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Gun Review: JP Enterprises GMR-12 9mm Carbine

JP Enterprises is the gold standard when it comes to competition rifles. Take a look at the gun rack at a pro series 3-gun competition and you’ll see what I mean — if a competitor isn’t using a gun made by their sponsor, there’s a 90% chance they’re shooting a JP rifle. The reason is pretty obvious, since John Paul puts a TON of time and effort into making them “perfect” rifles, and having played around with some of his designs I completely agree about their quality. So when I heard that JP was putting out a 9mm AR-15 carbine, I was all over it . . .

We here at TTAG have covered our share of 9mm carbines in the past, and in general we’ve been pretty disappointed. For example, the JR Carbine that Tyler reviewed had so much potential but turned out to have one annoying quirk after another. Other designs have similar flaws, leading us to believe that a reliable and accurate 9mm carbine was the white unicorn of the firearms world. And then JP’s rifle showed up at my FFL.

GMR-12, c Nick Leghorn

The point at which other designs start to go off the rails is when they decide to ditch the AR-15 platform and build something else. Love it or hate it the AR-15 is a proven design that’s about as slimmed down as you can get a gun, so simply re-chambering it in another caliber is a no brainer. With a 9mm carbine, though, the issue is figuring out how you’re going to get the gun fed.

A standard AR-15 is designed for the longer 5.56x45mm cartridge, and so the magazine well is designed to take those large magazines. The 9x19mm cartridge of the pistol caliber carbine is less than half the length of the rifle’s designed cartridge, meaning that the designers need to put a plug of some sort in the magazine well to get the magazine to stay in place and not move around. With the GMR-12, JP didn’t even bother with a plug and re-engineered the lower receiver instead to take Glock magazines.

GMR-12, c Nick Leghorn

Since the Glock magazine uses a different locking mechanism as well as a different form factor from the standard AR-15 magazines, JP had to re-engineer everything from the magazine release to the internal design of the receiver itself. At the end of the day what his team of engineers came up with is one of the more ergonomic and logical magazine catch / release systems I’ve seen on a pistol caliber carbine. The downside is that this is primarily a gun for right handed shooters (as there’s no way to add an ambidextrous magazine release in this design), but for most Americans it will work just fine.

The reason for the Glock magazine compatibility, according to JP, is that this gun was designed to be marketed to law enforcement and military users. The MP5 is an aging platform, and JP’s rifle offers reliability upgrades as well as compatibility with existing gear (the duty Glock 17s) for most police departments. There exists a full auto version of this gun, but JP declined to send it out for review. Something about that pesky ATF . . .

GMR-12, c Nick Leghorn

The controls on the gun are almost identical to the standard AR-15, with one awesome exception. JP has a non-reciprocating side folding charging handle that he offers on some of his guns, and he slapped it on this one as well. The standard charging handle is present and functioning, but this also gives you the option to use the bigger and easier to grip latch in its place. In case you couldn’t tell, I’m a big fan of that.

The gun seems well designed. It handles well, points well, and looks goddamn beautiful. But how well does it shoot?

GMR-12, c Nick Leghorn

While the full auto version might be marketed towards LEOs, the civilian version is being marketed as a cheaper option for competition shooters. It’s a valid use case, since most matches will allow you to run a pistol caliber carbine if you really want to and the guys in Trooper Division will love a new (lightweight) pistol caliber rifle to stick in their bag of tricks. And when you’re firing the gun, it’s an absolute dream. The trigger is light and crisp, as one would expect from a fine competition rifle. The operating controls feel positive and satisfying. And the recoil is almost nonexistent thanks to the low energy rounds and the muzzle brake on the gun.

Oh, and it shoots pretty well too.


That’s a 10 round group at 50 yards with standard American Eagle ammunition. JP claims that the rifle is accurate to about 3 MoA with good ammunition — I’m getting 2 MoA instead. Most of the rounds passed through that center hole with three close fliers. For a pistol caliber rifle, I’m actually pretty impressed.

The GMR-12 is a dandy rifle all by itself, but when you consider the price and the options it gets even better. You’d expect something by JP Enterprises to be astronomically expensive, but this gun clocks in at a modest $1,499. It’s not cheap, but considering the cost of a SCAR 16S or a Tavor SAR it’s not outside the price range of most people. And for the quality and the craftsmanship you get, I think it’s worth every penny.

