You’re dry shaving me. I never! How very dare they. Bless their hearts.



    • Remember those terrorist cells they used to catch?
      Yeah, those were 5 FBI agents or informants bullying one poor soul into buying a few pounds of fertilizer and then arresting him for it. Entrapment squared to justify their own existence and higher budgets.
      Remember how the government offered money for catching poisonous snakes, and how people were then breeding snakes for money? It’s the same with the FBI and terrorists.

      • At the time of the Weaver incident 5 out of 6 of the top positions in the Aryan Nations were occupied by federal agents from different agencies.

  1. No way, next you’re gonna tell me they separated race and ethnicity in table 43 just to distort the numbers.

    • No way they are counting Hispanics as white for the purposes of gang/drug crime or Arab/Persian as Caucasian for the purposes of terrorism/supremacy groups that would be misleading and easily misused to push a malicious narrative.

    • “My guess is a lot of citizens who didn’t have to fire a shot don’t report their incident either.”

      Twice for me, years back. Nowadays, I’ll cross that bridge when I come to it…

      • #metoo but a little different than that other movement. Didn’t want to experience THAT if taken into custody for “my safety.”

      • Came close a few times but always because I didn’t avoid the 4 stupids (Places, people, times, activities) luckily awareness is sometimes enough to deter action.

    • “My guess is a lot of citizens who didn’t have to fire a shot don’t report their incident either.”

      That’s true.

      But its also true that thousands of times a year an ordinary law abiding citizen uses their firearm to prevent a crime from beginning (including some possible mass shootings if the crime was able to continue) by simply warning or brandishing, and it is reported. Its not reported as a crime in stats because the crime never actually started because it was prevented from starting by the law abiding citizen using their firearm to prevent the crime from beginning.

  2. Isn’t it in the fibbies’ best interests to provide data their political masters would like to see?

    The bureau has been a political force since J Edgar Hoover was first appointed.

    • So disturbing, but what really made my blood boil is when he asked again to get his guns back, they threatened to “charge him”. Probably with a made-up crime.

      • they told him he didn’t do anything wrong just in the wrong place at wrong time…..
        deprivation of rights, armed robbery, kidnapping, unlawful detention I’m sure there are some more things they should be convicted for.

  3. Anything analyst put out should be questioned. Anything put out the last few years and in the future should just be taken as a lie.

    • Definition of analyst? Someone who studies events, and draws conclusions that his boss likes. There is zero requirement that the analysis bears any resemblance to reality. That applies to military intel analysts, as well as all the analysts in government.

  4. I’ve always found it rather interesting and quite telling when pro-gun people believe the FBI data that suggests very few (barely recognizable) numbers of AR15’s are used by criminals but also choose to not believe them when it comes to stats on DGU’s. This flows both ways as anti-gunners use all this same data doing the same thing but in reverse.

    The FBI cannot be trusted. Period. This is something they did to themselves.

    This is a big part of the issue with NICS. No one including the FBI actually wants to. They get to manipulate the data as they see fit. So basicly, if you can avoid NICS then your better off and getting a CHL is a way to do that.

    • “I’ve always found it rather interesting and quite telling when pro-gun people believe the FBI data that suggests very few (barely recognizable) numbers of AR15’s are used by criminals but also choose to not believe them when it comes to stats on DGU’s. ”

      Well, its because other independent reliable research already supports the FBI data that very few (barely recognizable) numbers of AR15’s are used by criminals. On the other hand, there is independent reliable research which shows FBI data to be wrong when it comes to stats on DGU’s.

      The core effort here is to deny that guns are used frequently in DGU by law abiding defenders, and that’s why the FBI data on that point is not to be trusted because its a core theme of anti-gun to deny that guns are used frequently for DGU by law abiding people.

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