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Just like how many licks it takes to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop, the world may never know that the answer is Afghanistan. Cuz we left them there. Because reasons. Trump had a pretty good take on that.


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      • Maybe they voted for it like the American people “voted” for sleepy Joe. 😉

        I thought Israel was a parliamentary representative democracy. On that system political donors not the voters make decisions for the nation.

      • Here is another good question. How on earth did Mossad and the IDF fail so spectacularly? I thought they were supposed to be better than that.

        • Same way that every other high tech Country fails. Over reliance on technology, not enough humint.

        • @FormerParatrooper – you nailed it man. Every magical high-tech toy can be defeated. Anyone who doesn’t believe it should look at all the big-name hi-tech giants whose operations have been compromised, again, and again, and again. Microsoft, Google, McAfee, 23andMe, the list goes on and on. I think maybe Apple has a pretty good track record – but they aren’t nearly perfect either.

          It’s PEOPLE who keep stuff working properly, not computers. It’s PEOPLE who win conflicts, not hi-tech bombers, missiles, “smart guns” or any other crazy science fiction crap.

        • Such failure is so extremely outside of historically established expectations, you must ask yourself if it was, in fact, a failure. Why would they do nothing if they knew? Cui bono?

        • JWM,
          In 73, the IDF turned things around and ended up doing pretty well. Hopefully they still have what it takes to defend their nation.

        • We were staged to intervene. Say what you want about Nixon. But he was not going to allow another holocaust.

        • Because the Mossad was too busy organizing “spontaneous” demonstrations against Netanyahu on behalf of the Israeli Left. Kinda like the CIA or FBI over here.

        • “How on earth did Mossad and the IDF fail so spectacularly?”

          That very question was asked on-camera day one.

          The answer? – With a pained expression, the official responded “We’ll get to that…”

          I do believe that the current Israeli administration is better equipped to eventually deal with that question than the non-ruling party…

    • Because Israel is a fairly socialist country, founded by a bunch of European folks who thought communes were cool, and those kinds of people always think that guns should only be in the hands of the “proper, authorized” people. ‘Only the police and the military should have guns, cause it’s their job’, right?

      • “European folks who thought communes were cool“

        Yep, run out the Palestinians who live there, bulldoze their homes and then bring in a circle of house trailers and call it a communal farm (kibbutz).

        Just like we did with The Trail of Tears, Wounded Knee and Fort Apache…

        “In 1948, more than 700,000 Palestinian Arabs – about half of prewar Palestine’s Arab population – fled from their homes or were expelled by Zionist militias,[1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8] during the 1948 Palestine war.[9] The exodus was a central component of the fracturing, dispossession and displacement of Palestinian society, known as the Nakba,[10][11] in which between 400 and 600 Palestinian villages were destroyed, village wells were poisoned in a biological warfare programme and properties were looted to prevent Palestinian refugees from returning,[12][13] and other sites subject to Hebraization of Palestinian place names,[14] and also refers to the wider period of war itself and the subsequent oppression up to the present day.[15]”

        • Wait wasn’t that the one where the arabs invaded and lost? LOL yeah much tyranny, don’t start wars of extermination you don’t win.

        • minor49iq…Had you been at the music festival hamas would have spared you…Not. The atrocity in Isreal was how Gun Control gave hamas the upper hand. Next time mr. caring commie post the numbers throughout History that became slaves or were tortured and murdered because of Gun Control.

        • Another of Minor Irritant’s plagerized articles pasted complete with footnote annotations, but not including the footnotes themselves, the source, nor the rest of the article which gives the counter to the snippet that was posted.
          You really need a cartoon icon to go with your handle, like jsled and lil ‘d have – perhaps Daffy Duck would prove appropriate.

        • make no mistake, the members of Hamas engaged in violent murder and there is no excuse for their actions.

          But as they always do, the IDF is currently bombing civilian targets in a thinly disguised war of genocide.

