Gun Review: Benelli Vinci

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(This is a reader gun review contest entry, click here for more details.)

By Travis Arnold

Enter stage left, the Benelli Vinci, a gun hyped to revolutionize the shotgun world with its state of the art technology. For months prior to its release, it was shrouded in secrecy and teased to the masses by Benelli’s PR team. All we knew was that it had a fancy case and was a pretty big deal. I certainly fell for their smooth talking, and I jumped at the chance to own this shotgun when my previous gun broke. After four years of chasing ducks, geese, and pheasants through muck, snow, and briar patches, I know this gun like the back of my hand. Was this gun worth the $1400 I paid for it? . . .

What separates the Vinci from previous Benelli shotguns is the “inline” inertia-operated action and the gun’s three-piece design. Its receiver is mated to the barrel; the fore grip, trigger pack, and magazine are all contained in one module and the stock holds everything together.

The action contains all the main components seen in a Super Black Eagle II or M2, only now the bolt return spring is located inside the receiver and in line with the barrel. On the last generation of inertia guns, the bolt return spring was located in the stock. The new system is shorter and allows the stock to be a separate piece from the receiver. Benelli also boasts that this design results in less muzzle climb due to the action’s straight movement.

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Overall Appearance
Let’s face the truth…the Vinci is a funky looking gun. With its radical design and complex geometry, it’s easy to understand why traditional shotgunners would hate its appearance.

I’m not much of a traditionalist, so I welcome the Vinci’s unorthodox look. It’s edgy body and flat black stock reminds me of the F-117 Nighthawk stealth jet. To me the Vinci looks like a mysterious experimental weapon that is never meant to see the light of day, one that strikes its targets with extreme precision and without warning, much like the Nighthawk.

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Fit and Finish
Seriously, have you ever heard anyone harp on Benelli’s build quality? I haven’t, but that doesn’t mean that I don’t have any complaints. Shortly after buying this gun, I noticed that the fiber-optic front bead sight would rotate loose with prolonged shooting. I ended up having to use red Loctite to get the darned thing to stay in. It was a minor frustration, but I shouldn’t need to do that with a brand new gun.

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Other than that small quibble the gun is very nice. The chrome on the inside of the barrel has a mirror finish, and there are no sloppy tool marks on the internals. New out of the box, the synthetic stock was smooth and free of burs, and the bluing on all of the non-chrome surfaces was top notch.

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Fast forward four years and the chrome surfaces are shiny as ever. The bluing has held up reasonably well considering the tough life it faces in the duck blind. Rust (gasp!!!) has discolored some of the blued surfaces, but this is inevitable in a hard use duck gun.

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One of the added perks of owning an inertia-operated shotgun is the system’s light weight (about 6.7 lbs. unloaded). I often have to walk a mile to my duck blind with decoys on my back, and I very much enjoy the amount of mass that isn’t there. The gun’s low mass is a double edged sword when it comes to recoil though.

If you feed the Vinci any 3-inch shells with an FPS rating over 1450, be prepared to cry many tears and flinch many flinches. I once had an instance where the recoil pinched the inside of my cheek against my braces, giving me a painful gash on the inside of my mouth that got worse with each shot. Luckily I had some gauze to squeeze between the two quarrelsome surfaces that day.

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Do yourself a favor and shoot modest loads through your Vinci. Your cheek, shoulder, and wallet will thank you. And don’t put too much faith in the “ComforTech” recoil absorbing chevrons in the stock. They may help slow the impulse of the recoil, but they do not turn this gun into a 20g a. Force = mass times acceleration, and that’s the end of the story.

Since I’ve switched to steel loads slower than 1450 fps, recoil has become a non-issue for me. If you have Magnumitis or are super sensitive to recoil, seek a heavier gun, preferably gas operated.

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Oh man does this cat have balance. Due to the lack of a gas piston up front the Vinci has darn near perfect balance – not too much weight on the support arm to fatigue it when shouldered, yet just enough weight to aid in a proper swing. The light weight, excellent weight bias, and smooth butt pad allow this gun to be shouldered lightning quick. Pheasants be afraid, very afraid. Too bad they’re all extinct in Northeast Kansas.

