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I like to shoot. A lot. Sometimes I like to shoot very quickly, but full-auto? Meh. I live in a state which prohibits machine guns, and I don’t have literally tens of thousands of dollars to blow on one anyway. For me as for most shooters, Class III full-auto is not and never will be a reality . . .

I’m not exactly alone in this situation. Onerous federal and state laws, Byzantine licensing procedures, and the insanely high price of a transferable machine gun place this dream well out of reach for 99.995% of us. Even if a selective-fire MP5K were only a credit card swipe and an NICS background check, how many of us could afford enough ammo to justify the expense? Not me.

Don’t get me wrong: I’m not exactly hung up on this, and I don’t sit awake at nights fuming that the National Firearms Act took away my ability to throw lead downrange even faster than I can right now.

But it sure looks like it would be fun to do every now and then, and as any bump-firing YouTube superstar will tell you, fully legal bullet-spraying ballistic bliss can be yours for a few seconds at a time even without an NFA stamp. As long as you don’t really care what, if anything, you hit.

Our family spent the weekend at the Washington coast, and out of the blue I met a very generous fellow with a taste for manually-cranked rapid fire. Instead of flying a kite or digging for razor clams, here’s where I found myself this Saturday.  Oh yeah.

My new friend is the bemused proprietor of a Cabelas Double 10/.22 ‘Gatling Gun.’ As you can tell already, it’s not a true Gatling Gun; it’s two Ruger 10/.22 barreled actions strapped side-by-side in a machined aluminum fixture with ventilated barrel shrouds, twin crank-operated trigger cams and quadrant sights. It’s all pintle-mounted on a miniature tripod, and it looks like the most badass double barrel paintball gun you’ve ever seen.

In action, the triggers of the two Rugers are pulled by the alternating lobes of a crank you turn with your right hand. A left-hand pistol grip features a trigger-like lever that pulls the cam into contact with the triggers for firing. In practice the ‘trigger’ took a lot of effort to hold back, so we eventually jerry-rigged it with a zip-tie.

The 10/.22 magazines (we had some steel-lipped 25’ers, but the bigger the better) stick out the left and right sides of the fixture., and while they look very sci-fi they don’t insert easily or seat firmly. The left barrel ejects downward, and this is a good thing for operator safety but it’s a bitch to cycle the bolt for loading and unloading. The right barrel ejects upward; it’s easy to charge but throws the sizzling-hot .22 brass *directly* into your face as you sit or lay down behind the tripod.

This shows the cute little .22 tattoo you get when you shift your elbow onto a just-fired shell. It looks worse now, but it should fade in a few days.

Here’s a dilemma: a prone shooting position allows for slightly better ‘aimed’ fire, but subjects to to a painful shower of extremely hot brass. A seated firing position protects you somewhat from brass burns, but requires you to walk your rounds onto the target with an even greater sense of randomness. Some sort of shell deflector would have been a great idea, and the next time we take it out we’re going to bring a patio bug screen to sit behind.

Whether deliberately aimed or simply sprayed towards the target, this whole setup is wickedly (and blissfully) inaccurate. The quadrant sights seem better suited for leading imaginary ME-109s from the tailgun of your imaginary Flying Fortress than actually hitting a real target. The words “suppressive” and “rimfire” are seldom uttered in tandem, but that’s pretty much what you get here.

The cranking action causes a lot of wandering at the muzzle, and the tripod is sturdy but it doesn’t dampen or stabilize the gun’s traverse. Single aimed shots are all but impossible because the crank mechanism gives no tactile hint of when the next shot is about to fire. It was a challenge to hit within five feet of our target, a spoiled bottle of Ranch dressing, with the first few shots.

When an ordinary gun won’t hit large, nearby targets with a first or second (or fifth) shot, this usually ruins your whole shooting experience and brands that gun as a worthless POS forever. With the dual Ruger rig, however (in the immortal words of Al Pacino) you’re just gettin’ started!

If your first shots don’t land on or near the target, just slew the muzzles around and keep cranking while you walk your shots home. The standard full-auto technique of short, controlled bursts doesn’t apply here, since you’ll lose your combat zero if you stop cranking and you’ll have to walk your shots in all over again.

At a moderate cranking speed, the twin 25-round magazines are good for about six seconds of sustained fire. This works out to a cyclic rate of fire of about 500 rounds a minute. The effective sustained firing rate is less than 100 rounds a minute, because the unsupported magazine wells make mag swaps slow and balky. If you’ve got some reliable 50-round magazines, good on you: you’ll get twelve seconds of fun and an effective sustained firing rate of maybe 150 or 200 rpm.

