From the runway to the range! Classy.



  1. that looks like 90% of the old timers in my community. all he lacks is a old honda gold wing to go along with those white shoes.

    • Paid way too much for that Sccy.

      And he should be hip and rocking Gray New Balance. I know I do.

      • rocking Gray New Balance

        Me too, have a pair in a blue grey/black as well. No bibs though, they don’t work well with chaps and leather vest.

  2. What cracks me up the most is where keeps the gun.
    I mean….

    Why not hang it from a big necklace?

  3. I’d rather have him watching my back than Pajama Boy. That’s all I’ve got to say about it.

    • If push came to shove and lead was flying, I’d prefer that this guy’d be in front of me, not having my back. Concealment AND cover!

  4. Honestly, fashion aside, since he obviously gives no fucks about appearance, a double layer battle belt would be a good idea here. No need for beltloops, better retention and other stuff as necessary since this looks like it’s probably a church security sorta thing. .

  5. I guess there comes a point for some where they give up on concealment and come out of the ‘gun owner closet’ and say “the heck with it, I’ll just hang the gun right here and be fluffy.”

    • Biggest change of going from southern NY to PA is open carry. Pair that watch up with a Challenger for his ride and it isn’t far off from several of my neighbors. Apparently it’s even sillier over by Ft Drum.

  6. I’m guessing you’ve never even seen a real SCCY CPX2… I’ve owned one for over 10 years, never failed me, take it to the range regularly. While not a very effective piece over 30 yards that’s not why I carry it as a backup… Factory is 20 miles from me, customer service is excellent, and it was only $200 when I bought mine… Matter of fact what is your problem with good ol country boys? You dacians brother or cousin?

    • You tell ’em Maxx! All these Yankee elitist pricks can kiss my ass. Like I told a coworker the other day after a comment disparaging the South (where he RESIDES), “hey man, you don’t have to apologize. I’m laughing because I recognize the superiority of my culture, as good as any to be found in these United States.” Any ribbing or disparagement thereof is immaterial, we conduct ourselves in a cursorily unprepossessing manner. If you’re too stupid to see the innate worth, well I reckon it’s just a Southern thing. Wish I would have said those last two sentences, that’s gold 😂

    • Tend to see more Ruger, Taurus, and Hipoints in circulation for lower cost options but SCCY is in the stores and is price competitive. If it works and you actually have it you are ahead of the game in NY. Ammo could get annoying soon but there is a lawsuit for that.

  7. I’m buying the overalls and stuffing a colt python or anaconda in there, just for the snake jokes. Sig rattler might also work.

  8. My pop wore bib overalls his whole life. When he died at 81, we buried him in a brand new pair of Big Smith, a new flannel shirt and a fedora he wore for 40 years. Hard working farmers back in the day wore Bibs.

    • We buried Poppaw in a suit, but we were sure to put a bag of Redman and a .357 cartridge in his front pocket. When he got really old he couldn’t dress himself very well, so he often wore overalls and a flannel shirt. Always had a Colt Mark IV Trooper within reach, Nickel and walnut. Proudly served as a BAR Gunner in Korea. That’s what that picture reminds me of, except he was never had much money, so he wore a Timex. I miss that old man.

      • Agreed. My pop went in on D Day. After fighting in Africa. We never learned much about his time in the Big War until after he was gone and we requested his service records from the Defense Dept.

  9. This man is one of my people, probably has “fuck you” money and is just a Good Old Boy with a ton of property. He probably drove there in a ’77 Ford. I love it!

  10. Uh…I’m sure my dude has an $11k Rolex around that pork tenderloin he calls a wrist.

    I actually don’t hate on the gun choice…but the holster is pretty cringey. I mean if there was a Hee Haw inspired G.I. Joe action figure from 1984, that’s where the backup gun would have been molded…

    • I’m sitting here in camo crocs, green cargo shorts, the same blue T shirt I slept in ,and a Rolex Blackface Explorer II . Guns a Smith though .oh and I really need to shave it’s been a week or so , I hate shaving .