          “the rest of the article which gives the counter to the snippet that was posted“

          Really? So what actions by the Palestinians in 1947 authorized Israelis to attack them and seize their land?

          The terrorist bombing of the King David Hotel in ‘46?

          “The British administrative headquarters for Mandatory Palestine, housed in the southern wing[1] of the King David Hotel in Jerusalem, were bombed in a terrorist attack[2][3] on 22 July 1946 by the militant right-wing[4] Zionist underground organization the Irgun during the Jewish insurgency.[5][6][7] 91 people of various nationalities were killed, including Arabs, Britons and Jews, and 46 were injured.[8]”

          I don’t point to a website because those comments often are moderated.
          But honestly, I think most of you people can look up the actual facts of history on the inter-web for yourselves.

        • Civilian targets that are next to military targets and often house them? Come on Miner 2007 called and it wants its fake news back.

      • “nEvEr AgAin, LOL“

        Yes, isn’t it ironic.

        The very folks who were forced from their homes and into concentration camps, have been forcing people from their homes and into concentration camps since 1948.

        • Wasn’t it big global government that created Israel in the first place? Why are you so butthurt it’s just what the global community wanted? Or is it because your favored killers suck at war?

  1. Don’t worry. Our gubermint has F16s and nukes. We don’t need guns like the other sh– hole countries. Really, you can trust them!

  2. The Jobrak O’Bribin Administration.
    Arming drug dealers, human smugglers, cartels, and those wishing to do the US harm for 15 years now.

    • Math is obviously not your strong suit. FJB has been a political hack since 1971 and a lying pain in the ass since long before then.

  3. When Biden gets on tv talkin all kinds of crud about how Isreal must be protected and how antisemitism should be put down…

    All I can think is that he’s playing both sides against the middle. That’s bound to upset a few people in high places.

    Trump’s worst blunders at foreign policy pales in comparison.

    • From what I have from both the (real) far right and the far left is that Israel deserved this. The burning alive of women after rape, decapitation of infants, an assault on civilians. There are those in his own party who are cheering this on and telling Israel to be nice. Biden is in a difficult place of his own making.

      • Yup, pretty wild to see “conservatives” parroting hard Left talking points verbatim, but parrot they do.

        Ideology is a hell of a drug.

        • “Yup, pretty wild to see “conservatives” parroting hard Left talking points verbatim, but parrot they do.”

          Odd, I consider myself on the Right politically, and in no fucking way do I think Israel deserved what happened to them.

          How do you explain that? Inquiring minds, etc. …

        • I don’t think Conservatives are cheering on Hamas. It is the extremes of the the parties.

        • The more cynical part of me looks at these replies and says “Oh, now you’d like to talk nuance, cute”.

          Look dudes, this is part of why the Right loses, no discipline and no killer instinct. Saying “Conservatives” is a general statement, the idea that you’d take it personally is what would be generally called a “you problem”. Did I say “Geoff”? No.

          And if you think it’s just the “extremes” of the parties, I suggest you take a broader look around. Those “extremes” are a lot closer to the norm than you want to believe and this is true on both sides. If you’re denying that, you’re just the Right leaning version of Jake Tapper suddenly realizing that maybe there’s some issues on the Left.

          All of which is kinda hilarious since the Left currently has the exact same problem. Which is kinda neat because you can insert a wedge and crack their coalition wide open. You know, the way the Left ALWAYS does to the GOP on every fucking issue of import?

          Will the Right do this?

          LOL, no. They’re mostly ignorant of what’s going on, mostly not smart enough to see the opportunity and even the ones who can see both of the above think it’s “dirty pool”. They’d rather lose with honor than take a crack at actually winning. They’d rather have 1/3rd+ of the country die than sully their “good name” which is really just the opinion of the staff at the WSJ/NYT/WaPo and similar papers who are going to hate them anyway.

