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50 thoughts on “Gun Meme of the Day: Modern Antiques Edition”

  1. Actually, lever actions make great suppressed weapons.

    No action/bolt noise, no ejected case until you want, use subsonic ammo without worrying if it will cycle the action.

    • “Actually, lever actions make great suppressed weapons.

      No action/bolt noise,…”

      And, you just proved you have *never* shot a lever action… 🙂

        • Actually, I do have a Red Ryder sitting by the sliding door to the deck. I have an old fluorescent light fixture housing strung up across the field and I enjoy cranking and shooting the Red Ryder with the kids. The old shop light metal housing makes a great ‘Ting!’ when hit, the kids love it.

          It’s already pretty quiet so an actual suppressor isn’t needed.

        • Jeebus, MajorLiar, how irresponsible can one idiot, gun-ignorant @$$clown BE, anyway??? You leave a gun-style weapon (see, we POTG can play games with words and definitions, too), loaded, I presume, out where your alleged kids could access it??? And maybe even “shoot someone’s eye out”??

          Tell us again what a responsible gun owner you claim to be, you propaganda-spewing clown. At least go tell some more lies about “evil Republicans” and “honest Dimocrats”; those are at least funny.

      • that person (see how Im gender neutral lol) has never even seen a fire arm… Im sure many guns at that truck stop gloryhole though….

        • “Im sure many guns at that truck stop gloryhole though…. “

          I don’t know much about the subject you’ve chosen, but it seems you have much experience with the ‘gloryholes’ you speak of so I’ll take your word for it.

          Again, I’m surprised that you would publicly admit your personal knowledge of these ‘truckstop glory holes’ but whatever floats your boat is fine by me.

    • MsajorLiar,

      Are you stupid all the time, or do you just play stupid on the Internet????

      1. Lever actions have a VERY distinctive, and quite audible, sound when cycling the action.

      2. No, you idiot, you DON’T have an “option” as to ejecting spent casings – that happens automatically when you cycle the action for the next round.

      You are too stupid to insult, you ignorant @$$clown. To quote “Parks & Rec”, “Why are you the way you are??” Oh, because you are a stupid, lying, ignorant, partisan, uneducated @$$clown.

      Go expire in ac excavation, you oxygen thief.

      • “distinctive, and quite audible, sound when cycling the action“

        You people are a bunch of clowns, it’s up to you when you cycle the action.

        “that happens automatically when you cycle the action“

        The operative portion of your statement is “when you cycle the action”.

        Many semi auto weapons fitted with suppressors also have an action cut off to prevent the sound of the slide/bolt cycling and achieve an overall lower sound signature, I thought sure some of you tacticool operators would be familiar with this concept.

        I guess now we know none of you people are actually the expert operators many of you claim.

        “Hush Puppy was a term taken from a S&W pistol from the Vietnam war. This was a special project that was designed to remove sentries and guard dogs with absolute silence. On top of making the gun suppressor ready, the original and current Hush Puppy pistols have a slide lock device.

        The slide lock device makes the weapon a single-shot handgun, which prevents the action from opening and cycling. This reduces noise down to an extremely low level and keeps things quite quiet for a semi-auto pistol. Pair the Hush Puppy with an Octane 9 to keep the noise low and the music loud”

        Big game hunters were putting suppressors on lever action rifles before your grandfather was born.

        “He owned at least 20 Winchester lever-action rifles, but perhaps the most unique rifle for his day was a threaded Model 1894 fitted with an early Maxim Silencer. It was one of three known suppressed Winchesters in Roosevelt’s collection.

        That’s right. Teddy Roosevelt ran a suppressor on several rifles.”

        TTAG is just packed with arrogant know it all ‘operators’, an endless source of entertainment to those of us who have actually seen the elephant.

        • “You people are a bunch of clowns, it’s up to you when you cycle the action.”

          But what you stated, Liar69er, is this:

          “No action/bolt noise …”

          That would appear to be, as usual — a lie.

        • “The old shop light metal housing makes a great ‘Ting!’ when hit, the kids love it.”

          Ok, so you have taught your kids that shooting light fixtures is fun. That explains a lot, and although you seem to be surprised often, we’re not.

