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53 thoughts on “Gun Meme of the Day: Clearly Outdated Edition”

    • I almost got a Keymod-equipped upper a few years ago. I just couldn’t convince myself into buying something that looked like it was covered with a bunch of Smurf genitals.

      Saw the new MLok soon afterward and got two of them instead.

      • The first time I saw/used M-Loc I was hooked.
        The Gen4 Edge POF handguard (M-Loc) made the prior design handguards feel like baseball bats.

  1. M-Loc and VHS emerged as the clear winners from their competitors (Some of you may be too young to understand the reference to VHS).

  2. I remember when keymod was having its moment. I couldn’t help but think that it bore a striking resemblance to shelving and couldn’t get the image out of my head. It just looked wrong.

      • ‘BETA was proprietary…’

        Give this guy a cigar. Nobody had AR15s until Colt let the patents run out. Imagine if you could only use Glock magazines in Glock pistols. They’d not only sell fewer magazines, they’d sell fewer pistols.

        • Bought my first AR back in the 1970’s Colt AR15-A2 config. Still have it. Well, until the next hog hunting trip into the Mobile Delta. Boating accident near the gator hole. Anyone wants to prove me wrong can just jump into the gator hole with that 12 foot bull gator.

        • “Bought my first AR back in the 1970’s Colt AR15-A2 config.”

          You know, colt did not introduce the AR 15–A2 until 1987.

          That’s when forward assist was added.

          I bought my SP1 in 1983 when I got out, no forward assist, no bull barrel, triangular handguards only unless you bought the CAR15 with a 16 inch barrel.

        • @Miner If that’s true, you’re older than I thought. Remember the conversation about witnessing racism when you were young? Maybe that’s why you saw more of it than me. The culture was still changing. Sadly, we’re reverting back to those racist ways due to certain elites pushing it for power and money.

        • “Sadly, we’re reverting back to those racist ways“

          I don’t think we’re “reverting” to anything, I think the racism has always been here, it just went underground for a few decades.

          I think Donald Trump’s comments about most Mexicans being “rapists and murderers” and “shit hole countries” have given the closet racists license to speak publicly about their fear, bigotry and prejudice.

        • @Miner
          Yeah, you think that because you’re a fucking idiot, we know. Can you holler at your boy Biden and get him to clarify for me who is and isn’t black again? I’m a little fuzzy, and I know he’s the arbiter of such.

        • “I think Donald Trump’s comments about most Mexicans being “rapists and murderers” and “shit hole countries” …”

          Only in a truly woke, phony society can someone expressing the absolute truth be considered “racist”. DJT didn’t claim all Mexs were rapists and murderers- not even close, but even acknowledging the obvious is way too much for some of the more snowflake among us.

          And perhaps Minor and anyone who disagrees with DJT’s reference to “shithole” countries ought to just move their asses and assets to one of them for about 2 years, then report back to us if they are still living…

        • “DJT didn’t claim all Mexs were rapists and murderers- not even close“

          Well, let’s just check it out and see!

          “When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best,” he said in the same speech. “They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.”

          Setting aside his implied fallacy that Mexico is “sending” anyone, this statement leaps out:

          “They’re rapists.”

          That’s what I would call pretty close.

          And he makes it clear he believes that the vast majority of next seconds are indeed criminals with his last statement:

          “And some, I assume, are good people.”

          He is implying that he has never met any good people from Mexico, which I find especially ironic.

          He certainly has hired plenty of illegal immigrants from Mexico to work in his facilities, I guess he just left the hiring to his little people.

        • As I’ve said before, socialist miner; obfuscation, misdirection and lies. Constantly. Shame on you.

        • And hey, look! I’m awaiting moderation! Again! Still! Hope my social credit score doesn’t take a hit.

        • Wow! Two moderations right in a row! Again! Still! Way to go TTAG, keep up that struggle for Freedom and Liberty! Maybe three’s the lucky number. You can do it!

        • @Rider/Shooter the word so-shall-list goes to moderation, probably because lefties write this program, and want to make sure other sites have the ability to censor comments about it.

          @Miner That’s why I said “If true…” You’re disingenuous so often, I’m never sure when to believe you. I doubt you believe a word of what you wrote. Unlike others here, I don’t think you’re stupid. Your goal is to score partisan points, as if anyone’s even keeping score. I hope your tribe appreciates your effort.

