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Gun Review: CAI Canik TP-9

When Mr. Bond grew tired of his German mouse gun, he “upgraded” to the Walther P99. I don’t know how many of you out there upgraded along with him, but if you’re like me you didn’t. My “excuse” for shunning the gun: I’m not a huge fan of the P99’s H&K style magazine release. You know, the kind located on the trigger guard? Its proximity to the trigger is as welcome as hot-sauce in saline solution. Ergonomically? Awk-ward. This made the gun a attractive to me as . . .

Isabeli Fontana is to Elton John. I could appreciate the gun’s objective beauty but it didn’t really appeal to me, personally. And yet, at the time, in the Bay State, it was the only gun available (and affordable) with pre-ban hi-capacity magazines.

And so, a long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away from uninfringed gun rights, I obtained a S&W Wather P99. I loved everything about the pistol but three simple things: the grip, trigger, and magazine release. Oh, and the cost. But that’s more of a testament of the lack of places to shop for guns in Massachusetts than to the pistol being over-priced.

I prayed that someone would answer my cries for ergonomic reprieve deep in the heart of Massive Taxes. But it wasn’t until after I made the blue state exodus that the Turks (yes the People’s Republic of Turks) answered my prayers with the TP-9.

Century International decided that Canik55’s take on the P99—the TP-9—was too great a deal to pass up for all us Americans. They imported a boatload of them and showcased thesemi at last year’s SHOT show, where they caught my eye.

The first thing I noticed about the TP-9 from the SHOT show coverage: the TP-9 had more bling than Lil Jon’s teeth. The slide sports a two-tone hard-chrome finish. Combined with the polymer frame, assuming actuarial longevity, it should easily outlast the user.

The TP-9 arrived at my FFL’s literally jammed into its hard case. Like the aforementioned sunglass-wearing British rock star, it was brimming with accessories. I’m fairly certain that someone over at Century or Canik had to sit on the thing to close it. After wiping off the packing oil, disassembling and re-oiling, I grabbed a few boxes of my favorite 9mm and headed out the door.

Handling the TP-9 at the shop I had no issues with its ergonomics. Out at the range, the gun’s edges dug into my hand. I blame a combination of gorilla grip and tiny hands. I fitted the included alternative back-straps to no avail. Then I made a discovery: when the TP-9’s striker is primed (by pulling the slide to the rear) it moves the trigger slightly back and into the comfort zone for those of us with less than orangutan-sized fingers.

Initially I was excited. I’d finally found the perfect P99 replacement! The TP-9 striker-decocker made me hesitate. Foolish consistency may be the hobgoblin of little minds but it’s what I want (what I really, really want) from a trigger pull. When you’re under stress, you want unconscious control; it’s why I prefer Glocks to to XD’s and 1911’s to Berettas. That being said, with enough diligent training a person could defend their home with a Nambu pistol or a Sharps rifle.

To make sure my gripes with the Canik’s grip weren’t the result of small-handed prejudice, I enlisted the help of my 6’3″ ham-fisted buddy. Steven found that the TP-9 points naturally. He said the grip was noticeably more comfortable than his Glock 19. I guess you can strike the TP-9 off the list of holiday gifts for the Mrs., unless your Mrs. is an Amazonian goddess.

The TP-9’s magazine release is where God intended: just behind the trigger guard. When depressed, the oddly placed decocker (just ahead of the rear-sights ) blocks the firing pin while de-cocking the hammer or in this case, striker. When you rack the gun the trigger doesn’t actually move. When the shooter applies a tiny bit of pressure it “clicks” and moves past its standard DA position and rests at a shorter one. This makes the trigger pull lighter and shorter. But the fact that you have to “stage” the trigger seems a recipe for disaster—unless you utilize the decocker.

The TP-9’s recoil is noticeably greater than it’s Austrian counterpart. I’m not sure if it’s down to the frame’s lightweight and heavy slide or a simple testament to the action’s violence. But we’re talking about relative recoil; I don’t know of a single flinch-making full-sized 9mm handgun.

Cleaning and lubricating the TP-9 is as easy (or easier) than a a Glock. After clearing the TP-9, pull down the disassembly lever, pull the trigger and push the slide off the frame. Canik55 does you a huge favor by chroming the slide of the pistol. You can simply wipe it down with an old rag then re-oil and you’re all set to sit back in your favorite EZ-chair and smile with pride at the glistening metal.

The TP-9’s “night sights” are your standard three-dot fixed sights with phosphorescent (read: glow-in-the-dark) paint. Shine the beam on the irons for a few seconds and BAM! Instant tritium. Well almost. While obviously not the same quality or consistency of luminescence that tritium offers, the TP-9’s sights were still more useful than normal sights. Plus, who can afford tritium these days?

Cost is this bad boy’s real appeal. If you need a reliable semi-auto but you don’t want to drop serious change on something you’re not entirely sure is worth the extra dough, the TP-9 is a great choice. It ships with two 17-round magazines, a Serpa knockoff holster with two mounting options, a cleaning kit, and two back straps; all for a hair under $300. It’s like getting a P99 for the cost of a P22 and without the spotty reliability so prevalent in the little .22 automatic.

