Gun Review: Springfield Armory XD(m) 4.5


In a market dominated by tiny handguns, there’s a certain bravado that comes with not only owning, but carrying a pistol that weighs over two pounds loaded, and packs twenty rounds at the ready. It takes some getting used to at first. You stare at your friends salivating over the GLOCK 43 and ask why they’d want to carry a third(ish) the ammo you do. They stare back, hollow eyed.  You grow even more concerned with their desire to try to get a good grip with but a few fingers when they could easily maintain a two-handed kung fu grip with the gun you carry. It’s a weird world out there once you start carrying the XD(m) 4.5 chambered in 9mm…

For lack of a better term, the XD(m) is just a big gun. There’s really no skirting the fact. It is a decidedly full sized handgun. Carrying it around requires a sturdy belt and a good holster. Unless you wear a billowing shirt, this thing prints like crazy, but at some point you stop caring. It’s a dream to shoot as all that weight and size absorbs what little recoil 9mm puts out. But make no mistake, it is svelte in all the right ways too.


Though the grip holds a magazine with nineteen at the ready, it seems barely larger than the double stack magazine that rides inside it. Small handed individuals like yours truly have no trouble reaching the trigger with an appropriate amount of index pad on the trigger shoe. In case the stock ergos dont’ work for you, the XD(m) ships with three replaceable backstraps so that you can fit the gun to your paw. Changing them out isn’t as simple as that of the M&P or GLOCK, but the roll pin that secures the whole thing inspires a great deal of confidence. Most folks only change it once, so it isn’t the end of the world to use a punch and a hammer to make the swap.


As you can clearly see in the picture, the XD(m) is coated in a liberal amount of stipling and grip serrations on both the frame and the slide. These come in handy when your can only get a less than ideal purchase on the gun. If you have achieved operator status, sleep well at night on the pointy end of the spear knowing that you can still get a firm grip on your gun with your hands covered in blood, mud, and grease. For the rest of us, it’s a grippy affair, nuff said.


Southpaws shall rejoice that the XD(m) features a magazine release that’s ambidextrous with no need to “fix” anything out of the box. Pressing the magazine release in either direction will release the magazine. For the times when you aren’t actively releasing a magazine, the button is unobtrusive, and nearly impossible to trip accidentally.

Speaking of grips, keen eyed observers will notice that the XD(m) sports a rather large grip safety. Like the 1911, the XD(m) cannot be fired unless the grip safety has been engaged. In practice, it becomes a non issue as any reasonable grip is enough to disengage the safety and allow you squeeze the trigger.

About that trigger. It seems to have caught a case of NYPDitis as it tripped my scale at a very consistent seven and a half pounds. I happen to own the younger brother of this gun, the 3.8, and the trigger on that gun registers a much lower six pounds. In the real world, that extra pound and a half might as well be a million. Where I found the 3.8 to be a joy to shoot, and very accurate given the slightly shorter barrel length, the 4.5 was the older brother that never quite lived up to his potential. I expected the 4.5 to be every bit as accurate with the hope that it might give me more, but I was sadly disappointed.


No matter how I tried to position myself, no matter how much dry fire practice I did, I just couldn’t ever make the gun produce better than the groups you see above at the ten yard line. That’s still very good accuracy, but the 3.8 always delighted me by chewing up the black dot time after time with its smooth almost double action style pull.


I finally took a kneel, rested the gun on a sandbag and produced the five shot groups above with 115 gr. Winchester white box. Still not stellar, but slightly better than what I did unsupported. I’d hoped that the trigger would break in a bit, but after 500+ rounds, there wasn’t any improvement. The trigger still broke at seven and a half pounds after much stacking.


The accuracy was so disheartening that I truly thought there might be something with me. So I pulled out my RDS equipped M&P 9 and started chewing up the center dot. Ragged hole after ragged hole, and I got my groove back. I switched back to the XD(m) and still had the same problems.


Speaking of things that shot my confidence all to hell while using this gun, a brief note on the slide lock. As you can see in the picture above, the meat of my support hand gets a pretty good purchase on the slide lock. The XD(m) slide lock is a fairly aggressive little tab of metal which makes it great for releasing the slide one handed (which I don’t do), but struck me as particularly cumbersome due to the funk I’ve developed in my support hand grip. You can read all about it here, but this is the first pistol that has not agreed with my high handed support grip.

