It’s literally the Holocaust.



    • If I were the McCloskeys I’d be suing Jeremy and TTAG. They’ve been through enough, now they really can’t get their lives back… 🙂

      • I thought McCloskey was riding into a Senate seat On the strength of his reckless endangerment with a firearm fame.

        • Miner, you should try it, you slimy little sloth. It’s liberating. Literally. Most especially when wholesomely and meaningfully brandished against those whom are intentionally and with malice recklessly endangering you and yours. But you stay in mom’s basement where yer safe. It’s a good look for you. It’s where you belong.

  1. It is utterly hilarious the shrieks, moans, and hands trembling from clutching their pearls tightly with feigned outrage (Outrage, I tell you!) the Leftist Scum ™ are displaying at being given a taste of their own medicine, good and hard.

    The gov has been dumping southern border ‘immigrants’ in Florida at zero-dark thirty at airports for quite awhile now, and they’re crying great big crocodile tears about getting the same treatment what they’re now getting themselves.

    Fuck ’em and feed them rice, I say… 🙂

    • They bussed the first batch out to the slightly less expensive Cape Cod. Time to send them another hundred or so. Make them live up to their own rules or admit they are hypocrites. Use their own “Rules for Radicals” against them.

      • Load them on troop transports and static line drop them over Bern and Davos.

        The ‘globalist’ elites have a raging hard on for worldwide open borders.
        But why the high walls (and strong anti-immigration laws) around their base of operations?

    • “The gov has been dumping southern border ‘immigrants’ in Florida at zero-dark thirty at airports for quite awhile now“

      I would be quite interested in seeing evidence to support this particular claim.

        • “Thanks for playing loser 🤡.“

          From the link you posted:

          “FDLE developed a reliable and confidential source who provided information about numerous flights coming into Jacksonville from various locations transporting what was believed to be potential illegal immigrants,” a spokeswoman said.”

          Oh of course, the ever popular confidential source. I thought you guys didn’t trust confidential sources…

          Put perhaps things aren’t as they seem:

          “Not all of the records News4Jax received made sense. One flight came from Ireland, for example, and another involves the National Guard. News4Jax has asked the state to clarify.“

          Is it your contention that Joe Biden is shipping in immigrants from Ireland?

          Just wow… Y’all’s pretty wacky on this shit ain’t cha.

      • I would be quite interested in seeing evidence to support this particular claim.

        If you are too fucking lazy to type in “Illegals shipped from border to FL (pick a year or just 21/22) ten you are truly useless, Biden has been dumping 1000 illegals in Jacksonville and Miami for over a year, but you already know that. I’d expect such abject stupidity from your compadre dacian, but now I guess I can expect it from you as well?

      • Miner, we’re you born a simpering, parasitic, lying speck of scum and perfect example of the Dunning-Kruger effect? I think you probably had to work at it.

        • I’m gonna have to go with “yes” to the first part and “I kinda doubt it” to the second part.

      • The only thing that changed in our immigration policy from Trump to Biden is the blue team stopped calling the facilities used to house them concentration camps.

        The fact that you’ve chosen to ignore kids being flown North to the “immigration influx overflow facilities” in MI and TN where they’ve gotten lost in the last two years without fanfare or media attention and decided to scream about these asylum seekers getting transported to rich liberal asylum towns in an attempt to draw attention to the problem, says an awful lot about you as a human being.

        You should be ashamed of yourself and have the decency to change your username to the accurate Mr. Racist Swine.

  2. IIRC, Martha’s Vineyard sees over 170,000 visitors every summer.

    But 50 illegals it a full blown crisis that requires a few hundred National Guard troops.

    The elite class NEVER handles their own security. It much easier to use our tax dollars and pay others for that sort of stuff.

    • “But 50 illegals it a full blown crisis that requires a few hundred National Guard troops.”

      Rich Leftist Scum ™ talk a real big game on how they’re *so* much more compassionate than conservatives.

      But when called on their bullshit, lo and behold, how fast they pivot to getting them as far from those nice communities as they possibly can.

      Hell, even in places like Seattle and San Fran, you never see them tent camping in the back yards of those mega-dollar properties.

      Hypocrisy, thy name is Democrats.

      Like Rusty says –

      Rule number 4 – “Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules.”…

    • But 50 illegals it a full blown crisis that requires a few hundred National Guard troops.

      No place to keep them? Hell Obama could just put up that big ass party tent, that thing would hold a couple hundred.

  3. Hair gel Noosem wants DeSantis investigated for kidnapping the illegals that Braindead illegally shipped to Florida… Seriously though, it might make great optics for fans but could also backfire come the mid-terms.

