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I mean…I’m on board.


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  1. Where’s Hunter, this is right up his alley. And if they’re Russian that icing on top.

      • “Progressive men want the bikini and the drugs.”

        Perhaps, but they want the bikini to wear, not for what’s in the one shown…

        • S­t­a­r­t w­o­r­k­i­n­g f­r­o­m h­o­m­e! G­r­e­a­t w­o­r­k f­o­r-E­v­er, ­S­t­a­y a­t H­o­m­e M­o­m­s O­R a­n­y­o­n­e n­e­e­d­s­ a­n e­x­t­r­a i­n­c­o­m­e. G­e­t s­t­a­r­t­e­d. Y­o­u o­n­l­y n­e­e­d­ a zgh computer a­n­d a reliable c­o­m­p­u­t­e­r c­o­n­n­e­c­t­i­o­n­ s­o d­o­n’t g­e­t l­a­t­e

    • And if you died trying, you’ll have a massive grin on your face… 🙂

      • Looks like my first wife. My baby mama. Easy to look at but crazier than a sh#thouse rat. Wound up being a single dad. Learned that beauty isn’t the only important thing.

        We were all young and stupid once.

        • “Easy to look at but crazier than a sh#thouse rat. Wound up being a single dad. Learned that beauty isn’t the only important thing.”

          “Beauty is skin deep. But ugly, is to the *bone*…”

          – Redd Foxx

  2. Not really, you can’t leave her with your NFA ‘toys’ with all those qualifying felonies…

  3. Years ago yes. Girls are soft, pretty and they smell good. They are also a pain in the ass and WAY too expensive. Like a good friend of mine said, “I don’t care how good looking she is. Somebody, somewhere, is tired of her shit!”

    • I got the one that was designed for me. She might not have the same body as in the picture, but she is mine, I can put up with her shit as long as she can put up with mine.
      Dream on, you A-holes.
      While she is expensive, she can live on a budget, as a matter of fact, she knows what the budget is and keeps to it better than I could. We have a roof over our head, 4 generations in our home.
      Some might not be impressed, but in these days of seniors, homeless on the streets, I’ll take it. If it does get too bad, the equity in our home could purchase a double wide on an acre of land an hour away and still have a bunch o’ money to keep us going.

      • said very well. I’m a retired widower after 43 years of marriage. Yeah we had our issues but raised 7 kids and a half dozen great grand kids are growing up across the country..

      • Been with Mrs Haz for the better part of four decades now, since high school way back when. She never was like Picture #1 above, and there were times in our early years I wish she had been, but as time passed and I saw nearly every relationship my friends and relatives had with “hawt” girls fall apart due to the lack of deep connections, I realized I’m married to my best friend, and better for it.

        And somehow, over those same years, Mrs Haz turned into a hottie for me. Who woulda thunked it?

  4. I’ll quote another friend of mine. “You don’t pay for the sex. You pay them to leave.” No I’m no a misogynist. Just a realist.

    • at least with pros you know the price up front,
      girlfriends/wives not so much but you find out.
      oh boy do you find out

  5. I’m more inclined toward door number one, I already have everything I would want from number two without the baggage… She’s a no-go unless your name is Clyde Barrow or Hunter Bribem…

  6. So wemon think men want a string bikini but what they really want is the bounty on the wanted person

  7. One thing for the young men to remember: she won’t always look the way she does now, look at her momma cause odds are that is how your girlfriend will look in another twenty-five years or so.

    • “look at her momma cause odds are that is how your girlfriend will look in another twenty-five years or so.”

      More true than many realize. One of my buddies ended up with one that eventually had serious health issues due to weight.

      Look carefully at the family history, guys…

  8. My wife looks BETTER to me after 34 years. Me not so much. Literally the best woman on earth🙄

  9. 304 #1 will take your money.

    304 #2 will help an attorney take your money and the government to take your years.

    Remember the old saying: “If it flys, floats or f___ks it’s cheaper to rent than to own it.”.

    • I clearly remember the day I first heard that saying, over twenty years ago. I was at work, and a contractor doing some work there was taking a break to chat. He was a classic Persian, and talking about some hottie hooker he had rented earlier in the week. He then selected me out of the small group of employees listening to him brag, looked me in the eyes as if dispensing a valuable gem of wisdom, and said “remember, if it flies, drives, or f**ks, it’s always better to rent…don’t ever marry”.