As you can see in the video above, I have a nasty habit of riding the slide lock with my meaty palm which forces the slide to lock back on every second or third round. This is not a mechanical failure so much as an ergonomic one in my mind. I can use the same craptastic grip on an M&P or GLOCK with no such problems. As a sidenote, the video above does a good job of showing how practically accurate the XD(m) is. It is easily capable of head shots at 10 yards. Like I said, accurate, but not as accurate as I’d expected. IMG_1871

One final note on ergonomics before I move on. I’m of the camp that likes a rear sight with a flat face on the front or even a slight forward cant. This is especially handy for one handed racking of the slide on tables, belts, shoes, or whatever you find closest. The stock rear sight has a very stylish rearward slant that looks great but renders it fairly useless for any of the aforementioned activities. IMG_1883

Ah yes. Those sights. They are totally functional provided you aren’t attached to the white dots. They’ll quickly dissolve and disappear at the first sight of any gun cleaning chemical, a problem I noted in my review of the younger brother to the 4.5. Fresh out of the box, they are bright and crisp in daylight and even the waning hours. If it were a gun I’d fallen in love with, it would have gotten an upgraded set of sights and a trigger enhancement.


Durability and reliability are of utmost importance when selecting a firearm, and the XD(m) did not disappoint. Like its little brother, nothing I threw at it including a distinct lack of maintenance slowed it down. I gave up after five hundred rounds of Winchester white box and an entire grab bag of mixed brass case, steel case, JHP, and various other “unknown” ammo types. I never cleaned it during the testing, and while it was downright filthy at the end, it still continued to run. As a sidenote, my shooting buddy Jacob has had a 4.5 for the last few years that goes ~3000 rounds between cleanings. He’s experienced no degradation in reliability using that cleaning schedule and the cheapest steel case 9mm he can get his hands on.


The XD(m) is not immune to abuse though as I found by carrying a Remington 700 in an X-Ray chassis next to it for the duration of the Bushnell Brawl. Due to the way I had the rifle slung, my pistol and my rifle spent all of Sunday fighting with each other. This resulted in some pretty nasty gouges in the X-Ray chassis and some minor scratches in the polymer frame and a scratch or two in the slide. Ultimately, the rifle was worse for the wear.


Disassembly and cleaning is an easy affair and can be done without pulling the trigger like some of the Austrian pistols on the market. Simply lock the slide back, swing the disassembly lever ninety degrees, and slowly release the slide. The whole thing slides off the front, and the barrel, spring, and guide rod can easily be freed from there. The firing pin and spring can be removed if you like, but after 500+ rounds, I found minimal grime around the firing pin, so routine field stripping and cleaning should be adequate.


From the outset, I’d called this a big heavy gun, but I like to back my assertions with some cold hard science. Using my trusty food scale, I pegged the unloaded weight of the 4.5 at 25.15 oz or a touch over a pound and a half.


Add a magazine and 20 rounds of 115 gr ammo and the number jumps to 36.60 oz. At a hair over two and a quarter pounds, that’s a lot of weight to strap to your body and schlep around. A sturdy belt and a stiff holster are almost mandatory, but I managed to appendix carry this every day for several weeks using a DARA IWB and a stiff belt. It isn’t the lightest and most comfortable thing to carry, but like I said, there’s a certain calm that comes with carrying twenty rounds with you every day. 


Specifications: Springfield Armory XD(m) 4.5 – 9mm

  • Caliber: 9mm
  • Recoil System: One Piece Full Length Guide Rod
  • Sights: Dovetail Front and Rear (Steel) 3 – Dot
  • Weight: (with Empty Magazine) 29 ozs.
  • Height: 5.75″
  • Slide: Forged Steel, Melonite® Finish
  • Barrel: 4.5″ Steel, Melonite®, Hammer Forged
  • Length: 7.6″
  • Grip Width: 1.18″
  • Frame: Black Polymer
  • Magazines: 2 – 19 Round, Stainless Steel
  • MSRP: $649
  • Street Price: <$550

Ratings (out of five stars):

Fit & Finish * * * * *
I was pleased to find a flawless finish on both the outside and inside of the XD(m). There were no visible machining marks, assembly marks, scuffs, or otherwise when I pulled it out of the box. The magazines are chromed and slide home easily and freely. All of the controls work as they are supposed to.

Reliability (Mechanical) * * * * * Reliability (In My Hands) * * *
I hate to split a category up (Nick hates it more), but the truth is that this is a very mechanically accurate pistol. Throw it in a ransom rest or another similar jig, and this gun is going to spit bullets hot, cold, dry, or wet. But put it in my hands with a high support grip, and the slide lock engages almost immediately. If I’d experienced this problem with any other pistol, there wouldn’t be another category, but this is the only gun I’ve ever had this problem with.

