• 👎

      How do you know it’s making fun of white people? Could just be making fun of country people. And if you think Blacks don’t live in the country, you haven’t been to Arkansas or Mississippi.

    • JWM,

      Bird years, JWM. Gotta remember they live in bird years.

      Yeah, I know some species of birds can live 80 or more years, but in only takes them a year or two to become adults.

      Heck, my brother- in- law is 72 years old and we are still waiting. He’s a real turkey, too. Actually, turkeys are probably smarter and more well-read. Thankful he went elsewhere for dinner today.

      Reminds me of that old Pathmark commercial: if its produce, we’ve got it. If its meats, we’ve got it. If its seafood, we’ve got it. If its fowl, we’ve had it too long.

  1. … had a great turkey dinner, now just waiting for Walmart to open at midnight for Black Friday sale. I hear that the killer deals are located near the break rooms.

    … too soon ??

  2. Went to the range this morning. There was an old Tom and his harem blocking the entrance door when I got there. He fluffed up his feathers, strutted his stuff and gobbled at me…I looked him in the eye and said “I ain’t the President, this ain’t the White House and you do realize what day this is?” He took his chicks and made as dignified a retreat as he could under the circumstances.

    It was a good day at the range!

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