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The ergonomics of this gun are where the majority of my frustrations lie. The safety switch is small, hard to depress, and too far forward in front of the trigger guard for my tastes. Cold weather gloves and numb hands only exacerbate this problem. Likewise, the rear of the trigger guard protrudes too far to the rear. When using heavy 3-inch loads, this portion of the trigger guard will smack your middle finger’s knuckle with the force of a thousand wombats.

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In order to work around this problem I’ve had to move my fire-control hand down to where my pinky rests on the bottom edge of the pistol grip, thus maximizing the distance between the trigger guard and my knuckle. Of course, this technique also maximizes the distance my trigger finger has to travel in order to actuate the safety. Now when I’m out hunting I carry the gun with my hand high up on the grip and my trigger finger on the safety. Once a target appears, I actuate the safety and slide my hand down the grip until I have the necessary clearance for my knuckle. This is a hassle I wish I did not have to deal with.

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Not all of the ergonomic features are bad though. I especially like the feel of the unorthodox “V-Grip” ridges on the gripping surfaces. The beveled magazine loading port is also really nice, as I can load shells into this gun pretty fast.

The charging handle is also a home run. It features a notch on its bottom side that rides on the lower edge of the ejection port, thus making it IMPOSSIBLE for the handle to come out unintentionally. I had this problem with my previous gun (a TriStar Viper semi-auto – NOT recommended), so the charging handle design is one of my favorite features of the Vinci. Bravo Benelli.

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I’m no trigger snob when it comes to shotguns, but if I was I would still like the trigger on this gun. It is a single stage with a crisp pull that is not too heavy. I could imagine that the trigger on this gun could work well for turkey or slug hunting where precision shots are required – not that I want to shoot slugs through this gun anytime soon.

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Ease of Use
Standard semi-auto hunting shotgun user controls apply here. They’re all stupidly easy to use with exception of the cartridge stop latch (and the safety, as mentioned before). You use this button if you have a loaded magazine and want to unload it without having to cycle the shells through the action.

This function is built in with the bolt release: press down on the forward portion to release the bolt, or pull back with your fingernail on the tip of the rear portion without pushing the button too far down whilst reciting the alphabet backwards and hopping on your left foot and the cartridge stop will release. Okay that little part about the alphabet was a bit of an exaggeration, but that button should be more intuitive to use on a gun that costs this much. Ideally, I should only have to press it down like any other button. I went an embarrassingly long time before figuring out how to use the button properly. It works well, but by golly it was tricky to figure out. Unacceptable Benelli, shame on you.

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One other gripe I have about this gun is the use of choke tubes that are flush with the muzzle – a practice not unique to Benelli. When I’m out hunting and need to change choke tubes, the last thing I want to have to do is use a choke tube wrench. Extended choke tubes should be standard on any gun that is specifically designed for waterfowl hunting. Fewer tools means fewer things I have to keep track of in the blind.

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As for cleaning, inertia guns don’t need to be cleaned very often. Just lightly oil the internals and shoot. No carbon deposits need to be scraped away – as is the case with some gas guns. All of the gas and carbon goes out the barrel.

Ease of disassembly/assembly
The gun is quite easy to disassemble. Simply twist the magazine cap to pull off the lower receiver, and then twist the barrel to separate the stock from the upper receiver and barrel. Push down on the end of the bolt assembly, slide it back, pull the charging handle out and viola, the rest is smooth sailing.

Assembly can be tricky though. The lower receiver is held in place by spring tension. When the gun was new, those springs were VERY hard to depress, which made putting this gun together a swearing contest. Once those springs wear in, the gun goes together very easily. With exception to the magazine and trigger group, no tools are needed for disassembly.

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This gun does its job when it comes to removing flying objects from the sky. The sensation of the action cycling a new round as I watch my target tumble to the earth is what I would miss most about this gun were I to sell it today. I’ve absolutely dominated pheasants with the Vinci, and many gadwalls and greenheads have fallen to its fire as well.