          The reason I have, for years, used the analogy that “Politics is a knife fight in a telephone booth” is in large part because morals and ethics don’t get you out of that phonebooth breathing. Once you find yourself in that phonebooth you might realize that the only thing that matters is which one of you is alive a few minutes from now. If you don’t realize that then, well, it won’t be you surviving the encounter.

          The Right doesn’t even know it’s in the phonebooth and mostly will deny it and attack anyone who points it out. Often through cutsie anecdotes as if that actually means something. It’s like Leftist philosophy in reverse but not 1/1000th as effective because it’s reactionary and not proactive the way the Left uses this tactic.

          But hey, keep on keepin’ on I guess. Maybe in 15 years your average GOPer will realize that the GOP’s best asset in 2024 was actually RFK. By 2050 maybe someone in the mainstream of Conservative thought will figure out why this was the case.

    • “Trump’s worst blunders at foreign policy pales in comparison.“

      Wait a minute, I thought his son-in-law Jared Kushner had achieved peace in the Middle East…

      “Kushner, who is married to the former president’s daughter Ivanka Trump, runs the private-equity fund Affinity Partners. It received a $2 billion investment from a fund led by the Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman six months after Trump left the White House in January 2021.

      The United Arab Emirates and Qatar also invested hundreds of millions of dollars into Kushner’s private-equity firm, reported The New York Times in March 2023.“

      • Funny no mention of any diplomacy there almost like it is not related the way you want it to be. Weee misinformation is fun

        • “Funny no mention of any diplomacy there“

          So the President of the United States’ son-in-law, an official member of the White House Staff, serving as Senior Advisor to the President, receives $2billion from the Saudis in the Middle East 6 months after leaving office but no diplomacy is involved?

          And this is the same Senior Advisor to the President who had just finished negotiating the Abrahamic accords, guaranteeing peace in the Middle East but no diplomacy is involved?

          So how is that whole ‘Peace in the Middle East’ thing really working out?

          Hard to tell, but it’s clear the Trump family ‘got their piece’ of the Middle East.

        • Oh so it’s a problem if people you do not like do it but not your boys in power with far fewer levels of separation? Still less direct links to the Biden art gallery and still questionable connections compared to obvious pay for play access issues.

        • “not your boys in power“

          Republicans lack one important ingredient to proving some sort of wrongdoing by the Biden administration… Evidence to support their claims.

          The Republicans’ own witnesses that they called before the committee to prove their point admit there is no evidence against the Biden administration:

          “Witnesses tapped by Republicans for the House Oversight and Accountability Committee hearing acknowledged that there was no evidence showing that the president profited from his son Hunter Biden’s business dealings when he was vice president in the Obama administration.

          The chair of the committee, Republican Rep. James Comer of Kentucky, has spent the last nine months holding various hearings about Hunter Biden, but those investigations haven’t revealed any direct link or that Biden made any financial gains.”

          Unlike the presidents son-in-law Jared Kushner, Hunter Biden has never held an official position at the White House.
          There’s no doubt Hunter let people believe he had some sort of special access to his powerful father, but there’s zero evidence of any corruption involved.

          American citizens should be much more concerned about the misdeeds of the Trump family, Jared Kushner held an actual position with our government, what did he do to ‘earn’ his $2,000 million?

  4. My comment in the social media I participate in has been this:

    This is what happens to a disarmed populace. Gun control in Israel is among the strictest in the world since they too have swallowed the neo-liberalism that promises that Big Brother is all the protection you need. Because of it hundreds of innocent men, women and children were slaughtered in what was FAIAP a 12th century pillaging. It would not have happened in pre-liberalism 1980 Israel where every man and women (and many children) would have had a Galil rifle or Uzi smg on their person or close by. Netanyahu may call himself a conservative but that is only by comparison to his predecessors.

    • Missed opportunity to show off the flexibility of the design by putting the FCU into a dedicated grip module designed for drone mounting.