But all is not perfect in the land of foot stools and steamy baths. The TP-9 has one major flaw: a God-awful trigger. While it doesn’t exhibit any creep, it’s long and heavy as hell. My trigger scale tripped at 8.5 lbs. Mind you, this is a DAO striker-fired pistol not a match-grade 1911. Still, it makes accurate shots beyond 25 yards pretty damn difficult. Unless you’re accustomed to shooting revolvers in DA. Did I mention the strange trigger pull after the striker is first primed? I think I did.

Canik55 does a lot of good things with their TP-9. It’s a great value for someone on a budget interested in getting a striker-fired handgun for home defense. But if you seek a knock-off Walthar P99 that shoots like a Glock, this is not the pistol you’re looking for.

Specifications: CAI Canik55 TP-9
Caliber: 9mm
Overall: 6.75″
Weight: 1.7 lbs.
MSRP: $350ish

Accuracy: * * * ½
The TP-9 showed decent groupings using NATO spec 9mm and Aquila 124 grain. Combat accurate.

Ergonomics * *1/2
The gun felt like a spiky plastic brick in my hands, but the controls are all easily
reachable. The trigger is ideal for double-action revolver fanboys. Anyone else, not so much.

Fit & Finish * * * * *
The gun ran 100 percent with the ammo I tested (approx 350 rounds) and locked up tight with zero rattling. The hard chroming was attractive, durable, and easy to clean.

Accessories * * * * *
Standard picatinny rail underneath and not only includes a holster, but also fits existing Walther and S&W P99 holsters with little or no modification.

Value * * * * *
The guys over at Century / Canik55 nailed the price point on this gun. Bonus! You get more accessories than you do with guns twice its price.

Overall * * * *
Despite the tractor-pull-like trigger pull, I find it difficult to dislike the TP-9. The gun’s no wall hanger but if you’re looking for an attractive, combat accurate pistol for home defense, and you’re on a budget, the TP-9 is an excellent choice.

92 thoughts on “Gun Review: CAI Canik TP-9”

  1. I’ve always had the philosophy that everyone should own at least one combat hand gun and by that I mean a full size gun in 9mm or greater caliber that you can shoot extremely well.

    Mine is a Steyr M-A1, for a lot of people it’s a Glock, personal preferences vary. I looked at a Walther P99 and it was close but I think the Steyr has a better barrel. I considered a Caracal too but at the time they just were not available. Wilhelm Bubits worked for Glock before moving to Steyr to design the M and S series pistols and most recently the Caracal. Who says all the genius gun designers are dead?

    • I agree, for me it’s a ruger p95 (weeell, and a tt33, but that doesn’t count.. or does it?) I have a few mouse guns for carry purposes, but I still prefer to shoot the big boys at the range, just a little more carnal.

      • Watching the advertising I use to believe that Canick was a decent gun but not anymore.I bought mine new, the TP9SF and did not fire from the start.It misfired randomly. I discovered that its fire pin was defective, it would not protrude far enough to hit the cartridge primer. I cannot thrust my life to this gun so I would not even bother to fix it.JUNK…I’ll stick to my Makarov and the TT Tokarev. Never had a jam or misfire due to the guns but only because the ammo and they’re insanely accurate…

    • Review? Sure! But in a left-wing Liberal Socialist paradise of a perfect world that we are inching towards, reviewing the firearm is just fine!

      Just remember to bring it back to the gun club, where they will remove the firing pin and secure it in a locked safe. Turn in your brass and unused ammo and sign that you did not exceed the maximum allowed practice rounds (s?) for one day.

      And don’t forget to retrieve your generic (non-racist, non-tactical) round white targets to the rangemaster, pay your range and ammo tax, your safe rental fee, and renew your firearms tax stamp and permit on the way out.

      Oh, and you must be mistaken. Those are Feinstein approved 2 round “clips”.

      Somebody slap me.

        • Did not stalin and Adolf Hitler take citizen’s gun away to eventually exterminate them? And Just Who enforces the whims of these rogue “New World Order” politicians you call socialists….The killer gutter thug cops with paste on badges and guns who will smoke you without a second thought for that easy 100KP/Y paycheck, cup of java and a crispy cream. Yes they must, with their Criminal politico masters, be eliminated and replaced with Genuine Police Officers, Guardians of the Public Trust from half a century ago. Love the Caracal 9C almost as much as the S&W SD9VE Series which will be Totally SoldOut Very Shortly, as that SD VE series Is a total homerun for S&W.

  2. Nice review, James. As you noted, we are handgun deprived in the Commonwealth. This is because of the Attorney General’s “safety” regulations, not the oft-reviled but merely annoying Assault Weapons Ban. The piece you tested will never be sold in MA because the trigger, which you found too heavy, is actually too light to satisfy the AG’s regs.

    MA requires a 10 lb. trigger pull. If a dealer sells a pistol with a trigger of less than 10, it is considered an unfair or deceptive trade practice. One is free to futz with the trigger after purchase.

    • “MA requires a 10 lb. trigger pull. If a dealer sells a pistol with a trigger of less than 10, it is considered an unfair or deceptive trade practice.”

      I hope you’re joking. If that is really the case I wonder why any outdoorsman would live in the state. I never could understand anyone wanting to live in the east to begin with but that is simply crazy, if true.

