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The whole “once black people get guns” thing is so tired and racist. Read a book.


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  1. The person that got me into guns was black. When I got out of the Army and went back to VA, all my buddies were open carrying. Never once had an issue except with tyrants. Have not kept in touch with them over the years since dropping social media, but yea, we were a pretty cool “mixed race” group.

    Can’t have that. Unacceptable.

  2. No problem here unless the idiot’s continue to vote lock step for democrats like approximately 80% do.

    • Perhaps one day Black Americans will see how they have been played for fools by the party of their slave masters. Instead of being forced to pick cotton today’s trinket promising fear mongering democRat Party uses Black Americans to harvest votes.

      • Some do. And the last few years woke a lot up. I take several new people to shoot every year, and often help them find and purchase their first gun. Many of them are black because I work with a lot of black people. The government over reach of the last few years has overpowered the fear of being shot for being black with a gun and many of the previously hesitant have joined us as gun owners.

  3. Yeah that was basically the Green Island range near Albany. They did double their membership price so had to look elsewhere but fun times.

  4. This illustrates more about the left than they realize. They like division, they don’t want us to get along. We are not hyphenated Americans, we are all Americans. I do believe there is one hyphenated American culture, it is the Anti-American. The left knows who they are.

    • 100%.

      Whenever media tells you not to like someone, before agreeing to dislike them you should ask why the media wants you dislike them. Then you should figure out what media that person consumes and see if it is telling the same story about you. Often you will find it is.

      That’s not an accident. Race, age, sexual orientation… it’s almost all various forms of propaganda, gaslighting and divide and conquer for the gain of a small number of assholes.

    • Actually, the laws did change once Black people started open carrying firearms in California:

      “Behar then jumped in, interrupting Granger. “Here’s the thing: once Black people get guns in this country, the gun laws will change. Trust me,” Behar said.

      Co-host Sunny Hostin supported her statement. “That’s what happened with the Black Panthers,” Hostin said. “Know your history.”

      Hostin was likely referring to the facts of 1967, when a state bill prohibiting the open carry of loaded firearms without a permit, the Mulford Act, was passed in California in what many saw as an attempt to curb the power of activist group the Black Panthers, who at the time often performed armed patrols.“

      • I don’t think anyone here supports the Mulford act or disarming anyone based on race. It is clearly unconstitutional. The 2nd amendment does not say “…shall not be infringed (except black people)”

        • Pirate,

          Don’t harsh MinorLiar’s mellow by injecting rationality into the conversation; he’s too busy getting his hate for Republicans on.

          The boy is so pathetically partisan and ignorant he literally can’t control himself from trying to make EVERYTHING about “the evil Republicans” . . . while simultaneously being a veritable cartoon caricature of a Leftist/fascist.

      • So, miner, you’re in the same camp as the folks that panicked and banned open carry because blacks.

        How many permits and training classes do you recommend for voting? Free speech?

      • We agree that what happened in 1967 was wrong.

        However this is 2023. Most people have let go of their prejudices, not all of course. Some people are so ignorant they skin color is character, and those people come in all flavors. Some think they are not rascists because they know what “those” people need and the people who know what is best “for those people” are usually white.

        Your character is all I care about, your character decides how I view you as a person.

  5. I love to explain to my partially Chinese, partially Indonesian, partially Anglo-Saxon, partially European, partially African, partially Native American, *family* how it is that I own them shootin’ irons because I’m a racist.

    • Dude… Colin Kaepernick just accused his adoptive White PARENTS of racism.

      Face it, the left has redefined the word, just like they redefined “progressive” and “queer” and “pride” and “woman”. According to the left, all White people are, by definition, Racist.

      I think it’s about time that we took the “r” word back. Whites should call each other “racist”, just like Blacks are allowed to call each other the “n” word.

      What up, racist?

  6. Remember in the 60s when they said they could get rid of racism if they put black people in charge of government? Then black people were over black cities, and what difference did it make? They still blamed racism. I’ll never forget the Freddie Gray incident. Half the group accused were black. The police chief was black. The mayor was black. The district attorney was black. And they still blamed anti-black racism! Remember the burning and looting after Gray’s funeral? The powers that be love that stuff!

    Why didn’t they release the entire video, and thus the entire context, of the St. George Floyd arrest? They had him in the car! He fought to get out of it! He said he couldn’t breathe before anyone had their knee on him. He said he ate too many drugs. They knew exactly what they were doing by releasing only part of the encounter.

    It’s an excuse that will never end just like climate alarmism. Who could they blame without “racism?” Themselves? LOL! These people are evil. They aren’t out to help anyone but themselves.

  7. The last time I went to the shootin’range at least half of the patrons were of a dark complexion. Including my gorgeous chocolate bunny🙄🙂
    To underscore the Leftard idiocy no one gives a rat’s azz…

    • I grew up watching reruns of Star Trek.
      I still have find memories of the Shaka Zulu miniseries.
      One of my guilty pleasures is my collection of Pam Grier movies.

      Unfortunately; we are now confronted with reparations demands that are intended to confiscate everything every White person owns. We will inevitably have a civil war.

  8. Racism in this country is only popular among the folk who make money and obtain power by promoting it. I don’t know any racists. Really. Among my family, friends, and work associates, there are no racists. Well, wait a moment…there is an elderly neighbor, life-long Lehigh Valley Pennsylvania Dutch gal who blames Puerto Ricans for the crime in Allentown. She refuses to believe I am 50% Puerto Rican because I look so ‘white’. OK…so she is a racist…kinda….except that one of her best friends is black…but I am pretty sure I am the only Puerto Rican she know…except that she thinks I am not. Truthfully, she talks some racist talk but she opens her heart to people and would never be anything but kind.

    Obama fueled the fires of racism when all there were left were a few embers.

    OK….OK….I may be Puerto Rican, but I am as white as any gringo. So, can I perceive racism? Will I know when it is happening. Sure I can…I am an undercover agent for the Puerto Rican Anti-Defamation League. Want to see my switch blade?