          As far as your response, of course that wasn’t what I was referring to (as you know). I’d say you have to be kidding, but I’ve come to expect that type of response from you. Also, Mexican isn’t a race. By the way, Hispanic support for Trump INCREASED in 2020 compared to 2016. What do they know that you don’t? Trump also gained more support from black men and Asians, while Biden gained more support from white men compared to 2016. Do you think those minorities are too dumb to know they’re supporting a “racist?” I think they’re wising up to the lies.

        • “I doubt you believe a word of what you wrote“

          Dude, I quoted Donald Trump verbatim, do you doubt he uttered those words?

          Specifically what in my post do you consider “disingenuous”?

          “Hispanic support for Trump INCREASED in 2020“

          And what was the percentage of increase?

          “Biden gained more support from white men compared to 2016“

          And why did Trump start losing the white folk vote?

        • The entire comment is disingenuous. Unless you’ve been living under a rock for years, you’re aware of the rampant racism, including the dreaded institutional racism, taking place right now. It has nothing to do with Trump or that quote. I’ll keep it short and simple. It’s a lesson everyone should have learned as a child: people shouldn’t be treated differently based on the color of their skin.

          “And what was the percentage of increase?”

        • “And some, I assume, are good people.”

          He is implying that he has never met any good people from Mexico, which I find especially ironic.

          Boo! You lied and now I have no respect for you. And some I assume are good people, in no way, equates to him claiming he never met any good people from Mexico. He directly said, some I assume are good people. In plain english, that means some of them are good. This totally collapses the premise you build your argument upon:

          You said:

          “DJT didn’t claim all Mexs were rapists and murderers- not even close“

          Well, let’s just check it out and see!

          So what did DJT claim? He claimed some of them were good people. You demolished your own claim, and then weaved deception and ridiculous reinterpretations around it to mean whatever you wanted it to mean. And so I have plucked you up, carried you over to the “human garbage bin” and dropped you in, metaphorically speaking.

        • Miner,

          Most 3rd world countries, are shit hole countries. I have been there, and I have seen them. Now, I know lots of asians that come from shit hole countries. But, that doesn’t mean they are shit hole people. In fact, they are very strict parents, they train their children how to swim, how to fight, how to play the piano, how to play soccer, how to dance, tutor them in mathematics, reading, literature, and to speak multiple languages, etc,. etc,. They are strict in their upbringing and very strict about their education. So much so, that their children are disproportionately going to the best schools here, compared to the locals. So no. I completely disagree with your assertion, that claiming a country is a shit hole, is a racist remark, or any kind of overt racist gesture. I think you need to put down the racial lens that you look through, and open your field of view to other perspectives.

        • “I think Donald Trump’s comments about most Mexicans being “rapists and murderers”…. ”

          Really whiner?
          You put the word “most” in that statement. 🤔

          Sooooooooooo, If you’re unable to provide a citation where DJT stated that MOST are, you’ve only provided MORE emperical evidence proving, once again, WHAT A LYING POS you truly are. 🤣🤣🤣

          What time is it?🤔……………

        • Thanks for your reply!

          “While Biden took a 59% majority of the Hispanic vote, Trump (with 38%) gained significantly over the level of support Republican candidates for the House received in 2018 (25%),”

          So Biden still beat his ass with Hispanics, 59% versus 38%, over 20% more approval of Biden over Trump with Hispanics.

          And the article you link doesn’t even mention Biden’s significant increase in white voters. It’s just too embarrassing for the conservative to even address.

          “Unless you’ve been living under a rock for years, you’re aware of the rampant racism, including the dreaded institutional racism, taking place right now. It has nothing to do with Trump“

          Thank you dude, for at least acknowledging that institutional racism is rampant even today.
          But the facts show a significant uptick in discriminatory behavior over the term of Trump’s presidency.


          “You lied and now I have no respect for you. And some I assume are good people, in no way, equates to him claiming he never met any good people from Mexico“

          I understand some folks here have difficulty parsing out the meaning of written English. Evidently you’re having trouble understanding what the word ‘assume’ means.

          “And some, I assume, are good people.”

          By saying “I assume” Trump is indicating he has no personal knowledge of good people from Mexico.

          Call it what you will, racism, bigotry, discrimination, it’s still the same, he’s maintaining that he has no personal experience with any “good people” from Mexico.

          Trump was smart enough to understand that he can only fool the “poorly educated” and your replies confirm his estimation.

        • Sooooooooooo, ZERO citation to DJT calling “most” from Mexico those things. 🤪
          Just a bunch of conjecture and spin doctoring.

          You and Brandon still assume those from Mexico will believe anything you two idiots claim.

          Yeah, TTAG is still laughing at you moron. 🤣

        • “I completely disagree with your assertion, that claiming a country is a shit hole, is a racist remark, or any kind of overt racist gesture.“

          Your exposition about high achieving Asians exactly proves my point.

