Home » Fun and Games » Gun Meme of the Day: Another Abject Failure Edition

Gun Meme of the Day: Another Abject Failure Edition

Jeremy S. - comments 43 comments

Sometimes memes are funny. Sometimes they’re a picture that speaks a thousand words on an important topic. This is the latter.


Jeremy S.

Jeremy is TTAG's Deputy Editor, working mostly behind the scenes but, when he attempts to write, he focuses on comprehensive gun & gear reviews. Jeremy strives to collect objective data whenever possible, and looks to write accurate reviews that reflect the true user experience. He lives outside of Austin, TX.


  1. This one’s a tough call. On one hand, we excoriate agencies for not having acted on prior knowledge when a bad actor does something heinous. On the other, we don’t want those agencies over-acting on information and interrupting our private lives if we haven’t committed any actions we consider worthy of intervention.

    I’m not sympathizing with any agencies. I’m just saying it’s a tough balance to achieve.

    The only answer I can offer is to remove all the gun control and leave people to exercise their natural right to defend themselves. Nobody can stop a mass shooter like this guy, but they can stop him pretty quickly after he starts something, and maybe even dissuade him from starting anything at all in the first place.

    • Hearing voices and talking about shooting up his base seem indicators even the dimmest authority should take notice of. Reports are that ME has a “yellow flag” law, like a red flag law but requires a psychologist to sign off on it. No evidence yet that police asked for one in this case despite his 2-week stint in an institution.

      • and yet PA state police can manage to nail everyone in PA who was rushed in for mental evaluation by their parents during their teen emo phase and decide to buy a gun decades later after becoming a born again good citizen and going on to a normal life.

    • I’m just saying it’s a tough balance to achieve.

      This guy is pretty extreme, I’m not seeing the problem with at least getting an evaluation… Wheen the voices start telling you to pull a one man assault on a National Guard facility it’s time for someone to take notice…

      • I don’t think the intent of my comment was taken as intended.

        Whatever the agencies do, the best solution is to stop piddling around with gun control and simply let everyone carry, as the Founders left us *clear* instructions to do. That way, if a Wingnut starts shooting, he won’t get nearly as far as this one did, and it’ll make future Wingnuts think a little more before moving ahead with their own crimes.

        It’s not rocket surgery.

      • My experience is that LE generally doesn’t care about threats of violence, including murder, unless the target is a VIP. There are currently college professors publicly posting things like a knife with blood while supporting Miner’s “freedom fighters.” Gee, what could that mean? Incite violence much? They do that without a care in the world. Meanwhile, Mr. Nomienorm going about his daily business is called violent for not being an “anti-racist” or an alphabet mafia ally.

        • VIP status doesn’t matter. political orientation is what they care about. Threaten Trump all you want but they were arresting people for using Obama targets at the range during his admenstruation.

  2. As I write this, the Federal Bureau of Incineration, Hostage Roasting Team is at his house demanding that he come out with his hands up. I wonder if this is going to end with another conflagration, again?

  3. It appears that, true to form, these incidents happened in a “Gun Free Zone”(s) as well.

    Initially, it appears that Maine DOES allow firearms in establishments that serve alcohol, but they cannot if they are POSTED NO FIREARMS, AND the carrier is NOT consuming alcohol.

    Given that most people in a BAR and in a BOWLING alley will probably be drinking….

  4. Ooookay…. Comments must get pulled off of the list WHILE they are being ‘moderated’ as I see that it HAS posted.

    Noted for future reference…

    • While I have no empirical evidence to support my belief, it is my belief that if you exit the site and go to another site before the 5 minutes your post is being moderated, your post then disappears. If you hang around on the site until you post gets its imprimatur, then you are permanently on. Try killing time on the site until your comment is approve and see if it doesn’t cut down on the disappearing rate.

      • Also, if you post a lengthy comment, it takes longer to get approved. My short comment above was just approved without any waiting time and my very lengthy post about how mentally ill folk are treated currently has disappeared because I did not wait out the edit time.

      • Thx.

        Most of my posts get through just fine. I kind of thought it was a trigger word because of that..

  5. We were previously aware of the shooter.
    So according to all the @#%$&*/+’s here and there, Americans have the right to be guilty before they commit a crime.
    Loving every minute of it.
    Freedom, Freedom is purchased.
    From floating your boat to skiing down a mountain, you buy your pleasures.
    And the poor man pisses on a sidewalk.
    Freedom America

    • No, he had been adjudged mentally incompetent, Sectioned 8, and was under psychiatric care. He SHOULD have been in an insane asylum.