          “…who have actually seen the elephant.”

          “…who have actually seen the varmint.”


          We can play this game all day, Skippy, but does it get you anywhere?

        • Great Providence above, you persist in your bullshit, more comic relief!

          “But what you stated, Liar69er, is this:
          “No action/bolt noise …”

          Of course, you omitted the operative portion of my post:

          “No action/bolt noise, no ejected case until you want,“

          Really, I have never seen such a fragile ego combined with narcissistic personality disorder, it’s really quite fascinating.

        • Nero, for being a grammar maven, your reading comprehension skills are somewhat challenged it seems.

          You have equated my statement:

          “shop light metal housing“

          With your statement:

          “light fixtures”

          It is two different things, a 4 foot long piece of sheet metal painted white is not a “light fixture”.

          How sad, that mischaracterization is all you have in response.

          And it seems you’re another gung ho ‘operator’ who has never seen the elephant.

        • “…old fluorescent light fixture housing…”

          “…shop light metal housing…”

          My bad. You’ve taught them to shoot light fixture housings?

        • “Of course, you omitted the operative portion of my post:”

          Oh, so you object to a tactic that you use all the time? Pot, meet kettle. Besides, I didn’t omit anything:

          “No action/bolt noise, no ejected case until you want, use subsonic ammo without worrying if it will cycle the action.”

          Those are three separate sentence fragments, joined with comma splices. “Until you want” does not modify the first part, “No action/bolt noise.” You should have written: “No action/bolt noise OR ejected case until you want …” But you didn’t.

          “Really, I have never seen such a fragile ego combined with narcissistic personality disorder, it’s really quite fascinating.”

          Please cite the specifics of your psych degree that qualifies you to attempt to diagnose someone without making a medical examination.

        • MajorLiar,

          Only a fool like you would try to defend his OBVIOUS lie and/or total firearm ignorance by citing a complete irrelevancy (sorta like your idiot defense of Senile Joe, the serial child molester).

          Point the first, the subject was “lever action rifles”, not semi-autos of ANY sort.

          Point the second, Mr. Tacticool, totally knowledgeable gun guy, NO shooter with the brains God promised a doorknob, having the ABILITY to chamber and shoot a follow-up round would intentionally deprive themselves of that ability. Only someone as inexpressibly stupid as yourself would even suggest it.

          But keep showing you @$$; it gives the rest of us something to laugh at. We’re not laughing with you, MajorLiar, we’re laughing AT you. The more you play these stupid games of pretending to know your @$$ from your elbow with respect to firearms (or economics, or history, or science, or racial policy, or, or, or), the more complete a fool you prove yourself to be.

          But do continue, I haven’t laughed this hard in weeks.

  2. I’d swear I came across that concept in a science fiction book somewhere. Bill the Galactic Hero, perhaps?

  3. I haven’t put optics on any of my lever guns yet. Call me a fudd but there’s a certain beauty to the lines and a kind of nostalgia with levers the makes me not want to disturb them. That said, my eyesight ain’t what it used to be and the last time I broke one out my grouping wasn’t so great so I’m probably going to have to go there.

    • Suppressor and red-dot? I’ll raise you a M4 type stock and lots of Picatinney rails on a lever action.

  4. I haven’t put optics on any of my lever guns yet. Call me a fudd but there’s a certain beauty to the lines and a kind of nostalgia with levers the makes me not want to disturb them. That said, my eyesight ain’t what it used to be and the last time I broke one out my grouping wasn’t so great so I’m probably going to have to go there.

      • Yeah, I keep putting it off telling myself I don’t have to shoot them. I have plenty of other guns to shoot. I’ve also toyed with the idea of buying a Henry H010X. They’re pretty much meant to be made for it so it wouldn’t be quite so painful.

  5. I put a Vortex Crossfire II 2-7x32mm Rifle Scope on my Ruger Mini 14 (Tacticool). Torqued it all to spec. Gosh darn thing does not hold true. I can leave the rifle sitting horizontally on a gun rest for a day, untouched. No one even in the room to bump the table. The next day, I have to zero-in…..again.

    I have no idea what I did incorrectly…followed the instructions fastidiously.

    Guess I’ll swallow my pride and take it to a gun smith.