  3. Exactly why I bought my Sigma at the time. A full size service 9mm for about 300 bucks. It’s a simple reliable design and since most of my shooting is with double action revolvers the transition to the Sigma is pain free.

  4. I’ve seen ads recently for a Turk knock off of the M1911 that Bud’s reviewed positively. I think they run under $400, which if it is a well made gun, as the other Turk pistols seems to be, is a real steal. I don’t thnk I’ll be seeing them in Californistan, but I would like to see a real world review. These Turkish made guns are being well received.

    • My step son has a Hatsan? pump shotgun that was made in Turkey. It seems to be every thing a bargain pump gun should be.

  5. I guess DC has different fiearrm laws than ol’ Virginia, huh? I don’t read political websites that much, but is this a big deal amongst conservative bloggers? I don’t really see why it is a big deal at all.

  6. Thank you for this review. James Grant, what magazines does this gun take and where may I purchase the same? Thank you in advance.

  7. “Mind you, this is a DAO striker-fired pistol”

    Wrong!!! This is a DA/SA Striker Fired Pistol with a Decocker. It would not need a Decocker if it were DAO. This calls into question as to whether you’ve actually fired this Pistol or know how to write.

    Note that the TP-9’s DA Trigger pull runs about 10 lbs and the SA Trigger pull about 5 lbs.

    • I concur. The TP9 is SA/DA. It is designed to operate in single action, with the option to decock it, making the first shot a long, hard double action pull, like any SA/DA gun. Follow up shots are all single action, also like any SA/DA gun. If you did indeed fire this gun, and it operated only in double action, you need to send it back for service. It is defective. And noted the single action pull is short and about 5 pounds. With a very short reset that is quite crisp. Follow on shots are very quick.

      I wonder further when you say this is the same reason you prefer Glocks to XD’s. The internal mechanics are quite different, and there is a somewhat different feel to the triggers on the two guns. But Glocks and XD’s function almost identically. They are both single action only guns that have to be cocked before they will fire. And both have a two stage trigger with a light takeup pull, followed by a short, firm release at the end. Neither is comparable to the TP9.

      Having said that. I did note that the main striker spring is extremely tight on this gun, which is why the double action pull is quite hard. I intend to see if it loosens up after break in, but I suspect this gun would benefit nicely from a slightly lighter striker spring. But please note I am a certified gunsmith and I am NOT recommending that anyone change the spring in their guns. This could affect the safety and reliability of the gun. Do not attempt to tune the springs on any gun unless you KNOW what you are doing.

  8. A comment concerning the safety of this gun. I have had my TP9 for a few days now, and I have yet to fire it, but I have given it a thorough going over, as I do any new gun. Note that I am a certified gunsmith. The trigger mechanism on this gun is pretty complex, in order to provide the double action/single action functionality, as well as the decocking ability. When examining the mechanism I noticed something that concerned me. It has a two stage sear. This is an ingenious system, which is what makes the light single action pull on this gun possible. However, there is absolutely no mechanism to retain the sear in place when the gun is cocked, beyond simple friction. Any sudden vibration, or jolt to the gun, especially to the rear can cause the sears to slip and release the striker WITHOUT THE TRIGGER BEING PULLED. I confirmed this by simple drop tests. I loaded the gun with snap caps and racked the slide, chambering a round. I did not decock the gun but left it in single action mode. Dropping the gun, barrel up, from as little as three feet above a firm surface resulted in the striker releasing. Now granted. The gun would not have discharged because the firing pin safety blocked the firing pin. But I’m not entirely comfortable with a gun that can accidentally release the striker, relying solely on a firing pin safety to prevent accidental discharges. Other guns such as Glocks, XD’s or even my S&W SD9VE are designed so there is absolutely no way to release the striker without an intentional trigger pull. You could drop them from an airplane and be 100% certain they will not fire. The TP9, maybe not so much. I am NOT saying the gun is dangerous. Just saying it could have been made safer.

    • This pistol is a Walther p99 copy and its trigger mechanism is same with its original’s initial production samples except the double sided decocker. P99 has a two arm striker releaser and though this construction is absolute safe against to the impacts and drops coming from the muzzle end, it is only supported by compressed striker spring and friction against to the drops and impacts to come from the back side. In case of an impact occured from that side, the only safety to keep the gun from discharging will be the striker safety. In fact, excepting the Glock, Steyr M and Russian GSh 18, all other striker pistols of polymer kind use the same approach to prevent accidental discharges though impacts and drops as sacrificing weapon’s cocked mode which can not be accepted as a real “Drop Safety”. XD’s have an additional grip safety to prevent accidental striker release without trigger exertion, but in case of an impact happened when the gun is held, they will behave in the same manner.

  9. Very good pistol why I am saying so is the price which u are paying In return u get awesome pistol finishing gr8 shape gr8 and performance gr8
    Shape 10/10
    Finishing 10/10
    Performance 10/10

  10. I have owned my tp9 now for a few months and i have to say that I absolutely love this gun. I have probably put close to 1000s rounds so far and have yet to have any issues. I keep reading reviews that say its a 17 round mag but its an 18 round mag. Great gun.

