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Lololol meme creators are so inventive! How do they even come up with insane scenarios like this one? Truly impressive imaginations.


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  1. I chuckled but I also quickly wondered; Does the basement contain a stash of Doge in actual coin form or something?

    • Wow, y’all are right, this is directly on point to the ‘target’ audience of TTAG.

      Typical right wing fascist gun nut, sitting in his moms basement.

      Sitting in their recliner eating Cheetos, watching porn and wondering why their dick is turning Trump-orange.

        • You know, I’m not the one who posted this meme about some AR15 owner sitting in his basement. I’m just the one who observes most posters here commenting on its resonance with their life.

      • lol Miner, you seriously need a life. And a mortgage… maybe some financial responsibility… Where to even start… amiright?

        You redditors are so funny though. Using funny catchphrases like “resonance with their life” over something like this. Seriously man, get a life. It’s a meme. My house has a basement, OP’s house has a basement… your house has, well… a landlord and government assistance.

        Suck it.

        • “And a mortgage… “

          Paid off decades ago.

          “You redditors“

          Never had a Redit account or Facebook page, not even my space.

          “Using funny catchphrases like “resonance with their life”

          How sad that you find the most basic of vocabulary challenging.

          “Suck it“

          With conservatives, accusation equals confession once again.

      • This, coming from the ULTIMATE basement dwelling dweed of a lying Leftist/fascist idiot.

        Do you even OWN a mirror, you subterranean t***????

        You are an ignorant, uneducated, mentally-deficient, C.H.U.D., and you PRESUME to project that onto the rest of us???

        Boy, didn’t your daddy ever teach you not to pick a fight you CAN’T win????

        Ah, I forgot, you never knew your daddy, did you? He and yo mama were never formally introduced, were they? Have fun being a pathetic, basement-dwelling C.H.U.D., and endeavoring to be relevant, spewing your indoctrinated, Leftist/fascist lies, which we ignore. But we get yucks out of mocking you, so just go with the flow, MinorLiar.

        Yo mama will be so proud o’ her little (and I DO mean ‘little’) boy . . . ish, thing. Keep striving, someday you may achieve mere inadequacy, instead of complete, unmitigated failure.

        • Lamprey, once again I am amazed at your ability to make the members of this TTAG forum look like abject pieces of shit who don’t know how to fit into polite society.


        • Why, YES, yes you are an abject piece of shit, who doesn’t know how to fit into polite society!! Amazed that you achieved that level of self-awareness!! Or is this just an pathetic attempt to make yourself seem somewhat relevant?? You aren’t. You aren’t part of “polite society”. You ARE a piece of shit, and you are stupid, indoctrinated, uneducated, puerile (look it up), infantile (different, but similar), and a Leftist/fascist f***tard. You are SLIGHTLY less obnoxious than is dacian the demented dips***, but that’s a close-run thing.

          But thanks for your limited dose of self-awareness!! May it prosper and grow!!

  2. Imagine there’s no gun laws, it’s easy if you try. There no restraints on your lower and your doggie doesn’t have to die. Imagine all the people building SBRs in peace.
    You can say I’m a dreamer, but I’m not the only one…

      • Yea, it’s amazing what peace talks can do, right? Share a steak. And then we get this moron that allows Russia and China to walk all over him (us). And I’m not even a fan of Trump, or any president for that matter, but the fact that YOUR media and YOUR focal points are as idiotic as what you just took out of context is astonishing. It’s amazing you don’t understand the “kill them with kindness” philosophy when relating sensitive matters to the media, especially at a time where OUR AIR SPACE WAS NOT BREACHED. Almost like someone didn’t actually tell you what they did behind closed doors? I mean, have you even seen House Of Cards ffs? Do you understand how politics work? Or press conferences for that matter? But ok, keep comparing a simple comment like that to what has taken place with Russia/China since Biden took office. Hey, at least he is taking credit for finally getting rid of it, 3 days after it entered our air space and got all the info it needed…

        Seriously man, get a life. You’re “resonating” some pretty pathetic psyche here and it’s nothing new. But keep telling yourself you are better than everyone you criticize. Reality is, you are the same shit, different toilet and wouldn’t know what to do if someone flushed you.

