neighbor? Your family members?”

      Everyone votes their self-interests; every time. It is our nature. So long as I get what I want, or at least get what I want most of the time, I don’t care about the rest of it. For all our lamentations, the number who will put unrestricted rights to own and use firearms above every other personal interest are so few as to be less than minutiae.

      I take my gun to the range sometimes, but I use healthcare at least weekly. I can obtain a carry permit without much interference, but I breathe air every moment. I have almost unrestricted ability to defend myself from intruders in the home, but my paycheck gets taxed every two weeks. I can buy a firearm in any of 13 places within an hour of my home, but there are no restrictions on dead cars (or even dead bathtubs) in the yards of homeowners in my neighborhood . And so it goes for all of us.

      • Don’t matter who you vote for. Don’t matter what they promised before they got elected.
        Don’t none of them tell the truth.

        • “Don’t matter who you vote for. Don’t matter what they promised before they got elected.
          Don’t none of them tell the truth.”

          Now, you went and spoiled it for everyone.

  23. We’re using the buyback to hand in useless unsaleable junk and use that coin to buy even more gear.

    Thanks jacinda !

  24. How many gang members or other criminals participated in the buy back? Now the criminal will have more sheep to fleece. The God given right to self defense should not be controlled by the government.

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