          Of course, every nation has both good and bad, low functioning and high achievers.

          But when Donald Trump complains that we only get immigrants from shit hole countries he is suggesting that only shit hole people come from shit hole countries, and that everyone in that country is worthless. That’s the very idea of racism, to judge people based on their national or ethnic origin without regard to their actual character or ability.

          When only black presidents are required to show their birth certificates, or only black judge nominees are required to show their LSAT scores, the naked racism of the conservative right is clearly revealed.

        • “So Biden still beat his ass with Hispanics, 59% versus 38%, over 20% more approval of Biden over Trump with Hispanics.”

          You’re acting like this is breaking news. The big story is that we’re seeing the largest increase in minorities voting for a Republican presidential candidate in a very long time. There’s a reason the current administration is doing everything in their power to illegally flood the country with illegal immigrants. (They even used Covid relief tax money to do it. They also said an unvaxxed athlete wasn’t allowed into the country. Priorities.) Didn’t Joe call for amnesty during the SOTU address? Why do you think that is? Why were Democrats so upset over Trump upholding the law and curtailing illegal immigration? It’s all about power. I think you’re smart enough to notice that, even if you don’t admit it.

  3. In other news, “Justice For Juicy” – (According to Dave Chappelle)

    “Jussie Smollett sentenced to 150 days in Cook County Jail and probation, beginning immediately, and he shouts as he is led from court”

    After the sentence, Smollett stood up and stated over and over in court that he is not suicidal and he is innocent.

    “If anything happens to me when I go in there I did not do it to myself,” he said.

    “I am not suicidal!” he repeatedly yelled as he was led from court, raising a fist in the air.”

    • “If anything happens to me when I go in there I did not do it to myself,” he said.
      “I am not suicidal!” he repeatedly yelled as he was led from court, raising a fist in the air.”

      Remember, he’s an actor. Jussie Smollett is getting ready to stage a suicide, just like he staged a “hate crime” attack on himself. Then he thinks everyone will call him a martyr.

  4. I was just counting some dollars and a couple bill’s seemed new, then I got to thinking how crypto currency is becoming a thing, then I got to thinking, ” Well no wonder, our government cant afford to make money no more.”

    • “Hmm… No mention of this here yet.”

      It’s ‘Bama, no surprise.

      Now Florida would be a shock… 🙁

      • Poor me I have a lowly drop in quad rail from UTG. Whatever shall I do! Jussie better tape up that booty🤡😎🤓

        • I thought he was into that sort of thing? I only know that because he keeps making a big deal about it like we should care.

    • Caught this on local news today. Wasn’t sure Ivey was going to sign it. Nice to see it pass and be signed this time around. Been through the statehouse several times over the last few years. Local Sherriff’s are not happy about it. Will lose a bit of revenue.
      Personally, I will maintain my permit simply because I travel to states where a permit is required, and my AL permit is accepted.

  5. “Alabama Gov. Kay Ivey has signed into law a bill which eliminates the requirement of residents in the state to obtain a permit in order to carry a concealed pistol.”

    The governor being a no BS sounding woman has really put the butt hurt on the shannon watts crowd. The times they are a changing.

  6. I love MLOK. There is only a couple of things about it that gets to me and that’s with the way some manufacturers make them…

    The way some companies only put MLOK slots at 3-6-9 (sometimes 12-3-6-9) and then fill up the rest of the handguard with these pattern design cuts to remove metal supposedly to reduce weight. Seriously, some of these pattern design cuts hand guards look like they were conceived by a bad frustrated artist doing activity time at the state mental health hospital before they serve pudding cups right before medication time.

    Yet these companies with these ridiculous pattern cuts still end up making hand guards that weigh more than others from other manufacturers of the same size and cost less who do not do all these pattern design cuts.

    • Those handguards are awesome when you need to grate mozzarella cheese for lasagna. 🧑‍🍳

  7. Last night I made a jambalaya rice dish with sliced beef sausage. It was great and then a real martini with three olives and a crispy strip of bacon in it. It was great, Now you would think bacon with a martini? Really, it was great. Never even thought about M-lok .

    • Had some neighbors over for dinner last night, went with simple Italian.
      Bronze cut spaghetti, spicy marinara meat sauce, fresh baked Italian bread w/EVOO/sea salt/garlic & herb dip plate, garden salad, Tignanello 2011 from Toscana.
      Started the ground beef/spicy sausage sauce around 9am, and let it low simmer all day.

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