Rep. Carolyn B. Maloney, Chairwoman
Chairwoman Rep. Carolyn Maloney, D-N.Y. , speaks during a House Committee on Oversight and Reform hearing examining the practices and profits of gun manufacturers, Wednesday, July 27, 2022, on Capitol Hill in Washington. (AP Photo/Mariam Zuhaib)
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Republicans on the committee defended the manufacturers, agreeing that “criminals” are responsible mass shootings rather than guns or weapons manufacturers.

Some lawmakers, like South Carolina Rep. Nancy Mace, called the hearings “political theater.”

Rep. Jody Hice, a Georgia Republican, and Tennessee Republican James Comer, the committee’s ranking member, said the hearing was a part of a “disturbing trend in this committee of going after both private citizens and the constitutional rights of American citizens.”

“I want to know when are you, Chairwoman Maloney, going to apologize to the American citizens for not dealing with the real issues and showing responsibility and accountability?” Hice asked — trying to redirect the focus to what he said was a more important issue.

“When are we gonna have hearings in this committee, holding people responsible in cities, municipalities, states and right here in our own Congress, for being soft on crime? When are we going to have hearings to do away with the ridiculous, outrageous policies of defunding the police?” he said.

[Marty] Daniel, [CEO] of Daniel Defense, said that he was at the hearing voluntarily but was “concerned” that the implied purpose of the hearing was to vilify and blame rifles for recent deadly shootings.

Two months ago, the Uvalde gunman used a Daniel Defense weapon to kill 19 students and two teachers at an elementary school.

“Many Americans, myself included, have witnessed an erosion of personal responsibility in our country and in our culture. Mass shootings are all but unheard of just a few decades ago,” Daniel said. “So what changed? Not the firearms … I believe our nation’s response needs to focus not on the type of gun but on the type of persons who are likely to commit mass shootings.”

During his testimony, Daniel said he wanted to reduce violent crime. He said that the hearing focused on a weapon, the AK-15 (sic), that is responsible for less than 4% of homicides.

[Ruger CEO Christopher] Killoy began his testimony by discussing his corporation’s safety practices, then defended the right to gun possession despite the push by some in Congress for further restrictions and reforms.

“We firmly believe it’s wrong to deprive citizens of their constitutional right because of the criminal acts of wicked people. The firearm, any firearm, can be used for good or evil,” Killoy said. “The differences in the intent of the individual possessing it, which we respectfully submit can be the focus of any investigation into the root causes of criminal violence involving firearms.”

Rep. Ro Khanna, D-Calif., asked Killoy if he would track crimes committed with his company’s firearms as part of a new human rights assessment.

“Congressman, respectfully, that’s not our job. We’re not law enforcement. We don’t have the resources or capability to track injuries or fatalities.” Killoy said.

Isabella Murray and Mason Leib in Gun CEOs testify to House after mass shootings, blame ‘erosion of personal responsibility’

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  1. “the AK-15” ?

    Well by golly…. I don’t want an AK-15, I want an AR-15 ’cause its 7 letters better than an AK-15.

    • Yeah I noticed that too, I wonder if the writers are just that lazy, or comedic geniuses, and they put those in for us.

      • well, its marked (sic) in the narrative so maybe the ‘AK-15’ was intentionally written that way too.

        • Since it’s a transcribed quote, and since (I assume) the CEO of Daniel Defense would know the difference between an AR and an AK, my guess is that he either mispronounced something, someone misheard and transcribed it as they heard it, or the statement was off the cuff and started one way but ended another, which sometimes happens when we speak.

          In any case, now I want an AK-15 to go along with my AR-14.

        • @ napresto – It’s the idiot reporters from ABC, not a quote from DD. The sic was from Dan Z.

      • Once again the firearm is under the microscope while Gun Control zealots sit comfortably in the driver’s seat…

        When is the day going to come that those supposed to be Defending the 2A stand up and define Gun Control just like History Defines Gun Control?

        Re: “Congressman, respectfully, that’s not our job. We’re not law enforcement. We don’t have the resources or capability to track injuries or fatalities.” Ruger’s Killoy said.

        First off Ruger find someone who does not have Kill in their name. Surely you imbeciles could have seen democRats using that for all its worth. Second, “I don’t know an answer to a question I should know an answer to is not an damned answer.

        Listen up DD, Ruger et al…From the get-go…You bozos should have stood up and told the witch hunters that your objective is to see to it The Second Amendment does not take a back seat to Gun Control when History Confirms Gun Control in any shape, matter or form is Rooted in Racism and Genocide.