  11. I have just received my 55 , and have put about 50 rounds down the tube,and it works great.. every thing was in the case like they said…BUT I AM LEFT HANDED… and the holster is for RIGHT HANDED but i make do …if any one might know wear i might get one for a left hand i can use your help????


    • Mark, it has been my experience that any holster that will fit a Walther P99 will also fit the TP-9. You should have little trouble finding a left handed holster for a P99. Good luck!

    • where you able to find a left handed hard holster? Ive been looking for a left handed hard holster an the walther holster might work but i haven’t heard of anyone saying they tryed it

      • If still looking for a hard holster. IMI, Walther P99, available thru eBay. Level 2 retention. Cost about $35. Color choices black, OD, tan.

  12. I just bought a 55. Tried to put 115g rounds through it. It stove piped every time. Tried 50 rounds. Was wondering what everyone is using for ammo? Not sure yet if it was ammo issue or gun defect. Any info would be helpful.

    • Can’t say it’s the 115 grain stuff. Couple hundred PMC 115gr FMJ, not a single hiccup. I like the trigger, accurate enough for me (17 rounds into 4 inches @ 15 yards). Desert Tan.

  13. I have had mine for a month or so and I really like it. I have very large hands and this may be the most comfortable gun I have ever held ( I can even use the decocker one handed). I have noticed that it doesn’t like really cheap ammo. I was using some cheapo ppu and had a similar issue. I do not know if it is due to the really thin cartridge walls they use or the heavy spring in the gun. I have switched to shooting white box win and have had no issues at all.
    I bought the titanium color and it looks great.

    • Can you tell me if this gun has double strike capability? If you have a light primer strike, can you just pull the trigger again to try to make it fire or does the round have to be ejected by racking the slide to fire again?

      Thank you

      • I have not had any issue with this issue. You cannot cock the gun again without racking the slide so I would have to say no to the double strike.

      • Walther p99 on which this is based DOES let you do a “double strike” if you need to, as does the SW99, the joint Smith/Walther made copy.

        This one should allow you to do the same.

      • This is a DA/SA gun, so yes you can…as many times as you want without racking the slide and the firing pin will continue to strike the primer.

    • Can’t say anything about cheap ammo. I use PMC when shooting commercial ammo. Mostly shooting reloaded win, rem, magtek and PMC brass light loading at lower end of scale with BERRY’S plated 115 GR bullets. Not a single issue feeding, firing nor ejection.

  14. Mine will be shipped to my ffl soon, any recommendations on ammo for this one? Any manufacture not wanting to feed well, vice versa? Thanks yall!

  15. I just purchased one and am very impressed with the shooting results. 100 rounds with no malfunctions at all.

    The group size was what surprised me. From what I have read they are combat guns. Mine was literally drilling a hold in the middle of the metal man target. With PPV 9mm it shot to the left slightly but with Federal Red box…and I love this stuff, it shot dead center and damn near the same place shot after shot.

    Body armor drills same results. It is nice to shoot a gun that is very accurate and well made not to mention all of the stuff you get. Holster for belt or pancake style. Two extra front sights, 2 back strapes, two magazine that hold 18 rounds each, a cleaning rod, cleaning brush…what’s not to like, heck even the price is good!

    Very impressive indeed. I, by the way am a POST certified firearms instructor and a Navy firearms instructor. I have done firearms instruction for 20 years. So I am well versed in the use of firearms.

    Great gun! Ready to carry off duty. Shoot I would like to carry it on duty.

    Be safe and have fun.

  16. I went for one of these. I disagree about the grips. I am average sized and they are quite comfortable. Mine experienced a detached trigger spring after the first shot. Sent it back, they ‘fixed’ it, I happened again. Still waiting for an exchange.

  17. I disagree with much of your review. I purchased one of these and think they are very well made. The grip is way more comfortable than a slab sided Glock and the accuracy of mine is, well, fantastic. I am shooting approximately 1 inch groups combat shooting. It almost feels too easy to blow the center out of the target.

    The initial trigger squeeze is not bad. NO stacking and you know exactly when it releases the firing mechanism and reset is very tactile.

    I had no mal functions ever and they give you a holster both belt of paddle plus one extra magazine, loader and cleaning brush. What’s not to love? Compared to the venerated GLOCK it’s better in every way.

    Oh and I like it so much I carry it off duty everyday. I’d stake my life on this gun. It’s that good and the price is way too good for a gun of this caliber.


    POST Certified Firearms instructor, Navy firearms instructor, Glock shooting school and armorer classes.

    • Ive put about 800rds of different brands of ammo and it doesnt work well, at least for me, with TulAmmo or lower pressure cartridges. I used Federal American Eagle and they work well. The TulAmmo always shot low of POA almost 5″ but Fiocchi and federal work fine. Seems it likes higher pressures and heavier lead. 124 gr works well. ive got some Barnes tac-xpd +P 115 gr and Magtech 115gr to try out. But since the ammo adjustment I’m much happier with it. To be honest i was not happy at all when i put the TulAmmo through it and thought i made a mistake buying it. But it shoots nicely now. Another problem with it for me is the decocker is stiff as heck. It should easily be depressable with one finger but it takes more effort than i think it should.

