Square that circle!



    • Jimmy you really can’t mean that.

      That would crush the Democrat party. Gone.

      They are the core of the party.

  1. At least the ‘liberal white women’ are willing to consider the reasonableness of their actions and speak honestly about their concerns.

    Unfortunately, in America there are other white women who are hypocrites who lie about their character in order to achieve positions of power, all while condemning Others for the exact same actions they themselves chose but kept hidden.


    Republican, thy name is hypocrisy.

    • …and then there are the Miners of the world who pop their heads up out of their gopher holes to spit into the wind and claim they’ve shown the world a thing or two for it.

      Miner, thy name is absurdity.

        • Nobody made a suggestion. You made an assumption tho. The statement made starts and stops with “Liberal white women”. I’m not a lawyer, but I doubt your assumptions of anything beyond that would hold up in court and be what they call “hear say”.

          Did that work out the way you thought it would? Nope. But by all means, share your links like anyone here gives a fuck or even bothers with them. Do you acknowledge your own hypocrisy the same as those you criticize now? Cuz ya should.

          Btw, your assumption of me “defending” said statement has also been noted (c’mon miner, it’s obvious what your next reply will be) and is also hear say. I’m simply acknowledging and proving you’re statement wrong. Because you suck.

        • “Nobody made a suggestion“

          Wrong, ‘Luigi’ made a statement:


          “defending” said statement“

          Nope, I never claimed you were defending anything, never mentioned you.

          The subject meme above is nothing but a disparaging attack upon ‘liberal white women’, nothing less and nothing more.

          And no, an AR15 is not the ideal home defense weapon, 5.56 will easily penetrate sheet rock walls and has the potential to kill your family and/or neighbors, especially if you live in a condo or apartment.

        • As I mentioned before, you have no right to self defense, just ask the esteemed leader of Canada Justin Trudeau.

          If confronted you need to run and or hide.

          I once was attacked, unable to run and hide, so I defecated myself so much, she eventually walked away and left me alone.

        • Again, a statement is isnt a suggestion. You are an idiot. Look it up like you do your “facts”.

          5.56 is ideal where I live. Room setups are just fine, no neighbors, and I’d love the ability to shoot through walls especially if I know the attacker is there. Plenty of situations that is possible in. But you’d never know how to clear a toilet bowl let alone a single room…

        • And it’s true, despite what Liar49 would have you believe. Turns out, Pew Research accidentally proved it.


          62% of left leaning to hard leftists females are currently under treatment for mental ‘issues’. How ’bout them apples? Shockingly obvious to anyone paying attention to the screeching harpy brigade.

          Literally letting the insane run the asylum, the (D) are.

        • “And no, an AR15 is not the ideal home defense weapon, 5.56 will easily penetrate sheet rock walls and has the potential to kill your family and/or neighbors”

          That’s a silly statement. It depends on the particular situation and ammo selection. 9mm and buckshot will penetrate walls as well. It’s more about hitting versus missing the intended target and ammo selection. If over penetration is a concern, don’t use all copper 5.56 or any type of FMJ. Know where you’re shooting and what could be behind the walls. Also: Rittenhouse used FMJ with zero walls to go through. The end result was dead and f’ed up bad guys with no innocent bystanders injured.

          Jump to 17:34 of this video. Dead bad guy with zero over penetration.


        • MinorIQ seems determined to prove his absolute, complete LACK of knowledge about firearms:

          “. . . 5.56 will easily penetrate sheet rock walls and has the potential to kill your family and/or neighbors, especially if you live in a condo or apartment.”

          Are you stupid and ignorant, MinorIQ, or a liar?? (Ah, but embrace the healing power of “and”!!!)



          I would ask, “Why are you so stupid?”, but if you had the answer to that, perhaps you wouldn’t be. I just adopt my “rule of MinorIQ”, and assume everything you say is just errant horses***, or deliberate lies. When I bother to actually fact check you, both are usually true. You are an embarrassment to rational discourse, MinorIQ. At least dacian the stupid has the excuse of being a total, mouthbreathing moron. I can’t cut you that much slack; I think you are BOTH an ignoranus AND a lying liar. But, whatever supports the Leftist/fascist narrative, amirite, MinorIQ??? Tell me again about Article I, Section 8, you complete horse’s @$$.

    • Miner49 quote-“Unfortunately, in America there are other white women who are hypocrites who lie about their character in order to achieve positions of power, all while condemning Others for the exact same actions they themselves chose but kept hidden.”

      This is almost sounds like Maxine Waters, AOC, Hillary Clinton, Kamala Harris, Nancy Pelosi, Amber Heard…..sorry my hands are cramping up, but you get the point.

      Also Miner49er, you’re racist to call people on the right hypocrites….I don’t have any basis for the racist claim, but using the lefts playbook, I don’t need any facts to back up the racist claim. Also I learned the racist claim automatically wins the argument.

      • I don’t consider myself a racist, nor is it really about race. They are just a means to an end, nothing less and nothing more.

        Now if you said I might be a wee bit misogynistic, that would be a animal of another mother.

        • Southern,

          I’m sure there is a dearth of free roaming pets and small animals in the neighborhoods where they hold their circle jerks.

    • OK, at first you lost me at “At least the ‘liberal white women’”, but then you went off on Elizabeth Warren, so I’m just going to disregard your comment as not being important enough to figure out what the hell you’re talking about.

    • Are yous guys implying that sex work and abortion is something to be ashamed of? That can’t be right because that would be hypocritical. Or are you saying that people who want to ban others from having guns while they themselves are protected by guns are the worst of the worst?

    • Miner49er

      Hypocrisy is not limited to a certain political party, your posts prove that.

  2. I have an AR for home defense. And pistols. And a shottie. And a baseball bat, a machete,2 axes,several knives,pepper gel & spray and a bad attitude…

  3. Well…
    If the left one were correct then FFL’s never could have sold them in the first place.

    If the right one were correct then no one would buy them in the first place.

    Is there a reset button on the back somewhere?

  4. Well yeah, obviously. These are the same folks who genuinely believe that only the police should have certain (or any) weapons and also that police routinely execute unarmed, innocent black men in the street.

  5. A lot of gun controllers don’t necessarily argue an AR is useless for home defense, just that it isn’t a weapon anyone “needs” for home defense.

  6. Liberal White Women are in the business of having nothing else to do. They’re all about controlling the guns. And I don’t always mea firearms. Tommy!

  7. Game commission: “The AR15 round is too under powered to take down deer”

    Libs : “The AR15 round is so devastating that dental records will be needed if shot with even one round”

    Also, can we get some mods on these strings to ditch some of the spam crap.
    Too many work from home or porn jobs popping up.

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