  5. BloMe Joe was Teddy Kennedy’s frat boy bro in Congress in the very early seventies.
    All them libskum had gotten “Sick of the War” (watching the constant TV agitprop) so that they pulled the rug out from under a nation we had bled for.
    Go to Westminster, in Southern California, and stand on a street corner.
    Interview every old Vietnamese man you meet, and ask him his life story.
    I dare you to be able to keep your breakfast down, or EVER forget that day.
    It is my solemn promise that you will never forget what you hear.
    Then tell your friends…

    • The mirror in the company bathroom was Made in Vietnam.
      Thankfully the boss only played C&W.
      No Michael Jackson.

    • i work with hu vanh. he is unfazeable. as are the hmong employed here.
      and the things dr. samson flores and his wife told me about the filipinnes.

  6. Watch close, when The Greatest President America has or ever will have gets into a predicament he starts stuttering and stammering then he gets real mad then a blank stare comes across his face then a smile like when a little baby just took a big shit then all the reporters clear out and somebody helps The Greatest President America has or ever will have off the podium. Check out how they hold his arm, “NoOhOh We ain’t getting to close to that.”
    It’s his way of getting out of a bad situation.
    “Mr. President. The planet Slug just declared war on earth.”
    Ohh shit
    “Please Sir, not again.”

    • “Check out how they hold his arm, “NoOhOh We ain’t getting to close to that.”
      It’s his way of getting out of a bad situation.”

      Marsupial One, you have hit the nail on the head.

      All we need now for the real nightmare to start is for Taiwan to be invaded, while China sits on its entire inventory of artillery shells intact… 🙁

    • “Check out how they hold his arm“

      How unfortunate there was no one there to hold Tommy’s arm…

      “Tommy Tuberville Falling Down Plane Stairs Sparks Flood of Mockery

      BY KATHERINE FUNG ON 10/11/23 AT 2:06 PM EDT
      Senator Tommy Tuberville, who has previously criticized President Joe Biden for falling in public view, was mocked online after he fell down a flight of plane stairs himself.
      Users on X, formerly Twitter, flooded the social networking site to poke fun at Tuberville, who was seen slipping down a number of steps while getting off an aircraft on Wednesday. Carrying a small luggage in one hand and a duffle bag in the other, the Alabama Republican appeared to lose his footing after three steps and slid the rest of the way down.“

      Hypocrisy, thy name is Republican.

      • Quick question how is is cognitive decline going again…………oh right that’s not what you are trying to focus on nevermind.

        • There’s no way that frail, senile puppet could make it another five years. The sheep are even beginning to notice. Propaganda can only do so much. But quick look over there! A Republican fell down!

      • How many times did dementia in chief fall on that one flight of stairs in that single incident? Even athletes in their prime take a misstep on stairs now and again but never more then once in a single event.

  7. Unsurprisingly to me, this is the most rational comment section I’ve seen on the topic of Israel/Hamas.

    I swear, you mention Jews or Palestine and a huge percentage of people just lose all cognitive faculties. Mention the two together and large numbers of people go full blown retard real fast.

    • Lot of Media programming involved on multiple sides. You know exactly what that does to nuance when it is consumed.

        • Here’s some context:

          “In 1948, more than 700,000 Palestinian Arabs – about half of prewar Palestine’s Arab population – fled from their homes or were expelled by Zionist militias,[1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8] during the 1948 Palestine war.[9] The exodus was a central component of the fracturing, dispossession and displacement of Palestinian society, known as the Nakba,[10][11] in which between 400 and 600 Palestinian villages were destroyed, village wells were poisoned in a biological warfare programme and properties were looted to prevent Palestinian refugees from returning,[12][13] and other sites subject to Hebraization of Palestinian place names,[14] and also refers to the wider period of war itself and the subsequent oppression up to the present day.[15]”