        To whom it may concern…If you cannot seize the opportunity to stand against an agenda rooted in Racism and Genocide then you Stand For Nothing.

        • I have merely received my third bank check that very same that $16285 that I even have created simply in one month by operative on-line over my laptop.|c13~ This job is great and its regular earnings are much better than my regular geographic point job. be a section of this job presently and start making money on-line just by

          Go Here…….

      • “….the AK-15 (sic), ….” For those that obviously dosed off in school, that “(sic)” indicates the writer is using the exact as written/spoken words, noting the incorrect/unusual wording as not being the author’s own words. Apparently Marty Daniel mis-spoke using AK-15 rather than the probably intended AR-15 or AK-47…..not unusual under stress, as in addressing the inquisition.

        • It wasn’t a Daniel quote. It was two ABC news reporters screwing up.
          Sic is not in the original story.

  2. I am surprised the gun manufacturers even showed up to such a hostile environment, it’s totally designed to make them look bad. The media has been working hard the last days with lots of reports and exposés on “the real truth of the gun manufacturers” and how much blood money selling those evil ARs they have made and their evil marketing tactics, all hatchet jobs designed to go along with this “hearing” to spread the message that all the “gun violence” stems from these corrupt corporations.

    • If you don’t show then they write the narrative with no input from you at all. Show up and make your statements and they will be part of the record for future proceedings.

      I’ve heard lawyers say “I didn’t object for today’s court. I knew it would be overruled. I objected for the appeals court.”

      Remember the Miller case back in the 30’s? They could have overturned the NFA right then. But Miller didn’t show. Automatic government win.

      • Miller was actually dead by then and the appeal dismissed. But the state government would not pay his lawyer for the time to write a brief, have it published in book form as required by Supreme Court rules, and travel to D.C. for oral argument–all within two weeks after the trial court issued its decision. In other words, the whole thing was a railroading job from the get go to assure that the NFA was found to be constitutional.

  3. I wonder…

    With the ‘Bruen’ decision solidifying an enumerated constitutional right, if we could counter-sue the people suing gun companies and retailers for their frivolous lawsuits interfering with the practice of a constitutional right?

    Or did I pick another bad day to quit main-lining heroin?

    • It’s always a bad day to quit main lining heroin. Remember. Drug induced bliss is far and away better than reality.

  4. Wow! Someone came up with a hybrid of the AK-47 and the AR-15?? If it shoots both types of ammo, I WANT ONE!

    • They have the Hydra which does 4 calibers but of course you have to swap parts to change calibers. Then there is the $3000 price tag, but in effect you are getting 4 rifles.

  5. Good news all you car manufacturers, the democrats want you to be held responsible for a drunk driver causing an accident and also its good news for all you other product manufacturers because the democrats also want you to be held responsible for the actions of others. I thought you would be happy to hear that, because that’s exactly what will happen in the future if democrats can set the precedent that a product manufacturer can be held responsible for a persons misuse or abuse of, or irresponsible or criminal actions involving, the product. Setting that precedent is exactly what they are trying to do now with going after firearms manufacturers.

    • How about we just put a paragraph of small print warning labels like all the other products do?

      • What would that say?

        The democrats version …

        “WARNING: This product is sentient and may decide to sneak out and commit a crime by its self.”

        • WARNING: American firearms have been known to cause freedom and have saved Europe from itself on at least several occasions.

    • Good news all you car manufacturers, the democrats want you to be held responsible for a drunk driver causing an accident and also its good news for all you other product manufacturers because the democrats also want you to be held responsible for the actions of others.

      Careful watch you ask for. Mr Pelosi’s DWI might bring a lawsuit on Porsche….LOL

  6. The DNC are traitors it’s just that simple. Don’t be surprised when they win in November, after all it went good for them last time, why would they change? Most secure election in history. Why else would sleepy Joe sell our oil to China? The ChiComs are just waiting for us to be disarmed before the invasion.

    • THat criminals are vresponsible for mas shootings is so bloodu y obvious that you make yourself look extremely foolish for even making such a observation. Firearms are only a tool but a highly dangerous one. Why then give firearms personalities of sorts The argument is NOT about the about the criminality associated with firearms, that much is, as I’ve said blindingly obvious, – it’s about their over availability especaially Semi- Automatic Rifles and ovewrly powerful and mostly useless for any legitimate purpose handguns licensing.
      When the American Constitution was written there were only SINGLE shot Rifles or Muskets generally available and Black-powder handguns Single Action. The general availability of modern weapons in the hands of ill-disciplined wannabe Rambo’s and nut cases was not and could not have been forseen. Does anybody believe that the maen who drew up the cont stitutiuon would have given the right of Ownwership to each and everyone to own a bloody Gatling Gun or a MAXIM machine gun?? No elfin chance.