  11. That’s the same SOB that tried running me over last week. White F150 with tobacco juice down the left rear quarter panel.
    I was trailing him back to his home but evidently he’d ran out of Bush Lite and his pick up got mixed in with a herd of Fords and I couldn’t tell one oil drip from the other. I’ll find him sooner or later at some Trump rally.
    The hunt is on and I’m worse then Tom Horn.

  12. Here’s something that ought to enrage you, documents supporting the existence of the Hunter Biden laptop, with the Department of Homeland Security hitting up big tech to actively suppress it before the 2020 Presidential election :

    These are the same folks that want a department of disinformation to censor anything they don’t like, with criminal penalties.

    Orwell’s ‘1984’ “Department of Truth” was supposed to be a warning,not an instruction manual… 🙁

    • Tell me the deep state doesn’t exist and the election wasn’t rigged to favor the senile puppet. And something about a threat to democracy as well. Don’t forget that part.

      • something about a threat to democracy as well.

        THAT would be the “deplorables” and MEGAMAGA newcomers and anyone that thinks we should be drilling and pumping our own oil and trying to save our own fucking economy… Yes, you are a threat to THEIR Democracy, I am a threat, and the progressives are about to find out that about 80% of the citizens of this country don’t WANT their idea of Democracy…

        • I just saw a poll that said 19% of Americans are happy with the economy. Those are the only people that aren’t a “threat to democracy.” Your 80% figure sounds about right.

    • Again, let’s see your evidence the election was rigged, and show your work.

      I do agree, Donald Trump and his co-conspirators were attempting to rig the election, thank goodness patriotism prevailed and their conspiracy was thwarted.

      “A Republican elections official in an upstate New York county is accused of illegally using personal identifying information of voters to apply for absentee ballots that are alleged to have been used in 2021 elections, the Department of Justice said Tuesday.

      Jason Schofield, the Republican Board of Elections commissioner of Rensselaer County, was arraigned Tuesday on an indictment charging him with unlawfully using the names and dates of birth of voters to fraudulently apply for absentee ballots for 2021 elections in his county, prosecutors said in a news release.

      Schofield, 42, is alleged to have illegally used the voter information in connection with absentee ballot applications submitted to the state board of elections website, according to the US attorneys for the Northern District of New York.“

      • Miner,
        Did you overlook Geoff’s comment? That is called rigging the election to favor Biden. That’s one instance of many. I’ve listed some before. It’s also called violating the first amendment since the government colluded to silence the NY Post. You’re welcome to continue pretending like it doesn’t exist. You’re a known liar and a very disingenuous person. You have no interest in pursuing the truth. I don’t say that lightly, but I’ve interacted enough with you to know that to be the case.

        • “Did you overlook Geoff’s comment? That is called rigging the election to favor Biden“

          Did you even read it? There was no specific evidence cited showing any election rigging as you claim.

          From the linked article

          “Basically, the background here is the FBI, I think, basically came to us- some folks on our team and was like, ‘Hey, just so you know, like, you should be on high alert… We thought that there was a lot of Russian propaganda in the 2016 election. We have it on notice that, basically, there’s about to be some kind of dump of that’s similar to that. So just be vigilant,” Zuckerberg told Rogan.”


          “ …the FBI, I think,“

          Yeah, that’s solid evidence!

          Like Donald Trump’s Attorney General William Barr said, “Bullshit!”

          The article I posted details actual evidence and criminal charges against Republican political leaders who are attempting to rig the elections and cheat Americans out of their votes.

        • “the government colluded to silence the NY Post“

          What specific evidence do you have that the government colluded to silence the New York post?

        • Miner,
          It’s funny how you just focused on the Joe Rogan Zuck interview. That’s old news. You would understand how that’s a problem if you were capable of removing your partisan hat for a moment. You’re like the forum version of Nancy Pelosi. Nothing matters except, “Just win baby, win.”

