Have a great and safe weekend, y’all!



  1. I can appreciate the intended humor. However, for me it’s not really funny. I had to shoot a good dog (all dogs are good dogs, there are only bad owners) in the line of duty. The owner turned him out on me. I’d have rather shot the owner. He had named the dog “Jihad.” Nice.

  2. How embarrassed that dog must be. This could cause permanent psychological damage to his ego.

  3. Hadn’t realized just how widespread the bird flu epidemic has become…. appears to be a very serious case of it.

  4. As the Firearms Policy Coalition (FPC) says, “Save the dogs, abolish the BATF!”
    Sadly, the BATF seems to be trained to always shoot the family dog first, ask questions later. Even if they’re just coming to your house for a friendly chat, they’ll shoot your dog first before talking to you. It’s an agency of dog-haters, dog-killing dog-haters.

  5. F-Troop is so dumb they will assume it’s a “BIRD DOG” and shoot it ANYWAY…

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