If you don’t have that kind of change lying around, JP also offers the upper as a standalone drop-in replacement for your existing AR-15 for a mere $799. They also have a magazine well block and a new buffer available on their website so you can easily retrofit your existing gun for the delicious 9mm snacks.


Oh, and did I mention it just looks bad-ass? Yeah.

JP Enterprises GMR-12


Caliber: 9mm para
Barrel: 16 inches
Capacity: Standard GLOCK magazines
MSRP: $1,499

Ratings (Out of Five Stars):
All ratings are relative compared to the other weapons in the gun’s category.

Accuracy: * * * * *
For a pistol caliber carbine, I couldn’t ask for anything more. Well, I could, but I’d be a dick for doing so.

Ergonomics: * * * * *
The free floating handguards feel silky smooth and comfortable to hold onto. The grip is perfect, and the gun handles like a dream. The Ferrari of the pistol caliber carbines.

Ergonomics Firing: * * * * *
No recoil, a delightful trigger, and no muzzle rise. All it needs is a can to eliminate the noise and it’s perfect.

Customization: * * * * *
It’s an AR-15 in all the places that matter, and if you don’t want the special lower receiver then you can get just the upper and supply your own.

Overall Rating: * * * * 1/2
The only downfall is the price, which I think is a fair deal for the package. But knock about $200 off that sticker and it’s perfect.

112 thoughts on “Gun Review: JP Enterprises GMR-12 9mm Carbine”

  1. So it’s pretty much just a dedicated 9mm AR-style lower with a shmexy 9mm upper, right?

    I’d be interested to see a side by side comparison between this rifle and someone’s AR with a 9mm upper and 9mm mag block in (and hammer etc).

    • Not a fan of a non “pucked” upper. I’ve seen FTE’s and other weird things happen when you don’t put the 1/2 dust cover with the puck shell deflector on a 9mm AR-style carbine. Also if they are running a standard buffer length with just more weight, and/or w/o spacers you can get over travel on the bolt causing FTE’s & FTF’s. And suppressed the direct blow back is filthy as hell.

      • That’s an interesting point…

        I am considering getting a 9mm upper for my AR pistol. At this point I’ve just resigned myself to the fact that since I don’t run piston uppers, anything I do with that pistol is going to be dirty as hell .. lol.

    • Lonewolf builds lowers in all the calibers Glock offers as far as I know and of course use Glock mags. They have the uppers too and complete rifles but I seem to be pretty damn rare never seen one besides online.

    • Me too.

      Seems like what I have read (at least 3 years ago when considering whats best self defense round) that most LEO depts, many highway patrols, and of course- the FBI, had gone the .40S&W route years ago with the Glock as main platform.

      If JR makes this in .40 it would presumeably have a higher adoption rate by those same buyers, who might be renewing the patrol carbine, AR platforms in use for updates/replacements.

      And if so, over time that means more manufacturing, more revenues, more JR support for civilian buyers over time. And more of an aftermarket for the “customization” buyers.

      Watching with great interest. Would like to see that same comparison to others, later, maybe even with “add-on’s” like the noise suppressor you mentioned, Nick. Hey, if its been common practice for years for Europeans to save their hearing at the range by this simple accessory, why can’t we (and the ATF) learn from them? “Its for the children” (their hearing), after all.

  2. 1500 bucks for a 9mm carbine? No thanks. Sub 2k for $500 or even the CX4 for under $1000. I can’t see a reason for a 9mm carbine to break 1k unless it is firing a few hundred rounds per minute.

    • Well, there’s a reason if it’s an actual AR because then you change calibers with different uppers, etc.

      Personally I think this product looks cool but it’s kind of an answer looking for a question.

      • Except in this case the only mags that will work are Glock mags. So you are limited to calibers that are offered in Glocks, and not all of those because the mag might be longer front to back than the 9MM one this is designed for. It also my require the length of the extended mag to clear the well (not sure about this).

    • Love the Sub-2K, for under $400, but that’s an entirely differen class of beast.

      Would love to replace my balky, finicky JR Carbine with this sexy toy, but of course I can’t buy that sort of thing any more. . .

    • If you can find a new Sub2k for $500, buy it!

      Me, I haven’t seen one in the wild for at least a year and a half.