        • seem to be missing some from the same article

          The war had two main phases, the first being the 1947–1948 civil war, which began on 30 November 1947,[19] a day after the United Nations voted to adopt the Partition Plan for Palestine, which divided the territory into Jewish and Arab sovereign states, and an international Jerusalem (UN Resolution 181). Partition was accepted by the Jewish leadership, but rejected by Palestinian Arab leaders and the Arab states.[20] This phase of the war is described by historians as the “civil”, “ethnic” or “intercommunal” war, as it was fought mainly between Jewish and Palestinian Arab militias, supported by the Arab Liberation Army and the surrounding Arab states. Characterised by guerrilla warfare and terrorism, it escalated at the end of March 1948 when the Jews went on the offensive and concluded with their defeating the Palestinians in major campaigns and battles, establishing clear frontlines. During this period the British still maintained a declining rule over Palestine and occasionally intervened in the violence.[21][22]

          Not a big fan of either group but do try to be objective

        • There’s a comment about 25 or so back that calls out Miner exactly on this. Maybe we should vote on Miner’s cartoon icon to be added by the ” moderators “. I second the vote for Daffy Duck.

        • Third. All in favor…

          Discussions with them are nearly always fruitless, unless we bring our own fruit. Daffy will work, maybe the one with his beak spun around to the back of his head.

        • SAFE:

          He said “some context”, as in, some historical facts that support his argument. He didn’t say “full context”, which may or may not support his arguments.

          Strawmanning, partial context and half-truths are his specialty.

          I’m still not decided as to if that account represent a person or a text bot. Either way, it’s an NPC.

        • It’s similar but different from what Vlad used to do.

          That account’s posts were all stitched together forum entries. That account would just take any gun being discussed, look up the negatives/bad experiences on a forum, stitch them all together and post it as “his” experience with that firearm with some added “flare” at the beginning/end.

          I figured that out after I realized that I’d read his comments on the Star BM word for word years before because I’d sorted out the same issue with that gun close to a decade prior and I remembered the specific post because the person who made it clearly had NO idea what they were talking about.

          It’s behavior from old chatbots but it is possible that it’s a person who’s best option in life is to actively work towards ending their life.

          Either way, the IQ behind it is ~0.

        • Ah so current day Dacian, but chatbots are always possible……few other posters as well I guess. For me it’s just funny seeing some of the same posts/styles of arguing/astroturfing that starts on the chans and ends up in the normie net.

        • So objectively, what did the Palestinians do to justify the militants, engaged in forming a new country, attack and forceful removal of 700,000 people from their homes?

          It’s not like it’s new behavior, they are just replaying their forefathers assault and genocide on other people:

          Numbers 31:17-18 KJV
          17Now therefore kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman that hath known man by lying with him. 18But all the women children, that have not known a man by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves.

        • “post it as “his” experience with that firearm with some added “flare” at the beginning/end“

          I think the word you’re looking for is ‘flair’ not ‘flare’.

          As in ‘Ric Flair’.

          English as a second language can be very difficult, just be patient, I’m sure you’ll get the hang of it eventually.

          Just a helpful suggestion from this lowly chat bot, hope this helps!

        • Miner besides being wrong you are getting to be asinine on this topic. Your pet savages have gone for unprovoked attacks on civilians for all of recent history then cried war crimes any time a expectable retaliation was taken. Personally I don’t really care about either group in this drama by Lord Rothschild but again do try to be objective or cry about whatever you are on about somewhere else.

  8. My question is not so much about the rifles and other weapons, but how in hell did no one notice the massive shipments of rockets, and other heavier equipment into a small area like Gaza. One hell of an intel failure. And, we or the Israeli’s need to find and track the money/paper trail and send a nice gift to whoever funded this. Whether it be Iran or Saudi Arabia or whomever else it may be.

    • “My question is not so much about the rifles and other weapons, but how in hell did no one notice the massive shipments of rockets, and other heavier equipment into a small area like Gaza.”

