Home » Fun and Games » Gun Meme of the Day: I Guess It’s Time For a New Gun Edition

Gun Meme of the Day: I Guess It’s Time For a New Gun Edition

Jeremy S. - comments 31 comments

Well, I’ve never used ammo that didn’t belong in the gun, but I admit I’ve bought a new gun(s) because I acquired ammo in a caliber that I didn’t yet have a gun to use it in. It’s a lot like building a new AR because you found a spare detent in your carpet.



Jeremy S.

Jeremy is TTAG's Deputy Editor, working mostly behind the scenes but, when he attempts to write, he focuses on comprehensive gun & gear reviews. Jeremy strives to collect objective data whenever possible, and looks to write accurate reviews that reflect the true user experience. He lives outside of Austin, TX.


  1. I learned to shoot a long bow in college. Japanese style. Loved it!! After that, could never take a shining to compound bows. Recurves are OK, but the longbow is an almost mystical experience.

  2. I’m glad I kept up with my archery. If I’m ever just walking down the street and find an unfired RPG round I’ll pick it up.

    For the children.

    • Strangely enough my early training was in archery. Then I realized what shooting arrows into the air did to the environment. (Why would you give an RPG to the children)?

  3. Didn’t Rambo do this when he re-invaded Vietnam and single-handedly defeated the Soviets and caused the collapse of the Soviet Union?

    • I’ll only bow to the bow if the bow has a bow on it.
      leaving the ship references for somebody else…

  4. Is this an advert for a new Rambo movie? Or is this the Taliban after they kill off the few remaining engineers in Afghanistan?

  5. This looks like the kind of defensive aid Biden plans to send Ukraine. You’d think he could do better after coercing them to “fire” their investigative prosecutor a few years back…

    • The Ukrainian’s fcked up, they should have had terrorists groups blowing up their civilians then theBiden would have left them all kinds of ordnance.

  6. i want to do a 10.5 ar pistol build
    in 350 legend
    not because it makes sense
    but because its *always* on the shelf at farm and fleet
    – for $15 a box –

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The Truth About Guns provides news, reviews, and insights to help you stay informed on the latest trends in gun culture, legislation, and industry developments.