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  1. That’s the look he got on his face when he realized he was siding with dacian and miner49er.

  2. Sometimes weird thoughts just pop into my head, like, ‘I wonder what David Hogg’s and Greta Thunberg’s love child would grow up to look like.’

  3. Just how long is Hogg going to be allowed to milk his false traumatic shooting survivor claim? He was not even in the school building when the shooting went down. Wonder if he is suffering the same type of PTSD by proxy as AOC over the Jan 6 riot. Not on site but still survived the attack and claim to be in danger. An insult to those who were there and survived. As well as an insult to the families of those who in the case of Hogg, killed or injured. And in the case of AOC, an insult to every working waitress or bar maid as well as an insult to the intelligence of anyone with 2 or more working brain cells.

  4. Wish I was more skilled at making fake movies. I’d make one of Camera Hogg telling us how much he likes his AR-14 and AK57. Would be fun…

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