      The exact same way shit gets into America, and most other countries. A little at a time, in bulk goods, like building materials. Who is inspecting the incoming shipments, in this case?

      Hamas. There’s your answer… 🙁

    • “whoever funded this. Whether it be Iran or Saudi Arabia“

      Speaking of Saudi funding:

      “Kushner, who is married to the former president’s daughter Ivanka Trump, runs the private-equity fund Affinity Partners. It received a $2 billion investment from a fund led by the Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman six months after Trump left the White House in January 2021.“

        • Who funded this? Are you fucking kidding… no “funding” was necessary, it was all left behind in Afghanistan as a parting gift by our pants shitting moron-in-chief FJB.

      • Shouldn’t they be setting up shell corporations and accounts under various relatives’ names to move that money around? It’s almost like they’re out in the open instead of doing secret shady deals like the Biden family. Maybe Hunter could give them some pointers.

    • “were they warned?”

      The answer to that is a question they may not like the answer to… 🙁

      • what the hell are you doing up at 04:30?
        haha that’s my rise and shine. brutal when out (no cussin’)’til mignike every night.

    • Well guess now is as good a time as any given the distractions. More curious what spending bills will be snuck through.

  9. ‘They plan to kill all Jews’: Hamas objective revealed after ‘undercover’ interview. (Note the part about what hamas considers as ‘Palestine’, it includes all of Israel. So when you see these idiots here post about pro-palestine and justifying hamas actions what they are really posting about is being pro-hamas and pro-terror, and part of their agenda is..death to America and Biden is letting these just walk across our border).

    • “Note the part about what hamas considers as ‘Palestine’, it includes all of Israel.“

      And what Israel considers as their territory, it includes all of Palestine.

      • Yes, and some Mexicans think a chunk of the USA is their territory. Imagine if they came over a big, beautiful wall on hand gliders, and proceeded to murder, rape, and kidnap peaceful concert goers. First the USA would remind them who owns that territory. Then the USA would completely decimate them. And you would be on here crying about the plight of the violent terrorists who deserve to have “their” land back.

  10. Today on one of the national news networks, that will remain nameless. I heard the first mention of the term, going nuclear. By a former high ranking officer of the IDF. In regards to both Gaza and Iran. It was made with no hyperbole. As an honest assessment of the current situation being faced by Israel. The Israel Government has come to a crossroad in it’s response to terrorism with the backing of Iran. A sort of piss or get off the pot situation and getting off the pot is unacceptable.

    • “I heard the first mention of the term, going nuclear. By a former high ranking officer of the IDF. In regards to both Gaza and Iran“

      So they would rather start a nuclear holocaust, then just give the Palestinians their land back.

        • I’m not sure if my memory serves me correct, but didn’t they move into the area just before the start of WW 1? Feeling too lazy to look it up at the moment.

      • … kinda like some asshole threatening nukes and F-15s instead of letting his own citizens keep a constitutionally protected item?
        You’re TOO daffy to be Daffy Duck !!

  11. Yes they voted for it. If you read a few of the reports coming out are those few locations where individuals heard, saw what was happining had the forsite and had firearms were able to defend, defeat and take the Hamas invasion. Those that were defenseless were hunted, brutalized and killed.
    Even if 1/2 of the reports are false, it shows that a well armed society can react and defend itself.
    Israiel gov purchase 100,000 rilfes but could not supply individuals with ammo.

    I do recall a individual stating that in order to take out a government you need tanks and F15’s In the area of asymtical warfare low tech appears to be a good tactic.
    All due caution is needed so that a larger scale action does not expand into other countries getting ivolved.

  12. As usual, miner49er the fascist is defending the murder of innocents. Because they are jews. Nothing new there. Palestine? If miner feels so strongly about land grabs why doesn’t he sign over his property in the US to the appropriate Native American tribe and then return to his country of origin? Just another lying hypocrite.

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