The anti-gun side knows less about what they seek to regulate than I do about what’s on the other side of a black hole. Presumably, though, that’s where I’ll find “the shoulder thing that goes up.”



    • But they line their pockets with the money from the “electric-powered limousine Left”. So shat else is new?

    • Ditto here. Scratched my beard trying to figure it out – it finally clicked. Without the beard to scratch, I’d never have figured it out!

  1. One handing it no less. Impressive!
    I heard those things weigh as much as TEN moving boxes. A state rep from Austin Texas said that, so it must be true.🤪

    Has the island of Guam capsized yet? 🤔

  2. How about that, a fully semi automatic slide operated revolver with a mag hole, hope it’s not in 9mm, yeegads thatd be just terrible.
    Weird, I was reading about black holes not more then 30 minutes before I looked at this meme.
    I guess it doesn’t really matter anyway, about the universe, it’s not like theres going to be anything left once I light the fuse on my PerpetualFusionNuetrinoBlomb.

    • Are you getting close or is the turbulator from that Maytag centrifucator device still giving you trouble?

      • He still needs a disgronificator. But Rush had the last one and it was buried with him 😉

        (If you know that story you really are a ditto head)

        • Ha! No, I can’t say I’m familiar with Rush or any of his disgronificators. Limbaugh? 2112? No, not even close? Sorry, I live way off in the sticks and don’t get ‘in’ much… which is way fine by me 🤠😎.

    • Hey marsupial one, I thought you put that project on the back burner – after the front burners done quit burnin’

    • We have the smartest guy Joe Biden knows, his son Hunter to help manage trigger discipline and gun safety!


      • Only hidden from YOU, Rider . . . the ‘elites’ get to see them on the daily. We deplorables, however, would go to any lengths NOT to see them.

  3. Hmm… Are black holes tidally locked to earth like the moon? I’d think they’d be spinning fairly rapidly.

    • Actually the moon is rotating, it just appears locked as our flat earthly plane orbits the moon and the upper habitable face just happens to be oriented towards the moon and we spin around it at the same speed it spins. Because reasons. And science. It’s all explained in the interwebs somewhere, I saw it.

  4. How can I eliminate the “Gun Meme” emails from coming in?
    I love all the other content from TTAG, but the “Gun Meme”
    articles are a stupid waste of time.

  5. Of course those that wish for stricter gun contols know whatvthey want and it’s NOT the bvanning of firearms per.sec. Whatvthey want is restricted access to fire arms, especially HANDGUNHS and SEMI- AUTO RIFLES with hih capacity magazines.
    Nobody needs anything more than a decent 9mm/.38 for Home Defence or a single maybe two BOLT ACTIOn hunting rifles with 5 shot mags if they are in anyway a reasonable compentent HUNTER.
    Nobody needs more than a max of 50 rounds of ammunition for either ready to hand.
    All other ammunition shouls only be on saale atb vregistered ranges on personal signature and limited to no more than 25 rounds per purchaqse. It should be made a CRIMINAL OFFENCe to remove excess ammunition from ranges as it is in the Armed Forces.
    The use of handguns outside of the home for self defence has a very poor record and is responsible for more death and injury than it saves. Leave it to the professionals!> The fact is that unless you are allowed to carry in hand a handgun ‘ locked and loaded’ you will NOT be able to draw down on the bad guy or gal who already has a firearm pointed at you. AND, AND if indeed you do get off a shot without getting a one way trip to the morgue it is YOU that is responsible for collateral damge caused by YOUR shot. A 9mm will kill at leqat two ,persons lined up and a .357 MAGNUM up to five or six. So such a weapon is for all practical ,purpose pretty damn useless and that’s why professionals do not use them. Dirty Harry carrying a .357 Magnum is a thing of myth unless he’s tgrying to stop a bloody truck.

    • Hahahahaha… fuck off. Cheers from Canada you inbred, bucktoothed, bootlicking ingrate. Seriously, go expose yourself to your queen or something. Be a nice, thoughtful servant and give her a thrill, or more likely a laugh. She looks like she could use it, surrounded now as she is by dickless, genderless wonders such as yourself. Fucking serf. “PULL!”.

    • Albert Hall, I am amazed by your knowledge of all thing, especially fire arms, and your fluent use of the American language and spelling.

      Keep up the good (garbage) work.