        • “allows Russia and China to walk all over him (us)“

          How so?

          “I mean, have you even seen House Of Cards ffs?“

          How amusing to learn that you look to Hollywood TV shows for your civics lessons.

          “3 days after it entered our air space and got all the info it needed… “

          Yes, it should’ve been shot out of the air days ago so that we couldn’t have possibly monitored the telemetry.

          Really, what information do you think that balloon 12 miles up could’ve monitored that could not have been much more efficiently surveilled by a couple ‘Chinese tourists’ in an RV?

        • I used HOC as a reference, I never cited it as educational. Cunt. And you clearly got the fucking reference lol.

          Lastly, no. I’m not taking bait. Keep it on Reddit.

          *puts cigar out on your wall.

      • BS.
        Watch the vid in slow motion.
        No missile trail. Shaped charge at the center of the surveillance equipment attachment boom took it down. The detonation went in an EXCLUSIVELY upward direction, into the center of the balloon.

        Commander sippy cup had NOTHING to do with the destruction of the balloon.

        But, your always good for a laugh whiner. 🤣

        When you say the sky is blue, we all need to go check.

        • ““Shaped charge”

          Yep, a continuous rod warhead on the pointy end of an AIM-9.”

          The AIM-9 has an annular shaped charge, not a linear shape charge.

          In my initial comment I was referring to the appearance of a “linear shape charge”.
          Words matter…….. “The detonation went in an EXCLUSIVELY upward direction, into the center of the balloon.”

          The explosion in the video is NOT the blast pattern of an AIM-9 Sidewinder. Also worth noting, the overall blast size was less then 1/3rd the explosive charge of the AIM-9.

      • MinorLiar,

        Keep defending your incompetent, idiotic, senile, fake-(P)resident. I am not surprised he is your hero – he is what you aspire to be, but will never achieve. Even as stupid and senile as he is (and he was stupid LONG before he was senile) he’s still twice as smart as you.

        Leftism is a mental disease, and you have a terminal, incurable case. Even worse that Senile Joe, because he KNOWS you ‘fellow travelers’ are all stupid and gullible, he just doesn’t give a s***. As long as it keeps him in power, and sucking at the public teat, he’s all over any narrative he needs to spew, to keep the grift going.

        And you’re so F***ING stupid, you lick the s*** off his boots like it was vanilla ice cream. You would have to improve by an order of magnitude to achieve ‘pathetic’, MinorLiar.

        Fornicate yourself to death in an excavation, MinorLiar.

        • “BS”

          Perhaps you care to watch the actual video:

          James Campbell, is it?

          You Campbells always were treacherous bastards…

          “Massacre of Glencoe, (February 13, 1692), in Scottish history, the treacherous slaughter of members of the MacDonald clan of Glencoe by soldiers under Archibald Campbell, 10th earl of Argyll.”

        • Oh no. Someone with my last name did something bad in the 1600s?
          Zero Fs given whiner.🖕

          You’re a pathetic lying POS today. Just like yesterday……and the day before…….and the day before that………. and……… Jeez, seems you have a pattern. 🤡

        • “Fornicate yourself to death in an excavation, MinorLiar.”
          With a pile driver I might add. 🤣

        • “President Biden: “I gave the order to shoot down the Chinese surveillance balloon.

          What he really meant was the Chinese gave Braindead permission to destroy the thing after it cleared the coast and had finished its job…

        • What a chode whiner is.
          He would’ve been 😭 if Putin floated a balloon over the US while the occupier of his mind rent free was President. Been whining for impeachment.
          Even though the Russia connection has been 100% debunked now. Pathetic 🤡
          But with Hunter’s China connections / payoffs and hair sniffer as POTUS? A China balloon is not a problem.
          Joey B is whinertards hero, he ordered it shot down. 🤪

          Don’t forget to juggle the nutzak while you bob that knob whiner. 🤣

        • Looks like your orange Messiah was asleep at the switch…

          “Suspected spy balloons from China crossed into the continental United States at least three times while Donald Trump was president, according to a statement Saturday by the Department of Defense citing an unnamed “senior defense offical.”
          “Chinese balloons briefly transited the continental United States at least three times during the prior administration,” the statement said. The Associated Press also reported that one other balloon crossed into the U.S. earlier in the Biden administration.