    • Now I could be mistaken but I swear I saw (& held) one of these at the Cabela’s in Green Bay, WI for $699 over the Thanksgiving holiday. I know it took the Glock mags, it even came with one of the 33 rounders. Hmmmmm google-fu time…

  3. My question is whether this gun has any real value outside of the competition world. Nick makes a good case for it if you compete, but for the rest of us, do we really need a $1,500 9mm with a 16″ barrel? There are other guns out there in that caliber that are a good deal cheaper.

    • An older person, possibly disabled to some extent by arthritis or other age related malady might have a use for this. It6’s light, little recoil and in the hands of most people a short carbine is more effective than a pistol. I still have the ability to use my shotgun. But I can picture a time in the not to distand future when a pistol caliber carbine makes a lot of sense.

      A kel Tec would be cheaper, but I wouldn’t trust the quality.

      • What about building a 9mm AR for under a grand or buying a Beretta CX4 Storm for under 1000?

        Or hell, what about an Uzi? Or a Lusa? Or a Camp Carbine?

        Or a carbine upper for a glock?

        You get the point. There are /lots/ of 9mm carbine options out there. I happen to know because my two great loves are bullpups and PCCs.

        • There are not a lot of options in California, which is where jwm lives. CX ,and the new Taurus, in particular, definitely not legal. I was told at one LGS that I could buy the High Point….ummm, pass. This carbine would not be legal either–no bullet button, and from the sound of things, not possible to install one either.

          The one thing that fails to impress me with these pistol caliber carbines is that they don’t really give you than much more in velocity. For rifles, longer barrels are better because it gives more time for the powder to be burned, but pistol ammo is optimized to burn in five or six inches–and barrel length after than adds nothing. That is, unless you hand load with slower burning powders (which would kind of defeat the purpose of a pistol caliber carbine anyway since the ammo would not be interchangeable).

        • *Insert snarky comment about moving away from CA here*

          Seriously, I turned down a job half a year ago to work in CA. It would have doubled my salary.

          Just say “no”, my friends.

          • Especially when you consider that 80% of that doubling could get eaten up in cost of living increases, depending on where you move from.

    • In my relatively short time as a gun owner, I’ve come to the conclusion that it’s worth putting money into the guns that you’re going to shoot the most because at the end of the day, the amount one spends on ammunition is going to quickly exceed the cost of the firearm itself.
      9mm is relatively inexpensive and generally available in my area. Even when there’s been 0% availability of 22lr or 5.56/.223, 9mm has still graced our shelves. As such, 9mm became my go-to plinking round. Coupling this with the desire to put together an AR, I decided to kill two birds with one stone and make it a 9mm AR. Did it wind up costing more than a Beretta Carbine? Yes. More than a Kel-Tec? Heck yes! But can I swap out a few parts in under 5 minutes and have a 5.56-shooting AR? Yep, and I only had to go through the hassle of buying one stripped lower.
      Also, I’m fairly certain the Colt 9mm AR magazines will eventually work with the Tavor 9mm conversion, as they’re all based on Uzi magazines. So (hopefully) it’ll be a complete logistics win.

      • Around here, I can find 223 and 5.56, Plenty of .40 too, and any rifle round you want. But no 9 mm or .45.

  4. Nick, man, I love you, but that goofy smile…

    Cool rifle though, for sure. Not exactly my cuppa, but cool.

  5. I just ordered one on cyber monday. Should see it in Feb depending on the production schedule. 1/2 down 1/2 when it’s done.

    My use will be for short course 3 gun in lieu of the JP15. The price was painful, and i eyed up all the other options (especially the CX4) but I wanted glock mags and AR controls and the premiumness that comes with all things JP. I hate the way buyers remorse feels.

  6. Unless my eyes deceive me, that looks like an SBR with a 12″ barrel – do they offer it with a non-NFA length pipe on it?

    I really like the concept overall. Nice gun.

  7. Why on earth would someone want a rifle in a inferior caliber? I don’t want a handgun in this silly caliber but I understand those that do to some degree. But a 9mm rifle? Just ridiculous. $1400? I can’t believe Nick promotes this garbage.

    • The three month wait that Bob listed above indicates there’s some demand.

      If TTAG stopped writing articles on everything you vehemently disapprove of, there’d be a lot fewer articles around here.

        • Not really, 9mm is averaging 38 cents per rd bought in bulk, same as 5.56. That could change in the next months but 9mm completely dried up during the 2013 shortages, right alongside 5.56.

        • and cheaper than a .40 or .45… 9mm carbines work plenty well in many applications. Not as a battle rifle, but not everyone needs one of those.