    • “There is a class of colored people who make a business of keeping the troubles, the wrongs, and the hardships of the Negro race before the public, having learned that they are able to make a living out of their troubles, they have grown into the subtle habit of advertising their wrongs partly because they want sympathy, and partly because it pays. Some of these people do not want the Negro to lose his grievances because they do not want to lose their jobs.”

      Booker T. Washington 1911

    • Is it pearl handled or is that just a Honduran thing? Racism is largely dead outside of the media and left leaning government agencies all that is left are some stereotypes that can be kinda funny if we are honest with ourselves (see actual comedians)

      • “The cops acted stupidly…”

        You will need more than sentence fragments to support your position.

        • MinorLiar,

          If you’re so fucking ignorant that you can’t recall those ACTUAL QUOTES from our second-most racist President ever (Woodrow Wilson still has Black Chicago Jesus beat, but only by a whisker – but, then, like you, they’re BOTH Leftist/fascists). If you’re too ignorant and lazy to remember what “your guy” said, and when he said it, either Google it, or STFU.

        • @LampOfDiogenes, Barry is a bad guy but FDR still had all the other racist and general anti-rights people beat by a mile.

  9. I just came across a fascinating article written in early 2016. Long before Trump won.

    Check it out :

    “Neo-fascist movements do not advance gradually by persuasion; they first transform the terms of the debate, create a new movement based on untrammeled emotion, take over existing institutions, and then ruthlessly exploit events.”

    Does this sound familiar?

    “…they first transform the terms of the debate, create a new movement based on untrammeled emotion…”

    Such as, CRT and ‘anti-racism’.

    “…take over existing institutions,…”

    As in, the American public education system, and the internet mass-news and social media companies.

    What ought to concern you is this :

    The author of the article was predicting what ‘fascist’ Trump would do if elected…

    • Geoff…………….,

      Good point!! Exactly so. They always accuse us of what they are doing.

        • “They always accuse us of what they are doing.”

          A classic Leftist Scum ™ tactic…

    • Bingo. Up jumps the racist trying to separate us. I’ve said it for a long time now. The left does not exist anymore. They were bought and paid for by a bunch of corporate billionaires.

      They are now fascist even though they insist they are not. Just like bundy insisted he wasn’t a killer.

      red wolf is just a typical fascist racist attempting to fragment good people.

    • No, only Leftist/fascist idiots, like you, dacian the demented, and MinorLiar need to brag or virtue signal about how woke you are, and all your black friends. I have friends; I don’t sort them by color, you absolute douchenozzle.

  10. First of all, I don’t care if people are racist. Shocking notion, I know, but people believe all kinds of dumb shit, and I don’t let most of it bother me either. Frankly I find it funny that Westerners are the only ones who make such a big deal about it (I don’t hear any of you crying about the caste system in India, for example).

    However, that being said, this picture is pretty much 100% accurate, and I’m very happy that that is so.

    • IIRC the Hindu caste system is both statutorily illegal and also unconstitutional in India today.

      • And yet still exists, unofficially.

        That gives them cover to perpetuate it… 🙁

    • I’m old enough to remember just a few years ago when “racist jokes” that I heard were mostly making fun of the actual racists.

      That meme of the kid snorting lines that spell out INTERNET is spot the fuck on. Just need another one for TELEVISION. And one for MUSIC…. and MOVIES.

      You get the point.

    • “Frankly I find it funny that Westerners are the only ones who make such a big deal about it (I don’t hear any of you crying about the caste system in India, for example)“

      I’m glad I can help clear this up for you:

      “Feb 21 (Reuters) – Seattle became the first U.S. city to outlaw caste discrimination on Tuesday, after its local council voted to add caste to the city’s anti-discrimination laws.

      The move addresses an issue important to the area’s South Asian diaspora, particularly the Indian and Hindu communities. India’s caste system is among the world’s oldest forms of rigid social stratification.“

  11. It is like this! If they cannot accept me as I am it is their problem.
    I have been to war with my Brothers in arms and we do not judge.
    GOD is my witness.

    • “we do not judge“

      It seems not everyone agrees with your noble sentiment:

      “42% of service members of color in a new survey turned down an assignment or permanent change of station order because of concerns about racism and discrimination, even when they knew doing so could negatively affect their career because of perceptions of racism in the local community.

      The survey, organized by Blue Star Families, found that more than 40% of active-duty family respondents also factored in concerns about racial discrimination or safety when listing their basing preferences.

      The findings were part of the Blue Star Families’ “Social Impact Research 2021: The Diverse Experiences of Military & Veteran Families of Color,” which surveyed 2,731 people, including 622 active-duty spouses, 303 active-duty service members and 306 veterans.“

      • “because of perceptions of racism”
        But not ACTUAL racism. Just the perception. And therein lies the real problem.

        • Yes, the study recorded the perceptions of “622 active-duty spouses, 303 active-duty service members and 306 veterans.“

          Yes, these folks responded with what they had perceived in their environment.

        • MinorLiar,

          Thanks for proving both Julio’s point, and your own stupidity. Perception is not reality (particularly for dumb fucks like you).

  12. “Here’s the thing. Once Black people get guns in this country, the gun laws will change!”

    They actually believe that crap. I’ve seen it in online comment sections numerous times over the years.

    Talk about ‘projection’… 🙂

    • “Once Black people get guns in this country, the gun laws will change!”

      Well you know, that’s exactly what the Republicans did in California:

      “The first major piece of legislation restricting the right to carry a gun was drafted by a conservative Republican, and signed into law in 1967 by Gov. Ronald Reagan.

      The law, AB 1591—better known as the Mulford Act and named for its author, Alameda County Republican Assemblymember Don Mulford—banned the carrying of firearms in public, making it a felony to do so without a government-issued license.

      Prior to Reagan’s giving the law the go-ahead, nothing in California law prevented anyone from carrying a loaded firearm in any public location, as long as the gun was not concealed, and the person carrying it did not point the weapon at another person“

      And the NRA was instrumental in authoring the bill:

      “In 1967, however, the NRA supported the Mulford Act and even contributed notes to guide Mulford in his drafting of the bill.“

      “Not content merely to demonstrate on the Capitol steps, the Panthers “invaded” (as contemporary news accounts put it) the Assembly chamber while the legislature was in session. Once the chamber was cleared of the armed Panthers, it took just four hours for the Assembly Criminal Procedure Committee to take up Mulford’s bill.

