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Another colorless day on my slow path to the grave.


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    • And that’s reloads. Factory ammo is like a cash register ringing every shot.

      No wonder I use rimfire as much as possible.

      • I’ve caught myself saying to myself an 80-dollar range day is 80 dollars I could put towards a new gun. And no gun to clean, to boot.

        I am so happy I grabbed a nice pile of .22 lr at 6 cents a round when the virus panic hit. I haven’t seen it yet under 10 cents per nowadays.

        The days of 3.5 cents per on 22 lr blowout sale are long gone I fear… 🙁

        • Does that mean the Federal 550 round bull pack isn’t available for $9 at Walmart right now?

          Speaking of deals, Bi-Mart (Oregon/Washington chain) has their Rossi RS22 rifles on sale for $99 right now (regularly $129). In addition, Rossi/Taurus/Heritage has rebate deals going ($25 for the RS22). That makes the rifle $75, and that is a steal! I have an RS22 which I bought (for $99 at Bi-Mart) a few years back, and I like it a lot. Heck, for $75, why not? Marlins, Rugers, and Henry’s are more substantial, but the little Rossi still rocks.

        • “Does that mean the Federal 550 round bull pack isn’t available for $9 at Walmart right now?”

          I’ll check in the next day or 3.

          Is that an in-store price you’ve seen recently?

        • EDIT –

          I’m seeing bulk at 6.5 cents per, that’s a *lot* better price than a few months ago… 🙂

        • Online ordering an net 8 cents or less after shipping but our AG is going after retailers in advance of the law taking effect or getting resolved in court so wouldn’t know how well it works at the moment.

        • Geoff,
          No. Sadly that $9 for a 550 bulk pack was back in the day, early 2000s.

          I did get some 500 round bulk packs for $14-15 shortly before Covid. I’m glad I did.

    • M1 Garand.
      bang – bang – bang – bang – bang – bang – bang – bang –

    • bang 1.10 bang 1.10 my 300BLK is hungry. And I’ve been told by my lgs it isn’t going to get any cheaper. Sig ammo is awesome and I’m gonna be paying for it.

  1. Yeah unfortunately ever since 2020 I’ve been forced to cut back on range time to the same standard as law enforcement. 1-2 times a year and maybe 50-100 rounds per trip.

    And that’s not a joke. ☹️

  2. “WIIIILLLSSSSOOONNN!!! I’m sorry, Wilson! I’m sorry!”

    I can’t help but laugh. My wife always gives me *that look* but at least smirks now.

  3. Range?
    I just drive down the county roads shooting at stop signs. Gotta aim low when going towards them and aim high when going away.

    • I will do whatever I can to never follow a marsupial I see driving…

  4. I’ve gone to the range the last three weeks. I probably am done for the rest of the year though since it is starting to get a little too cold.

    That and it’s the holidays so I’m going to be busy as hell. Unpacking all the Christmas decorations and putting them up, decorating two 9 foot Christmas trees with several hundred ornaments each, outside decorations, baking enough baked goods for 12 families. And who can forget mandatory overtime for the holidays. Probably going to play video games but I’m not sure if I have enough time for that either.

  5. Planning a cook out for this weekend. A couple of the younger cousins are going to be working on Thanksgiving and we are holding our gathering a little early. Along with a couple smoked or deep fried turkeys, we will be burning up several dollars worth of gun powder. Adult beverages around the fire pit afterwords. As in after the firearms are cleaned and stored.
    I have a couple gallons of honey mead and a several cases of beer ready to sample/enjoy.
    Picked up a couple bricks of .22 LR at the P’cola gunshow as well as some bulk surplus pistol ammo for reasonable prices. So, I shouldn’t have to dip too deeply into my stash.
    Going off next week for a bit. Hunting trip up North. Tags just showed up and reservations for lodging are paid for, so have a blessed and happy Thanksgiving all on TTAG and POTG.

    • Has 12 marks on the tree.
      Yeah, 12 months is about right.

      Per the ATF, Eform4s certified in February and March of 2022 are still being ‘processed’. Being a .gov agency, we’re not going to see any significant action for the remainder of 2022.

      I’m in my 8th month of waiting, my $200 tax stamp payment was cashed the 2nd week of April.

      Several suppressor owners I’ve spoken with are done buying them until they’re removed from the NFA list.
      Manufacturers and retailers should be pushing hard for their removal.

  6. Overnight, the republicans gained some seats in the house. With 421 of 435 races called, the republicans now have 217 seats in the house – 218 seats is needed for majority control of the house. Democrats have 205 seats.

    • With control of the house the republicans can kill most all of Biden’s agenda by legislation including his gun control efforts, and they can even investigate Biden’s personal financial dealings with foreign powers hostile to the U.S. without interference from the senate.

    • When all races are called, republicans are currently projected to control 219 seats in the house, democrats 216, in the final tally. The current projection though, based upon remaining races leaning for uncalled races, places projection with republicans at 220 and the democrats at 215. Currently, republicans have flipped 21 seats and the democrats have flipped 10.

      • Early on gaining control of the house appeared to be a given. Later a senate majority became a plausible possibility; however, the senate was merely icing on the cake. At the least the republicans can harvest the cake, but they will have problems eating it unless the RINOs disappear.

        • Republicans are closing in on winning a majority in the house, it will be the first time since 2019. We should see confirmation of this soon. Meanwhile, at 9pm eastern time, Donald Trump is scheduled to make an announcement that will likely be the start of a new presidential campaign.

        • I think President Trump did an awesome job as President but his attacking Desantis and Youngkin just infuriates me. If he’s the nominee I’ll vote for him of course but I seriously think that better than half of the nation would vote against him. He needs to bring the GOP together and offer to support anyone else. Wet dream I know. Ballot harvest where legal and get out the early vote. I hope they learned something this time around. Just grow a pair and fight GOP for once.

  7. Ever since I started service rifle shooting, my ammunition consumption went down. Plinking with the SSAA I could use over 150 rounds in a day. In service matches the courses vary from 22 to 34 rounds.

    • A mag or two of 50AE before shooting handguns has helped me reduce my 9mm and 45acp ammo consumption.
      Makes those calibers feel like 22LR and 380acp.

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