          None of those four incursions reportedly lasted as long as the trip by the suspected spy balloon that the U.S. military shot down Saturday. And none of the other balloons were apparently blown out of the sky, though that was not immediately confirmed.
          In spite of the visits from possible spy balloons while Trump was in office, many Republicans have complained that President Joe Biden didn’t order the most recent balloon shot down quickly enough — or that he shouldn’t have allowed the balloon to enter U.S. airspace to begin with.
          Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) claimed that Trump would never have allowed a Chinese spy balloon to reach the U.S.“

        • “Even though the Russia connection has been 100% debunked now“

          You’re just lying now, another unwitting dupe of Vladimir Putin.

          “Retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, President Trump’s former national security adviser, pleaded guilty to making false statements to the FBI, the U.S. Special Counsel’s Office announced on Dec. 1.

          In his plea agreement, Flynn admitted he lied to FBI agents about two discussions he had with Sergey Kislyak, the Russian ambassador to the United States, in December 2016 when Flynn was still a private citizen and before Trump took office.

          In the first instance, Flynn — who was interviewed by FBI agents on Jan. 24 — admitted he lied to FBI agents about a conversation he had with Kislyak on Dec. 22, 2016, about an upcoming U.N. Security Council resolution. Although he initially denied it to FBI agents, Flynn now admits that he asked Russia to delay or defeat a U.N. Security Council resolution, approved Dec. 23, 2016, that would have condemned Israel’s building of settlements in the West Bank and East Jerusalem. The Obama administration had agreed to allow the resolution to come up for a vote over the objection of Israel.

          The incoming Trump administration opposed the U.N. resolution, and Flynn was directed by a “very senior member of the Presidential Transition Team” to contact foreign governments, including Russia … to influence those governments to delay the vote or defeat the resolution,” according to the plea agreement. The “very senior member” of the transition team was not identified.

          A day later, the U.N. resolution would pass, with Russia voting in favor and the U.S. abstaining from voting.

          Flynn also admitted that he lied to investigators about a Dec. 29 conversation that he had with Kislyak. On the day of the conversation, the Obama administration announced sanctions against Russia in response to Russia’s meddling in the 2016 U.S. presidential election. Flynn called to discuss the new sanctions with “a senior official” of the Trump transition team “who was with other senior members of the Presidential Transition Team at the Mar-a-Lago resort” that Trump owns in Florida.

          Immediately after the call to Mar-a-Lago, Flynn called Kislyak and “requested that Russia not escalate the situation and only respond to the U.S. Sanctions in a reciprocal manner,” the plea agreement said. Kislyak agreed that Russia would “moderate its response to those sanctions” as a result of his request, according to the U.S. special counsel’s office.

          But, when interviewed by the FBI on Jan. 24, Flynn denied making such a request and could not recall if Kislyak agreed to his request.“

        • “Even though the Russia connection has been 100% debunked now“

          Debunked? Both Donald Trump‘s National Security Advisor and Presidential Campaign Manager were charged, tried, convicted and sentenced to federal prison because of their unlawful secret contacts with Russian intelligence agents.

          Go ahead and suck up to your KGB masters, just more treachery from the Campbells.

          “The wide-ranging, bipartisan report gives a comprehensive account of contacts between Russian actors and Trump associates, including Manafort and Donald Trump Jr., the president’s eldest son. It confirms the findings by former special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation that Russia sought to sway the 2016 race in Trump’s favor and that members of the president’s campaign were eager beneficiaries of the effort, although there was no evidence of a conspiracy with the Kremlin.“

        • In Wake of Internal Memos DOJ Drops Case Against Michael Flynn

          “The action was a stunning reversal for one of the signature cases brought by special counsel Robert Mueller. It comes even though prosecutors for the past three years have maintained that Flynn lied to the FBI in a January 2017 interview about his conversations with the Russian ambassador. …

          “In court documents filed Thursday, the Justice Department said it is dropping the case “after a considered review of all the facts and circumstances of this case, including newly discovered and disclosed information.” The documents were obtained by The Associated Press.