Accuracy * * * 
In the interest of not creating another split category, I’ll say this about that: mechanically, the gun is very accurate. I have no doubt that in the same ransom rest, this thing would continue to stack bullets one atop the other. Unfortunately, it came from the factory with a stout trigger that opens up the groups a bit more, especially for something with “match” inscribed on the side of the barrel.

Ergonomics * * * * *
The XD(m) series are my go to recommendation for people who have small hands. Whereas a GLOCK feels like a brick that shoots bullets, the XD(m) feels like it belongs in my hands. The controls are very easy to get to, and the ambi mag release is a definite plus.

Accessories * * * * *
Unlike the competition, all XD(m) pistols come with a holster, mag carrier, mag loader, and hard sided travel case. I fully recognize that the holster and mag pouches kind of suck compared to what you can go buy on the aftermarket, but I want to give props to Springfield for selling a true kit including the very nice hard sided case which is just fine for usage on the airlines. In the aftermarket, there are plenty of companies making trigger upgrades, sights, and holsters for the XD(m). It may not be as popular as a GLOCK, but parts and accessories are no harder to find than for any other pistol on the market.

Overall * * * *
A gun that goes boom every time is worth at least three stars, especially when it comes to EDC or competition guns. The nits I have around accuracy are really pretty small. The gun is definitively minute of bad guy accurate, and as you can see in the video above, head shots at ten yards at a decent little clip are well within the realm of a mediocre operator. The reliability thing is a mixed bag. I can’t really fault a gunmaker for my stupid grip, but I can fault them for not shaving down the slide lock a bit more, something I would do had I chosen to add the 4.5 to the fleet. For all I know, I may be the only person who has induced that particular failure. Given that, the mediocre trigger knocks a star off of what would be an otherwise perfect review. Five stars are for perfect guns, and the XD(m) 4.5 comes up just a touch short.

40 thoughts on “Gun Review: Springfield Armory XD(m) 4.5”

  1. I’m interested that you have issues with the slide lock on this pistol but not the 3.8? I would think they are set up almost identically?

  2. I’ve owned an XDM 9 for 5 years and do agree the trigger is heavy…however, with proper press, it shoots quite accurately and I’ve managed to score very well with it in Bullseye big bore shoots, my open sights vs. competitors guns fitted with optics. I fitted some glue on night sight dots over the factory painted dots & found that helped the sight picture tremendously.

  3. I don’t see much here that amounts to an advantage over my 5″ XD9 version 1.0 except maybe 3 more rounds of capacity. I thought maybe the XD(m) trigger would be better but I don’t think so. Maybe it’s due to being well broken in but after comparing the stock trigger on my XD9 with a fairly new FNS 9 a couple of days ago, I decided I liked the XD trigger better after all.

    • I agree that the XDM doesn’t do much that the basic XD wouldn’t, except look a bit cooler and cost more. I’d just stick with the original (but I don’t have any XDs anyway).

  4. I used to have similar issues with support hands and slide locks. Then, just for shits and giggles, I tried putting a Pearce grip extension on my full sized XD and shifting my support hand down to rest on it.

    Man, what a difference! Not only did I stop having slide lock issues, it also made a big improvement to recoil management. Even shooting the admittedly snappy .40S&W, fast, accurate follow up shots were a breeze. Basically, it seems to give you a bit of extra leverage with which to combat muzzle rise.

  5. If you’re interested in an enhanced/better trigger, I’d recommend checking out Powder River Precision. Own several of their kits (in varying levels of parts replaced) and installation on the XDMs is about as straightforward as it gets.

    Just bear in mind: more PRP parts generally = lighter break. Depending on preference, might be a bit too much for a carry piece. YMMV

    • +1 for prp. I have the 4.5 in .40 and the 5.25 in 9mm with the 4.5 with the drop in and the really light one (extreme?) in the 5.25. I’d carried the 40 for a while until I got an xds. Both the 4.5 and 5.25 have been used for 3 gun. All three guns have been great. Did add talon grip tape to the 4.5 and the 5.25

      • Hearty agreement on the PRP! A 4 lb trigger (roughly same as a single-action Sig P226) makes this gun an excellent and accurate shooter. I had them add FO sights to my 4.5″ XDm, and it’s by far my favorite gun to shoot. Plus, as much as people dislike the grip safety, (a) it’s on the 1911, (b) it was good enough for John Browning, and (c) when your raincoat string gets caught in the trigger when holstering, it keeps you from perforating your foot.