        • Orton,

          I can get 9mm 124 grain FMJ handloads of decent quality for $11.50 / 50. That’s 23 cents / round before taxes – which are 8.75% in Orange County. Still, 9mm is roughly the same price as a lot of .22 LR these days. Also of note is the fact that the 9mm picks up a considerable amount of velocity in a 16″ barrel, and hits harder than a .357 handgun. The .40 Smith also adds velocity with a 16″ barrel, and I’d much rather have that caliber. A .40 from a carbine should hit harder than a 10mm pistol.

          Since it takes Glock Magazines, this might make an excellent choice for a lot of shooters who are willing to spend a little extra cash for an excellent design. Nick certainly likes it, and he has quite a bit of shooting experience. As uppers go, $799 is not very expensive, and Glock mags are everywhere.

    • Inferior caliber? I would be interested in hearing more facts on this-

      Dyspeptic you out there? I recall reading here and elsewhere that ammo performance has come a long way in the last few years, and 9mm can do more than before- especially in a longer barrel.

      Is there current data/comparisons on best 9mm vs .40S&W vs .45 that proves a significant margin of performance to do the job on a dog or man sized target at 100yds?

      And, again, not to quibble with your opinion- you are entitled to it – Its just that I read over and over here and elsewhere,
      “that its about shot placement”, first –

      so if the JR platform adds an MOA to improve my +2-3MOA shooter error (which will take thousands of rounds to get to +1),

      with an round that is acceptable for stopping power and accuracy,

      then the relatively minor technicalitys of performance (of 9vs.40vs.45)
      start to be a second order consideration, at least to me and my use-

      YMMV, just my two cents and willing to be educated if I am wrong.

      I would be using this against a coyote in the far end of the back yard/lower forty, or in 3gun for fun, (when my budget improves), and in the 1% chance TSHTF, deterrence/defense on a soft target out to 100 yds. (like the Korean shopkeepers in Watts riots, for example), then

      ” Standard Disclaimer for you DHS/NSA bored junior contractors monitoring TTAG for “militia bitter clingers and the OFWG within the VRWC menace” that appears to have some of your minders panties in a twist”:

      for the record, I have no plans to shoot thru engine blocks, APCs, etc…:) ie:

      “These are not the droids you are looking for, move along…”

      • So this is how it’s going to work, eh? Everyone else starts an appendage size contest involving “my gun’s caliber goes to .46!” and then you call in the grouchy old man for actual info?

        OK, here’s the details: Most pistol cartridges can and do suffer from “short barrel syndrome.” They’re allowing a lot of unburned powder and unused energy to escape at the muzzle. For most pistol calibers, you can see a significant increase in velocity and muzzle energy if you could extend your barrel to, oh, at least 11 inches or so. From 11 to 16 inches, you can still see a very modest increase, but the need for a 16 inch barrel with a pistol round is regulatory, not physical.

        Beyond 16 inches, you will typically start to see a decrease in the velocity of pistol rounds, unless you change the burn rate of the powder you’re using to something slower. Going to a “full size” rifle barrel of 22 to 24 inches would set you back by, oh, 125 to 200 fps over your 16″ velocities, depending on the barrel. BTW, polygonal rifled barrels are slower than conventional rifling. So Glock fans… you’re losing some muzzle energy to your type of rifling, too.

        Can the 9×19 Luger be hot-rodded? Sure. There is, of course, the +P loading of the 9mm Luger round – which SAAMI says has a MAP (maximum average pressure) of 38,500 PSI, as opposed to the nominal 35,000 PSI for 9mm Luger non-+P.

        Can you take pistol rounds higher in pressure? Sure. The new magnum cartridges go up into the 40K+ range. Elmer Keith took pressures on a .38 Special well above 40K PSI in his “.38/44” experiments. Current IPSC shooters take the 9×19 Luger into the 40K+ range with the “9mm Major” loading, trying to make a 160 to 170 “power factor” in IPSC to get into the major scoring class with a gun spitting out 124gr pills. I don’t like this myself, because sooner or later if you’re reloading your brass, you’re going to have a failure, which is why when I was shooting IPSC in the early 90’s, I was running a 9×21 to have just a skosh more case capacity, somewhat lower pressures and a gun that was made to take the beating of a major velocity load (EAA Witness Gold Cup). It also meant that I didn’t have to put up with range nannies who would strut and pout that loading a 9mm Luger to major power factors “violated SAAMI standards.” Never mind that SAAMI isn’t a standards organization the way CIP is, and CIP is actually the organization that set the parameters for the 9mm Luger, not SAAMI. SAAMI just published what they found in testing.