      I looked at him and – without skipping a beat – smiled and said “today’s my wedding anniversary”.

      He froze. That was the end of the conversation. I walked away and went back to work, and that evening took Mrs Haz out to dinner for our anniversary. Two decades later, I’ll be Mr. Braggy Persian missed out on living a life well spent with a good woman.

  10. Data is coming out for 2022 in various studies and research, and in the aggregate (all sources, including, for example, research studies, police and FBI stats, and state level reporting):

    *** In 2022, 7,508 pedestrians (e.g. people on foot walking or running, bicycle, standing along road ways, etc…) waiting were killed (directly) in traffic crashes. ~68,000 were injured (ranging from serious life threatening to minor). Compared to the number of law abiding gun possessing citizens carrying a firearm a ‘pedestrian’ (person) is more than 1,800 times safer from harm around an ordinary law abiding gun possessing citizen carrying a firearm than they are near a road/street with vehicle traffic.

    Other data…

    *** In 2022, nationwide, overall, there were over 5.8 million reported (to police) instances of legal defensive gun use (including brandishing) by law abiding gun possessing citizens against violent attacks. Less than 3% of the defenders fired shots. (includes home invasion and domestic violence and sexually based and stalking)

    *** In 2022, nationwide, 98.7 % of violent crime victims (not including sexual, stalking, or domestic violence offenses) armed with a firearm and employing DGU escaped harm by use of DGU.

    *** In 2022, nationwide, 97 % of violent crime victims (not including sexual, stalking, or domestic violence offenses) not armed with a firearm were seriously harmed (some killed).

    *** In 2022, nationwide, 97% of sexually/stalking/domestic-violence based violent crime victims not armed with a firearm were seriously harmed (some killed).

    *** In 2022, nationwide, 98.9 % of sexually/stalking/domestic-violence based violent crime victims armed with a firearm and employing DGU at the beginning of the attack escaped harm.

    *** In 2022, nationwide, 93.6% of violent crime armed robbery victims not armed with a firearm were seriously harmed (some killed) even tough they complied with the robbers demands. (In 23% of these these female victims were also raped)

    *** In 2022, nationwide, 63.4% of violent crime victims (not possessing firearms) were saved from serious or further harm by an interceding ordinary law abiding gun possessing citizen carrying a firearm and employing DGU (including brandishing). Less then 1% actually fired shots in those cases, brandishing was enough to stop the attack and repel the criminal attacker(s) before shots were fired by the defender. (this is third party defense).

    • Correction for : “*** In 2022, 7,508 pedestrians (e.g. people on foot walking or running, bicycle, standing along road ways, etc…) waiting were killed (directly) in traffic crashes.”

      should have been…

      *** In 2022, 7,508 pedestrians (e.g. people on foot walking or running, bicycle, standing along road ways, waiting for a ride, etc…) were killed (directly) in traffic crashes.

    • To add:

      *** In 2022, nationwide, less than 12% of criminals used a firearm for their violence. The weapons used primarily were knife or blunt object or hand/feet.

      *** In 2022, nationwide, over 80% of criminal violence attacks were carried out by a group of 3 or more.

      • Note for “…less than 12% of criminals used a firearm for their violence.”

        Nationwide, this has been a fairly constant number for about 50 years. It has varied some though, for example, in 1983 it was about 14% and in the 1994 – 2004 time frame it rose to 15 % then dropped back to less than 12% and has remained less then 12% since then.

    • I’d love to see the sources of that data – not because I think it’s invalid, but because those are fantastic! I know, “DDG/google” it….

      • its part of an aggregate of 600’ish sources. My wife (with her three other partners in this) complies it annually as part of a contract for a couple of different private research think-tank and government (federal and state) shared projects. What I wrote is only a portion of it. Its gets more granular, for example, involving violent crimes to perpetrate child/adult abductions or forced human trafficking.

    • note: “** In 2022, nationwide, 63.4% of violent crime victims (not possessing firearms)…”

      these are victims of violent crimes not specifically included in the other categories.

      • and to add and correct:

        these are unarmed victims of violent crimes, not specifically included in the other categories where an ordinary law abiding person was legally permitted to carry a firearm.