      But Mulford, who declared himself “shocked beyond belief” at the “historical invasion,” asked for a slight delay while he amended the bill to make it even tougher, including a provision that made it a felony to carry a loaded firearm into the Capitol—which amazingly, it wasn’t before.”

      • California ‘racial’ politics has always been driven by the liberal left wing of the money in California, no matter if the governor was republican or democrat and who ever was/is in the governors spot at the time simply responds to it or its political doom for them because that liberal left wing of the money in California will use their influence and money to make it impossible for them to be re-elected. And those “liberal left wing of the money in California” have always been racists and even today those who are black and have become part of that “liberal left wing of the money in California” even propose racist ideals to suppress black people from having firearms.

        Then we have the California democrat governors who are clearly left wing liberal and seek to impose further tyranny ideals, like is currently happening in California along with the racist bend to not let black people be armed by specifically addressing black communities with ‘programs’ to ‘discourage’ by constant focus on black people by law enforcement.

        Racism in California politics has always been driven by the liberal left wing in one form or another. Its the same with the rest of the country, the liberal left wing and democrats just hide it better today by using ‘polarizing’ tactics to pit white against black (using mostly MSM), for example, BLM protests were portrayed as ‘peaceful’ by liberal left wing and democrats and MSM while BLM protestors burned and looted and damaged and injured but several white gun owning people (not even armed) trying to peacefully and correctly talk to their state representative were portrayed as ‘extremist white supremacists’ by the liberal left wing and democrats and MSM.

        • “Racism in California politics has always been driven by the liberal left wing“

          The denial of the actual facts of history is always entertaining:

          “The first major piece of legislation restricting the right to carry a gun was drafted by a conservative Republican, and signed into law in 1967 by Gov. Ronald Reagan.
          The law, AB 1591—better known as the Mulford Act and named for its author, Alameda County Republican Assemblymember Don Mulford“

          So your position is that Ronald Reagan and California assemblyman republican Don Mulford were actually liberal left-wing politicians?

          Absolutely fascinating, the cognitive dissonance is striking.

        • @Miner49er

          “denial of the actual facts of history is always entertaining”

          yes, your ignorance and denial denial of the actual facts of history is always entertaining.

        • Thanks for posting that article, it shows how the vast majority of Democrats, including President Joe Biden, are calling on the racists in their own party to resign:

          “LOS ANGELES (AP) — The Los Angeles City Council struggled again Wednesday with a still-unfolding racism scandal that led to the resignation of its former president and left behind a quandary about how to deal with a disgraced member who has resisted calls from President Joe Biden to step down.

          On a 12-2 vote, the council agreed to explore possible additional, punitive steps against censured Councilman Kevin de León“

          So tell me, just when do you think Donald Trump and the vast majority of Republicans are gonna call the racists in their own party to resign?

          Harder Har Har.

        • Julio,

          You obviously don’t “get it” – they can’t hold their Leftist/fascist “coalition” of “oppressed peoples” together if they’re honest. They have to lie to survive. Just look at the way the Dimocrat party has s*** all over Blacks since before the Civil War. They tell Blacks (and others – they pander to ALL “oppressed peoples”) “We CARE about you!!” – and then regularly take a giant dump on them as soon as the election is over.

      • Jeebus, MinorLiar, you’re a fucking broken record with this shit!! NOBODY on this blog supports the Mulford Act, or holds Ronald Reagan up as a champion of 2A rights, you drooling imbecile. Go back to your afternoon circle jerk, and let the adults have a conversation, you Leftist/fascist tw*t.

      • You support your own brand of the mulford act, miner. Required classes and permits to exercise a right.

        At least you’ve come out of the closet and admitted you are all for denying civil rights.

  13. I took a black guy shuteing. Al was his name. He shot my crutch in two, throwed it in the river and split it in half with a 30-30, kapow kapow kapow after we got done laughing, I decided black people should not have gunms.

  14. The heck with racism, but what the heck is it with the beards?

    That’s the question we should be asking.

    The guys about 30 pounds or more over weight, with the long beards that make them look like an Amish ZZ Top wannabe that show up at the range in their cool sun glasses and a sleeveless too short T-shirt and cargo shorts wearing their helmet with NOD’s and plate carrier and battle belts in summer heat of 95 + degrees with a heat index of ~104 degrees thinking they look all cool and tactical as they pretend to strut confidently (they think, to an outside observer it looks like a waddle) and pant from being winded and about to pass out from lugging their stuff from their vehicle 30 feet away to the line talking about they need to train in case SHTF then get all hung up in their too cool rifle sling trying to get their beard out of the rifle chamber because the bolt closed on it.. they are pretty funny to watch sometimes. I guess when they pass out the beard will be a good hand hold to use to drag them off the line so someone else can have a spot.

  15. (not sure why this got caught up in moderation when originally posted, but gonna do it again as a test in case the naughty word was r-a-c-i-s-m)

    The heck with r-a-c-i-s-m, but what the heck is it with the beards?

    That’s the question we should be asking.

    The guys about 30 pounds or more over weight, with the long beards that make them look like an Amish ZZ Top wannabe that show up at the range in their cool sun glasses and a sleeveless too short T-shirt and cargo shorts wearing their helmet with NOD’s and plate carrier and battle belts in summer heat of 95 + degrees with a heat index of ~104 degrees thinking they look all cool and tactical as they pretend to strut confidently (they think, to an outside observer it looks like a waddle) and pant from being winded and about to pass out from lugging their stuff from their vehicle 30 feet away to the line talking about they need to train in case SHTF then get all hung up in their too cool rifle sling trying to get their beard out of the rifle chamber because the bolt closed on it.. they are pretty funny to watch sometimes. I guess when they pass out the beard will be a good hand hold to use to drag them off the line so someone else can have a spot.

    • FYI: the offending phrase is someone
      else. I’ve run into this before. You can post them individually, but not together.