Talk of all these bullets flying around brings me to an important consideration: this dual Ruger rig is a rangemaster’s nightmare. With aimed fire essentially impossible, you’ll need a very deep and broad field of fire (or very high backstops all around you) before you even think about loading the magazines and pulling the tri turning the crank.  And that ain’t all:

  • The tripod has no stops to prevent the gun from slewing around 180 and lasing the entire firing line if somebody bumps it.
  • The tripod has no stops to prevent the muzzles from pointing skywards at a 60 degree angle OR digging themselves into the dirt.
  • The donor rifles’ safeties are virtually unusable: the safety buttons are partly  obscured by the receiver fixture.
  • If that weren’t bad enough, the left safety is ‘down’ for safe, and the right safety is ‘down’ to fire. It’s so confusing, maybe it’s just as well you can’t reach them.

So let’s take stock of things so far: this rig is hard to load, painful to shoot, dangerous, expensive, and you can’t hit shit with it without spraying a whole box of shells downrange. In a word (or two), it’s effing brilliant.

It may be a one-trick pony, but this little pony gives you a hell of a fun ride. A whole day later, I still get an ear-to-ear grin every time I think about the utter joyous folly of spraying box after box of .22s from those twin vented barrels.

You can’t hunt with it, you can barely hit a trash can at 15 yards without missing a dozen times first, and you can’t defend yourself with it except from the fattest, slowest-moving, thinnest-skinned and most poorly armed attackers imaginable. With enough pre-loaded 25-round magazines, you could possibly use it to hold off a wave of crazed giant possums shuffling towards you with hate in their beady little eyes, but then again maybe you couldn’t.

There is absolutely no practical reason for this gun to exist other than pure stupid fun, but for that single purpose it’s absolute magic and I feel incredibly lucky to have spent a few hours shooting it like I stole it. We put about 500 rounds through it in an hour or so of intermittent bullet-spraying, and I can honestly say I’ve never had so much fun with fifteen bucks worth of ammo.

But after the novelty of spasm-firing like Aliens’ Vasquez and Drake wears off, this rig would probably sit in the gun safe a long time between outings.  I’m sure it wouldn’t be worth my money to own one of these, but the shooting world is a brighter and sillier place for their existence.

As much fun as it’s been, this review is really only a teaser for the BIG review coming up sometime this summer: a converted Browning M1919 belt-fed machine gun with a Gatling crank handle. If the dual Ruger gatling gun is playful and silly, this bad boy is deadly serious. I can’t wait to try it out, but we need to secure several hundred rounds of linked .308.


Cabelas Dual 10/.22 Gatling Gun
Price: $400 plus two donor rifles (conversion kit has limited availability)
Caliber: 22 Long Rifle
Weight: heavy and awkward from the hip, light and balanced on the tripod
Magazine capacity: 10, 25, 30 or 50 rounds, times two.
Rate of Fire: approx. 500 rpm cyclic.

Ratings (out of five)

Accuracy *
I had no idea I could fire so many 10/.22s so many times at such short range and miss so often.  Minute of Trash Can is the best I could get at 15 yards.

Style **
You’ll like it better if you’ve always wanted a paintball AA gun of your very own.  Paint it black for five stars of pint-sized awesomeness.

Ergonomics (zero stars)
Add one star if you have a picnic table to mount it on, and bring a zip-tie for the ‘trigger’ lever.

Reliability **
The machined-aluminum fixtures are very well made, but perfect Ruger reliability is compromised by clumsy trigger cams and poor magazine seating.

Safety *
This usually isn’t a review category at TTAG, but informed shooters should know to treat this gun with extra caution and attention. Since it doesn’t operate or handle like an ordinary gun, relying on your regular gun-handling training might not be enough.

Customize This *
This is already the ne plus ultra of customized rimfires, and you really can’t customize it any further.

Overall **
Absurdist fun for the first-time shooter.

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  1. That is sooo BA…

    We need a nighttime video to really showcase that dual barrel greatness…

    And I think that a lot of the qualms and deficiencies could be fixed by some good after-after-market engineering and a mill.

  2. Totally theoretical comment….What would a high speed drill attachment do?
    I mean if someone had blatant disregards for federal law.

    • Almost certainly take it into unregistered full auto territory. Cranked guns only get a pass because turning a crank is seen as multiple actions by our friends at the ATF. Add a drill and that becomes one action for multiple rounds, making it a machine gun. On the fun side, your rate of fire would go through the roof.

  3. That’s several hundred rounds of linked .30-06 for the M1919, not .308. Unless the caliber was changed in the crank-conversion process.

    • USN Mk21 Mod0. Used in Vietnam, and other countries rechambered their 1919’s also.

  4. Spray and Pray . . . what ever happened to trying to be accurate? The whole idea of shooting is to hit the target, whether it is a paper picture of Adolf or the body
    of the thug with a knife threatening your wife. You guys need to grow up.