      Of course the American Firearms Industry, which pushes MILLIONS into the Pro-gun movement and has probably a third of all politicos under some kind of monetary influence, INCLUDING I suspect at least one ex-POTUS who shall be nameless, will oppose anything that restricts ownership of firearms or makes ownership and licensing much, much tougher. That too is so elfin obvious that it does not warrant stating. Would TURKEYS vote for Christmas?

      • No. We have already went over what weapons were available, who owned them and the purpose the Founders gave for the Constitution and the BoR.

        Only a psychopath would keep repeating the same lies knowing they are lying.

        Turkeys would not vote for Thanksgiving moron. It is the goose who would vote against Christmas.

      • The argument that the second amendment was written expressly about single shot muskets and rifles is just another thoughtless twisting of the intent of the second amendment. When it was written it was written about average citizens being able to defend themselves and their country from tyrannical governments, like the British. Private citizens owned entirely private warships at the time and used them against the British help win the freedom that you British peasants cannot seem to grasp. The notion that civilians can and even have a duty to own “weapons of war” is a great and well codified tradition of our once great country. It’s moron civil disarmament pushers, ie the right hand of tyranny, that made up this silly notion that the second amendment was about hunting. It is and will always be a mechanism of freedom and a check against government overreach.

      • Sheesh you’re incoherent. Maybe edit another draft or two before you post so the rest of us can understand what you think you’re saying.

      • What is “blindingly obvious” is, you eliminate the threat, and you’ve got it beat. The threat is not the screwdriver, but the deranged bastid who plunges the screwdriver into your eye. The threat is not the 18-wheeler, but the driver fiddling with his cell phone while he drives. The threat is not the rifle/pistol/grenade/rocket/sharp stick, but the person holding whichever tool.

        I’ll never figure out why so many people are afraid of inanimate objects. Worse, you villify those of us who don’t fear those objects.

        It is blindingly obvious that people like you have their heads firmly embedded in their anuses.

      • British poofs are so very much like the Athenians. Americans are much more like the Spartans.

        THIS IS ‘MURRICA!! Now, GTFO Wimpy Albert.

      • Albert the Poncey FAKE Subject,

        You are a lying sock-puppet of a lying retard of a lying Leftist/fascist.

        NOTHING you write is true. You AREN’T a Brit (you don’t even speak, read or write the Queen’s English). You AREN’T a “firearms instructor” (your ignorance about firearms is legendary). You AREN’T legitimately concerned – we (the US) are doing better on crime than are you EVEN INCLUDING the recent spike in crime (in large “blue” cities) caused by Dimocrat politicians.

        GO. F***. YOURSELF. you fake-Limey lying twit.

        • My teenage son would know more about firearms than Prince among kings Albert. And he has practical experience too.

      • Where to begin, so much fail there were multiple repeating rifles at the time of writing the 2nd amendment. For the most part is was tldr if you are going to argue at least get your historical facts straight.

      • What are you doing back here? I thought I told you to go kiss your Queen’s ass. Now get to it Lobsterback.

    • IF indeed America does sell oil to China. THere are plenty of other suppliers of oil that the uSA after all. Perhaps you should be asking WHY China sells anything to the USA including many STRATEGIC MATERIALS like Computer Chips, Rare Earths and rare metals which are every bit as important to the USA as OIL is to China – and probably even more so!.
      I really do find such bloody ignorance irritating in the extreme. The whole World is a Market Place. Gert used to it and in the meantime why not do a bit of CRITICAL thinking insteads of making stupid statements.
      Why do persons like you regard anybody who disagrees with you as being A COMMIE, A LIBERAL, A LEFTIST and probably all three when it’s quite obvious that you have no bloody idea as to what any of them actually represent. ? Why do people like you think that ANY attempt to bring order to a situation whereby there are 22,000 plus victims of GUN CRIME in the USA per annum and climbing is some kind of commie plot? And ten times at least the casulaties suffered, on average including in combat by the US Military per annum. A dozen or so US Service Personnel get headaches OK actually mild concussion from shellfire [literally] in IRAQ and there is hell to pay, questions asked, procedures changed, and retaliation demanded. Yet 22,000 CIVIL DEATHS at the hands of other civilians IN the uSA and nothing is expected to change!