    BTW, I love the Mini 14. Great shooting.

    I’d love to have a lever gun, but for the rest of this year, every spare dollar is going at the mortgage.

    Hey, ain’t it great to have possum back?

    Prayers for all of you in the hurricane’s path.

    Lastly, that looks like it could be an Amish racing buggy, but the hat is definitely not an Amish chapeau…more like a Cathill or some other top hat derivative.

    • minin14, accurate, NOT!

      To make mine shoot, I had to block the gas port, making it a straight pull. Raising other problems. That is NOT a recommendation, BTW, just saying…

      Buy an AR.

    • It could be a Amish kid on Rumspringa, I’ve seen car stereo head, amp and subwoofers on Amish carriages then so a Boston Dynamics dog isn’t that far off.

  6. Hey, TTAG, if your are still awake, please, free my comment from the gulag. It is as non-offensive as thin crust pizza with extra cheese.

  7. Red dots have tiny cameras in them. The Elf bee eyes or Sea Eye Aye puts them in there so they can spy on you.
    When I can walk into a gunmshop and just buy a silencer with no paperwork work and extra money I might consider getting one, maybe, maybe not.
    Taking an 1800’s design and putting modern fancy’s on it, to me, kinda ruins why I bought the lever action.
    Suppressors and shuting game. I dont know if thatd help all that much. I once watched two does approach my deer stand, I busted one with a 243 and to my amazement the other one walked over to the dead one and smelled it. Maybe it thought the noise was thunder?
    Coyotes are different, theyll spook if they hear a click so I doubt a suppressor would help with that.
    Never hunted pigs, I’d imagine they are about the same as coyotes?

    • BLR, Henry Long Ranger, maybe even Mod 88 Win – made for optics.

      Pigs taste way better.

    • Not an expert. possum, but pigs that I have encountered seemed to be skittish and alert. At one of my local ranges more than once we had to stop firing because a herd of deer grazed out on the range. 50-60 rifles blasting and they just chewed their way through. Happened once with a flock of turkeys.

      • I know from experience that deer don’t even move when a tank gun is fired in their direction, and a tank’s main gun is about a million times louder than any rifle on Earth. More than once, when I had my tank on the tank gunnery range doing live-fire with machine guns and 105mm main gun rounds, deer wandered onto the range near the targets. I was the TC (tank commander), and the first time a deer wandered downrange in the direction of the target, I told the gunner not to shoot (because we were firing 105mm main gun rounds, which are not the correct caliber for deer hunting, LOL. 105mm would be about 4.00 caliber, and yes I do mean 4.00, not 0.40, so if we’d fired — and we would hit on the first shot, too, as the main gun is deadly accurate out to thousands of yards/meters — there would’ve been nothing left of the deer except a cloud of red vapor.

        The second time a herd of deer appeared downrange during our live-fire tank gunnery, I grabbed the TC override of our M1 tank and tried to hit the deer with a burst of 7.62mm from the coax machinegun. I’m not as accurate with the TC override as I am with the gunner’s joystick (which is called a Cadillac after the company that made the joystick), and the coax machine gun isn’t as accurate as the main gun, so I think my burst of 7.62mm coax went wild, or at any rate, the deer all scattered when they saw tracers hitting all around them!

  8. Probably in the minority here but yes I would slap a suppressor and an optic on a 6.5 Creed or 360 lever action and ride a robo horse.

  9. Not putting optics or silencers on an antique rifle. Nor am I putting them on my pre ’64 model ’94. Now, the later model side eject M-94, I might consider. Just hate to have to drill and tap for a rail.

    • “Not putting optics or silencers on an antique rifle“

      Big game hunters were putting silencers on lever action rifles before your grandpa was born.

      “He owned at least 20 Winchester lever-action rifles, but perhaps the most unique rifle for his day was a threaded Model 1894 fitted with an early Maxim Silencer. It was one of three known suppressed Winchesters in Roosevelt’s collection.

      That’s right. Teddy Roosevelt ran a suppressor on several rifles.”

      • “Big game hunters were putting silencers on lever action rifles before your grandpa was born.”

        Were those rifles “antique” back then? OldMan specified “an antique rifle.”

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