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Groupon for the gun range! I can’t even imagine.


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    • Yes.
      I actually went and rounded up three other people to go get Texas LTCs with me.
      There was a buy one-get one free Groupon for the course. šŸ˜ƒ

      All four of us signed up for the Firearms Legal Protection plans available during the class too.

  1. The outdoor range I infrequently visit has bullet holes in the roof covering the shooting stalls, errant shots from newbies and other jacka$$es. I only visit the place when the weather demands, and I try to go early, before the unsophisticated crawl out of bed.

    • For that exact reason, I only go to the Rod and Gun club during the week. No weekend shooting. Weekdays, all I have ever met there are experienced gun folk. The one (and only one) weekend I ended-up leaving earlier than planned.

  2. Saw some absolute beginners two weekends ago. Slightly built girls trying to use a .303 Lee-Enfield in a 34 round competition. It did not go well.

    Some friends and i thought a .22LR or a .223 would have been more appropriate. Even the 6.5CM one of the group had would have been a better option.

    • Now damn it Southern Cross Albert LJ Hall said a .303 is all you need. Them girls just took his advice, and he knows what he’s jabbering about because after all he was in the Royal AirForce and taught infantrymen how to install screen windows in submarines.

      • An armorer…allegedly. Which only really means repairing, inventorying, and sending weapons up to higher echelons of maintenance if significant replacement parts are needed or damage beyond the issued toolkits. Doesn’t necessarily mean he knows anything about shooting. Besides–subject to the crown and all.

      • Tell that to the Spitfire pilots whining about being undergunnmed. In the world according to they themselves, .303 = trash tier.

        All about perspective.

      • Ha! Possum, I see yer aforementioned respect/pity for Hand Licker Hall has all but vanished! Marsupials are just too forgiving.

  3. Dear Ann Landers,

    I have a question about backyard shooting. A friend of mine inherited 41 acres in upstate NY just outside of a medium-sized town. He told me he set up a shooting range on the property. I asked him what he used for a backstop. He said “the woods’. I asked, “You mean the rounds go through the targets and into the woods? And if you miss the target the rounds to straight into the woods?” He said, “Yes”.

    That does not seem safe to me. Rounds from an AR and even his 45 can travel far. He seems confident there is no risk to people but, I am hesitant. Also, the potential to wound deer and other critters, causing needless suffering seems real. And, what if, just what if, some hikers or bird watchers happen to be out there?

    Am I being too scrupulous?

    Signed, Concerned About Safety.

    • I would be concerned too. Violates the rule about being aware of your target and what is beyond it. And also the rule about not pointing a gun at what you’re willing to kill or destroy.

    • Set up an earth berm as a backstop and place an overhang to prevent excess elevation (or shoot through a stack of tires.
      Use Google maps to see where your bullets from excess elevation may land. The range near me lines up with a private home.

    • Keep shooting.
      Eventually he’ll get the trees mowdm down then him and the neighbors can have a shooting contest.

      • Years ago, importers brought a ship load of Chinese SKS rifles and ammo to the states. I saw an ad in the paper from a local FFL, buy a fun rifle and a case of ammo for cheap. Steel case, steel core, and steel jacket ammo, all the cosmoline already cleaned off the rifles. I struck a deal for a few rifles and a case of ammo, and gave them to my brothers for Christmas that year. These were pre-ban, and had cool stuff on them, and over the next year we popped a ton of corrosive primers at the farm, had a lot of fun. One of the things we perforated was the burn barrel, because the bullets sparked against that steel barrel, just like the so-called cop killer 9mm bullets in that movie we watched. We also noticed that the bullets would skip across the field, about 1/3 mile into our woods. Some time later, I wandered back to the woods, and I found that a large red maple that was roughly in line with that burn barrel, had been shot to doll rags. Branches broken and/or clipped off, and scars in the bark all over it. I was relieved there are no houses in that direction for a good mile, and also that we no longer cut much firewood back there. I knew those steel bullets would play hob with a saw chain, having repaired chains for the local farmers several times over the years in our sharpening shop.

        So, yeah, a berm would be a good idea for a few reasons. Tell him to hire a local excavator and you’ll throw some cash into the pot, or even more fun, rent a small dozer and arrange for several loads of clean fill, and do it yourselves.

    • Yes, be concerned …. very very concerned.

      But, when you think about it in a way its no different from hunting. If you hunt in/near the woods and fire at, say, a deer in the woods or at the tree line and miss aren’t you still firing into the woods and no one says anything about it? šŸ˜

      • Trees will of course stop bullets. The bigger concern is firing accidentally with an elevated muzzle.
        Placing a barrier to catch or greatly slow bullets increases safety.

      • @Booger,
        We did that very thing. Our neighbor Dr. Scrodinger was hosting his pal Sigmund to lunch. He called and claimed that we killed his cat, but I couldnā€™t see it. A real pair o Docsā€¦

    • Our 60-acre spread has a drainage ditch running through the middle, and a hill rises on the opposite side, creating a natural backstop. Can place targets up to 400 yards and still have enough berm to catch high fliers. A check with binoculars to make sure no cattle are downrange, and we’re good to go.

    • Shooting trees can be big trouble from department of environmental conservation officers. Berm would be a very good idea also checking with a lawyer re tax liability re structures erected on property.

    • I live in Maine and like most of us here have home range to use when I’m too lazy to drive to the gun club I belong to. Even with 80 acres nothing goes beyond a dirt berm topped with old tires.

  4. Knob Creek Gun Range in Kentucky is a really nice outdoor range. But, it seems to draw more than its share of idiots. The firing line is covered by a metal roof. And when you look up youā€™ll see hundreds of ā€œgirlfriend holesā€.

  5. “Groupon for the gun range! I canā€™t even imagine.”

    Not sure what kind of isolated world you live in, but its not uncommon to find something on Groupon that includes a free range use.

    Gun stores with indoor ranges, and outdoor ranges, around here give out ‘free range use’ flyers and are on Groupon with free range use, usually around merchandise or services discount sales times.

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