From the pattern tests I’ve done with this gun, I’ve experienced no blown patterns or holes. I would only get new chokes for the mere purpose of having extended choke tubes. The gun shoots a little high, but it’s not enough to use the added shim kit for me. I simply modified my shooting style a little bit, and have had no issue hitting targets since.

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I’ve experienced five failures to feed with this gun, and they all occurred during the break-in period. Benelli advises in the user manual to shoot 75 to 100 rounds of “standard hunting cartridges” before the gun can be considered ready to cycle light loads reliably. The ammo I was using at the time was 2¾ inch, 1 1/8 oz. #4 shot, 1365 FPS, PMC steel. Those rounds aren’t exactly fire breathing, so the malfunctions were to be expected.

I’ve shot roughly 550 rounds through this gun since, and I haven’t experienced any more malfunctions. Potential buyers should note that the bolt must slam forward with enough force to rotate the bolt head into its locked position. Otherwise, the gun will produce light primer strikes. This Italian likes it rough, so don’t be soft with the action!

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Benelli made the mistake of serializing the barrel instead of the lower, so you’re forced to buy a whole new gun if you want a slug-slinging or home defense Vinci. It’s a shame, too. The three piece design lends itself well to modularity. If Benelli really wanted to, this gun could be as modular as Mossberg’s FLEX system. That is why the Vinci is more evolutionary than a revolutionary.

If the lower was the serialized part, I could buy multiple barrels, stocks, and different-sized magazines relatively easily. I could then interchange those parts in seconds and have a true do-it-all shotgun. That could’ve revolutionized the shotgun world four years ago. Alas, Mossberg capitalized on Benelli’s failure and launched their own FLEX system. Now the Vinci is just a gimmick gun that just so happens to have a good operating system. If I were in the market for a new inertia-operated gun, I would pass on the Vinci and seek greener pastures.


Chamber: 2 & ¾ and 3 inch, 12 guage
Barrel: 24 inch ventilated rib with fiber optic front bead and metal mid bead
Capacity: 3+1
Weight: 6.7 lbs
MSRP: $1,449


Ratings (Out of five stars):

Ergonomics: * * *
I took away two stars for the rear trigger guard that busts knuckles. Otherwise, the Vinci feels very solid in hand and is a joy to carry out in the field.

Controls: * * *
I gave the Vinci only three stars here because the safety is difficult to actuate and the cartridge stop latch is not intuitive to use.

Reliability: * * * * *
Since Benelli states that there is a break-in period, I can’t dock them reliability points for the FTFs I had during that time. I haven’t had any malfunctions outside of those first 100 rounds.

Accuracy: * * * * *
It is easy to point, and the choke tubes pattern quite nicely.

Customization: * * *
Ha! Good luck with this one. Some aftermarket companies make magazine extensions for the Vinci, but other than slings and choke tubes, market support looks average. Speaking of slings, make sure your sling swivel will fit the Vinci’s oversized sling loops. My Avery sling barely fits. I gave this category three stars since the owner can dial the gun in with the included shim kit and has the option to buy different sized butt pads and cheek pieces. The receiver is also drilled and tapped for optics if you’re into that sort of thing.

Overall: * * *
I’m a perfectionist, and this gun nags at that fact every time I take it out. I can’t help but be bugged that this gun is just a few notches short of being truly great. With that said, I feel that the Vinci is worth $1,000 as is. If Benelli wanted a four star gun worth $1,400, they would modify the safety button and rear trigger guard. Wait…didn’t they do that with the Super Vinci? Furthermore, if Benelli wanted a five star gun, they would serialize the lower receiver, offer multiple stocks and barrels, and they would fix the cartridge stop latch in addition to the safety and trigger guard.


33 thoughts on “Gun Review: Benelli Vinci”

    • Yeah, +1 on the Nova. It is the simplest most robust design I have ever seen, there are what 3 moving parts in the action? 10 total in the whole gun if you count the trigger, mag follower etc? I have a Super Nova (which is essentially the same) that I have stopped counting how many rounds have been fired without cleaning or proper care, it has become almost an experiment for me to see how long it will go before I have to clean it.