  6. I look at Glocks, Springfields, and M&Ps all the same way – basic and reliable guns that are begging for aftermarket mods and improvements. I think the larger size XD with the stainless (two-tone?) is a looker.

    I’m pretty much staying with Glocks, Smith, and Sig pistols simply for magazine compatibility reasons. M&Ps are probably next on the list.

    Good review. I’m sure you’re not the only one who has inadvertently lock a slide back by hitting the slide release. I’ve done it with sloppy thumb work on a 4006. It’s good to hear the truth – not every gun works in every hand.

  7. A fellow let me fire his XD(M) .45 at the range one day. It was the softest-shooting .45 I had ever experienced. I would think that a 9mm in this size would be even more pleasant. Both would be good teaching guns and useful for home defense.

  8. For a little concealer I own a .380 in the form of the Sig P232 which holds 7+1 and just about fills my hand.

    I also own a Beretta Cheetah that holds 13+1, fits my hand extremely well and conceals in an IWB Bianchi holster perfectly for me.
    It was my plainclothes duty weapon back in the day and with full pressure loads like those from doubletapammo is completely reliable.

    I have always only acquired handguns with a substantial enough grip to fill my hand without any dangling fingers or palm. The only exception was the P232 above in that my palm extends maybe 1/4 inch below the back of the grip, if that.

    I don’t understand how anyone can be comfortable with a handgun that doesn’t fill their hand. Personally, I want to drive my handguns when I shoot, not hang on for the ride.

    BTW, I too own an XD, the XD-.45 Tac.
    I chose it over the G21 after a simultaneous side by side shooting comparison at the range. My experience was that the two were near identical in operational capability. I chose the XD over the GLOCK because the XD has a familiar (for those of us who regularly shoot the 1911) grip safety, and because the XD mags load notably more easily than the GLOCK mags, especially when nearing full capacity.

    As a rule, other than the P232 and the Cheetah, I prefer to carry either mid-sized handguns like the CZ PO1 or the Sig P229, or larger. I’d rather bulge a little on concealment than only partly fill my hand with ‘half a handshake’.

    • Re grips that fill the hand, I like the XDm very well, but also own an XDs–I ended up putting Hogue grips on it to better fill the hand. Much more comfortable.

    • I like your style, Roscoe. My small carry is a West German made PP 9×17 bought as a backup when I was in my basic branch course 40+ years ago. The larger carry is a Browning BDA, also 9×17, which bears a PB logo on the right side of the slide just below and forward of the ejection port, and is a Model 84BB with a closed slide and a slide mounted decocker produced for Browning about 1980-2000. Pachmayr full wrap replacement grips vastly improve the control of both pistols. Mec-Gar magazines with finger extenders keep all of my fingers on the Walther grip, and the frame of the Browning is just long enough to accommodate my medium sized hand. Both carry well in the Desantis Pocket/Tuck holster model, so I have one set up for pocket carry and a second set up for IWB carry. The one downside to these classics is that I have not yet found personal defense rounds which will feed reliably, so continue to depend upon FMJ and shot placement, just as in the service. If you have found any PD rounds which feed and chamber reliably in your Beretta, I would be glad to learn of them.

      Citizens of Massachusetts (even we sturdy former militiamen of every Middlesex village and town imbued with the spirit of 1775) are out of luck on large capacity handguns produced after our 1998 ban date, so my large frame handgun is an S&W 659 for which 14 and 15 round magazines produced before the ban date are legal. Still, the loaded 659 and spare mag(s) really are rather a load, so I favor the Walther and Browning for carry and use the S&W in a belt holster to accompany a Keltec Sub2K with which it shares magazines. Perhaps someday the Commonwealth will lighten up and let us licensees experiment with modern large capacity polymer framed handguns.

      However that may play out, I trust that we will both continue to enjoy our classic carries.

  9. Good fair write up: thank you

    I love my XDS 4″ in 45, and the XDM in 3.8 or 4.5 in. is the next acquisition. I’ve been a Glock guy historically in 9 and 10 mm but wanted to try the XD platform for 45 and I’ve not been disappointed so far. The XDS is wonderfully accurate and the length and weight increase from the 3.3″ to the 4″ length makes it a pleasure to shoot.

    I know many departments and agencies are approving the XD platform for personal carry- Springfield hasn’t done the aggressive pricing cuts like Glock and SW have done so it’s only rarely the official issued duty weapon.