        • I agree with you… the decocking button should require substantially moderate pressure to decock the weapon. I own this first version of the TP9, as reviewed in the above article, in the OD finish. I’ve found it to be an interesting, accurate and worthy pistol, but the newest incarnation of it, the “TP9 V2”, just released a couple of months ago (I’m commenting quite late: 08/23/15) manages to smooth the DA/SA trigger action up quite a bit, I’m told. After the original version, but not many months prior to the V2, the single action-only version, “TP9SA” was released, sporting a VERY highly regarded trigger and a more proprietary grip/frame styling (no longer a Walther P99 styling clone) that is also shared by the even newer TP9V2. Oddly (for a single action), the TP9SA retained the decocking mechanism, which in the SA-only version completely “kills” any firing capability until you re-rack the slide. For that reason, some folks have been leery of the decocker on the SA-only, fearing an accidental decocking incident at a very inconvenient time. Of course, on the original TP9, as well as the latest V2 version, decocking does NOT do anything but throw it back into full double action mode, ready to fire but with a long, heavy trigger pull, after which, of course, the subsequent rounds will be in slick SA mode. I personally like the DA/SA versions – both the original TP9 and the remake of it, today’s TP9V2. My belief is that the original TP9, as I have, is no longer available, having been displaced partially by the TP9SA and fully by the TP9V2, which shares the DA/SA action of the original.

  18. excellent review! I own a TP-9 and noticed that the space (gap) in the rear site is more than most people like. Any idea where i can find a different rear replacement site? I cant find one anywhere!

  19. After taking my new purchase to the gun range I am happy with it,TP-9. It took me a few shots to get used to the long trigger pull, I was able to get 2″ groups at 25′. I still prefer my Glocks, but for the price this will be a nice addition to my guns. I also changed out the front site on gun, box contains two additional sites.

  20. The holster that comes with it is good, my holster for my 45 cal. Glock also works for the TP-9. Took a few rounds to get sited in, but for the money I feel like it is a good investment. I like the decocker, a little stiff but works good.

  21. When will a company design something “ORIGIONAL”??? There are three pistol designs IMO that are the forefathers..the timeless 1911, the CZ-75 (1911 of EUROPE) and the GLOCK (grand daddy of the SMITH SIGMA and all other POLY knockoffs since late 1980s).. There are so many designs we could use that just dont work yet nobody works in them..a quality .380(yes the caliber isnt the best but some states armed security and P.I.s are limited to that caliber or 9mm max)”FLORIDA” a single stack 9mm GLOCK the size of the GLOCK-42 would be awesome. A production 2011 version of an S.V.I. Quality 1911 double stack etc..yet everyone gets excited over a WALTHER/GLOCK knockoff because its …well cheap? HINT HINT..join GLOCK’s GSSF if your not prior military,LEO,armed security,EMT or firefighter and you can buy GLOCK BLUE PROGRAM pistols just as cheap! ISO-certified? Big deal, THE AMERICAN PISTOLSMITH GUILD has LEGENDS in pistol building and they arent ISO certified.. You can make a CAST,M.I.M.,POLY knock off and still satisfy ISO standards,that doesnt mean this is such a great deal. There are quality 1911s,quality CZ-75 style pistols and the best poly will be a GLOCK until someone designs a firearm that has an easier NEWBIE adaptability (no safety,easy to strip,clean,easy to do FLITZ trigger job etc) huge shoes to fill and this pistol i just dont see filling a void when you can buy a blue program GLOCK (employees in NEW SYMRNA GEORGIA not TURKEY)or if you want a cheap beater pistol for $299-made in the U.S.A.,SCCY pistol.

    • @Poly Knockoffs: I have no idea what you’re saying. Your rambling post is very confusing as you jump from odd point to odd point. I get that you think the design is unoriginal, but beyond that, what the heck are you saying? By the way, using all caps all the time simply makes you appear more confused and incoherent.

  22. Haha! I know….my eyes started to blur reading that comment. Are you trying to recommend a certain gun over the TP-9… PolyKnockOffs?

  23. I would have to call this gun the “value buy” of the decade. It is not cheaply made and is not a so called cheap Walther knockoff. The quality level of this gun vers the cost is absolutely worth it!!

    If you only have a little bit of $ for a self-defense hand gun….. buy this…. anything else in this price range will be much less quality.

    If you need a gun that gets banged around a little….buy this….. It’s only $320, very reliable military use weapon so its designed to take some bumps and crap in the receiver etc

    If you want a good, reliable 18 round side arm you could do a lot worse for more money. Yes it is full sized and a bit heavy but train with it and you will have no complaints.

  24. “The TP-9 has one major flaw: a God-awful trigger. While it doesn’t exhibit any creep, it’s long and heavy as hell. My trigger scale tripped at 8.5 lbs. Mind you, this is a DAO striker-fired pistol not a match-grade 1911. Still, it makes accurate shots beyond 25 yards pretty damn difficult.”

    It’s a defensive pistol. If you’re firing at a bad-guy 75 feet away and claiming self defense; you’re going to PRISON!

    • Not saying that it’s the norm or that I can remember one such instance off the top of my head, but haven’t there been situations in which a defender was forced to use a handgun at those ranges to stop a threat? I’m sure I’ve read of one or two before, but I can’t seem to recall when they were or how they went down.

