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Nah, it isn’t them. But if you think the 2A is an actual thing you’re definitely an MVE.


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  1. A former neighbor of Parkland school shooter Nikolas Cruz told jurors Wednesday that the then-10-year-old was “unattractive” and looked like fictitious MAD mascot Alfred Neuman.

    I just love karma. Sometimes

  2. SS/antifa. Ready and willing to implement the ‘Final Solution’ on free men everywhere.

    Thank God the fascists have recruits like dacian on their side.

  3. In other news, Biden says those 87,000 new IRS agents will be sent to the Ukraine to look for our tax dollars.

    • Well actually…he was let go to pursue a new opportunity as Head of Safety and Public Relations for Chicago Public Schools.

      • If he does go to Chicago Public Schools that’s a good thing for him, lower expectations there that public ‘safety’ employees actually do their jobs.

  4. Somewhat off topic but…
    I’m really hopeful that we will see a LOT of lawsuits against the atf/doj for all the new “rules” their making up. The Supremes shot down the epa overreacting bs now let’s see that applied to the atf.

    • “I’m really hopeful that we will see a LOT of lawsuits against the atf/doj for all the new “rules” their making up.”

      Donate to the fight, man.

      Lawsuits cost money… 🙁

    • Good luck with that. We know that Eric Holder and BO were guilty in the Fast and Furious debacle, Hillary and BO screwed up in Bengazi and having classified documents on her private server but the swamp protects it’s own.

    • the scotus did indeed, only to be upstaged by congress codifying the epa’s power to do so with legislation.

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