    A terrific shooter.

  10. Why do you want to grip so high? What advantage does it give you (compared to not locking the slide every third shot)?

    • It was a quirk developed by bad dry fire practice. The article I linked to explains it in much more detail.

  11. Being 6′-3″ and north of 300 pounds, allows me to carry either my summer gun (Glock 17) or my winter gun (1911-A1) without them printing. I have a lot of waistline to hide stuff in/on. This gun is roughly the same weight wise that I am used to. The idea of 20 rounds seems quite attractive, but the 7 1/2 lb trigger is a definite turn off. Nice review! I found it just a tiny bit troubling that you apparently have one grip style that you expect to work on all handguns and you don’t adjust to whatever you are shooting. Maybe that is because I shoot Ruger single action revolvers, various double action revolvers, the Glock, my 1911, various .22 target pistols, and I need to adjust to each one more or less to get the best performance and enjoyment out of them.

    • Joe – Try a CZ P09 (i prefer the FDE with Tritium) – or a P07 gen 2 if you want to go a little smaller. Once you go CZ, you won’t go back. Especially if you like 1911. They are hammer fired, awesome trigger, safe as heck with the DA first pull, fit in your hand like a glove and accurate and controllable as any pistol out there – if not more. Man, if you like G17, you will love the P09. Same size, but a little thinner on the grip, more like a 1911. and they are cheaper than Glocks! Get your hands on one if you haven’t. I’m a total convert. and I have M&P’s, Glocks, XDM’s, FNX, etc. The new CZ P series trumps them all. If I was a little bigger, I’d carry the P09 all day long, instead of the P07.

  12. I have the XDM 3.8″ in 9MM and LOVE IT. Man, i can just hammer away with that thing.
    I also have the XDM 4.5″ in .45ACP and the trigger pulls at more like 6 lbs, so haven’t experienced that issue really. Ultimately, as much as I love them (and M&P), I’m now INTIMATE with my CZ P09 (and P07 Gen2). I just like the trigger much better (DA/SA, hammer fired), low bore axis, accuracy, no grip safety – and – the first pull being DA gives me the confidence to carry it and re-holster with one in the chamber, without pause. CZ is where it’s at, hands down.

    • I was torn between three, I was looking at the CZ 85B The P09 and the XD 5.25, but i am extremely happy with Cz. Was going to post a pic but it wont let me attach it to the comment, idk if you can even do that on here, but it was my p09 sitting next to the Para ordinance 1911 that gets outta the safe every once in awhile.

  13. I’ve got an xd 45 5″ “tactical” and an xdm 9 competition (5.25″). The trigger on my xdm has been replaced, it’s probably down to 2-2.5 lbs. I love this gun and the xd.
    I don’t use the same grip as you, so I don’t have any problems with the slide lock.

  14. “…in the video above, head shots at ten yards at a decent little clip (not magazine) are well within the realm of a mediocre operator.”

    *Farago’d It For You 🙂

  15. I almost went striker fired when I held the 5.1 but I was set on having a Cz P09 ,zero failures so far at 1000 rounds, have you tried the Cz yet ? Love both guns, but being able to switch the trigger to single action I couldn’t say no

  16. I have an XDm 5.25 and its been a great gun. VERY accurate, i have been having some problems with the mag dropping out of it during shooting recently, but that’s the only issue i have had. Certainly a little large to carry, but very comfortable to shoot.

    • I feel like an ass now, I forgot that it was a 5.25 inch barrel, I Don’t know anyone personally that has one but I hear they are A LOT more accurate than their other models. Does your Xd have the ported barrel, or is that the only way they come? Still Love my CZ, both are very competitive with each other.

      • I have tested the XDMs back to back with XDs and found them to be noticeably more accurate, especially at longer ranges. Granted, even an XD is minute-of-bad-guy accurate at 25 yards, but my groups were much tighter.

        I’ve found XDs to be about $100 cheaper than XDMs, but once you’ve shot an XDM, it’s hard to justify saving the money knowing that something better is out there.

      • my 5.25 is NOT ported, but the slide has a cutout to lighten the slide, All 5.25’s have that feature.

  17. I got my XDm about 5 years ago. It also does not like the white box. I have found different brands that it shoots with better accuracy. I love mine.

    • Agree. All of mine hate WWB.

      Believe it has something to do with OAL (too long/out of spec), but never cared quite enough to figure out the ‘why’ of it as I have seen too many overall issues with WWB to consider it a pistol issue.

