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Oh my gosh. How dare he. Bears are truly out of control.


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  1. Bears? You oughta see what the possums is up to. Neutrino whatzits that will end all life in the verse.

  2. When I see a bear with a rifle, I’ll invite him to the shooting range. Until then, he’s on the menu. Of course, if I see a bear toting an AR or AK, I’ll be breaking out the Sharps Big Fifty.

  3. That bear looks exactly like someone that would follow all gun laws. Or all laws in general. Probably goes 5mph under too and still slows down when they see a cop.

    • Fúck you, you human shaped pile of feces. Baby Killing piece of trash. I hope I’m the one that strings you to the lamppost because a bullet is too good for you. Infanticide facilitating piece of gutter trash. Fùck you. You are completely ignorant of the law so you should shut the fúck up. Also eat your gun, please.

  4. If I ever see an armed bear on the farm I think I’ll give him run of the place with a tip of my cap. As long as he agrees to shoot every wild pig and coyote he sees. Shoot them twice on Sunday.

    • But when are we going to enforce the right to arm possums??? Possums got rights, too. Don’t trust ’em, but they got rights.

      Somehow, “the right of the people to keep possum arms” just don’t have quite the right ring to it, though.

  5. Check this out –

    “Nigerian Governor Orders Mass Issuance Of Gun Permits To Counter Murderous Hordes”

    “Gun permits have rarely been issued in Nigeria—but that’s about to change.

    In the face of rampant violence by huge gangs of heavily armed bandits, one state governor has ordered the mass issuance of gun permits to citizens desperate for a chance to protect themselves.”

    • I remember when convenience stores here started removing their no-guns-allowed signs after they found out that stores which did not prohibit firearms for its customers or employees had fewer to no robberies. The number of robberies in stores (collectively) that did not prohibit firearms for its customers or employees dropped from several per month to maybe a couple a year and those couple were not successful and the bad guys ended up getting shot by an employee or customer.

      A friend who is with the police department showed me a police evidence video used to convict a convenience store robber who got shot; The store had up a firearms prohibition sign and got robbed many times, in some of those robberies the bad guys would shoot the employee or a customer. So one day the store takes down the sign, and tells its employees they can now be armed and so can customers. A bad guy didn’t get the memo, he had robbed the store previously although this guy had not shot anyone yet – so in comes the bad guy again waving his gun around at customers and the employee behind the counter demanding money expecting everything to go his way as it had before. Then “Bang Bang”, the employee had shot the bad guy who goes down wounded and is trying to get out the door and while trying to do so yells “Mother F**ker! You ain’t suppose to have a gun in here!”

      • Correction…

        “…although this guy had not shot anyone yet…”

        Should have been …

        although this guy had not shot anyone yet he had fired at a customer before but missed

        • “…and the employee behind the counter demanding money…” was awkward too, but we getcha.

        • clarification correction:

          “…so in comes the bad guy again waving his gun around at customers and the employee behind the counter demanding money expecting everything to go his way as it had before. …”

          should be

          …so in comes the bad guy again waving his gun around at customers and the employee behind the counter and the bad guy is demanding money expecting everything to go his way as it had before.

  6. The articles almost always contain material that is quite interesting to read. I normally start by watching a game and then proceed to play a few games for fun, such as Run 3.

    • “”We also recognize another important limitation on the right to keep and carry arms. Miller said, as we have explained, that the sorts of weapons protected were those in common use at the time. We think that limitation is fairly supported by the historical tradition of prohibiting the carrying of dangerous and unusual weapons.” Heller; see also McDonald.”

      Yeah, on that last bit –

      15+ *million* AR-platform semi-auto magazine-fed rifles in circulation makes them “in common use” and expressly protected under the 2A.

      Further bolstering that position is the fact that hands and feet are murder weapons several times more often than rifles of all varieties.

      Get back to me when mandatory registration is required for bodily parts one is born with.

      Oh, and gun registration is a relatively new phenomenon, so that makes ‘universal background checks’ tying an owner to a specific gun unconstitutional…

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