    • Bro… He was trying to hit targets. Time to grow up past kindergarten. You know how to read and write. Now you need to analyze. Plus, what ISN’T appealing about shooting a gun with a high rate of fire?! I can’t tell if you’re a party-pooper, idiot, or an ordinary Internet troll.

    Can you explain why NFA items have gone up 400% in price in the last 10 years? Because of demand, so your comments about what you think shooting should ‘be about’ are FLAME DELETED. If your such a FLAME DELETED then why are you on websites that have firearms related content? FLAME DELETED.

    • Prices of pre 1986 machineguns are thru the roof” because of the Firearms owners protection act of 1986, somebody slipped in an amendment that prohibits civilians from owning any machinegun manufactured after 1986, Thus closing the market and prices of available stock go thru the roof.

    • and that would turn it into a likely mob deterrent, especially at night.

      “I have a machine gun: Ho-ho-ho.”

  6. Have had one of the .22 doubles and my three boys love it. Boys (22, 30, 38) and it brought a smile to every one. 35 round mags all worked fine, using two different brands. Sprays all over due to cranking of handle. My solution, a bracket that fastened to the wooden platform and held the barrels to a limited range of movement. At 40 feet, after making the bracket the hits numbered 55 out of 60 in a silhouette target. Will adjust the barrels better another time to give converging fire. Also, removed that piece of garbage rear sight mount. It only interferred with adjusting the trigger and cam distance. Also, now the safeties are easier to reach. As for it whipping around and shooting up the firing line, practice safety and it won’t happen. I made horizontal marks across the front sight for various ranges. At 40 feet, about 3/4 inches up from base of sight worked.
    At further ranges, lower marks. As for loading mags, the crank loader that some dealers sell worked great. It took more time to put the bullets into the square hopper and shake them to fall nose down into the feed slot than it did to crank and cause them to load. There would be no hours worth of fun from a block with these loaders, but possibly half hours or other fractions of hours. I loaded two mags for my son before he could put on his shoes and tie them. Other discoveries are the MG42 shell for rugers. With a drum mag on them, and a distant view, it looks like time for trespassers to find somewhere else to poach. Plus, the cone shape of the muzzle actually focuses the report into a narrow area and reduces sideways blast and a need for ear plugs. Lots of interesting toys for rugers out there.

  7. Auto weapons never were about great accuracy; you must be very good to bring 2-3 rounds from an M14A1E2 onto an e-silhouette at 200 yards. Their purpose is suppressive fire, and final defensive fire with a barrel virtually locked in place, not transiting the bipod (or tripod) and spraying. One effective use is maintaining fire into the beaten zone.
    This is a lot of why some knothead with an automatic Mac 10 or AK at 50′ will be outgunned by me with a Ruger Single-Six, and why I am better with a pump 20 than you ever will be with an auto-12.
    That said, this is a cheap addition to a ’48 Power Wagon painted OD green!

    • Two words 4 U Bill KICK ASS wish we lived in the same area 1 more thing that Olive Drab painted ’48 Power Wagon does have a O’l school 392 hemi under the hood right HaHa

  8. If you liked that dual 10/22 crank fire gun, then you’ll probably like these three too that I created using the Ruger 10/22 rifle action encased inside a faux receiver and made to crank fire and look somewhat like a Browning or Maxim that fit onto standard camera tripods.

    Here’s a video I just finished creating showing the evolution of my Ruger 10/22 crank fire dress up kit prototypes versions 1 through 3. The first one is air cooled only. The second one is (truly) water cooled only. But my third prototype is convertible in under a minute to be either air cooled or (truly) water cooled (no fake water jackets here). I learned a lot making the first two, and my 3rd prototype incorporates new design changes that I learned from making the earlier ones. In my video you will see my latest 3rd prototype firing at the range using the new GSG 110 rd drum mag and it’s really spitting out the rounds. Hope you enjoy it. Bill



  9. Here’s a video I just finished creating showing the evolution of my Ruger 10/22 crank fire dress up kit prototypes I created showing versions 1 through 3. The first one is air cooled only. The second one is (truly) water cooled only. But my third prototype is convertible in under a minute to be either air cooled or (truly) water cooled (no fake water jackets here). I learned a lot making the first two, and my 3rd prototype incorporates new design changes that I learned from making the earlier ones. In my video you will see my latest 3rd prototype firing at the range using the new GSG 110 rd drum mag and it’s really spitting out the rounds. Hope you enjoy it. Bill…

  10. Many years ago, a customer brought one of these in for repair which had two .30 M1carbines instead of Ruget 10/22s. Fixed it an tested it. Worked just fine. My wife asked to shoot it, so I agreed. She loved it andcommented that we really needed to get one. I teminded her that she just shot up about 60 round or abour 50 bucks worth of ammo! We still don’t have one; but it was fun to shoot!

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