      Everything else I throw at them (all .45) works without complaint. Inclusive of HST 230+P and the Lehigh machined cavernous copper.

      3.8 has dangerously close to 1k through it, 4.5 close on it’s heals with 700+

  18. I’ve had the opportunity to shoot Glocks, M&Ps, 92Fs, and XDMs, and founds the XDMs easiest to shoot.

    The grip angle on the Glock was wrong for me, the M&Ps had bad triggers (in my opinion), and the 92F carried its weight in such a way that I had trouble keeping the front sight on target (actually felt too light).

    Your mileage may vary, and feel is subjective, but the XD pistols have always felt right to me. And the 5.25″ is incredibly accurate.

  19. This was the first gun I ever bought and it’s still one of my favorites. For carry I got the compact, but it’s hard to go wrong with this model as a range or bedside gun. The XDms really fit my hands well, probably the best out of any guns I’ve ever experienced. They’re small and my fingers are short, so it’s quite a challenge to find a comfortable fit. With the small backstrap, these are perfect.

  20. Contrasting your M&P w/RDS, IF you have an M&P9 Pro C.O.R.E, just ain’t fair, as for the ton of additional money, especially after you put a quality mini-dot on the M&P, you’d expect it to be a good deal better. Spend the same amount of cash on your XDM, to include one of the above-mentioned trigger jobs, after market sights, and/or a mini-RDS dovetail and sight, and you’d have a comparable gun. I love both of those guns, but your complaint is the same as griping your Ruger GP100 doesn’t shoot as well as your S&W Performance Center .357.

    As for the slide lock, it’s you. Don’t blame the gun. It’s my favorite polymer 9 for the very reason of size, location and ease to depress and release. I also have small hands, but am a lefty and release it with my index finger for fast mag changes. You could point out you aren’t an evil, devil-handed southpaw like me, but then, if you were a lefty, would you have given it only 2 or 3 stars for accessories because the holster that comes with the gun is RH only?

  21. I suspect that the problem with the high support grip is not that anything touches the slide, but that it hinders the control of the muzzle flip. The rotational inertia is what makes the slide stop to engage. Trust me, if you had touching the stop, your knuckle would’ve been all bloody by now.

  22. Maybe out just got a hold of a bad barrel.
    I’m not much of a pistol guy, but I can consistently hit head shots at 30 yards (90″) with my 4.5 XDM .40. I was goofing off one day And hit 7’s and 8’s on full size silluette targets at 100 yards.
    Bottom of the Dot on front post on target (post covers whole target @ 100 yd.) 14 of 16 shots were 7’s or 8’s two misses.

    My wife has the XDM 9mm and its accurate enough for 30yd head shots as well.
    The Glock tends to aim low for me but the XDM just feels rite.
    I’d like to get the laser max guide rod laser so it still fits in any holster.

  23. 1、 这也是造成国产功能部件市场占有率低的原因。由此也给嵌入式设备领域带来颠覆性变革。 我相信,水果价格上涨14.海南地区提前上市的蔬菜价格较高。将有力带动木工机械产业的增长和发展!5月中上旬,国家统计局服务业调查中心和中国物流与采购联合会联合发布的数据显示在上海火车站,2014年5月份中国70个大中城市新建住宅平均价格环比下降0.

  24. I was in the market for a full size 9mm and spent several months researching everything i could get my hands on. I considered the Sig saur , Glock 17 , Smith and Wesson m and p etc etc. I found myself unable to detach from the Springfield armory xdm 9 4.5 . After purchasing the pistol it didn’t take long to realize that I had made the best choice. The gun is smooth as silk with no kick what so ever , its like shooting a .22!! Accuracy is outstanding and its so comfortable in your hand. I’m in love with this piece and I’m certainly going to be getting the compact version soon. Never been happier with a gun !!

  25. I’m a little late to the party here but I have 2 cents to toss in. My XD(m) is a .40 and that’s where the weight becomes a beneficial aspect of the pistol. Recoil is tamed completely in my 3.8″ model. The gun seems very balanced in my hand and shoots pretty dang accurate. It will never shoot as accurate as my Sig P-220 but not many pistols will. it holds 16 rounds in the mags and that’s the .40 S&W round we’re talking about. Throw in the right ammo (designed to penetrate car door steel and windshields at an angle) and I have my favorite truck pistol. I have other more accurate pistols and some that have better features. But this is an all around nice pistol to have with me on the highways.

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