        Now, as to your second question: Is there a margin of improvement in .40 or .45 over the 9mm? Well, yes, there is. The benefit you get from the 9mm when you’re hot-rodding it is increased velocity, and penetration is proportional to velocity. The 9×19 already has no problems penetrating, and adding more velocity probably isn’t going to do much except push the bullet further out the other side of your target. At longer ranges, you lose velocity on your bullets quickly. Heavier bullets don’t lose mass on their way downrange.

        The issue of velocity vs. mass in pistol-class cartridges in carbines has been around forever. The above rifle doesn’t accomplish anything downrange that a M1 Carbine couldn’t do. I think the M1 Carbine is a useful truck carbine, have seen lots of them in pickup, tractor and combine cabs over the years. The concept is sound. For $1500, you could actually buy a M1 Carbine and own something that might go up in value over the years.

        • My understanding is that a 16″ barrel on a 9mm will increase velocity roughly 15%, with a commensurate increase in energy. Some chrono tests with the review would definitely shine a little light on that. The velocity increase would definitely affect expansion and penetration.

    • Hi, I do. Put together my first AR-15 a few of months ago as a 9mm (Yankee Hill Machine, takes Colt magazines but the bolt is ramped so no need to switch the hammers), and since I don’t have good access to outdoor ranges (meaning I shoot 50 yards max), and I shoot a 9mm pistol and am starting to get into reloading, the 9mm AR made sense. Some people don’t need to “reach out and touch” things with a full blown rifle round. At $.15 less per round in these parts than 5.56/.223, I can go out to the range 3-4 weekends a month instead of 1-2 and maintain my skill set. Plus, I can switch out the upper and buffer, take out the mag-well block, and viola, shoot rifle rounds. Takes under 5 minutes to switch.
      My most important consideration, however, was logistics. Even during the worst ammo shortages, I could ALWAYS buy at least one box of 9mm in my area, even though almost everything else was always sold out. If this wasn’t the case in your area, then yes, I’d understand why it seems strange people would want to buy a 9mm AR.
      1,200 rounds in, I’ve had two FTE’s during the initial 200 round break in and zero problems ever since with ammunition ranging from aluminum TNJ’s to steel cased FMJ’s and everything in between. When this gun needs to perform, it does, and I’d trust my life with it.

  8. Great review Nick.

    I am really enjoying yours, Tylers, and others here in general, and note how you are finding your “voice” as a writer, so thanks to Robert for mentoring and platforming Nick and others of the newest generation here. I am learning a lot from them.

    At one time I thought “one-caliber simplicity” would be a good start for the pistol to mid-range self-defense solution. I’ve been converted to “AR platform for home defense out to 100 yds kind of thinking”, but as you point out- there hasn’t been a good reliable high-quality product that matches the Glock standard.

    A question- when you say 3MOA- do you mean that in the typical 100 yd range that I see most often online, or for 9mm caliber- (like .22LR) does that assume 50 yds is the typical effective range for tests?

    I’m guessing the former, based on the 3-gun use, and if so, this looks like a real contender for self-defense especially if you live in a rural area, or envision some use past your backyard in the suburbs.

    With respect to those pointing out lower prices, I would just say, you get what you pay for, obviously, and in the case of the Keltec, my problem is they are somewhat hard to find, require smithing out of state to get the bullet button to make them CA legal, and based on the manufacture tolerances/shooting performance of the SU-16 at least, I’d personally rather pay more, for something tighter and more accurate out to 100 yds.

    I’m especially looking forward to how this takes off in the marketplace, especially if LEO buyers departments sign up anything like the Glock was adopted.

    Last, thank you Nick especially for the reference to the competition world proof, as I’d never have known that, and the decisions by the majority of “the knowledgeable users in the real world” is a proof statement that is way more useful than internet forum opinions for a guy who takes the time to do his homework on a tool you depend upon for your life, and that of your family.

    • I think it would be safe to say that gun manufacturers do not cater to the California insanity. It is ridiculous to assume that a manufacturer will cater specifically to you and your state’s problems.

