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I mean, if we’re honest we all know that gun collection IS retirement savings. Inflation-proof, eh?


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    • Old Guy, you are right. Firearms are a very good investment. If you know what you’re buying and how much to pay.

      • Good evening G.F.,

        Down in your part of the world for a couple of days. Hanging out with family in Port St. Joe. Spent yesterday at the Gulf Breeze Day Use area soaking up some UV radiation tempered by frequent immersion in salt water. Too hot and humid for this mountain boy….however, this laid-back lifestyle could be addicting.

        • Old Guy, you should have reached out. Any number of great restaurants on the Forgotten Coast I would have treated you to. Know what you mean about our weather, but it hasn’t been bad lately. Woke up to fifties the other morning. Highs didn’t get out of the eighties. Low humidity. Four weeks ago heat index between 110-115. That lasted a while.

      • GF – that hedge against inflation is just one of the reasons that slow joe – via yet another ‘rule’ by the bats – wants to make all of us ‘dealers’ – it will be so much easier for them to control and regulate us that way.

  1. This was over 40 years ago, but I found out that a box of .22 shells in Mexico, (if traded to the ‘right’ people,) would get you much more than a handful of ‘effectivo’ would…

    I had wondered why the owner / captain of the boat brought a case of .22 shells along with us on the 50′ wooden boat we brought up the Mexican coast on the way to Seattle, but quickly found out that we could get supplies VERY quickly by offering to trade .22 shells. Turns out the captain / owner of the boat had plied that route for 30 years as a tug boat captain, and did know a lot of people from previous trips, and knew who he could trust.

    I cannot help but think we are headed in a similar direction in this country, ESPECIALLY if we get forced into a ‘Mark of the Beast’ system..

    • Stuck – cash may be king – for now, but bartering skills will never go out of style. Why else would slow joe and tptb be pushing so hard for a cash less society – they cannot control what goes on under their radar.

  2. Own your property. Do not carry debt. Guns are only an investment when the rest is done.

    Gas is 6 bucks a gallon near me. biden is determined to destroy the poors in this country.

    • It wont be long before gasoline is $20 a gallon.
      The cant buy a new EV is going to put a lot of the middle income on foot.
      I suppose the banks may drop interest rates on EV’s.
      These guys are good at what they do.
      4D chess for sure.
      Wind turbines from Xhina, batteries from Xhina, water from Xhina, if only .giv could figure out how to import air that would come from Xhina too.
      I’m still puzzled where all of Americas money comes from, we import 80% of the things we use.

      • X, right here in N FL. Besides, GA is not the deal it once was. Taxes went up. The money you save is offset by the gas you burn. And my time is worth something also.

        • I read that Kemp suspended the GA gas tax (.31$/gallon) till uh, um, 10/13, iirc. Which is what prompted the comment.

          Other than that, yep, exactly. No longer worth it, although I like the area.

        • For years, we would stop to fill up in Valdosta on our way to the Tampa area to visit Mom and Dad, and then again on the trip back to OH. I haven’t made that trip in a few years, but I do recall that it didn’t gain us much the last couple times.

  3. Preparing for the Zombie apocalypse. Thinking my next purchase will be for 3/4′ plywood for boarding up windows and doors when the time comes. That and one more rifle…just one more.

    Retirement? I’m healthy as an ox, and just as strong, but when the shooting starts, retirement may not be an option.

  4. Guns can be a very good hedge against the future. But were we to be honest, precious metals like silver is better. Especially when you do have a gun or two for self defense already. $600 in silver is a wiser decision than your $600 14th firearm. Spend that money on time at the range hitting the ten ring. If you make every shot count, THAT will be an investment.

    You want something for retirement? Buy gold. Land might be a good idea.

    A great gun investment though would be that $56,000 revolver used in the civil war.

    • A gun in the hand is the best bet. With that, you can get food, water, gold, silver, a vehicle, booze, laid- you name it. Helps to have bullets, though…. No need to stand in line.

      • CIA..
        I’ve bought all the high pressure air equipment to supply 4000 psi for recharging an air rifle I’ve been looking at. If it really comes down to it, I can manually recharge the tanks with a hand pump, but they make several compressors that will work on 12v as well.

        The beast I’m looking at will push a .457 slug over 1100 fps, 754 ft/lbs (800 ft/lbs with the .510 model,) and four shots per tank full. Legal to hunt deer with in several states. Suppressed, so it doesn’t raise the roof when you fire it..

        Cast your own bullets, and not worry about primers or powders…

  5. Firearms and ammunition have historically outpaced Beanie Babies and collector plates in appreciation of value.

  6. Turnips are our best investment.
    Rotten turnips applied judiciously across an interstate can slide an 18 wheeler into the ditch.
    Frozen turnips launched from a catapult are as effective as rocks.
    Turnips can be carved into the shape of a gunm.
    Turnips can lure a bear into the range of your catapult.
    Turnips provide protein when you eat the bugs eating on the turnips.

  7. Well, at least you’ll have something in your hand when the real estate market gets burned to the ground, your mandatory taxed “retirement” is no more and .gov steals your pension and then whatever real property you own.

  8. Been collecting firearms for half a century. Have ammo for all but a few. If needs be black powder can be made. Not as consistent as commercial made but will work in an emergency.
    Coins and bars are not a bad idea. As well as alcohol or long term storage of things like TP or other personal hygiene items. Things like soaps and detergents, feminine items, sweets, vacuum packed spices and seasonings or whole spices. As well as a supply of basic medicines.
    Think about the basics you would not want to be without for long. Sure, you can use leaves of corn shucks to wipe, but nice soft TP makes it better. Sure, the ladies can stuff moss or other whatever in their drawers for that time of the month, but she likely would like her Tampax or pads. And if the world has gone to crap, who would honestly turn down a little liquid courage or a nice glass of bourbon o scotch?
    If the world continues and everything is as it is now, you can skip the store for a while. Or, should things go bad, you have a little something stashed to get you by until you can establish and begin to produce what is needed locally.

    • Leaves of corn shucks.
      When I was a kid we had corn cobs and it wasnt as bad as you’d think, but not the red corn cobs, them was rough

    • I would highly recommend that you acquire Rx meds and store them in a small refrigerator between 33 and 40F.

      Whatever drugs you might depend on, based on your situation, plus a spectrum of antibiotics, antifungals and antiparasitics in oral and topical formats as necessary. In some cases, powders meant to be titrated for an IV and the ability to run an IV as well.

      I would also acquire a couple of books as reference materials for field expediency in diagnosing diseases and properly administering such meds.

      You can run such a refrigerator for years off something as basic as a Jackery 2000. They draw on the order of 5W, with occasional jumps to ~50W once they reach their set temperature. If you run them 24/7 a battery like the Jackery will last for about a week but you can run them a few hours a day and the fridge does fine.

      • s9
        It’s been quite a few years since I’ve placed an IV, but I don’t think I’d have too much trouble ‘relearning on the fly’ if I had to.. (Former volunteer EMS/FF)

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