      How you can continue to ignore those figures and by the way close to 30,000 suicides by firearm is a mystery to the whole World

      If you and your ilk used some common sense and voluntarily put in place acceptable gun controls which in your hearts of hearts you KNOW are right then there would be no bloody need for others to do it for you!

      • :”Perhaps you should be asking WHY China sells anything to the USA including many STRATEGIC MATERIALS like Computer Chips…..”

        The answer is obvious to anyone with an IQ over 60.

        • AAANNNDD . . . you just excluded Albert the Poncey fake-Subject, dacian the delusional, demented retard, and MajorStupidity.

          Our comment threads would be a better place, had we an IQ test requirement to post. It would eliminate those three drooling idiots, as well as NTexas, jsled, and about ten others.

      • I’m not necessarily going to take your US military casualty or civilian firearm death numbers at face value because you are both ignorant and a known liar. But let’s assume for a sec that you got it right. Military personnel live in a world of weapons, surrounded by them constantly. So why such low numbers? Could it be that the weapons themselves aren’t the issue? That weapons are just inert hunks of metal, wood, and plastic until someone decides to use them for a purpose, right or wrong? Why yes… yes it could be.

      • The reason the Biden Administration sold Oil from our strategic reserve to China is simple, the Company that Bought the oil to export it to China is connected to Hunter Biden, who will make a profit from the transaction.

        Last time Bill Clinton sold off oil from the strategic reserve, some mystery company bought and sold a bunch of oil, acting as basically a middle man. Turns out it was a company created by Jessie Jackson.

        Anytime you hear that a Democratic President wants to sell oil from the strategic petroleum reserve, its 100% a corrupt profit making enterprise for the friends, family and supporters, that it,

        • mauser,

          ” . . . the Company that Bought the oil to export it to China is connected to Hunter Biden, who will make a profit from the transaction . . . ”

          Don’t forget the “10% for the Big Guy”. Creepy Joe the Senile Serial Child-Molester needs his share, too.

      • What are you doing back here? I thought I told you to go kiss your Queen’s ass. Now get to it Lobsterback.
        Yep twice. Now you can’t say you didn’t see it AJH

  7. Did any of the brainiacs on our side say something to the equivalent of……

    “We sell rifles to LEO and government workers because they have near-unamiously decided that it is the best solution to defend themselves against criminals trying to do them harm. Mr/Mrs Politician why shouldn’t the average law-abiding citizen have the same right to use a less-capable semi-automatic version of that rifle to defend their life and the lives of their family? Are you saying that the value of the average American is less then the averge cop or government worker?”

    That’s how you shut the gun grabbers up.
    Why do I always have to tell everybody how to do their job?

    • The local “news” was filled with whiny mom’s moaning about Highland Park & the evil rifle. Never mentioned was the puke who murdered 8 or his daddy who enabled him. They rarely blame the lowlife gangbangers or cartel scum-just the gunz. May 31,2020 I sat in my living room with the door open waiting for BlackLootersMurder to appear. They ransacked nearby. My local 5-O did quite little to stop them. I ain’t giving up my AR!

    • Because these CEOs aren’t hard line 2A people. Some of them aren’t even gun people, really. If nothing else, these hearings will show gun manufacturers that they have to take a hard line on the 2A or they will be forced out of business. If not now, then in the future.

  8. THat criminals are vresponsible for mas shootings is so bloodu y obvious that you make yourself look extremely foolish for even making such a observation. Firearms are only a tool but a highly dangerous one. Why then give firearms personalities of sorts The argument is NOT about the about the criminality associated with firearms, that much is, as I’ve said blindingly obvious, – it’s about their over availability especaially Semi- Automatic Rifles and ovewrly powerful and mostly useless for any legitimate purpose handguns licensing.
    When the American Constitution was written there were only SINGLE shot Rifles or Muskets generally available and Black-powder handguns Single Action. The general availability of modern weapons in the hands of ill-disciplined wannabe Rambo’s and nut cases was not and could not have been forseen. Does anybody believe that the maen who drew up the cont stitutiuon would have given the right of Ownwership to each and everyone to own a bloody Gatling Gun or a MAXIM machine gun?? No elfin chance.

    Of course the American Fiorearms Industry, which pushes MILLIONS into the Pro-gun movement and has probably a third of all politicos under some kind of monetary influence, INCLUDING I suspect at least one ex-POTUS who shall be nameless, will oppose anything that restricts ownership of firearms or makes ownership and licensing much, much tougher. That too is so elfin obvious that it does not warrant stating. Would TURKEYS vote for Christmas?

