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This one got a legit LOL outta me.


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  1. After the sniffer decided gas should be more expensive today… I needed a laugh. Thanks

      • Us too, Southern (CSNY unfailingly breaks out in my head every damn time I see your handle), or will be right soon. Does your guy’s money swirl down the drain in reverse like the water does Down Under, or just normally like ours (when it’s not frozen)?

        • And here I was thinking 4.50 a gallon was bad……….. well still is but damn wtf mate/eh?

        • Southern same here and we are just behind CA and fighting with NJ for #2 in gas tax so I am guessing the base cost is substantially higher for you guys.

        • Two years ago, I bought gas for exactly $1.00/Gallon, which included a 20 cents per gallon Kroger discount. I felt like I was back in the 1960’s. Elect a Magoo to the US Presidency, Get Magoo Results !!!

        • I would say no wonder you guys had a protest but not looking to have my TD account locked.

      • “We’re paying over $2 per liter which is about $8 per gallon.“

        Should we blame that on Biden as well?

  2. I laughed when I saw this 3 years ago. Filled my gas tank today. I need a legitimate har har😦

  3. The obvious question is…which salt has better stopping power? Sodium chloride or potassium chloride?

    • So long as it’s full open high capacity all the grains salt weapon I don’t think the slug thug cares.

  4. Why go straight to your salt shaker? Why not a less than lethal alternative?

    The pepper grinder.

    • Should’ve had a tall black grinder held at port arms on one of them. And a Waffle House sign on the door.

  5. Wait till Shrinkflation hits the gas pump, and a gallon of gas consists of 3 quarts instead of 4, but still costs the same per gallon.

  6. Serious question here. Has anyone tried putting red pepper or pepper spray on a slug? I know salt essentially desiccates them but I am thinking something with OC would be more like a chemical burn.

    I am asking for my inner 5 year old.

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