  16. Racism is bad unless it can be used to further an agenda then it’s all “why aren’t you racist, you racist!”

    The same people who burn neighborhoods to the ground because of a racist tweet will be the first ones to highlight the virtues of racism for gun control when it comes to the AWB or the Black Panthers.

    Some consistency would be nice once in a while. There’s a reason Reagan and the NRA don’t have anywhere near the clout they once did and their use of racism to support gun control is a big part of that. The Democrats use of racially charged imagery to scare the suburbs and lily whites into supporting the AWB should have tainted their future endeavors in gun control but apparently not and paired with their racist attack on rap music fueled by Tipper Gore and gang should have gotten them labeled bigots for life but I guess if literally being the party of Klan and holding Byrd, Faubus up as party icons and electing a literal segregationist who demanded black people vote for him won’t get labeled as the racists they are nothing will.

    • It mostly doesn’t matter what they did and are doing because they control the media, and thus the narrative. That’s why they’ve been freaking out over losing control of twitter. The federal government was literally paying twitter, and telling them who to censor. That isn’t just unethical, it’s illegal. Without their lies and narrative control, what do they have?

      • “The federal government was literally paying twitter, and telling them who to censor.“

        Who did the government tell Twitter to censor?

        Oh, wait a minute, I found it:

        “When the White House called up Twitter in the early morning hours of September 9, 2019, officials had what they believed was a serious issue to report: Famous model Chrissy Teigen had just called President Donald Trump “a pussy ass bitch” on Twitter — and the White House wanted the tweet to come down.

        That exchange — revealed during Wednesday’s House Oversight Committee hearing on Twitter by Rep. Gerry Connolly — and others like it are nowhere to be found in Elon Musk’s “Twitter Files” releases, which have focused almost exclusively on requests from Democrats and the feds to the social media company.”

        • Who? Anyone discussing the Hunter Biden laptop story. That’s known as literal election interference, as opposed to the faux election interference they lied about for years. Did you just decide to venture out of the cave you’ve been living in? Do you find it troubling that the IC interfered in the 2016, 2018, & 2020 national elections? Morality, legality, and ethics don’t matter as long as it’s your team doing it, right?

        • Your comment must have disappeared because you edited it.

          “nowhere to be found in Elon Musk’s “Twitter Files” releases”

          Could it be that twitter did not in fact suppress/delete that particular tweet as requested? It was only about name calling. Is that supposed to be a national scandal? LOL! Now do 2020 election interference and the suppression of journalists with information that would have altered the election. Just keep disparately clinging to Orange Man Bad. That’s all you ever seem to have.

        • House Democrat staffers wanted Twitter to censor more, arguing the “First Amendment isn’t absolute,” according to internal Twitter emails released by Twitter CEO Elon Musk via Matt Taibbi on Friday evening.

          There is also an article on the payments democrats made to Twitter through the FBI to have Republicans censored on Twitter.

          can’t find the link right now though, but its in the files from Twitter that musk released and ironically enough the democrat party tried to supress that release also.

      • Miner, your reply to me disappeared as I was just replying to your reply.

        At a minimum, the Intelligence Community (and DOJ in 2016 & 2018) interfered in the 2016, 2018, & 2020 national elections. People were freaking out over the election interference lie they pushed. People forget that Dems took the House in 2018 based on the fever pitch high Russia Collusion Hoax. Why aren’t you guys freaking out over: 1) the lies from the IC, and 2) election interference coming from them? It makes it look like you’re either fine with illegal, unethical, and immoral government behavior as long as it helps your team, OR it looks like you guys are ignorant sheep that jump when the media says jump.

        • “The federal government was literally paying twitter, and telling them who to censor.“

          I’m still looking for your specific response, when did the government tell Twitter to censor and who did they censor?

          Other than when the Trump administration demanded Twitter censor private citizens Twitter posts as I noted.

        • Asked and answered, Miner. I replied above:
          “Who? Anyone discussing the Hunter Biden laptop story.”

          You mentioned the twitter files. Read them all yourself instead of getting filtered information from your trusty news media.

        • You mean when Donald Trump Junior met with the Russians at Trump Tower during the presidential campaign?

          “On 3 June 2016, at 10:36, Rob Goldstone (publicist) wrote:
          Good morning
          Emin (Agalarov, Azerbaijani businessman and singer-songwriter) just called and asked me to contact you with something very interesting.

          The Crown prosecutor of Russia met with his father Aras (Agalarov, Azerbaijani-Russian businessman and public figure) this morning and in their meeting offered to provide the Trump campaign with some official documents and information that would incriminate Hillary and her dealings with Russia and be very useful to your father.
          Emin Agalarov, Donald Trump and Aras Agalarov attend the Miss Universe Pageant 2013 in Moscow, Russia
          Image caption,
          Left to right: Emin Agalarov, Donald Trump and Aras Agalarov pictured together at the Miss Universe Pageant 2013 in Moscow
          This is obviously very high level and sensitive information but is part of Russia and its government’s support for Mr Trump – helped along by Aras and Emin.
          What do you think is the best way to handle this information and would you be able to speak to Emin about it directly?

          I can also send this info to your father via Rhona, but it is ultra sensitive so wanted to send to you first.
          Rob Goldstone
          On 3 June 2016, at 10:53, Donald Trump Jr wrote:
          Thanks Rob I appreciate that,. I am on the road at the moment but perhaps I just speak to Emin first. Seems we have some time and if it’s what you say I love it especially later in the summers. Could we do a call first thing next week when I am back?

          Nope, no Russian interference in the election campaigns, nope nothing here.

          “Ms Veselnitskaya was married to a former deputy transportation minister of the Moscow region, the New York Times says. Her clients included state-owned companies and a senior government official’s son, whose company was under investigation in the US when the meeting took place.
          Her work and connections had drawn the FBI’s attention, an unnamed former senior law enforcement official was quoted by the Times as saying.“

          “Aras Agalarov, billionaire
          Often called the “Donald Trump of Russia”, with an estimated fortune of about $1.9bn (£1.4bn), according to Forbes.
          Born in Baku, Azerbaijan, he is the owner of Crocus Group, a major Russian property development company, and was Mr Trump’s business partner in taking the Miss Universe competition to Moscow in 2013.“

        • MinorLiar,

          Go suck-start a shotgun, you lying, pathetic, partisan @$$clown. MANY government bureaucrats, including your beloved fascist elf, Tony Fauci and his crew of lying health-fascists, “lobbied” social media companies to suppress anti-vaccine stories, anti-mask stories, Hunter Biden laptop stories, etc., and it’s all laid out in the Twitter files, so I’m having problems figuring out whether you are just a pathetic liar of a partisan propagandist, or a complete ignoranus, too lazy to actually do any research (perhaps I should embrace the healing power of “and”).