          “The department said it had concluded that Flynn’s interview by the FBI was “untethered to, and unjustified by, the FBI’s counterintelligence investigation into Mr. Flynn” and that the interview was “conducted without any legitimate investigative basis.” ”

        • Liar49er:

          “Suspected spy balloons from China crossed into the continental United States at least three times while Donald Trump was president, according to a statement Saturday by the Department of Defense citing an unnamed “senior defense offical.”

          HuffPost. Quite the reliable source.

        • “In court documents filed Thursday, the Justice Department said it is dropping the case

          Department of Defense citing an unnamed “senior defense official.

          Rule number ONE. Do NOT confuse the morons with facts when they are rolling with their own truths, it only causes MORE ignorant cut and paste (after modifications and pertinent omissions of course)…

        • From your link:

          “Flynn himself admitted as much, pleading guilty before asking to withdraw the plea, and became a key cooperator for Mueller as the special counsel investigated ties between Russia and the 2016 Trump campaign.“

          Flynn admitted guilt and provided testimony.

          Sure, Bill Barr, Trump’s lap dog in May 2020 dropped the investigation, but he later changed his tune and admitted Trump’s claims were “bullshit”.

          And only trumps pardon of the Russian asset Michael Flynn saved him from a prison sentence:

          “The criminal case against President Donald Trump’s former national security advisor Michael Flynn was formally dismissed Tuesday, two weeks after Trump pardoned him.
          The dismissal of the case by Judge Emmet Sullivan in U.S. District Court in Washington, D.C., where Flynn had pleaded guilty to lying to FBI agents, was expected because of his pardon by the president.
          The retired Army lieutenant general was fired by Trump in February 2017 after lying to Vice President Mike Pence about the nature of his conversations with Russia’s ambassador to the U.S. in the weeks before Trump was inaugurated.“

          “Retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, President Donald Trump’s former national security adviser, was paid more than $33,750 by Russia’s state-run broadcaster RT TV-Russia for a speech in Moscow in December 2015, a top Democrat on the House Oversight Committee has learned.

          The US intelligence community has long assessed RT to be a propaganda tool of the Kremlin, writing in its January report on Russian interference in the US election that the organization had participated in disinformation campaigns aimed at the US.“

          Apparently you traitors make pretty good money selling out America.

        • MinorLiar,

          Once again, you responded to the wrong comment. It’s a common f***-up with you, but . . . not surprising, considering your near-total incompetence. Go eat a bag of dicks, MinorLiar.

      • @ 55 seconds….

        That’s NOT an annular shaped charge, it’s a linear shaped charge. Also, much smaller charge then an AIM-9 Sidewinder.
        Hey whiner 🤡, in case you don’t know what shape ‘annular’ is, look in a mirror.
        See that? It’s an anus.

        Never let the truth get in the way of a good post whiner 🤡.

        As usual, TTAG just laughs at you. 🤣

        Keep up the good work. 👍

        • “That’s NOT an annular shaped charge, it’s a linear shaped charge. Also, much smaller charge then an AIM-9 Sidewinder.“

          Your amazing talent for BDA from 12 miles is surprising, I find it amusing that you’re claiming the F22 pilots are liars. I bet you wouldn’t say that to their face.

        • I question everything I hear, and most of what I see.
          The constant lying/weaponization by/of the and Biden crime family connection to China makes this what any intelligent person SHOULD be doing.

          And a Marxist POS like yourself shouldn’t even comment about what Patriotic members of our military are doing.


        This was the dinner where Trump excused himself, authorized a 59 missile airstrike, came back and told Xi what he had just done.
        Funny how Xi just sat there, in silence, and ate his cake.

        This was the MOST baller thing EVER done to Xi by a world leader. 💯%

        But whinertards takeaway on this meeting is Trump doing whatever it takes to gain Xi’s approval. 🤪

        You’re a pathetic and delusional 🤡 whiner.

        • “told Xi what he had just done“

          You mean when dementia Trump told the Chinese leader he sent missiles to Iraq? Trump didn’t even know what country he’s attacking, what a maroon:

          “So what happens is I said we’ve just launched 59 missiles heading to Iraq and I wanted you to know this. And he was eating his cake. And he was silent,” said Trump.