  25. Purchased my Canik TP9 about 6 months ago, have put about 700 rounds threw it. I took it out this last weekend and it seemed to me that the Recoil Spring in the pistol needs to be stronger. The weapon would fire about 4-5 rounds and then it would not recoil all the way. A slight push forward and it would feed and lock the round in the chamber. Is this a known problem? Is there a way to get a stronger spring to solve this problem? Any feedback would be appreciated. Thank you

    Yes; I do clean the weapon after a day at the range.

  26. Well, I picked up and unboxed my TP9 today. The first three shots were a nice tight group at 10 yards. On the fourth shot, fail to fire. And a fail to fire on every round subsequently until I realized the striker pin was simply broken. Garbage. a true p99as clone, minus the functionality.

    • Ok so you got a dud. Have it replaced dont just talk shit because yours just happened to be messed with by the place you bought it from. Noone else here is really complaining about the thing lol

  27. Just purchased mine from Centerfire Systems for $299. Now I just have to wait for my FFL to get back in town so I can swing by and pick it up. I’ll check back in after I’ve had a chance to take her dancin. I simply cannot believe that a pistol of this reputed quality is still available for under $300!

    • So, I have now put approximately 1,000 rounds through this thing…..eight or nine different brands; from dirty Russian steel, to brass reloads, to premium self defense loads. Honestly, I have had zero FTF or FTE in the year I have owned it. Several friends have used it for their CHL qual and have commented on how much they liked shooting it. It’s a shame that some of you have gotten less than perfect firearms, because mine is a blast to take to the range and I would trust it with my life.

  28. So hopefully someone sees this, dunno how often people come back to the reviews this long after being posted.

    I have a tp9 and it worked flawlessly for the day I took it out a couple of weeks ago. 100rnds without any failures to fire, feed, extract or anything like that. However, a couple of times, after a couple of rounds, the gun would decock itself or simply not cock back the striker, I’m not sure. Either way, I would fire the gun in single action and then after a couple of shots it would go back to double action for a shot. The gun still fired in double, so that’s good atleast, but I do like to know exactly what type of pull I’m going to have when firing a gun.

    Anyone else have this issue? I can’t find anyone on forums or YouTube or anything with the issue. I emailed canik, but haven’t gotten a response yet.

    All the same, I do like the gun a lot.

    • Mine does that from time to time, as well. Wondering if it won’t work itself out. Like you you said, always fires either way.

      • Well I took it out for the second time this last week. After my first day with it I gave it a nice, standard, cleaning. I used a variety of different ammo this time. Not a single issue with the trigger. Nothing at all. Go figure. Hah

        Whatever was wrong with it last time is a mystery. Either something was slightly in the way of something and it got worked free from some shooting+cleaning, or it hated the ammo I used last time I took it out. I don’t see how the ammo would contribute to this specific issue because the gun was cycling fully last time, but that’s about all I have to go off of.

        Either way, after 200 rounds of random ammo without even the slightest hiccup, I’m quite pleased. I’m shooting a little low still (about 2 inches at 10 feet or so) after putting the shorter front sight on, so I think right now it’s just gonna be down to practice and getting used to the trigger (my 1911 trigger has spoiled me I think).

        Now, anyone who can conferm any Walter gear that works for it, that would be great (holsters, sights, magazines, anything).

  29. I have one with over 1000 rounds through it with only an issue with weak ammo. Shoots most anything without fail. Liked it so much I got another and in under 100 ends started having trigger issues. In DA mode it frf on first pull but would fire on second pull. Fired every time in San mode. Just sent it back today to century. Now today my original tp9 started doing the same thing. Very frustrating. Seems like it has to be something I’m doing. I will wait to see what century finds. Both where cleaned and lubed. It is almost like the trigger didn’t capture the striker to pull it rearward.

  30. Does anybody know if anyone is making threaded barrels for these yet? I asked around back in June, but nobody had this thing on their radar yet.

  31. Talk about a confusing review. You went from describing a trigger pull you liked to calling it a “God-awful tractor pull.” This is a pre-cocked Walther action. The trigger does not need to be staged since it works like a DA/SA in practice. The long pull is only when the striler is decocked. It can stay in its pre-cocked state like a Glock f you never touch the decocker. You tried to be too clever for words and in the process didn’t convey what you wanted to say about the decocker. At least, the tone of it seemed to say that you didn’t like it, but is that because you don’t like decockers, given your love for uncockable Glocks, or was its position on top of the slide, its closeness to the sights, and/or its size that allows it to be operated ambidextrously?

    The trigger DOES move when the slide is racked if it is not decocked, as decocking it is the only way to get the trigger all the way back forward, to make it “God-awful” until it resets halfway to its SA break point where it needs a 5lb pull or less to trip the hammer and hit the striker.

    The Walther PPX has a trigger as light as a PX4 Storm in SA mode, but it desperately needs a decocker since it is like the Glock in that respect, but has no external safeties of any kind. If that’s not a problem, the PPX can be had, in all black, for $279, and two-tone for $299 at CDNN Sports and it’s a better gun than the Canik.