      This “rifle/pistol” is the same price as an AR15 and one of the Sub2000 or similar pistol carbines. You wouldn’t have to worry about interchangeability. The complete package is already put together. I would probably pick one of these up if they were priced similarly to an AR, but at twice the price of an entry level AR, the price tag is insane. $800 would be a much easier to swallow price tag for, essentially, a range toy.

      • We have more legal gun owners in CA than most states have people. I’m not a business man, but i think it would be wise to court the CA shooters.

        • Even if they did cater to your state, how many people would actually buy one of these novelty firearms? Especially when you can get two AR15s for the same price? You may have more gun owners than other states have residents…but how many are actually not just fuddy duddy types? Sure, I am sure you have some mall ninja tactical basement dwellers who would love an SBR with a bullet button (HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!)…but is it worth it to the company (one company!) to make two sets of tooling to comply with Kalifornia’s asinine laws and sheeple?

    • rlc2, to expand on what scoutino said…

      • MOA stands for minute of angle, and it’s equal to 1/60th of one degree.
      • 1 MOA is equal to 1″ at 100 yards. (It’s actually 1.047 inches, but as that only works out to 0.47″ at 1000 yards, it’s irrelevant to this discussion, and to most shooters.)
      • 1 MOA is a different size at different ranges, e.g. 1 MOA at 50 yards is 0.5″, and at 400 yards it’s 4″.
      • Thus, a 2″ group at 50 yards is a 4 MOA group, because if you extrapolate out the distance, it can be assumed that that 2″ group would turn into a 4″ group at 100 yards.
      • Not to harsh on Nick too much, but in reality (and assuming those are 1″ squares on the target), he actually shot a 4 MOA group. The two furthest flyers are two full squares apart (slightly more because of the diagonal), which means 2 inches. Extrapolate that out to 100 yards and you get 4″ or 4 MOA. If you drop one of the two furthest flyers (maybe he flinched from the incredible recoil), the group size is right around 1 inch, which works out to 2 MOA.

      If you’ve ever heard of the Appleseed Project shoots, they shoot .22LR at 25 yards using targets that are size regulated for 100 yards. That allows them to shoot at short range and get reliable results, without having to worry about wind drift and the like with that tiny little bullet.

      If that didn’t make sense, or you want more, here’s the NSSF’s page on it:

  9. What’s wrong with the Colt sub-gun in 9mm? They can be found in semi auto for around a grand. Not sure if there’s a need for a 1400 subgun.

    I’ve used a Colt AR subgun for years and personally like them a lot. Some say they have feeding problems with hollow points. I found that if you don’t cram 32 rounds in the mag and stick with 25, it eats anything, including Russian steel 9mm.

    The benefit of a 9mm subgun is that it extends the range of the caliber to a solid 100 yards. This is ideal for the young, small statured, elderly. Most people can’t make a 100 yard offhand shot anyway (yes I know, everyone here can…speak for myself). But seriously, they are fun too, the 9mm has very little recoil and 9mm is still pretty cheap. You can shoot 9mm ball a lot for not a lot. Put hollow points in there and home defense is assured.

    Personally, I like the design. As a lifetime user of AR platform rifles (military and police), I like that it’s commonality of function makes learning or simply using them a snap. After 20 years of using AR patten rifles, even a jam or bad round is almost a non issue, I can clear it so fast from muscle memory that I don’t even think about it. There’s some value in that. Sure there’s small, lighter, cheaper and more compact subguns but using the AR platform makes up for the extra size simply by being familiar. Not to sound too much like an AR fanboy but honestly, when it comes to the rifle style I would choose if my life depended on it, it would be an AR style in anything (.308, 5.56, 9mm or whatever). My choice is strictly preference and I know there’s better or more high speed weapons put there but my familiarity with the AR system ultimately makes this choice for me. YMMV.

    • You make a good point. I have taken a couple classes from a Navy Seal sniper who points out that in order, the factors indicating success in weapons use are:

      1. accuracy
      2. manipulation
      3. drills on individual use
      4. squad tactics

      Since I dont have the budget to train anything like what Uncle Sam provides, I want to make what I do most efficient, and that includes NOT buying or at least training in any more than I absolutely have to master, and if I am going to add a mid-range weapon, and as I am being persuaded here and elsewhere that its the AR platform, then I’d want to KISS on that muscle memory too.