    • “Hair gel Noosem wants DeSantis investigated for kidnapping the illegals that Braindead illegally shipped to Florida…”

      Counter-sue them for littering?

      (Humor, people)… 😉

    • The DC Federal Court has officially become an agency of the Democrat Party. They will not Convict a Democrat, They will not Acquit a GOP. The utterly corrupt Court Clerk can make sure the ENTIRE Jury Pool is made up of loyal party members, ensuring the Correct Verdict, with NONE of that Jury Nullification business.

      DeSantis will end up in Jail if he is not careful.

      It’s time to allow anyone charged with a Federal Crime to get an Automatic Change of Venue to their Home State by merely requesting it. DC has proven that it neither deservers nor is qualified for Statehood.

      • DeSantis will end up in Jail if he is not careful.

        IF they REALLY want to start a fucking war THAT would be the way to do it, they would soon learn that “Florida Man” is actually more than just some little comedy headline on the evening news…

      • “DeSantis will end up in Jail“

        From your lips to Odin’s ears…

        “want to start a fucking war“

        That would be the way to honor the United States Constitution, start a war against a duly elected government and see what you get.

        • That would be the way to honor the United States Constitution, start a war against a duly elected government and see what you get.

          Oh, NOW you are concerned about “honoring” the Constitution. According to the left it is a Constitutional RIGHT to engage in “mostly peaceful” protests (with a little looting, murder, blocking major highways, burning govt. buildings and private businesses) unless of course you happen to be in opposition to the current administration. That convoluted “constructionist” Kommie bullshit YOU and your left-wing buddies seem so partial to is not really THE Constitution. So yeah, damn right, pull a stupid fucking move like trying to arrest ANY Governor for doing EXACTLY what the Braindead administration has been doing for months ALL over the country (are you really so deep into the Kool-Aid that you don’t want to believe that?) you can bet your ass that 2020 will look like a goddamn church social compared to what WILL happen. And IF you think I give a flying fuck about “what I might get” you are making the same mistake that those clueless fucks in Washington are making.

          (duly elected government)? What a joke… GFY

    • “illegals that Braindead illegally shipped to Florida… “

      I would like to learn more about this, do you have a source or citation to support your claim?

      • Hey, low information, strawman propping, ‘Holocaust denier’ accuser, lying propagandist and general overall 🤡.

        I posted a response to the similar comment you made earlier. See your prior comment.

      • do you have a source or citation to support your claim?

        Are you finally admitting you are too stupid to do a basic internet search? I live here and i see it on the news daily, But I also did a quick search to see how much info is available, you should give it a try…

  4. Never been to Martha’s Vinyard. took a Nantucket sleigh- ride once. It was a wooden sled, on wheels, pulled by three dozen lobsters chasing bait dangling from little sticks mounted on their heads.

  5. If only they still had Teddy Kennedy around, he could save them by drunk driving the illegals into the Chappaquiddick.

    • 🤔
      Well, that would take too long.

      First he would have to get each one drunk and raped before getting them loaded into the car.

      A guy has to maintain his standards.

      • A guy has to maintain his standards.

        In that case he’d need to make sure they are pregnant as well, might be problematic for the guys, but in todays world, who knows? Maybe not.

  6. Now that’s hilarious. After a certain elephant photo haunted me for days awhile back I approach memes with caution.

  7. Hey I remember that guy, he used to be a football player, they called him the “Grey Ghost”.
    I guess that’s his ole lady that’s with him, I believe she used to be a carrot salesperson and school nutritionist.
    Michelle Mybell was her name I think cant think of his.

  8. Chant with me now fellow cultists:
    Diversity is our strength.
    We’re a country of immigrants.
    Diversity is our strength.
    We’re a country of immigrants.

    • Abortion is a Constitutional right.
      The Second Amendment is for muskets.
      Nobody needs ten rounds to kill a deeah.

      • That sound you hear is the cult leaders laughing at their gullible followers who actually believe everything they say.

        • Absolutely. It really is staggering, isn’t it? And so, so many are like that. I’m amazed we mastered fire, much less shoelaces.

  9. McCloskey and his wife threatened “black” people who were marching peacefully on a city street. At no time did they threaten or trespass on their property. Law Enforcement was correct in what they charged them with.

    • Citation please.
      Where was it established that the Mccloskeys ONLY intended to threaten the blacks in the crowd of trespassers who entered the gated and PRIVATE PROPERTY community.

      There were people of ALL ethnicities in the crowd.

      POS racists see racism EVERYWHERE. It’s no surprise lil’dtard phrased his comment in that manner. 🤪

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