      • Unfortunately, most of the mental health treatment facilities were closed 30 plus years ago. Now you can only be involuntarily committed if you are actively homicidal, suicidal or catatonic. Just plain hearing voices isn’t enough to get one involuntarily committed to a mental health facility. And. no. Ronnie Reagan was not personally responsible for closing all the mental health facilities. I can’t speak to other states, but in Kallyfornikadia, the LPS Act which closed the extensive mental health system was a joint effort. Lanterman was a state senator of the repub persuasion and Nick Petris was an assemblyman of the demo persuasion as was Al Short. Both of the latter politicians were assemblymen and shepherded the bill through the assembly. They were senior dems and had a lot of clout. Lanterman shepherded the bill through the state senate. He too was a very influential republican. The bill was overwhelmingly supported by both parties. Vetoing the bill would have been a useless act for Reagan as the bill on its way through the legislature had too much support. An override would have been a done deal. So the standard treatment currently in Kally when one gets a 5150 commitment is to administer some meds. Three days later the patient appears before a judge and by now after three days on meds the patient is stabilized and no longer in one of the three categories and the judge is compelled to kick him loose. He gets a bottle meds and is told to come back for a refill when he runs out. He immediately sell his prescribed meds and buys the medication he really wants, be it alcohol or mushrooms (soon to be legal in Kally) or whatever. Repeat cycle periodically until the patient either commits a felony and goes to prison or gets killed by some l.e.o.I have read many reports that state that over 60% of the inmates in Kally prisons have significant, serious mental health problems — in other words they are b.s. crazy. It’s considerably more expensive to house felons than it is to treat the mentally ill in a hospital setting, so the repub’s effort to see money is actually costing far more and if you thought Nurse Rachet was bad, you haven’t met some really nasty prison guards.

  6. anti-gun is having a collective ‘sexual PR orgasm’ because this shooting happened. One democrat legislator made a big deal out of saying that he was opposed to a ban on the falsely and deceptively termed ‘weapon of war’ but now because of this shooting he has ‘changed his mind’ and now supports a ban – in reality though he is on record as saying previously that he supports banning all firearms and is supported financially in campaign contributions from anti-gun sources.

    In the mean while, not a word about the ~1,600 people across the nation that on the same day as this shooting were attacked by a criminal with a knife and ~230 of the victims were killed on scene and another ~120 died at the hospital (~10 of them in Maine), from being stabbed to death by a criminal with a knife. While the media and anti-gun has their collective gleeful dancing-in-the-blood-of-innocents sexual like PR orgasm for pushing their agenda of tyranny over the law abiding who did nothing wrong, but not a word publicly in the media or from a politician or from any anti-gun organization so interested in supposedly saving lives or from that fake unconstitutional anti-gun private interest jerk off fest in that white house ‘office of violence prevention’, not a word about the ‘collective’ mass killing of ~350 innocent victims with a knife, not a word about ‘assault knives’.

    and also …. In the mean while, not a word about the ~3,800 people across the nation that on the same day as this shooting were attacked by a criminal with a blunt object or hands/feet and ~110 of the victims were killed on scene and another ~260 died at the hospital (~50 of them in Maine), from being beaten to death by a criminal with a blunt object or using hands/feet. While the media and anti-gun has their collective gleeful dancing-in-the-blood-of-innocents sexual like PR orgasm for pushing their agenda of tyranny over the law abiding who did nothing wrong, but not a word publicly in the media or from a politician or from any anti-gun organization so interested in supposedly saving lives or from that fake unconstitutional anti-gun private interest jerk off fest in that white house ‘office of violence prevention’, not a word about the ‘collective’ mass killing of ~370 innocent victims with a blunt object or with hands/feet, not a word about ‘assault blunt object’ or ‘assault hands and feet’.

      • I always thought people caught with large amounts of drugs should get ½ via an enema, and the other half jammed down their throats..

        Then just walk away from the twitching pile of foam…

        (Former volunteer EMS here… I have ZERO sympathy for drug dealers..)

  7. Anyone who makes a public statement about “Shooting up a place” has NO business possessing a firearm. Too Unstable. Should have been disarmed. They can get mace for self defense.

  8. I am a trained firearms instructor. I shot for a pistol team in the army. I participated in “Train the Trainer” exercises and as such had training to go back to my unit to train others in pistol and rifle marksmanship.

    I have taken the NRA Basic Range Officer course. As such I am on the NRA books as a trainer.

    Being a “trained firearms instructor” is not a hard thing to claim.

    Not sure why that is relevant to being mentally unstable and falling through the legal gun owner cracks.

    • It’s not relevant. It is to make the general public dislike you and the rest of us “gun people.”

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The Truth About Guns provides news, reviews, and insights to help you stay informed on the latest trends in gun culture, legislation, and industry developments.