      • Because a .45gap carbine would offer no benefit over a .45acp one, and those exist. Putting a stock on a glock equals a SBR, and those are a bear to get cleared for. In regards to the .50 bmg, well, sure, why not, although there is already a few .50 caliber pistol cartridges.

        A .357SIG would make sense for a few reasons: it should be a more reliable feed than a .357 magnum revolver round, since the .357SIG is a bottleneck cartridge and it is rimless. That said, there may not be a huge benefit in ballistic benefits with a carbine for that cartridge, as the powder is fast burning with the SIG round. The round would be moving at a good clip and the longer barrel wouldn’t increase velocity that much more (in theory). The longer barrel, however, should impart better accuracy, especially when combined with longer sight picture, and in a shoulder mounted platform.

      • If that is the case, I hope they develop a carbine-variant of the .357SIG ammunition, to better utilize the longer barrels.

    • I honestly don’t see the point. You’re launching a light pill at ever faster speeds.

      OK, it’s heavier than the mouse-gun pills a 5.56 launches. That’s nice. Just about anything larger than .22 offers an improvement in that area.

      But what are you seeking to accomplish? Flatter trajectories? You’re not going to get them, because the Bc’s for pistol bullets are so low. No matter how much velocity you start with, you’re going to lose it quickly as the pill goes downrange.

      Again, this is very well trod-upon ballistic ground. You can go buy a M1 Carbine and get everything a hot-rodded 9mm (in whatever designation you choose – whether 9mm Luger, 9×21, 9×23, 9×25, .38 Super, .357 Sig, .357 Mag, etc, etc, etc) is going to offer you: High mag capacity, high velocity, light recoil, a light weapon, you name it.

      The wheel being invented here was already quite round.

      • I’m with you. I always thought a pistol carbine would be a neat idea, but when I researched them and looked at the ballistics info I could find, these are still just a 100 yard gun, useful for plinking and home defense, but nothing much else. The M1 Carbine is a 200 yard gun, and with modern ammo is even sufficient for deer within 100 to 150 yards… If only Hillary hadn’t been such a douche, there would be lots of them about at good prices. [Price is a separate issue–with all of the manufacturers, prices are all over the map and it is hard to determine what is a good rifle at a good price.]

  10. Im gonna sound like a douche but what is the point? I mean its a PCC that costs 1500 USD. You can buy a quality AR, AK or whatever + optics and ammo for that. And no matter how you phrase it 30 rounds of 5.56 or 7.62×39 is way better than 30 rounds of 9×19. Not trying to start a caliber war, just calling it as I see it.

    If someone knows more, please inform me.

    • Like having a really nice AR that’s cheaper to feed, nowhere to shoot in the area that has a greater than 50 yard range. 9mm most available round in these parts. If this isn’t your case, it probably wouldn’t make sense.

  11. Also to note, the rifle tested above has the PSC-11 (side-charging) upper on it, a $500 upcharge over the $1499 base price.

    • Good point, I didn’t notice that. Definitely a nice to have, not a need to have. Having never trained with a side charging handle, I would skip this and just stick with the standard configuration. I am a righty so it works just fine for me.

    • And while I had little interest in such a gun before your additional information, at that price my interest is now asymptotically approaching zero…

  12. I get that 9mm is generally cheaper than 5.56. However, there are very good 5.56 ARs for $1100, and good plinkers for less. That leaves a lot of money for ammo. Judging by the wait times, they’re popular enough, but I sure don’t get it.

    Sheesh, and I thought the Berettas were pricey.

  13. Well, our (NZ) regulations are tougher than yours. F’rinstance, I could in theory buy that carbine, and legally put a silencer on it, but then I could only load it with 5 round magazines. The military style features might mean I would have to get a higher grade license, buy a bigger safe and have more scrutiny of my character (as if I have any…). I think I’ll stick with my 16″ barrel SKS, better ballistics and cheaper ammo.

  14. What’s all this “choose one AR stuff”? Who said you could only choose one? And who buys only one AR pattern rifle? They’re like Lays potato chips or pokemon.

    I think the minimum number of AR’s is at least 5 (at least that’s my list):
    1 in 223 for 3 gun
    1 in 9mm for 3 gun and general fun
    1 in 300 blk as an SBR for general awesomeness
    1 in 308 or maybe 6.5 grendel for long distance fun
    1 in 22LR for practice and general fun

  15. Looks really nice…but im waiting for the Sig MPX…gonna get the ssuppressor shell for that bad boy.

  16. Nick, a little help from one husky guy to another, when you go to take a picture stick your chin out as far as you can. It feels a bit goofy when you are doing it, but trust me it makes your face look skinnier and eliminates that double chin. You are welcome.