    • @Albert Hall

      “Of course those that wish for stricter gun contols know whatvthey want and it’s NOT the bvanning of firearms per.sec. Whatvthey want is restricted access to fire arms, especially HANDGUNHS and SEMI- AUTO RIFLES with hih capacity magazines.”


      Have you been living in a cave on a deserted island someplace?

      Your gun-control group wants outright bans. When they don’t think they can get that they fall back to the “restricted access” dodge to get something on the books that can later be expanded into a de-facto or outright ban.

      “The use of handguns outside of the home for self defence has a very poor record and is responsible for more death and injury than it saves.”

      That’s a lie.

      ” Leave it to the professionals!> The fact is that unless you are allowed to carry in hand a handgun ‘ locked and loaded’ you will NOT be able to draw down on the bad guy or gal who already has a firearm pointed at you.”

      That’s a lie. Thousands draw to the drop every year and win. It is true that SOMETIMES your chances of winning are less, but if you don’t your chances of winning are zero. I’ve had to do this a few times, I won and they lost.

      “Leave it to the professionals!”

      What professionals are around while that woman is being raped, while that bad guy is about to pull the trigger on that beaten victim, while that car is being car jacked, while that child’s life is in jeopardy, while that assault is happening, while that store is being robbed, while that home invasion is happening, while while while …? And the odds of a ‘professional’ being around to protect you unless you already are or live or are with with a ‘professional’ …. well, you would have a better chance at winning the powerball every day for a year than for a “professional” to be around to protect you and save your life.

      Take your rambling delusional lies elsewhere.

    • What does limiting how many rifles or pistols I can own do again, when I only have two hands (both of which are in use for any single one of them)? Maybe you’re part octopus, Ursula, but most of us don’t have that problem.

      Professionals don’t go around carrying pistols in their hands either, they have to react same as anyone else. I believe in an old Massad Ayoob video about the Tueller Drill I heard him say the LEO standard for being able to draw, aim and fire two shots into center mass was 1.5 seconds (which he described as a pyrrhic victory given the results of Sgt. Tueller found). Professionals’ accuracy with pistols doesn’t inspire confidence either – 30% hits I believe?

      Responsible American gun owners are already taught they’re responsible for the damage caused by each round they fire, it’s right there in the fundamental rules. And perhaps you’re not familiar on your side of the pond but we have a thing called “hollow points” here, specifically designed to dump their energy into the intended target rather than overpenetrate into another target or targets like ball might.

      For an alleged British military instructor expert, your understanding of the fundamentals seems… limited (to put it gently)? Age, perhaps. And/or too many years as an agent of the State learning condescension for the serfs.

    • All that drivel is what people in Ukraine thought until just over 3 months ago in Ukraine. My firearms aren’t for hunting.

      • Hey slimy limey, let me sum it up for you in a way you can understand… fuck completely off

    • Albert, the 9mm is much to deadly haven’t you heard? Buy a shotgunm, a double barreled 12 gauge shotgunm, with the triggers wired together. That away the Docs got a chance in patching up the bad guys, if you even have to use it, most times they run away when they hear the blast from the balcony.

    • AH is hypoxic from sniffing the queen mums farts the past few weeks. The entirety of the UK has been shotgunning her gastric gasses since mid May. 🤮

      Rumor has it they smelled like tea and crumpets, and spotted dick. 🤔

    • Albert the Subject,

      Once again, you seem determined (as are MinorIQ and dacian the stupid) to publicly display your ignorance.

      “Nobody needs more than a max of 50 rounds of ammunition for either ready to hand.”

      REALLY, Albert the “instructor” on firearms for Her Majesty’s GUMMINT????

      What kind of pathetic-@$$ “instruction” were you giving that you considered 50 rounds adequate “practice”, you incompetent imbecile???? 50 rounds is barely a warm-up. I rarely bother to go to the range with less than two handguns (usually either my two carry guns, or my 9mm carry gun and my 1911), and I consider 200 rounds each per range visit to be . . . inadequate. Ah, but I’m actually a competent shooter!! You, OTOH, are a preening liar of a propagandist, in addition to being a pathetic, mewling “subject” of a decrepit and senile “monarch” – who is still less decrepit and senile than our incompetent buffoon of a senile idiot (who was an idiot BEFORE he was senile) “President”.

      You, sir, should heed the words of that brilliant American author and humorist, Samuel Langhorne Clemens: “Keep your mouth shut, and let people think you a fool – don’t open it and remove all doubt.”

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