  32. I dont know what it is but DA works everytime.
    Once fired from DA mode it rest the striker in SA mode,
    and being thoughtful about my trigger reset, it also rests in SA pos.

    BUT when I fire it from SA pos, the firing pin just drops down and no round is fired.
    NOW the pistol is in DA mode which always works flawlessly.

    Although the gun still shoots, in a self defense type of situation,
    I dont want to have to pull the trigger twice to shoot one round.

    anyone have any ideas or suggestions as to what might be going on?
    I am still awaiting a reply to my email from Canik

    • Same issue with my TP9. Every few rounds it decides not to fire in single action, just a disappointing click. Double action follow up works.

  33. I have owned my TP-9 now for 6 months……I have over 1000 rds of 124 grain lead through her. She hasn’t missed a beat… misfires… jams……no ejection problems……..I shoot competition and use it as my carry weapon…….all I can say is…….they should charge more for them…… it.

  34. Surprise! It’s a DA/SA trigger! You are supposed to PULL THE DAMN TRIGGER!!! Not move it into its SA position and then pull it.

    When in doubt, read the manual. This was one of the poorer excuses for a gun review on TTAG.

    Granted, the Canik has a funky DA/SA trigger that does not operate like standard DA/SA triggers (which typically have a bladed trigger or a split trigger) – but this repositioning of the trigger is not all that different from a Beretta PX4 Storm.

    When the trigger is fully extended – y’know, like when you took it out of the box – it is in DA mode. Pull the trigger ALL THE WAY BACK like you would every other DA trigger on the planet. When it resets itself – BINGO! – it stops dead in the middle of the trigger guard and stays there until you (a) pull it, or (b) decock it.

    Funny…don’t you have the same two choices with a cocked revolver or a cocked 1911?

    By definition, a “Single Action” trigger has only one action: “Release the Krakken!”

    The “Krakken” can either be a fully-cocked hammer or a fully-cocked striker – both of which will ignite a primer – whether they drive a firing pin into it, or hit it with the pointy thing in the middle of the hammer.

    Now, do you first push in the blade on the Glock trigger, too? Because moving the TP-9 trigger into another firing position is about as ridiculous.

    In reality, any trigger that causes a movement in any part of the cocking mechanism, and does not solely release the hammer or firing pin into the primer to ignite the cartridge and propel the projectile cannot be called “Single Action.” How far the trigger has to travel BEFORE it releases the hammer or striker is irrelevant – just as long as that trigger does nothing more than move from the front to the back.

    Every, single DA/SA gun has two different pull weights with the heavier pull on the DA side and the lighter pull on the SA side. Just because a trigger has a 10lb pull onb its DA side does not automatically transform it into a DAO trigger. Which part of “Double Action ONLY” do you not understand?

    What are these “actions” anyway?

    The first action is to cock the hammer or striker.
    The second action is to release the hammer or striker.

    If both actions are done with a single trigger pull, THEN, AND ONLY THEN, do you have a DOUBLE ACTION trigger because that one, continuous pull imparts both actions simultaneously and sequentially.

    Do you have to COCK A GLOCK?

    You act almost shocked that you have to cock the TP-9. Are there any semiautomatics that have their first bullets automatically load themselves into the chamber. Not even a revolver has that because you have to put the bullets into the cylinders. So, once you cock a Glock, how do you uncock it?

    You don’t.

    With a single-action revolver or a single-action semi, like a 1911, you hold the hammer with your thumb, pull the trigger weith your index finger, and gently return the hammer to battery.

    For gunms like the Walther P99, Beretta PX4, or Bersa Thunder Pro, there is a lever that does the decocking for you. Your Glock, meanwhile, will stay loaded – and not safety secured – until you manually remove the last round from the chamber and dry fire the trigger.

    Why is it that people have no issues with decocking the hammer on a revolver or on a single-action semiautomatic, but throw sh*tfits if a semi has a decocker device that cannot be accidentally triggered. Despite having two decockers on top of the slide instead of the Walther P99’s single decocker, you have to really put some serious pressure on it to release the hammer or striker.

    What people did not like was not the decocking function, but a function that has no business being connectged to it – namely, rendering the trigger dead until the slide is pulled to recock the gun.

    Again, this is NOT what a decockewr is supposed to do. It is only supposed to reset a gun from SINGLE ACTRION back to DOUBLE ACTION.


    I like decockers. I like being able to change a rapid fire trigger back to its “anti stress” mode where a lon, heavy pull is what the gun designers had in mind as a way of counteracting the effects of the adrenal gland releasing too much adrenalin into the system.


    Byh the way, who the Hell is Glock kidding by calling their same old trigger a SAFE ACTION TRIGGER? You pull it, it goes “BANG.” Where’s the safety?

    The Glockies countger, “Well…harumph. You really have to want to pull the trigger…”

    Yeah, but isn’t that the whole reason I grabbed the gun in the first place?

    Then they’ll say, “But, you have to consciously want to pull the trigger” since, apparently, you can’t pull it subconsciously.

    Which gets right back to the knock you had against this gun:

    “When you’re under stress, you want unconscious control; it’s why I prefer Glocks to to XD’s and 1911’s to Berettas.”

    You really want UNCONSCIOUS CONTROL when handling a loaded firerarm? Oh, and what do you have to do consciously with an XD? Grip the handle? Do you hold your Glock with your knees?