    On a gun related note I built my own 9mm AR with a dedicated lower and upper for the price of their upper, and it runs flawlessly. Takes standard 9mm AR mags though. I am waiting for the SIG MPX.

    • I do the same chin thing. I got tired of seeing double chins in photos when I don’t have a hint of one in real life.

  17. I have to disagree with a lot of the previous statements. I believe this rifle does fill a void. The only other decent options on the market are the lone wolf g9 thats is backlogged over a year and the ddles thay people have also been waiting over a yr. for.

    I wish they would have designed the magwell to match the size of the mag.

    Any idea on wait times? Is it closer to 8 or 18?

  18. One day, when I grow up, I’ll get a big boy carbine. Until then, I will keep shooting my flawless hi point, 10 for 10 head shots at 100 yards.

  19. I think the people complaining about the price, compared to other rifles are forgetting something vital. JP rifles are not like other rifles. Just in the way a Ferrari is compared to a Camaro. Engine, trans, four tires, two doors, etc…, with so much in common, why would anyone buy a Ferrari when they can have a camaro for less money? Because the Ferrari is superior in every possible aspect. Comparing a JP rifle to any seemingly similar product is just as ridiculous. So you’d rather spend less money on your rifle, that’s fine, but don’t complain when you don’t get the best product for the same low price. Just remember then, when you’re at the range, that your cheaper rifle will never be as accurate, reliable, or as damn cool as the JP being shot next to you.

  20. I take it most of you guys don’t know how many 3 guns shooters run the JP rifle and if they want a JP 9mm for $1400. to match their JP comp AR,then $1400. is chump change to them.. JP is not worring about picking up new business ,just doubleing on what they have..

  21. The model in your review has the PSC-11 upper and retails for $2000, not $1499. Worth noting as that’s an extra chunk of change.

  22. Very attractive rifle. I’d love to own one. Too bad I’m all cashed out these days.

    Very attractive lady too of course 🙂 Boy does that look like a fun afternoon. Shooting JP with KJW. Woo wee.

    Someone should auction off ‘a day at the range with KJW’ for charity some day (hint hint). Bet you wouldn’t have any trouble getting a large bid to donate to a worthy cause. And pretty sure the sponsors would line up in droves.

  23. I like this gun quite a bit, but referring to it as the carbine that claims the fabled “white unicorn” isn’t correct in my opinion. For a paltry average sum of $250, you can get a very accutate, very reliable 9mm carbime that just plain eats any brand of ammo you feed it and still is on target. The High-Point 995TS.
    Yeah yeah, I know. “High-Point?!?!?!?!?!? I wouldn’t even pick one of those things up in a store, much less shoot one!”
    If you’ve never shot one, you’d be AMAZED at it’s accuracy and reliability.
    I’ve put thousands of rounds though one, have seen others that have done the same, all with zero reliability issues. It is just a, plainly put, good gun. No matter the price of it.
    Yes’ it is ugly. Yes it is cheap. Yes the High Point pistols are…….errrr…..questionable?? lol
    But the High Point carbines are utterly reliable, very accurate. AND VERY AFFORDABLE!

  24. Was a great writeup on a gun that has now been replaced by the GMR13. But, and a really big but, I could have lived without the “Goddamn” you wrote and that actually did nothing to make the story better. It could have been replaced with all sorts of different words.

  25. whoa is me Eric, you must be from the fifties and haven’t heard that god is dead.

    Back to the subject at hand, the Freakin’ GUN.
    So all I have to do is make some cash selling off the muzzle brake and refer back to my charts on highest recoil velocity and energy 9mm rounds out there.

    Great gun, bet 90% of the replies taking up all the space on this here article can’t afford the carbine either. Go get a new 10mm Hi point and get to work.

  26. I hate to pop your accuracy bubble, but the picture you have posted has ten shot on a target with one inch squares. In order to have a true 2MOA group at the 50 yards all ten of those shots would have to fit inside one of those one inch squares with the farthes shots of your group measured center to center from each other. As seen in the picture you do have a tight group but your flyers are what took your “2MOA” group and actually measured out at 50 yards to be a 4MOA group. As nice as that tight group is you can’t call it a true 2MOA.

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