          Even dacian the demented is more entertaining than you – his spittle-flecked rants about “Capitalvania” are occasionally amusing in their unhinged lunacy. You’re just boring. And stupid. And uneducated. And a one-trick pony. And a liar. And a partisan propagandist. And a Leftist/fascist. Do us all a favor, and go away. You won’t be missed.

        • “Who? Anyone discussing the Hunter Biden laptop story.”

          Again I ask, who specifically did the government attempt to censor on Twitter and when did this occur?

          It’s strange, it’s almost as if you are ducking the question.

        • Endlessly feeding the (likely) paid troll is silly. Especially from yesterdays meme🙄

        • You’re still desperately clinging to the Russian Collusion Hoax! Why am I not surprised? That is beyond sad. The media made a bunch of noise and lies about Russia so ignorant sheep that didn’t read much beyond the headlines would be fooled. They said jump and you jumped. You never got the message to stop jumping after the lie came crashing down when Mueller presented his report years ago.

          Why aren’t you showing me these “official documents and information that would incriminate Hillary and her dealings with Russia and be very useful to your father?”

          Let’s see them Miner. You’re making the claim. Let’s see the interference. This should be interesting.

        • “Again I ask, who specifically did the government attempt to censor on Twitter and when did this occur?

          It’s strange, it’s almost as if you are ducking the question.”

          I know you guys get extra points for being disabled, but impersonating a retarded person is not cool, Miner. Asked and answered multiple times. If you want a specific example of an entity being censored, then that would be the New York Post.

          Go read the twitter files. All of them. They aren’t that long. I learned a long time ago that most news agencies just filter the actual news. You can use the internet to go directly to the source instead of relying on the propagandist media. You should try that sometime. That’s the extent of me holding your hand today. Someday, you’re going to have to figure this stuff out for yourself.

        • “I’m having problems figuring out whether you are just a pathetic liar”

          When he runs out of copy and paste replies, he tries to distract you by begging for endless source proof. I’d be embarrassed to be such a disingenuous person. Miner is the antithesis of a decent human being. It’s sad, really. I give him multiple chances to come around. Crazier things have happened.

        • “Why aren’t you showing me these “official documents and information“

          Dude, I’m not the Russian operatives that the Trump family met with at Trump Tower.

          You don’t think Russians meeting with the Trump family offering political help to the campaign is exactly the definition of Russian collusion?

          OK, how about President Trump‘s campaign manager’s connections and assistance to the Russians?

          “Paul Manafort was ‘a grave counterintelligence threat,’ Republican-led Senate panel finds
          Kristine Phillips
          Kevin Johnson
          USA TODAY

          WASHINGTON – Paul Manafort’s role as chairman of the Trump campaign, his longstanding ties to people affiliated with Russian intelligence services and his willingness to share information with them “represented a grave counterintelligence threat” during the 2016 presidential race, according to a new report from the Senate Intelligence Committee.

          “The Committee found that Manafort’s presence on the Campaign and proximity to Trump created opportunities for Russian intelligence services to exert influence over, and acquire confidential information on, the Trump campaign,” according to the nearly 1,000-page report released Tuesday.“

        • “If you want a specific example of an entity being censored, then that would be the New York Post.“

          I’m sorry, I can’t find any specific reference where is the government ever censored Twitter. And now you’re suggesting that the government is censoring the New York post, but you offer zero evidence to support your claims.

          When I make a claim, I provide specific quotes and a reference to the actual information.

          That’s why I copy and paste, because the facts of history don’t change.

          You folks can’t copy and paste, because you’re just making shit up as you go.

          Y’all sound like a five-year-old caught with their hand in the cookie jar.

        • “When I make a claim, I provide specific quotes and a reference to the actual information.”

          Oh really? Where’s the actual information then?

          “Dude, I’m not the Russian operatives that the Trump family met with at Trump Tower.”

          In other words you don’t have it because it never existed. I’m not debating the Russia Hoax again. We did this years ago when it was relevant. Grow up and move on. Stop trying to distract from your crazy posts by changing the subject. The REAL collusion and interference came from the DOJ, the IC, and the media. You’re only interested in shallow partisan fights because you’re a shallow partisan.

        • “he tries to distract you by begging for endless source proof”

          Yes, that’s me, “distracting” you by asking for actual “proof” of your claims.

          You guys can’t bring me down with your endless bullshit, I’m actually celebrating because this week celebrates the 1000th arrest for the January 6 attempted insurrection.

          Hoo fuckin’ RAH!

          And the icing on the cake is the arrest of Brandon the Spider-Nazi, Good times!

        • “In other words you don’t have it because it never existed“

          Wait a minute, you’re saying the Trump family did not meet with Russian operatives at Trump tower?

          That’s just a bald-faced lie, Donald Trump Junior himself released his own emails showing the planning, scheduling and agenda of his and Jared’s meeting with the Russian operatives.

          What, did you expect them to provide you with whatever information they exchanged? Really, are you that daft? Don’t you understand how this collusion game works, you’re not supposed to tell anybody. I’m beginning to see why the attempted coup failed so miserably, it’s a bunch of ham handed amateurs.

        • Get over yourself. You look like a fool continuing to cling to this non-story years later. The meeting setup was a bait and switch, Miner. This is old news. People lobby candidates. They didn’t present any damning information, like you said. It was a Russian lawyer lobbying the Trump campaign team. She lied to get the meeting. Where’s the collusion? She also met with Fusion GPS around the same time. Do you know who they are? Hint: there’s your collusion.

          And now you’re carrying on about Jan 6. Good grief. You celebrated LOL? You’re like a caricature of a loony leftist.