      My only gripe is that it swings about as easy as a telephone pole, no two ways around it, that is one front heavy shotgun, but if I had to take it to hell and back it would be my Nova (after a I clean it of course).

      • I’ve killed one duck, one goose, over 50 doves and countless clay pigeons and have never regretted the purchase. The only problem I’ve ever had was my own fault. In the heat of a reload in the dove field I reloaded a shell backwards. That sucked but again my own fault.

  1. Just can’t get past the looks, the Vinci is what Buck Rogers would have for a duck gun. If they had adapted the Vinci inertia system to the SBE/M2 line, they would have really knocked it out of the park.

    ETA – Good review, very thorough.

  2. Excellent review. I considered getting one of these but ended up pinching pennies and getting a SuperNova. As I’m very satisfied with the SuperNova, I’m glad I didn’t spend the extra cash!

  3. Great detailed review. That gun is absolutely too expensive for what it is. I’m not one to complain about price, and I’m not here, I’m complaining about value. I’ve shot one and it just does nothing special for me. Pictures 10 & 11 sum up why I’ll never own one. Shotguns should be thin and sleek, that is so overly bloated, so plasticy, so un-Beneli. And I like Benelis, the Ethos is my new dream shotgun, this is the polar opposite of that.

    • Expensive yes, But you do get a well made and very reliable semi-auto. As for plasticky…doesn’t that describe at least half of their catalog? Having shot the Vinci and Nova back to back, I can’t say either felt larger. The Vinci did manage recoil a bit better.

      For $1000, I’d have one in my safe.

  4. A working gun is going to get dings, and gasp, even a little surface rust on it. If its to pretty to take in the field, it ain’t a working gun.

    I second the comments on the Supernova. If and when I replace my Mossbergs the Benelli is tops in the running for the new contract.

    • No matter what Benelli claims, all of their Inertia Driven System guns kick like a baby mule with 3″ loads. They’re just so damned light. While great to carry around, your shoulder definitely pays the price. I have an 8oz mercury weighted magazine tube cap on my M2, and it gets it into gas gun recoil range.

  5. “I ended up having to use red Loctite to get the darned thing to stay in.”

    Question for the gunsmiths:

    I was under the impression Loctite Red was for when you absolutely wanted the screw to never loosen.

    Loctite Blue was for when you may need to remove it someday.

    As the sight isn’t under much stress there, would the Loctite Blue be acceptable?

  6. I have an M2 and a Nova. Love them both. I have to say when I handled the Vinci it really seemed like Benelli’s attempt to lower manufacturing costs (very simple tube receiver, action is looks like an overgrown Ciener conversion) while still charging $1400. I’m sure it’s good like any Benelli. the Nova is a fantastic gun for the money.

  7. I had a Nova first Gen and while the good had many great things to brag about the slide rattled on it. Current production doesn’t have that problem so they improved it. I have a M1Super 90 which is a good SHTF gun,

  8. The only Benelli shotguns that aren’t ridiculously overpriced are the Nova / SuperNova pumps. Recoil isn’t significantly worse than that of their inertia guns, so why spend an extra $1000 for … what, exactly?

  9. Got rid of my “Knuckle Buster” after shooting it for 5 yrs. Was sad to do so. I loved the way it shouldered and shot. But. At least once a year it would let me have it. Straight overhead and wide right shots were painful.
    I’ve shot ducks every year since I was 11. Yes I do know how to hold a shotgun. In case you were wondering.

  10. I bought the Benelli Vinci 4 years ago. What the hell was I thinking. I should have bought it sooner. I am 5′ 9″ and 150 lbs. I shoot 1-1/4 oz BB. 3″. The kick is nothing. I am buying the super Vinci this week for goose. Over priced? Maybe, but the value will always be there in the end. Happy Hunting. Love your guns.

