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Eww. Stay away. I have zero idea what this image was about originally, but this works for me. Have a great weekend, y’all.

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  1. Hey Jeremy S. I signed up for some classes with Ron at Tactical Fitness. Thank you for the recommendation.

    • Make sure you observe the 3am democrat votes they dig up from the local cemetery. Seems to be the ultimate swing votes come when everyone else is sleeping.

      I still haven’t forgiven all my dead relatives for voting for Bidet last year.

      • Correct. One might have to observe into the after-hours.

        Proactivity and planning, not defeatism and worthless black-humor.

      • Your dead relatives would not be “voting” if you had removed them from the voter register in a timely manner.

        • I can remove people? Shit hot, man, there are a LOT of people in the Austin area I need to get right after, I didn’t know I could do that!

  2. With our “pro gun” friends in the GOP it won’t matter in a year or two which side mouths platitudes. In fact, neither side probably will bother with platitudes by that point.

    All freedom will be extinguished if the old-timers in the Republican Party don’t wise up to how tech works. Unfortunately, that’s unlikely to happen. They’re pushing the same bullshit as the Left but with “security enhancements”.

    • Grassroots North Carolina is a fine organization, and they just sent a big email saying this exact same thing and outlining a plan to help this state. Point being, you’re dead on accurate.

      • I’ve posted it before, but he’s a smidgen of the explanation of what they’re trying to set up. Turn in your guns or beg on the streets type shit. The real question is, how far are you really willing to go to protect liberty?

        Because these people are willing to starve you and your family over the wrong Twitter post. Don’t have Twitter? Get it and post the right things, or else. That’s where this is headed. Just look at everything Canada’s version of the GreenPass contains. Real time info on all your financials, even if you can legally buy fertilizer.

        • “The real question is, how far are you really willing to go to protect liberty?”

          ANSWER: The defense of Liberty is the defense of my family. It is self-defense, with all that implies.

  3. The meme, although adaptable for this purpose – still gives the impression of an adult spraying a small child in the face with something.

    • .40 cal.
      You beat me to it. I don’t like it either. And… Stuff like that can give the gun grabbers propaganda ammunition about the mentality of POTG.

  4. well the 6th Circuit court of the United States has just approved mass genocide for all working Americans …do you have an effective spray for that?

  5. 24and7 rants deliriously, “the 6th Circuit court of the United States has just approved mass genocide for all working Americans” — He’s either off his meds, or he’s been hitting the hallucinogenic mushrooms hard. Someone get a strait jacket for him and put him in a rubber room before he hurts himself.

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