      • Or “Albert” has discovered copy-and-paste. Saves a lot of typing. Seeing as much repeating statements as Dacian.

    • What is “blindingly obvious” is, you eliminate the threat, and you’ve got it beat. The threat is not the screwdriver, but the deranged bastid who plunges the screwdriver into your eye. The threat is not the 18-wheeler, but the driver fiddling with his cell phone while he drives. The threat is not the rifle/pistol/grenade/rocket/sharp stick, but the person holding whichever tool.

      I’ll never figure out why so many people are afraid of inanimate objects. Worse, you villify those of us who don’t fear those objects.

      It is blindingly obvious that people like you have their heads firmly embedded in their anuses.

    • Obviously you are either mal-educated or you’re from some shithole European Country where the people are slaves and just don’t know it. Stay in your lane, as it’s 100% obviously you have no idea about firearms or Americans.

    • ‘” dangerous tools “…….Like, rocks pieces of pipe, knives, hammers, screwdrivers, flammable liquids, acids, autos, trucks, planes, rope, electricity, frozen water bottles, canned goods, poison, stupidity etc. oh i forgot drugs.

  9. Due to redistricting, the insipid Carolyn Baloney will be running against Moonface Jerry Nadler in the Demon primary. One will be gone after the November election. I’m not sure which one to root for, but I know that the air around Washington won’t stink quite so bad next January.

    • As Henry Kissinger famously said, “It’s too bad both sides can’t lose.”

      But, on the bright side, it will be one less drooling Leftist/fascist Dimocrat idiot polluting our government.

  10. All the gun geniuses making fun of someone saying AK-15 might want to google it before commenting further.

    • In recent use the term AK-15 was a stupid thing a public figure said, it was pounced on by pro-gun groups. I get the joke.

        • If you were one of the few that knew there was an actual gun called the AK-15, you weren’t one of the waterhead-retards I was addressing. I was talking to the dumbfucks that make fun of people when they make ignorant/stupid statements about guns when they know less than the people they are criticizing…. like the stunningly stupid people that said assault rifles can’t be ‘high-power’ because they shoot low-power gopher ammo.

    • Oh, I get it . . . he was REALLY talking about a weapon that exists, in limited numbers, in Russia, available mostly to their special forces, and is an NFA item in any event.


      Cato, you’re usually smarter than that. I’m sure it was a ‘slip of the tongue’ (by a mouth-breathing moron who knows f***-all about firearms), but . . . it was stupid. Trying to give him the ‘benefit of the doubt’ does not reflect well on your good sense. He’s an ill-informed idiot (I frickin’ GUARANTEE you he had no idea of AR-15 vs. AK-47 vs. AK-15) who was mouthing off about s*** he is COMPLETELY ignorant of, but got press because he’s (i) a marginally-successful participant in a FREAKIN’ GAME, and (ii) was willing to spout the “approved” party line.

      Giving him any credit at all is . . . missing the point entirely. Do better.

      • I agree with everything you said, except maybe I’m usually smarter than that.

        I’m giving no credit to anyone that accidentally confuses AR and AK, I’m calling out the gun ‘experts’ that say dumb shit not knowing there actually is an AK-15.

  11. Meanwhile, the response to a recession with record inflation is new taxes and printing hundreds of billions for the climate lobby. Remember back when they said we couldn’t afford a $4 billion border wall? These people are a sick joke. They’re trying their hardest to get as much money at their disposal before the midterms. That was the entire point of getting the Puppet into office. We’re living with the consequences, and it’s about to get worse.

  12. Carolyn Maloney and Jerry Nadler are in a desperate primary battle due to redistricting in New York because of middle class flight to Florida and Texas. Each has to prove their worth to the civilian disarmament industry for critical donor dollars prior to August 23rd.

    Jerry had his shot last week and literally shot off his mouth and foot, Carolyn’s performance was no better.

    • I propose dueling pistols at 10 paces. With any luck, they’ll plug each other, or maybe even themselves.

  13. “Rep. Ro Khanna, D-Calif., asked Killoy if he would track crimes committed with his company’s firearms as part of a new human rights assessment.”

    WTH would that solve if they did that? A functional society wouldn’t reelect these people.

  14. “He said that the hearing focused on a weapon, the AK-15 (sic), that is responsible for less than 4% of homicides.”