  11. I just bought a new Vinci in May 2017 from F&S Store in PA on clearance for about $725 out the door including taxes, etc. Did I do OK?

    • Randy, you did well. I bought my Vinci in late 2014 for a tad over $1000, and that was a couple hundred under retail. I’ve run some 2500 rounds through it, shooting (at) ducks, geese, and (mostly) sporting clays. It’s never hung up when it wasn’t my fault (moving too quickly to reload and dropping a shell in backwards). It’s gotten wet, banged up in the boat/blind, and it’s never failed me. On more than one occasion, I’ve run 200+ rounds through it in a single day (two rounds of sporting clays), and my shoulder has never hurt (I’m 5’9″ and 170#). Keep it clean and lightly oiled and you’ll enjoy it for a long time. Oddly, none of my SBE-toting buddies have said it looks ugly. So, I don’t really understand the reviews about it being a terribly unusual looking shotgun.

      • I would tend to believe the only people complaining about the Vinci’s styling would be traditionalists that cannot imagine a shotgun with anything other than a pretty wooden stock with all kinds of ornate graving on it. I bought my Vinci several years ago and I love it. I use it for skeet at this point in time. I am hoping to get it out in the woods one day. Personally, I am 5’9″ and about 170 and I feel it does shoot lighter than many other brands. I have been hunting small game and birds since I was about 10 years of age, so I have shot a couple of shotguns from 28 through 12 gauge. Having said all of that, this is my opinion and the gun just works for me and I believe it was a good value at the price I paid for it. If any gun works well for you, then you have a good value, again, IMO.

  12. Just bought a Hatsan Dynamic here in England.
    Looks almost identical .Stock is one piece.
    Unfortunatley has had to be returned to dealer with a fired cartridge in a totally locked up bolt !
    Hopefully will be sorted .Low brass clay cartridge use.28 grn.
    32 grns higher brass worked just fine.
    These Hatsans come with hand screw in chokes..
    Hope to collect next few days .Three years warranty here.

  13. I’ve owned my Vinci for the last three years, and have probably put close to 15,000 rounds through it (mostly clays and trap). Have there been any problems? Yes. What are they? 1) There is a rubber ring in the bolt system that disintegrated about year into service. I called Benelli and they shipped me a new ring the next day. Things happen, and the customer service was great. 10,000 rounds later, not the first signs of wear on the replacement part. 2) I was rail hunting on the Eastern Shore of Virginia during a tropical event last September, and it would NOT cycle the magazine rounds of Kent Fasteel #6s. It easily cycles 7.5s, 8s, and 9s with 2 3/4 shells every week, so it either had something to do with the brass on the Kent loads or the fact that it was extraordinarily humid and raining. Regardless, I was able to limit (25 Virginia Rails) in about 90 minutes with less than two boxes of shells. Fortunately, rails really like being shot, and they love circling back for clean shots. If it was a duck day, I would have been frustrated, as it was a single shot wonder that day. My buddy was shooting the same loads out of his A400 without the same issue.

    And…that’s about it! I’ve been extraordinarily happy with it, and just bought a new recoil pad, as the old one disintegrated today while I was doing 5 Stand. Three years of ownership, tons of clays, hundreds of hours in a duck blind, and more than a few pheasant and doves fields worked, and I can’t complain. The Vinci has been rock solid.
    (My duck and goose loads are either Black Clouds or Hevi Shot, and my go-to for trap/clays are Gun Clubs or Herters, usually the Remingtons at $4.25 a box).

    Also, I have absolutely NO idea what people are complaining about with the safety and the trigger guard recoil problems. It’s a safety button. You push it, pull the trigger, and the gun goes bang. Maybe I have really long fingers, so pushing it isn’t a problem, but it has never been an issue. With 15,000 rounds through the thing, I’ve also never ever had the trigger guard strike my hand, and there have been SO many dropped birds. Perhaps the gun just fits me, but my grip stays on the handle and the recoil energy goes into my shoulder and out the barrel. If you’re loose with your grip, any gun will smack you.

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