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That’s just about the size of it, yep.


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  1. Is four guns a lot? Depends on the context. Four guns in a safe at home? No. Four guns concealed on your person at the beach? Yeah.

    • Only four concealed…amateur! I seem to remember in the July 1993 Guns and Ammo that there was an advertisement showing John Bianchi wearing a white tux jacket with black pants and a bow-tie concealing 32 firearms weighing a total of 49 pounds. The original ad ran in 1983…he only concealed 27 for that ad campaign.

      I always wondered how much he rattled and creaked when he walked in that rig.

      The Ultimate New York Reload!!

      • I remember the article where they showed where every gun was hidden. I couldn’t believe how it was done, but impressed they did.

      • He said four guns concealed on your person on the beach! I don’t know about you but on the beach I am wearing swim trunks and no shirt. Only so many places you can conceal four firearms on a your person in that state of dress (and still be at the ready). I personally don’t have the capacity “not that I have ever tested” for deep concealment of that many firearms. Maybe you do?

        • You are assuming how everyone dresses for the beach using yourself as an example (a sample size of one).

          I frequently wear a tux to the beach…when I’m not…cut-offs and a T-shirt….traditional bathing suits are sooo limiting while shirtless is an invitation to skin cancers.

  2. When I purchased my first pistol (a G17), I thought that was all I would ever need. But soon, a G43 became essential. Then, it became obvious that, no serious home defense arsenal could be complete with a 12 gauge, pump shotgun. Seemed pretty content for a few months until I realized I needed a deep cover gun for those visits to clients who banned guns from their premises. My local gun shop was kind enough to sell me a Ruger LCP 2 with the 7 round mag.

    However, all the talk about riots and violence got me thinking that my G43 did not have sufficient capacity for an EDC, so, again, my local gun shop found an M&P 9 for me, even during the frantic run on guns last Christmas season.

    Now….help me…I can’t stop….no….its OK….just a few more….I’ll be OK…really….it will be fine….hmmm….I don’t have any revolvers….I am in control….I can stop whenever I want to….I don’t want to…..Ruger makes some solid wheel guns….and a derringer would be fun….so would a mini-14…’s under control…I don’t want to….

      • I gotta AR…is that Ok? Never thought I’d get one but here we are. Looking for a better shotgun. Got 3 handguns.

    • @LifeSavor

      Revolvers and single-shots are whole new addictions. .17HMR all the way to large-bore rifle cartridges…and they are FUN to shoot.

    • The babe is Jenna Coleman.
      She played Clara Oswald on Dr. Who.
      The guy is Peter Capaldi.
      He played Dr. Who.
      It got way too PC during that time.
      Now it’s so PC, it’s unwatchable.
      Dr. Who is a woman now.

      • To me, Capaldi was still mostly alright, not overly PC or “woke”… but the latest Doctor, the woman? Couldn’t stomach even the first episode or two, they were utterly terrible! So woke it is a joke.

        But before her, a few of the Doctor’s Companions were seriously hot! I’ve still got a raging… errr, crush… on Amy Pond (Karen Gillan.) But Rose and Clara were also stunning IMHO, as was Kylie Minogue in a 2-part Christmas episode. (although hers was only a 1-time appearance, not as a long-term Companion.)

  3. Latest update from the Texas State Rifle Association indicates that the Constitutional Carry bill currently working it’s way up to Governor Abbott is pert near a done thang. I’m hoping that Dan Z and troops will cover this latest addition to the growing number of States that have moved forward on gun rights this year. Should be signed (fingers crossed) next week.

    • Mea culpa.

      I received my TSRA e-mail and completely overlooked Dan’s earlier e-mail regarding the CC bill in Texas. Embarrassing! Apologies to Dan and company, you guys were already on top of it.

      One demerit for OGiM.

  4. I share the opinion of my father who steadfastly maintains that one should purchase firearms until one could be raided by the cops or the ATF and honestly answer the question “Is this all the firearms on the premises?” with “I dunno”.

  5. Even downunder 4 guns is considered a start. The final number ends up 2-3x what you thought you would get. Sometimes more. A lot more. I know some people who give the anti gunners nightmares with collections of 30-50.

    • I bought my first gun almost exactly 11 years ago. I never had an end number in mind, but my initial designs were quite limited: a .22 rifle and a rifle that I could hunt deer with if I ever had a mind to.

      Had a lot of fun with those. Then it occurred to me that pistols were pretty damn cool, too, and I started thinking about the potential for concealed-carry and guns as a means of self-defense.

      As of now, I personally own 7 of the 10 firearms that live in my house (bought the other 3 for wife and son), and I would have easily doubled or tripled that number by now if I’d had the money. That’s the way it goes. So many fun, awesome firearms out there…

  6. I think on average around here its about 15. More than a few and less than a lot.

    • Dang, Once again I’m Mr Average.

      I need to work a bit harder on acquisitions…

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  8. IAmNotTheHulk said:
    “I think on average around here its about 15. More than a few and less than a lot.”

    One over average, 8 handguns, 8 long guns. I fit right in πŸ™‚

    I do, however, have have 24 edged weapons, knives, swords, sword canes, machetes, etc.
    and with my lifetime ammo supply, I’m just your usual well rounded conservative guy waiting for the liberal Apocalypse….( which is definitely getting close).

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