    Over 96% of homicides ARE NOT comitted using rifles. Seems to me the democrats already got what they claim to want.

    • In the mean time of up to 11% of all violent criminals are IDENTIFIED AND CAUGHT. If thise identified and caught ~3% actually get convicted. The majority of violent criminal murderers are never identified and caught.

  15. Look at your least favorite politician. Are his lips moving? He’s lying.

    Look at your most favorite politician. Are his lips moving? He’s lying.

    It’s up to you to pick and choose which lies are going to reach the capitol. Vote wisely.

  16. So, while the dems continue their campaign to disarm Americans congress has decided to give the members $10000 for personal security.

    • Because they are “important people”, and you aren’t. They “need” security, but you don’t need the ability to defend yourself. Depend on the police (who are all bastards, anyway), don’t act in your own defense.

      Because these people are stupid (c.f., MajorStupidity, dacian the demented, delusional retard, and Albert the Poncey, fake-Brit Subject being exhibits A, B, and C), they assume you are.

    I’m pulling this car over and setting you kids straight…IF you leftists are REALLY SERIOUS about Gun Control, then pass this simple law:
    From now on, if anybody shoots a Lawyer or a Politician, BANG!!! TWENTY DOLLAR FINE!!! NO ARGUMENT!!!
    There, problem solved. Next!

  18. Ya know, there is ONE aspect of a number of these “mass shootings” that never seems to be explored. That is, HOW did these perps get all the money thei spent on their guns and other toys? I think it was the Uvalde creep had a $70,000 pickup truck, and some $20K in firearms (Daniel defense are not low price leaders in the industry). I think it was the Buffalo NY dirtbag had some amazing amount of money tied up in HIS guns. The rooftop shooter earlier this month had a phenomenal amount of money “invested” in his tools of destruction.

    I think it would be a valuable investigation to do a forensic evaluation of the personal finances of these evildoers. Not just arun down on the credit cards used to buy the stuff, but ALL personal accounts to learn the SOURCE of all this “discretionary income”. The Uvalde kid did NOT buy that pickup and his gun collection with the pittance he was taking home flipping burgers, or whatever his menial entry level “position” supplied him.

    • A bit like people with no job can afford very expensive gaming PCs with video cards alone that cost $1500+.

      I was able to buy an AR15 SP1 downunder back in the 90s. It cost over $2000 but I was working 2 jobs and living at home with few expenses.

  19. I wonder what the Congressional hearings would be like if these were marijuana heroin and cocaine businessman on the hot seat??? Assuming all this stuff was made legal. Politicians questioning the drug intoxication businessman on the societal effects of their products.

    Because if this stuff is ever made legal on a federal level. I can guarantee you there will be Congressional hearings with politicians asking heroin makers about their products effects on the public.

  20. My best guess us that Dacian and Miner49er are indeed just groups of young egocentrics who are trolling TTAG. Maybe even still sucking at the college teats. The time and effort that you put into “answering” their carefully worded clickbait will be published in book form, or used on an Anti-American TV show (I know, most all of them are now) like a long-running Saturday Night Live episode. Don Novello (Fr. Guido Sarducci character) wrote “Letters From Laszlo”.
    If you think you are talking to a single human, (They) are really a committee that “Speaks” through just one of them, to give the illusion of one voice. Stop being TROLLED.

  21. The late Col Jeff Cooper commented in 1958, “Killing is a matter of will, not means. You cannot control the intent by passing laws about the means.” But, then, preventing dead bodies in WallyWorlds, grocery aisles, church pews, or classrooms is not the agenda of the politicians. Those body counts are merely the politicians’ justification to their Useful Idiot masses for gun control, Ole Jeff explained it all as….”That is why our masters in Washington are so anxious to disarm us. They are not afraid of criminals. They are afraid of a populace which cannot be subdued by tyrants.”
    Were eliminating dead bodies the actual intent of politicians, they would be really closing the borders and shooting on the spot those scumbags bringing in the deadly drugs that are killing 100x annually that which are attributed to gun deaths, car accidents, or any other cause.

  22. “ Rep. Jody Hice, a Georgia Republican, and Tennessee Republican James Comer, the committee’s ranking member”

    I don’t have anything to add but I dislike authors who get facts wrong and don’t bother to look at a map. James Comer represents my district in the Commonwealth of Kentucky not Tennessee. It mayor may not be a canned response but every message I ever sent to Comer regarding these nonsensical intrusions into our constitutional rights he has responded back. All I can say is he doing better than McConnell on gun rights.

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