    Anyway, hopefully that “terrible trigger” whiich they eliminated with the true DA/SA, split trigger on the TP-9SA (also reviewed here in TTAG by Jeremy S) and have not returned to the old TP-9 trigger with their 2nd Generation known as the TP-9V2 SA on which they ditched the split trigger for a solid one again that looks a lot like the first one.

  35. I bought a TP9 to beat the hell out of. And I have beaten the hell out of it. ALL KINDS of ammunition. Eats like a hog. Could have metal sights? but for what it is… no real complaints. I “dropped” the TP9 on my iPad. broke the iPad case. Didn’t scratch or mar the finish on th gun at all. It’s a nice little safe clang banger for about what a fast food paycheck can buy. (federal aluminum ALL DAY $9.99 box) With work the Canik put 12 rounds in just damned near the same hole. The wife hits bullseyes with it at 15 yards. (she’s a bad shot) 1 bullseye in 18 rounds but damnit she’s a woman! All joking aside… if you don’t like your TP9… sell it to me. I like guns that just work.

    • Negative. I was unaware the TP9 could take those. To the best of my knowledge, they will work with most things P99/SW99. I haven’t used anything in mine other than factory and Mechgar aftermarket for the TP9.

      • the reason I ask…. the taurus pt 111 g2 can use the Canik tp9 mags ( I confirmed this) as well as the sig p226. So I wonder it the tp9 can also use the p226 mag, assuming its long enough.

  36. To James Grant – Man you are one Pathetic Loser. OK nice review but you come off Trashing the S&W P99 ?! Every gun has it’s good side. I love my Walther and would not trade it for anything and I love the magazine release. Almost every gun has a mag release button just below the Slide release lever. Some slide releases are setup to almost AIM the thumb at the mag release, so when you release the slide it Chambers a Round and then releases the slide, Oops. I have seen it happen. You Need to play nice with stuff you do not like. There are reasons designs are designed. But guess you are the smart guy that knows all about guns and your way or the other guys opinion is spit. Well I will be looking at the Canic but not because YOU like it that is for sure.

  37. Scott agree on P95 100%. Inexpensive and reliable as anything on the market. When I was in the Navy we were in a unit that tested 9mm when we were retiring the old reliable 1911A1 I am not sure what year Ruger got in the semi market but if I remember correctly we were working on testing around 87 I know most Navy ended up with Beretta which I wasn’t very fond of it just seemed to jam or misfire not awful but awful for military situations where the weapon is taking a beating and so hot it looks like it came out of a forge. Normal home defense or regular type guard duty it’s quite nice but for any price Ruger P95 is as good or better than guns 3 or 4 times the price maybe throw a laser site on it and as good as anything you’ll get in 9mm. Only gun I came to really love in 9 was Sig 226. I actually like them in 357. Which I happen to own a Ruger GP100 6in SS with all the new guns hand and long I am just very impressed with all Rugers but I think they’re realizing their quality, I’ve noticed their prices inching up

  38. When I read this review I had to wonder if the author actually shot the gun, or just BS’ed it. I’ve had my TP9v2 for a few months after shooting a friend’s TP9 several times, and I had no problems with the trigger at all on the TP9 or my TP9v2. I have shot many guns with much worse triggers by far. It’s a DA/SA trigger and it works well, and both the guns I’ve shot have been totally trouble free and are a great value as are pretty much any of the current Turkish made guns. I currently have a SAR K2 45, a cheaper, and in my opinion, improved version of the CZ-97, a SAR K2P, a cheaper version of the already cheap Tanfoglio polymer Witness, and the Canik TP9. All have been perfect out of the box, unlike several other “better” guns I’ve bought and sold over the last decade.

  39. Interesting review, tho dated. I’m aretired old fart-ex-NAV, attracked to the pricing of these Canik’s, but have been waiting till they had a few years in our market.
    I “traded in” carrying a 1911; for about the past 10-12 yrs(can remember:) )I’ve carried my ‘old’ S&W Cs9 for year, n I really do like it, tho the mag capacity is somewhat of drawback…Anybody out there have experience with the newer model Canik TP-9SA? I liked the way it “felt” on a recent visit to a gun shop. Thanks.

  40. I just ordered one today from marstar Canada .canik tp9sf comes with promo mag holder while limited time only.. funny it was the last one in stock. oh well I ll have to live with it . keep posted how well it works .

  41. just ordered canik tp9SE today from marstar Canada . came with free mags holder limited time only . lucky was the last one in stock. can t wait for unboxing day

  42. Follow up, been shooting V1 since 2014. Did find my lightly charged reloads did eventually result in occasional feed issues. Just upped my charge 0.4 grain. Problem solved. Also found it really likes 124gr ammo. I carry with Federal HST 124 +P. Every time I range this gun, all my friends love it, even the ladies. Found FAB Scorpus IWB holster works great for CCW. Mine is desert tan, after 5 years holster wear is chipping off small bits of finish. Not really a concern after 5 years, of which 3 year extensive carry in truck and concealed. Still goes bang everytime. Upgraded to Truglo tritium sites, less than $70 (same as Walther p99, a little Dremel required)

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