        • “You celebrated LOL?“

          You bet I celebrate the hundreds of arrests of the domestic terrorists who attacked the United States Capitol during a joint session of congress certifying our constitutionally mandated presidential election.

          “They didn’t present any damning information, like you said“

          I never said they presented damaging information, I don’t know what information was exchanged and neither do you.

          A conspiracy does not have to be successful to still be an unlawful conspiracy, the very fact that the Trump family took the meeting with what they knew to be Russian operatives representing the Russian government is proof of their treason.

          Even the Republican controlled Senate intelligence committee has acknowledged the close communications between the Trump presidential campaign and the Russians, you just ignore the facts:

          “The Committee found that Manafort’s presence on the Campaign and proximity to Trump created opportunities for Russian intelligence services to exert influence over, and acquire confidential information on, the Trump campaign,” according to the nearly 1,000-page report released Tuesday.“

        • From your own posted source:

          “although there was no evidence of a conspiracy with the Kremlin.”

          But there could have been! Yeah let’s go with that! It could have happened! We’ll never know! I can’t believe people like you are still desperately clinging to this tale. Sad! Orange Man Bad…Russia…January 6…QAnon…Orange Man Bad…

          Meanwhile, out in the real world…we have some serious problems.

        • “But there could have been!”

          This is too easy. Dude, the article about the Republican controlled Senate intelligence agency is from 2020, almost 3 years ago. Of course, we have developed new information that shows the direct connections:

          “U.S. has new intel that Manafort friend Kilimnik gave Trump campaign data to Russia
          Paul Manafort was chair of the Trump campaign for part of 2016. Kilimnik had worked for him in Ukraine. U.S. officials say Kilimnik is a Russian spy.

          Image: Trump, Manafort
          Donald Trump, flanked by campaign manager Paul Manafort and daughter Ivanka, checks the podium in preparation for accepting the GOP nomination in Cleveland on July 20, 2016.Bill Clark / CQ-Roll Call, file
          SHARE THIS —
          April 16, 2021, 7:38 PM EDT
          By Tom Winter and Monica Alba
          The U.S. intelligence community has developed new information about Konstantin Kilimnik, whom they call a Russian spy, that leads them to believe the associate of ex-Trump campaign chair Paul Manafort passed internal Trump campaign polling and strategy information to Russian intelligence services, two U.S. officials say.

          On Thursday the U.S. Treasury sanctioned Kilimnik and for the first time said he passed along the data to Russian intelligence services.

          That new detail, part of a factsheet released by Treasury, was not included in the 2019 report by special counsel Robert Mueller, who was tasked with investigating Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election.“

          “On numerous occasions over the course of his time on the Trump Campaign, Manafort sought to secretly share internal Campaign information with Kilimnik,” the committee wrote.”

        • And who could forget Donald Trump’s National Security Advisor General Michael Flynn and his treasonous connections to Vladimir Putin:

          “Guess Who Came to Dinner With Flynn and Putin
          NBC News reviewed video and photos from a 2015 Moscow gala that Mike Flynn was paid $45,000 to attend to see who else was in the room.

          The head table of a gala celebrating the tenth anniversary of Russia Today in December of 2015 included Russian President Vladimir Putin and American retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn.
          The head table of a gala celebrating the tenth anniversary of Russia Today in December of 2015 included Russian President Vladimir Putin and American retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn.Mikhail Klimentyev / Sputnik, Kremlin Pool Photo via AP, file
          SHARE THIS —
          April 18, 2017, 9:39 AM EDT / Updated April 18, 2017, 9:39 AM EDT
          By Robert Windrem
          It was a (red) star-studded affair, the December 2015 dinner celebrating the 10th birthday of Russian TV network RT. At a luxe Moscow hotel, President Vladimir Putin and a host of Russian luminaries toasted a state-backed news channel that U.S. intelligence calls a Kremlin mouthpiece.

          And next to Putin at the head table, in the seat of honor, was an American. Retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, who would later become Donald Trump’s national security adviser, was already advising Trump’s presidential campaign when he was paid $45,000 to speak at the gala.“

          Nope, no Russian collusion there, Vlad just likes him some Michael Flynn so he passed him $45,000 for shits and grins, right dude?

          This is truly hilarious. And I bet you consider yourself a ‘patriot’.

        • MinorLiar,

          Go Google “NY Post Hunter Biden story”, you complete, lying fucktard.

          You have literally become too stupid to insult. You have become a caricature of an actual thinking person. Somehow, the poison of your Leftist/fascist philosophy has damaged your already-fragile-and-damaged mind, because LITERALLY the only thing you post, anymore, is bullshit “articles” from Left-wing sources, about how evil Republicans are. You need to either leave, or find an actual, original thought (or, in your case, more likely pay someone else for it). Your unassailable stupidity, combined with your absolute lack of self-awareness, has made you even more boring than dacian the demented. You contribute NOTHING to this forum; your presence would NOT be missed.

        • At least the United States Army knew what to do with Flynn:

          “Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, who served as President Donald Trump’s first national security advisor, has been fined by the US Army for attending a 2015 gala in Moscow to celebrate the 10th anniversary of Russian state news network Russia Today.

          The Washington Post reported on Friday that the Army informed Flynn on May 2 that it is seeking to recoup $38,557.06 for his attendance at the gala, accounting for both financial payments and in-kind compensation.

          The Army also determined that Flynn had violated the Emoluments Clause of the US Constitution, which forbids members of the military from accepting payments from foreign governments without prior authorization.”

          And even after this, Donald Trump placed him at the highest levels within his campaign and administration.
          Of course, you know Vlad wanted his own man on the team to govern the United States.

        • MinorLiar,

          They didn’t “attempt” to censor people; they SUCCESSFULLY censored people, you absolute @$$clown. You can pretend all you want that the social media outlets didn’t BLOCK ANY MENTION of the NY Post story, but the rest of us saw it.

          But, then, you’re just a lying Leftist/fascist liar who lies. You know DAMN WELL that the government suppressed news it didn’t like – but when it was YOUR guys doing it, you were aces with that. But you’re all over any report of anyone in the Trump administration who attempted anything similar.

