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55 thoughts on “Gun Meme of the Day: Organized Joy Edition”

    • EDIT -Can you turn the gas system fully off in the Steyr AUG? Because the .300 BLK version *does*, for a kinda-bolt action function… 😉

    • Ever seen the AUG?

      Clumsy describes it, with that rude-short length-of-pull it has…

      • I had a chance to fire a AUG in the 90s thanks to the Army.

        No impressed. Length of pull was okay but I’m on the tall side of average.

        The balance was all at the back so the muzzle flipped surprisingly with each shot. The trigger gives new meaning to mushy. The stamped parts on a Chinese SKS were better. My AR-15 SP1s trigger was match grade in comparison.

        The sights? The ring was bigger that the 3-ring on a 4-foot target at 200m. You had to center the target in the sight. Give me irons any day over that sight.

        • The Explosion Containment Center is right next to your Brain.
          I prefer a little more distance for fubars.

        • Louis. I understand the reasoning behind the bullpup design. A mechanized military needs a compact weapon for dismounting armored vehicles.

          But I prefer a more traditional rifle look. The added safety is a bonus.

  1. More gun news :

    “Al Capone Style”: Musk Reveals “We Unloaded Entire Drum of Tommy Gun” Into Cybertuck”

    “Elon Musk revealed on X his team of Tesla engineers “emptied the entire drum magazine of a Tommy gun into the driver door” of the new Cybertruck, adding the bulletproof test was like “Al Capone-style.””

      • I can see it now –

        Bass thumping so loud dental fillings loosen, hydraulics making it hop. Somewhat bullet-proof…

        Should be real popular with the urban drive-by folks. 😉

        • Louis –

          It’s seriously a not-good thing.

          Like a nasty fire that can’t be put out by any amount of water bad.

          China is experiencing a rash of crappy-cheap electric car fires…

  2. I like a scout rifle. I kinda like the Steyr. It’s a good accurate rifle. I first handled it at SHOT in Atlanta the year it was introduced. I suspected Cooper would be there. I had a few books for him to sign. I handled the the Steyr and we spoke briefly. I had just taken delivery on a Winchester Model 70 stainless classic I had sent to Jim Brochman for a scout rifle conversion. He was in Idaho then. A few years ago a friend bought a Steyr and I got the chance to shoot it. It shot great, but I had two issues. The back up sights suck. Not only do they seem cheap, but the stock makes hard to get on them. Even if you needed them in the field the rings are not quick detach. Last, the Steyr isn’t a control round feed. I’m not one of those that starts foaming at the mouth when I see a push feed. Own a few. However, the scout rifle mission begs for a control round feed. Never understood why Winchester hasn’t built one. With a milled stripper clip slot.

    • Just a guess but AWB ended and product development settled on AR patterns leaving anything with stripper clips relegated to milsurp and no real investment in updates beyond a few token effort models and some custom orders.

    • I think Ruger makes a more effective budget Scout. Standard AI pattern magazines. I’m very impressed with mine. The trigger is very good for an out-of-box stock trigger.

    • I have a .308 Steyr Scout as my trunk gun. Has a Burris 2×7 EER scope and 100 rounds of 168 gr HPBT match ammo. Also have an old SSG69 with double set triggers and Leupold tactical 4×14. As far as out of the box accuracy, both are pretty spectacular.

      The current raghead deal has me thinking I need an AR in 5.56 plus 6 (or so) full 30 round mags in there as well. With all the fence-jumpers I believe it’s only a matter of time. Lucky to have a big trunk 

  3. I like and can see the utility of the scout concept. Just can’t see spending the money for something I don’t actually need at this time. I have a couple short carbines already and don’t really need another.
    Now, if I ran across one for an exceptional deal, I might buy it.

  4. More gun news :

    Larry Vickers of ‘Vickers Tactical’ has apparently pleaded guilty of conspiring to acquire a machine gun via the SOT-FFL law enforcement letter method :

    I guess the lesson to be learned here is if you attempt to claim an LE agency is interested in a demonstration of an NFA item, it might be a good idea to get your fucking story straight with an actual accredited LE agency, no?

    Dumb-ass… 🙁

    • The Federal Court Systems in blue states and cities are rigged by democrats. Court clerks load Grand Juries & Jury Pools with known loyal stooge democrats to get a guaranteed indictment & conviction. The DC Court Model has spread to other regions, it will never acquit a GOP, never convict a Democrat, except in special cases.

  5. Imagine believing one Hamas rocket kills 500 civilians at a hospital, more than all of thousands of other rockets fired combined.

    Yes- an 8 foot tall rocket with a 10lb warhead kills 500 people.

    Israel needs to stop bombing hospitals.

    • 1. 500 ‘civilians’ were not killed at the hospital. That’s a hamas lie. At most, 50 people were killed or injured.

      2. Israel did not ‘bomb’ the hospital. It was a hamas ‘jihad’ group missile that hit the hospital.

      • aside from numerous sources, and Israel showing the proof it did not strike the hospital, and the intercepted communications of hamas saying it was one of their own missiles… the hospital proper its self wasn’t actually hit, the actual impact explosion point of the missile was not on the hospital but rather just near a wall of the hospital and it threw up shrapnel that landed on the roof of the hospital.