  11. I dated a really beautiful woman for a few weeks. Not a moments peace from horn dogs sending her drinks, etc. She was stunned when I broke up with her, as no man ever had before me, but I value my privacy way more than what a beautiful woman. Be careful what you wish for, is all that I’m saying.

    • One of my past employees was a former cheerleader. Yes, a cheerleader. Blonde, built, and smart as a whip with math. After three years with the company, she transferred to my department and proved to be very intelligent. But soon afterward she (finally) married her longtime boyfriend after all his persistence, and the problems started. She bragged she spent $250+ per month on her hair and nails, and (with her nose turned up at the mere thought) didn’t own any pair of jeans bought for less than $200. She was physically stunning, and was accustomed to getting attention.

      Fast forward, and her marriage was on the rocks. She was stringing along a few men with false hopes of getting some play, pretending at the same time to be interested in a dangerous fling while also being married and unavailable. Just to keep the attention she craved going.

      After having enough of this over a length of time and realizing her intelligence included psychological manipulation, I had to let her go. She had never before been in a position where she couldn’t control the outcome, and honest-to-God she even tried the ‘ol “unbutton the blouse and show the cleavage” trick to try to get me to steer a conversation her way.

      Since her departure, a mutual acquaintance confirmed that she lost not only her next job, but her husband as well. “Hawt” does not guarantee “happy”.

      From that point forward, I’ve hired only men to work for me.

  12. Nothing wrong with a beautiful woman, just remember sooner or later you have to talk to them, and yes, they use the bathroom just like the rest of us. . I have been married over 35 years, but we dated for 9 years before getting married. You know, need to make sure the milk doesn’t turn sour. I feel bad for younger people, Both young men and women are just so… stupid. Only about 8% have anything on the ball and plan for a future. Over 70% of people in their early 20’s can’t pass a military physical fitness test. Don’t care if she has a master degree or PHD, Simple test, if she can’t cook a good meal or doesn’t know how to change a flat tire, don’t walk, but run away as fast as you can. They will turn your life into a living hell! Just advice from someone who has been there and done that.

  13. The girls in either picture are young enough to be my daughters. So it’s” Nice to look at. Fun to think about. Not going to happen.”
    Besides, not many of those pretty young things are going to be willing to get out here and live this lifestyle. Too far from town and too far from the social life many want. Can’t virtue signal without an audience.
    The lady, my wife is all the woman I could ever ask for. Intelligent, loving, and most importantly, willing to put up with a grouchy old bear of a man.
    Deep conversation over drinks and sexual exploits can be fun. But, if neither of you can carry on a conversation over the breakfast table without either getting upset, or tuning the other out, you have nothing. If the person you are dating brings nothing but looks or sex, again, you have nothing. Sure, the bikini girl may be beautiful. But, what does she bring to a partnership? What can she provide to the household? Can she cook? Can she help you as a full partner in life?
    Or is her favorite thing to make for dinner reservations.

  14. Well, beautiful women … yes I’m lucky enough to have a beautiful wife. I don’t say that because I love her, she is really beautiful. And compared to the woman in the top bikini photo with the article, although attractive, my wife makes her look like a haggard scullery maid. So yes I’m lucky and yes I’ve had to tolerate other men trying to approach her but I don’t worry about it because she fends them off very well and is armed and has a couple of times needed to get a bit, lets call it, ‘ballistic minded’ to get rid of them. Its true that some men can be, as some women say, “such dogs”.

    But not all good looking women are what they want you to think they are or what they present their selves to be. For example, Google ‘Jodi Arias in a bikini’.

    Choose wisely.

  15. Having been married to the same beautiful woman for over 40 years, she’s still the blushing bride I carried over the threshold so many years ago. She stuck with my worthless arse through thick and thin, and deserved much better than she got.

  16. saw eels at metro last night with wifey and lilgirl. the light show messed with her brain (intractable) so she left and found a dark room upstairs (joz childrens theatre; saw minimal man there). security found her and threw her out but she snuck back in through the fire escape. i’ll keep her, assuming.

  17. Can I vote “both of the above”??? (Not that I want the second one, but maybe after she got arrested, I could keep her gunmz,).

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