          An INTELLIGENT person might actually recognize that the behavior was wrong no matter WHO did it . . . ah, but that would be the problem, in your case.

          At least TRY to be consistent, you fucking retard.

        • Wow Miner, go back and look at this thread. As soon as I debunk your silly BS, you just change the subject to something else. I followed the Russia Collusion Hoax story from the beginning. I’m familiar with it. You’re just searching out retreads (and some old stories from 2015) of the same nonsense. You’re searching out for anything that confirms your bias. That’s why you’re so easily manipulated by the media. You don’t bother to read the fine print, or think any of this through. I’m reading through the two links of your newest stories from 8/18/20 (The Hill) and 4/16/21 (NBC).

          Per your link from The Hill:
          The report floats that Kilimnik may have been linked to the 2016 hack of Democratic National Committee emails, though much of the intelligence that is based on is redacted from the report. The Senate committee also noted that “two pieces of information raise the possibility” of Manafort’s potential connection to the “hack-and-leak operations,” though the information is redacted.

          Manafort’s involvement with the GRU hack-and-leak operation is largely unknown. Kilimnik was in sustained contact with Manafort before, during, and after the GRU cyber and influence operations, but the Committee did not obtain reliable, direct evidence that Kilimnik and Manafort discussed the GRU hack-and-leak operation,” the committee wrote.

          The committee noted that it had “obtained some information” suggesting Kilimnik might have been connected to the hacking and that “information suggests that a channel for coordination on the GRU hack … operation may have existed through Kilimnik,” but they have “limited insight” into his communications.

          Wow! What a smoking gun you have discovered from the get Trump coalition! Lots of possibles, maybes, and unknowns. Thanks for playing (and being played like a fiddle)!

          Per your link from NBC:
          A bipartisan report by the Senate Intelligence Committee in 2020 said coordination between the Trump campaign and a Russian operation to hack and leak Democratic emails may have existed through Kilimnik but could not be established with certainty. The report drew no conclusions about what the Russians ultimately did with the data.

          They’re still trying to blame the embarrassing DNC email hack on the Russians, and you’re buying what they’re selling! They never came close to proving that Russia even hacked the emails! They never let federal investigators near their servers. They had a private company make up the report. That’s like me blaming you for a murder after hiring my buddy to do the investigation, and not letting the police anywhere near the crime scene. How would that hold up in court? What a joke. And you buy every bit of it! You’re a fool. Crowdstrike admitted under oath that they had ZERO proof of Russia hacking the DNC! This is old news. You should come out of your cave more often. You might learn something.

          CrowdStrike, the private cyber-security firm that first accused Russia of hacking Democratic Party emails and served as a critical source for U.S. intelligence officials in the years-long Trump-Russia probe, acknowledged to Congress more than two years ago that it had no concrete evidence that Russian hackers stole emails from the Democratic National Committee’s server.

          The CrowdStrike admissions were released just two months after the Justice Department retreated from its its other central claim that Russia meddled in the 2016 election when it dropped charges against Russian troll farms it said had been trying to get Trump elected.

          Okay, that’s it. I’m done with this thread. Back to the real world.

        • “I’m sorry, I can’t find any specific reference where is the government ever censored Twitter.”

          Fine miner,
          You win. Twitter self censored on the FBI’s behalf. Happy now? Word game winner?

        • Damn miner I usually need to check something spicy on the chans to find this much pilpul and misdirection. You have outdone yourself with pushing the agenda…… hope you are getting paid as you are doing better than the feds at this point. Not to say anyone is buying what you are selling but it is better presented

        • MinorLiar,

          You make this s*** too easy.

          ““U.S. has new intel that Manafort friend Kilimnik gave TRUMP CAMPAIGN DATA to Russia
          Paul Manafort was chair of the Trump campaign for part of 2016. Kilimnik had worked for him in Ukraine. U.S. OFFICIALS say Kilimnik is a Russian spy.”

          Since when is internal campaign data a ‘state secret’, you Leftist/fascist idiot??? “U.S. officials say”????? WHICH U.S. Officials, PRECISELY, said that??? What, EXACTLY, did they say???? This is basically the old ‘anonymous sources’ scam, write large.

          But even your bullshit claim about “giving information” to alleged Russian spies is nonsense – a campaign, ANY campaign, can and frequently does provide internal campaign information to news outlets, pollsters, and, yes, foreign governments. News flash, retard – internal campaign information is PRIVATE FUCKING PROPERTY, you @$$clown. Ah, but I forget, you’re against the concept of private property, like all good Leftist/fascists.

          As for your claim about “reliable sources”, that is just laughable. The fucking NY TIMES, FFS?????? Ever heard of Walter Duranty?? How about Jayson Blair??? And in this very thread, you cited, as a NEWS source, The Rolling Stone. AYFKMRN????? Duke Lacrosse story ring a bell in that empty head???? You’ve also frequently cited CNN and USA Today. Funny, I remember back when y’all Leftist liars used to make fun of USA Today – compared it to the Enquirer and similar. As for CNN, well . . . ’nuff said. WaPo??? Yeah, like that outfit doesn’t lie on the daily.

          You refer to the Hunter laptop story as ‘implausible’ – in what universe is it “implausible” that a crackhead whoremonger, who never had a legitimate job in his worthless life, dropping off a laptop for repair and forgetting to pick it up??? Other than your wishcasting, do you have any actual evidence that the story is not true??? You beloved NY Times had acknowledged that the laptop is authentic.

          Dude has already picked apart most of your bullshit claims of “Russian collusion”, so I don’t even need to go there.

          You remain, as always, a pathetic @$$clown, a lying partisan propagandist, and a Leftist/fascist lying liar who lies. You THINK you are clever (Narrator: “He is NOT clever; he’s a transparent fucktard.”), but EVERYONE can see through your bullshit. Unnamed sources saying they “believe” Trump’s campaign gave PRIVATE information to ALLEGED Soviet spies is damning evidence, but an actual videotape of Joe Biden threatening to withhold U.S. taxpayer money from Ukraine to kill an investigation into his son’s shady business dealings is just a conspiracy theory, amirite??