        • It really wasn’t even a missile, it was a rocket. The difference between a missile and rocket is the rocket is a dumb device as it doesn’t have a guidance system. Hamas calls this rocket the ‘Qassam’.

          The ‘Qassam’ is 7.2 feet tall, 6.6 inches in diameter, and weights approximately 198 lbs. It does not have a 10lb warhead – it has a payload ‘warhead package’ of ~22.05 pounds that consists of a urea nitrate explosive and a ‘shrapnel material’ (e.g. usually ball bearings), the propellant is a mixture of sugar and potassium nitrate fertilizer (those who make their own hobby rocket engines will recognize this formula). hamas makes these in various ‘home based factories’ from the ‘humanitarian aid supplies’ water pipe that was sent for supposed supplying fresh water to the people and the food sutffs (e.g. the sugar being one item) and the fertilizer for crops.

        • The most noteworthy part of this story is that the Western corporate media and high ranking left wing loons immediately and unquestioningly went with the Hamas propaganda during an ongoing conflict. That tells you everything you need to know about the modern day Nazis.

        • but on the other hand, over 1,400 civilians in Israel were killed by the hamas rockets, and those have been confirmed.

          Take your lies and trolling elsewhere ‘It was a 500 lb JDAM’ (AKA ‘American Taxpayer’ AKA Miner49er)

        • The ‘Qassam’ rocket is notoriously ‘unreliable’ having a 30% – 40% failure rate to reach its target due to the lack of guidance, its susceptibility to environmental conditions (e.g. wind) to go off course, and its ‘propellant’ being somewhat unstable and a lot of times not burning evenly. This is, in part, why hamas is launching so many of them so as to make up for the failure rate and the other part is to force Israel to deplete more if its ‘iron dome’ interceptor missiles but Israel is using a laser weapon (‘iron beam’) now to shoot them down so that helps.

          The ‘Qassam’ rocket unreliability and lack of guidance makes it largely mostly ineffective against ‘dispersed’ targets (e.g. military in the field) which is why hamas is mass launching them against ‘densely populated’ areas like cities or ‘village areas’ so as to increase the probability of hitting something. And now one of the hamas unreliable ‘Qassam’ rockets has hit your ‘hospital area’ in the Gaza.

        • clarification for “and its doubtful even 50 people were injured or killed.” in intended context, at the hospital hit by the hamas rocket.

  6. After bombing a hospital, IDF bombs St. Porphyrius church in Gaza.

    Also lol at people who think a Hamas rocket accidentally hit a hospital and killed 50 people, more than all of the thousands of rockets fired at Israel in past ten years combined.

    Also- 40 cal Booger needs to state if he is an Israeli dual citizen.

    If Israel *did* purposely bomb a hospital, would you consider not giving them money and weapons anymore?

    • Nobody needs to prove anything to you, dumbass. How about you proving you’re not part of the hamas propaganda wing? Makes as much sense as what you’re demanding.

      This war is being fought in a built up, city environment. Collateral damage is a fact of life.

      We get it. You hate the ebil jooz. Now take that shit back to stormfront.

      • If Israel want to bomb churches, can they do it with their own money?

        Why do I, as an American taxpayer, have to pay for it?

        Why does no one address the very valid points I make? Everyone is just using ad hominem attacks on me.

        I don’t think it’s ok to bomb hospitals or churches. Why do you guys think it’s ok? Why does America need to support the Israelis ethnically cleanse Arab Christians from that part of the world?

        The 40 decapitated babies Biden talked about turned out to be a LIE. Most of the Israeli deaths were legitimate military targets. Maybe conscripting 18yo girls isn’t such a great idea?

        Why are you ok with Israeli collateral damage, but not Palestinian collateral damage?

        I personally think a lot of conservative boomers support Israel because the media and Hollywood told them to, and they’ve never critically examined why.

        • When was the last time an American taxpayer had a say in how their tax dollar was spent?

          Nobody says it is ok to bomb churches or hospitals. Look at the region. Hamas just started a knife fight in a closet with half their family and the enemy in there.

          Arab christians? How? With the muslims cleansing them for centuries.
          And most of the Israeli deaths do not appear to be legit military targets. The fact that you insist they are tells us a lot about you.
          Collateral damage sucks. But it is a fact of life in a war. Don’t start a war.

          We support Israel because it is the right thing to do. People like you tried to exterminate the jews and the rest of the world said no.

        • “Why do I, as an American taxpayer, have to pay for it?”

          Because I said so, ‘stormfront’ apologist… 🙁

        • there is no such thing as ‘Arab christians’. There those of ‘Arab’ lineage in terms of a slang term for a people, who are ‘christians’. Then the term ‘christians’ doesn’t mean anything when applied with a ‘nationality’ aspect of a slang term of lineage. Then the term ‘christians’ refers, basically, to a general aspect of a belief and not a specific religion OR sometimes its used to refer in some manner to a lineage of a group or people.

          in other words you are using the general verbiage ’empty context’ wording that hamas uses in their propaganda to appeal to emotion.