          My government that I pay for interfered in our election…again! We’re just coming off of the Russian Collusion Hoax forced on us by Hillary, the DNC, the deep state, and the media. Same stuff, different day. The Russian “disinformation” campaign that was about to drop was a true story about the Bidens. The deep state stepped in to run interference and signed a letter saying it was Russian disinformation. The MSM ran with it (of course). You fell for it. I recall us talking about it and you using that letter as a source. I told you it was BS then. Don’t you ever get tired of being wrong about everything? What do you get out of pushing lies for a Regime that doesn’t give a rat’s ass about you?

          The rest of the article is talking about the government colluding with Big Tech to stifle speech. That isn’t news either, but there might be a few new details. Of course, you aren’t bothered by that either as long as it benefits your side. This is what happens when you abandon truth and morality for, “Just win baby.”

        • “who did Trenae Myesha Rainey and Nancy Juanita Williams ink in on all the ballots they filled out?“

          Yes, I share your joy in seeing the system works so well at catching election cheats, good times!

          “Three Metro Detroit women have been charged with election fraud by Attorney General Dana Nessel in connection to absentee ballot applications and ballots submitted during Michigan’s 2020 general election.“

          And just who is making sure that the votes in Detroit are fair and legitimate, and charging the election cheats with serious crimes?

          Well of course, it’s a Democratic state Attorney General:

          “Dana Michelle Nessel[1] (born April 19, 1969) is an American lawyer and politician serving as the 54th Attorney General of Michigan since 2019. She is a member of the Democratic Party.“

          Thank you for pointing out a Democratic member of the Michigan State leadership is working to make sure that election sheets like Trenae Myesha Rainey and Nancy Juanita Williams are sent to prison for their crimes, regardless of their ethnicity, gender or political affiliation.

        • I love how you’re finally admitting that election fraud exists. It didn’t exist as recently as two years ago according to you and enuf. Maybe we’re making progress. I’m still pulling for you.

      • I think it’s obvious at this point that miner is a paid troll for the dems. We used to have some good trolls here. Now we got miner and dacian and jsled.

        This site has declined since the days of RF.

      • What?

        “ …the FBI, I think,“

        Yeah, that’s solid evidence!

        You are a “special” kind of moron aren’t you. I saw Zuckerberg on TV (and so did you if you are actually a living breathing human creature) in his own fucking words testifying that the FBI came to him before the 2020 elections advising him to basically ignore/suppress any shit about Hunter Biden as Russian disinformation.

        FROM the NY POST: Facebook suppressed The Post’s blockbuster revelation of Hunter Biden’s infamous laptop in response to a vague FBI warning about possible “Russian propaganda” tied to the 2020 presidential election, according to founder Mark Zuckerberg. ACTUAL/REAL article in the NY POST, look it up, oh wait never mind it doesn’t fit YOUR agenda.

        • “in response to a vague FBI warning about possible “Russian propaganda”

          “Vague FBI warning”?

          FROM the NY POST: “Basically, the background here is the FBI, I think, basically came to us — some folks on our team — and was like, ‘Hey, just so you know, like, you should be on high alert,’” Zuckerberg said on Thursday’s episode of “The Joe Rogan Experience.”

          So another POTG bullshit story.

          Zuckerberg says “vague warning” from the FBI, no specific mention of Hunter Biden, Joe Biden or the laptop…

          The FBI did not order the New York Post not to publish the story, the FBI did not suppress the story, the FBI never made any specific mention of Hunter Biden or the laptop.

          Your Incel King Zuckerberg voluntarily exercised his ownership control of Facebook, your beef is with him.

        • The FBI did not order the New York Post not to publish the story,

          No moron the BEEF is with a fucking FEDERAL GOVT that is out of control, that is “attempting” to become a dictatorship run by a group of people deeply imbedded and operating to undermine and overthrow the constitution through coercion, bribery, threats, indoctrination and propaganda. The FBI is responsible for planting the idea in that Incel Zuckerbergs feeble little brain and effectively killed the NY POST story about the “Laptop from Hell” and ALL of YOUR moronic ranting, raving, denial and parsing of words is not going to change that. Ignorance IS curable but you can’t fix stupid (and I said that LONG before Ron White made big money from it)

        • “The FBI is responsible for planting the idea in that Incel Zuckerbergs feeble little brain… “

          Listen to yourself, how sad.