          Bartiromo piped in, “to Syria?”

          “Yes. Heading toward Syria,” Trump continued. “In other words, we’ve just launched 59 missiles heading toward Syria.”

          That’s a direct quote from the NBC link you placed at the top of your post.

          Hilarious, “Iraq, Iran, Syria, whatever it takes”

          “This was the MOST baller thing EVER done to Xi by a world leader. 💯%“

          WTF? A missile attack on Iraq, I mean Syria, somehow offends the Chinese?
          What Chinese military asset did Donald Trump target and destroy?

          I would say it’s slightly more “baller” to actually destroy an airborne Chinese military intelligence asset.

        • Liar49er

          “I would say it’s slightly more “baller” to actually destroy an airborne Chinese military intelligence asset.”

          After it crossed the country and became water-logged pieces of trash. And Zhou BiDeng’s administration knew about its approach three days before civilians in MT spotted it and drew the media’s attention to it — without notifying the US public.

          “Yes, it should’ve been shot out of the air days ago so that we couldn’t have possibly monitored the telemetry.”

          It should have been intercepted and destroyed when it approached Alaska. You just called it a “Chinese military intelligence asset.” We have the technology to monitor its telemetry before it became a threat to this country. And it could have been much more of a threat than its shootdown over a sparsely-populated area represented to US residents — when it should never have gotten that far.

          “Really, what information do you think that balloon 12 miles up could’ve monitored that could not have been much more efficiently surveilled by a couple ‘Chinese tourists’ in an RV?”

          Wait a minute — was it, or was it not, a “Chinese military intelligence asset?” You don’t seem to be able to make up your mind. The Chinese apparently thought that it had some value or else they wouldn’t have wasted the effort to develop and launch it. “Chinese tourists in an RV’ couldn’t have approached a nuclear-missile field nor overflown several US air bases.

        • Liar49er

          ” …the AIM9X had no warhead to minimize damage to the electronics package.”

          And yet the impact was directly to the electronics package.

          There was an interview with a munitions expert last night where he explained the different types of warheads that can be installed on an AIM. He suggested that a proximity fuse could have been detonated a short distance from the balloon, shredding the envelope while minimizing damage to the package suspended underneath. That is, if we really wanted to recover the package.

          Yet the videos show the package being blown into little pieces that fell into the ocean. Curious, that.

          And why shoot it down after it was no longer over land, especially since the military was aware of the balloon before it even approached Alaska?

          Further — former DNI John Ratcliffe denies (“It’s NOT true. I can refute it.”) that any spy balloons traversed the US while President Trump was in office; he’s not the only one in the know that is saying that.

        • “former DNI John Ratcliffe denies (“It’s NOT true. I can refute it.”) that any spy balloons traversed the US while President Trump was in office“

          This John Ratcliffe?

          “During his first five weeks as DNI, Ratcliffe issued four press releases in his own name, a highly unusual pace for a role traditionally more focused on providing internal counsel on issues of intelligence and national security than making high-profile public statements.“

          Trump hack with no intelligence experience.

        • “It should have been intercepted and destroyed when it approached Alaska“

          Gee, we are all relieved that you’re not in charge over military intelligence operations because you’re demonstrating a complete lack of understanding of how business is done.

        • Liar49er

          “Trump hack with no intelligence experience.”

          Ratcliffe isn’t the only one saying that. But you’d dismiss anyone who says so. Even John Bolton.

          You must have the absolute proof that spy balloons flew across the US during Trump’s term. How about you post it?

          “Gee, we are all relieved that you’re not in charge over military intelligence operations … ”

          And your opinions carry no weight since your credibility here is nil. Tell us again how “Chinese tourists in an RV’” could gather more intelligence data than a spy balloon. Or answer any of the questions that I posed in my previous posts.

          Yeah, I thought so.

  3. I don’t get it.

    But I don’t have a basement, or a dog, or a rifle. I have been drunk, though.

    Would it help if I take my cat onto the screen porch, get high, disassemble a pistol and revolver and mix up the parts?

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