  7. “Also- 40 cal Booger needs to state if he is an Israeli dual citizen.”

    I do? who are you to require that I do do?

    but. just do you know…I’m not Jewish nor am I an Israeli citizen dual or other wise.

    if i were though, would you want to hunt me down and murder me and family like a good little hamas terrorist?

    Israel didn’t bomb the hospital, hamas did it with one of their home made rockets.

    • “Also- 40 cal Booger needs to state if he is an Israeli dual citizen.”

      so you are hamas orientated after all.

      but. just so you know
I’m not Jewish nor am I an Israeli citizen dual or other wise.

      if i were though, would you want to hunt me down and murder me and family like a good little hamas terrorist?

      you want to do that, pretend I’m Jewish and hunt me down? Is that it? Well come on…I’m waiting … when I get done with you even Allah won’t recognize you.

      • I am a Christian. Zionists systemically ethnically cleansed Palestinian Christians from the Holy Land over the last 100. Christian Zionism is a heresy.

        I want to stop Zionists from bombing hospitals and churches. I know Biden told you somehow a Hamas rocket let that has never killed more than 5 people somehow killed between 50-500 people at a hospital. I know you somehow think Palestinians aren’t human. I know you love sending money to Jews, even with all the problems here at home.

        I think $100 Billion can be better spend at home than to fund Jewish wars in Ukraine and Israel. Blinken, Zelensky, Netanyahu, Mayorkas, Yellen
 why do these people run my country?

        I voted for Ron Paul in 08 and 12. I voted for Trump in 16. I voted for Kanye “YE” West in 20. I am socially conservative. I am in the 37% federal bracket.

        Funding and supporting Israel doesn’t help YOU at all and it supports the ethnic cleansing of Christians from the region. Why do you do it?

      • Lol impotent boomer threatens physical violence on someone who is against bombing churches.

        How old are you .40 cal Booger? Are you a Christian? Why are you so consumed with hate and rage for someone who doesn’t want to have his tax dollars go towards bombing churches?

        • @American taxpayer

          “Lol impotent boomer threatens physical violence on someone who is against bombing churches.

          How old are you .40 cal Booger? Are you a Christian? Why are you so consumed with hate and rage for someone who doesn’t want to have his tax dollars go towards bombing churches?”

          You are obviously stupid if that’s what you think.

          Why are you so interested in me, enough to post under other names with veiled speak threats of hunting me down because you want to pretend i’m jewish? I’ll defend against any threat against my family or me, and threaten is exactly what you did when you posted under your other names – why else would you want to know more about me and pretend I’m jewish unless you intended to try to identify me and target my family or me with the pro-hamas hatred you spewed under your other names?

          Then you continue with these types of posts under this ‘American taxpayer’ name in an attempt to amplify your pro-hamas sentiment under a thinly veiled “tax dollars” trying to twist things around.

  8. “Because I said so”

    This is a great reason. Well done Geoff.

    You can’t actually articulate a morally valid reason to forcibly take money from me and give it to church and hospital bombers. You’ve never critically examined why people like Ben Shapiro, Michael Savage, Mark Levin, and this blog support Israel. Hollywood has taught you that the worst thing in the world is to be a Nazi. You’re so proud of your daughter dating a black guy. I know boomer, I know.

    Supporting Israel is supporting the ethnic cleansing of Christians from the Holy Land.

    • “You can’t actually articulate a morally valid reason to forcibly take money from me and give it to church and hospital bombers. You’ve never critically examined why people like Ben Shapiro, Michael Savage, Mark Levin, and this blog support Israel. Hollywood has taught you that the worst thing in the world is to be a Nazi. You’re so proud of your daughter dating a black guy. I know boomer, I know.

      Supporting Israel is supporting the ethnic cleansing of Christians from the Holy Land.”

      all 100% lie there ‘American Taxpayer’.

      1. No one here is required to meet your entitled demands you keep harping about.

      2. No one is “forceably” taking money from you to ”give’ to “church and hospital bombers”.

      3. This blog has not posted one thing saying they support Israel. Various commenters have commented their sentiment, but the ‘blog’ hasn’t saud anything about the ‘blog’ supporting Israel.

      4. Israel is not conducting any ‘ethnic cleansing’ of anyone. They are trying to eliminate the evil terrorists threat of hamas that you live so much and that upsets you.

      Your post, its like not considering any context at all, its like you don’t know what ‘context’ means. In fact it looks exactly like the writing style and lack of knowing what context means that Miner49er uses in his stupid ‘TRUMPPPPPPP!’ and anti-constitution and anti-relegion posts.

  9. I call bullshit on you being in the 37% tax bracket. You talk just like white trash from a trailer park in WV. There are worse things than being a nazi? No, really, there isn’t.

    You’ve outed yourself as an ignorant racist. You, dacian and miner49er should be happy together.

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