          The FBI is responsible for planning the idea in his feeble little brain?

          And you equate this “vague warning” with an outrageous violation of your first amendment rights?

          It’s true, you people are unhinged snowflakes.

        • And you equate this “vague warning” with an outrageous violation of your first amendment rights?

          Your continued emphasis on that “vague warning” is too cute… You obviously know nothing about the FBI, they are about as subtle as a sledgehammer forcibly connecting with the human skull. The only unhinged snowflake in this conversation is you.

          Zuckerbergs words, notice HE did not use the word “VAGUE”:
          Zuckerberg told Rogan: “The background here is that the FBI came to us – some folks on our team – and was like ‘hey, just so you know, you should be on high alert. We thought there was a lot of Russian propaganda in the 2016 election, we have it on notice that basically there’s about to be some kind of dump that’s similar to that’.”
          He said the FBI did not warn Facebook about the Biden story in particular – only that Facebook thought it “fit that pattern”.

          How does “HIGH ALERT” conflate to “vague”?

        • Maxine, you post quotes from the article that show you were full of shit, how ironic:

          “He said the FBI did not warn Facebook about the Biden story in particular – only that Facebook thought it “fit that pattern”.”

          But Maxine, here’s what you say which is directly contrary to Zuckerberg‘s actual words quoted in the NY Post article:

          “in his own fucking words testifying that the FBI came to him before the 2020 elections advising him to basically ignore/suppress any shit about Hunter Biden as Russian disinformation“

          Maxine, you claimed the FBI advised him to “ignore/suppress any shit about Hunter Biden”.

          How sad that you must lie in order to support your delusional narrative, I bet you think you’re being ‘patriotic’.

        • Oh Minerva, does your stupidity know no bounds? But, when you are right you are right, I did say the FBI advised facefuck to suppress shit about hunter and THAT was incorrect but even YOU cannot deny that their “warning” was directly responsible for that Incel holding the NY Post article back (as HE admitted) AND the Twit from locking it out altogether. No matter how YOU look at it the FBI was complicit in meddling with 2020 elections. OBTW: if anyone knows “full of shit” when he sees it, it would be YOU Minerva for you ARE the Master shit slinger.

        • “the FBI never made any specific mention of Hunter Biden or the laptop”

          LOL! What was the other big “Russian disinformation” campaign that dropped after the deep state paid a visit to Zuck? I have to believe that you’re smarter than this Miner, and you’re just playing dumb.

    • that want a department of disinformation

      That ARE “secretly” running a department of disinformation through facebook and other social media sites and, until recently, Twitter… Mayorkas has got to go and the NEXT progressive liberal that Braindeads handlers put up for the job needs to be properly vetted.

      • Mayorkas should be impeached next year followed by the Puppet, but McCarthy just wants to conduct business as usual.

        • McCarthy is a Pelosi puppet, no one who has been in the House for more than two terms should be considered for Speaker… The last two Right side Speakers were RINOS and sellouts, McCarthy and the Turtle are more of the same.

  13. My dislike for overalls is matched by the disdain for the term “Fashionista”. But that’s another thing.

    The watch kinda throws things off. I don’t overly concern myself with what others choose to wear as a general rule. I do believe it’s important to look the part. This guy might be better served with a shoulder holster but hey, if it works for him then fine. Everyone has their way. This would not be mine though.

    lol, It’s hold my bottle instead of my beer.

  14. As a twenty something year old I found bibs with thermals underneath were perfect for a snowmobile mechanic wear. Loose enough to contort under a sled and lots of pockets for tools made them awesome. My many farmer customers could relate but I wasn’t real successful picking up chicks at happy hour after work!

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