          Go fornicate yourself, you lying liar who lies.

  17. miner is certainly working hard at earning his 30 pieces of silver today. I guess being a teachers aide at MU doesn’t pay enough.

    • “teachers aide at MU”

      Don’t colleges have professors rather than teachers, and I never knew professors had aides.

      Isn’t that what they call a grad assistant?

      I wouldn’t know, I’ve never been an employee of Marshall University, I don’t even have a college degree.

      Remember, I live up a holler, the only PhD we have here is a post hole digger.

      But I am thankful that I am on this list and have the opportunity to provide accurate information for you folks.


        “We now have financial records showing Biden family members receiving money from CCP connected individuals.

        I will continue to follow the Biden money trail & the facts.”

        (note: CCP = Chinese Communist Party)


        House Republicans win access to Biden’s foreign banking documents >


        • So what if a private member of the Biden family does business with China, as does Trump and his sweetheart Ivanka:

          “Ivanka’s Trademark Requests Were Fast-Tracked In China After Trump Was Elected
          Tommy Beer
          Former Staff
          Sep 22, 2020,02:59pm EDT
          This article is more than 2 years old.
          Updated Apr 14, 2022, 02:05pm EDT

          The Chinese government granted a total of 41 trademarks to companies linked to Ivanka Trump by April of 2019—and the trademarks she applied for after her father became president got approved about 40% faster than those she requested before Donald Trump’s victory in the 2016 election, according to a new book by Forbes’ senior editor Dan Alexander.“

          The difference is when a serving member of the US government, say a cabinet secretary named Elaine Chao, has direct ties with the CCP and her husband, let’s say he’s a United States senator, engineer multimillion dollar ‘loans’ from the US government directly to their CCP connected company:

          “That’s likely because Chao and her family are well-connected in communist China thanks to her father’s company. Foremost is technically based out of New York but largely operates out of China, where at least 70 percent of its freight, mostly industrial, is delivered. Not only are a majority of Foremost’s ships built in state-owned shipyards, but some are even financed by the Chinese Communist Party. They are then used to deliver cargo outlined in contracts with the communist government, which has clearly stated goals to rapidly expand its industries to compete with the U.S.

          Foremost and the Chao family have benefitted from loans estimated to be between $350,000 and $1 million from the U.S. government and loans from Chinese banks known by the Trump administration as threats. Again, this is a company owned by the father-in-law of America’s top congressional Republican and the father of the former transportation secretary. Not only do Chao’s father and sister Angela Chao still share leadership over Foremost, but the pair also once sat on the board of an offshoot of the CSSP together.”

          You don’t seem too upset about these direct connections between the CCP and the Republicans, Elaine Chao was in the George W. Bush cabinet as well as Donald Trump’s cabinet.
          The Chinese communist party, just like Vlad, want to make sure they have their handler on the team to govern the United States of America.

      • Miner49er, when you get around to doing that without an agenda and confirmation bias let us know.

        • “You are such a liar“

          But that’s the beauty of using reliable sources, actual text from articles and reports as well as verifiable links.

          It wasn’t me, it was the Republican-controlled Senate intelligence Committee that identified Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort as a significant risk and yes, they redacted much from the report because, unlike them you don’t have the necessary TS/SCI clearance to see the information because it may reveal sources/methods beyond your paygrade.

          And you have no response whatsoever about traitor Michael Flynn, the $45K was just the tip of the iceberg, why would Trump put an American general on Putin’s payroll in his most senior United States intelligence office?
          Was he incompetent or complicit?

          And the most senior congressional Republican has been quite literally sleeping with the Chinese communists for decades, receiving millions in compensation for his efforts on the behalf of the CCP.

          And that’s not my claim, it’s from the investigative reporting by The Federalist:

          And all you have is Hunter Biden‘s laptop bullshit, nothing of substance, no chain of custody, wildly implausible story. Why hasn’t Sean Hannity and Tucker Carlson revealed their hard drives with all of the emails?

          Because it’s all vaporware bullshit.

          And again, that’s the beauty of it. I don’t make claims, I merely report on the findings from your own Republican senators and your own right wing media.

        • Live up a holler with no degree. If you’re so obviously a liar and a troll how do you expect any credibility? You don’t. Paid trolls get paid for trolling.

          We get it. Trump bad. Gop bad. dems are saints and do no wrong.

          Fascinating. I hope you’re being paid well for your part in the break up of America.

        • “nothing of substance, no chain of custody, wildly implausible story”

          So now it’s you against the NYT and CBS News, huh? You’re a little behind on your propaganda. They finally had to admit it’s real after two years of pretending it’s fake. But hey, you still believe the Russia Collusion Hoax and the secure border lies. You’d never catch on to the boy who cried wolf because you want to believe in the wolf.

          Copy of Hunter Biden laptop data appears genuine, independent experts find

          The New York Times has finally admitted to the authenticity of Hunter Biden’s laptop and the data contained within the device.

        • jethro,

          If you read his half-assed reply to you, you will see that we have CLEARLY gotten under MinorLiar’s skin. He deems the Hunter laptop story to be “And all you have is Hunter Biden‘s laptop bullshit, nothing of substance, no chain of custody, wildly implausible story.”

          It’s “implausible” to believe that a fucking crackhead whoremonger demented idiot (who is also the SON of a demented idiot) dropped off his laptop to be repaired and forgot to pick it up????? For a guy who posts like a crackhead, MinorLiar apparently hasn’t been around many. As many pointed out, even the NY Times (not exactly a “reliable source”) has now admitted the Hunter laptop is authentic.

          All he has is his lie, and he’s gonna ride that pony ’til it’s dead, then beat it for a while.

        • LampOfDiogenes,

          That’s a plausible theory for a troubled druggie. Here’s an alternate theory: He left it on purpose. It was a cry for help. He had mentioned in his emails and texts that he was tired of being used by his dad.

      • You do actually provide very accurate information if one starts with the assumption that it is at best disingenuous and more typically presented in the opposite of what it really is. Anything you dismiss is typically worth a second look and most of anything you ascribe importance to is often fake to varying degrees. It really does make navigation of fake news easier to have a compass even if it points south.

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