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Gun Review: Taurus 24/7 G2 .45 ACP

Say what you will about Brazilian gunmaker Taurus, but don’t accuse them of laziness. Instead of flogging the same tired product line for decades or blindly copying other makers’ designs, Taurus has never been afraid to try something new. If it’s a hit like the Judge, they run with it. If it’s a miss, they design something to replace it and they move on. At the consumer end, we seem to read about a new Taurus handgun product about every other week . . .

I exaggerate, but you know what I’m talking about: Since their centerfire revolvers and Beretta-licensed PT92 hit the scene in the late 1980s, Taurus has put out a mountain of different pistol designs including the 900 series, the 800 series, the 700 series, the OSS, the Judges, the Trackers, the Raging Bulls and Raging Hornets, the Milennium Pro, the PT1911, and the 24/7 Pro series…to name but a few.



Add the 24/7 G2 to this list. Joe Grine and “Tony” joined me in testing it, to see how this $370 (street price) service pistol delivers its large-caliber goods.


The 24/7 G2 is the latest offering from Taurus’ fertile test range: A double-stack automatic with conventional styling and ergonomics that take a discreet step back from its fashion-forward predecessor, the 24/7 Pro. That pistol’s striker-fired DA/SA action is the same, but the hooked trigger and bowed trigger guard are gone, replaced by a Glock-style safety trigger and an angular trigger guard. The literature describes it thusly: “Features include “Strike Two” capability for incredible reliability, contoured thumb rests, a new trigger safety and balanced spring pressure for extraordinarily fast shooting.”

The 24/7 is slightly thinner and shorter than a Glock 21, but a little longer in the grip due to the extended baseplate of its 12-round magazines. The grips are surprisingly thin for a double-stack .45 ACP, but the magazine sticks out well below the bottom of my average-sized hands. This could be useful if you were the 6-fingered villain from “The Princess Bride,” but for those of us on Inigo Montoya’s good side, it just makes the gun a little bulkier and harder to those who prefer concealed carry.


The 24/7 G2 has everything we’ve come to expect in a modern polymer pistol, along with a few extra features. And maybe a few things we’d rather do without. The sine qua non accessory rail and Glock-style safety trigger are all present and accounted for; ditto the interchangeable backstraps. The fully-ambidextrous controls and adjustable sights are nice bonuses, and the loaded-chamber indicator seems like a useful feature although I don’t rely on it.



The 24/7’s nested recoil springs and telescoping metal guide rod are standard (and useful) features for a modern service pistol, and they help keep .45 ACP recoil to a minimum.

Your tastes may differ, but I personally like a second-strike capability, and I think everyone prefers a frame-mounted decocker/safety over a slide-mounted version. I consider the key-actuated safety lock to be an unnecessary and potentially vulnerable mechanical liability, although it caused no problems at all on our test gun.

Fit and Finish

The overall level of fit and finish of our test gun was more than acceptable; in fact it was only a few small glitches away from being downright excellent. There were a few rough plastic edges on the trigger and backstrap, which disappeared when I gave them a few careful wipes with 800-grit sandpaper.

There was a very slight discoloration on the top of the slide behind the ejection port/locking block. It’s so faint that I couldn’t get a proper picture of it, but it’s there. In addition, the action of the slide on the frame rails was grittier than I expected, given the very good machining of the slide/barrel assembly.

All in all, the Taurus 24/7 G2 is vastly more refined than a Kel-Tec or some Turkish/Filipino import, although it’s certainly not as smooth as a SIG/Sauer or H&K. Fit and finish is hard to quantify, but our tester had the feel and appearance of your typical Ruger or Springfield semi-auto. Which is to say, perfectly acceptable.


The 24/7’s trigger is called a “striker-fired DA/SA system,” but this description is more than a little confusing. As you can tell from the pictures, it’s got a Glock-style trigger-inside-a-trigger and it doesn’t have a hammer. This makes it looks like a typical Glock/Springfield/M&P setup, but it’s not.

Those guns all partially reset the striker when the slide cycles, and if a round fails to fire you’ve got to rack the slide to reset it again. The 24/7 uses its long “double-action” pull to cock the striker for the first shot, then switches to its shorter “single-action” pull for subsequent shots. If you’ve got a hard primer you can just pull the trigger again and give it another whack, and in fact I had to to this three times during our testing. Many shooters prefer to rack the slide for a fresh cartridge when there’s a failure to fire, but a second strike will usually ignite a hard primer.

The 24/7 doesn’t shoot like any DA/SA system you’ve ever tried. Instead of an insanely heavy DA pull like a Beretta 92 or a squeaky plasticky one like some H&K USPs, the 24/7’s bangswitch gives you a smooth 6-pound takeup pull which partially cocks the striker, and then a heavy (but short and smooth) single-action pull that’s about the same as a “New York Trigger” Glock or a Springfield XD. This so-called “single-action” pull measured about 8 pounds on my trigger gauge, and it broke very cleanly.

An 8-pound trigger is too heavy for a fighting handgun, but only a little bit too heavy: The Glock “New York Trigger” is also about 8 pounds, and Springfield XD triggers frequently run to 7 pounds or more.



One of the trigger’s best features is the delighftully short reset shown here. The reset distance, from full backstop to “ready to fire,” is less than 1/4 inch. This reset point is also exactly the same point where the DA trigger pull stiffens and breaks in SA mode. Once your finger learns this single reset point, the transition from DA to SA firing is completely seamless. You’ll never blow the first shot because of the DA trigger pull, and you’ll never be surprised by an unexpectedly short trigger break in SA mode. It’s the most consistent DA/SA from shot to shot. I just wish the SA trigger were lighter, and I hope the aftermarket can ride to its rescue someday.

Note: Our test gun arrived with an excessively heavy 12+ pound trigger pull, but Taurus repaired the trigger bar and replaced the firing pin promptly. After the repair the 24/7’s trigger was much smoother and lighter, although at 8 pounds it was still too heavy.




After the trigger repair, the 24/7 gave me groups like this all afternoon: A whole magazine dumped through a single big hole, with a couple of fliers opening up the group sizes from “astonishin”‘ to merely “outstanding.” The nice ragged hole in this picture fits neatly inside a silver half-dollar, and even those annoying fliers only open the group up to 2.7 inches.

I shot it at 7 yards with the cheapest and dirtiest .45 ACP handloads I’ve ever assembled: 230-grain roundnose lead slugs over 5.5 grains of Unique. For you cheapskates out there, these loads will cost you less than $7 a box to assemble; just remember to wash your hands before you eat or touch your face to avoid ingesting lead from your fingers.

When you do your part and don’t get any fliers, the 24/7’s accuracy is flat-out crazy.



Maybe I spent too much time watching Her Majesty’s Diamond Jubilee on the telly last weekend, but am I the only person who thinks this target group is shaped suspiciously like England, Scotland and Wales? I didn’t think so.

Accuracy was slightly less impressive with Fiocchi 230-grain JHPs, mostly because I got more fliers. Or maybe I just got careless after a long day of shooting.



Still, six bullets went through one hole smaller than a quarter. With any ammo we tested, the 24/7 is more than accurate enough for defensive use or 3-gun competitions. With the right ammo, it’s almost accurate enough for slow-fire bullseye shooting.

This is all great for punching holes in paper, but how does the 24/7 perform in a slightly more dynamic shooting environment? Even with the insanely heavy trigger (before it was repaired) the 24/7 did fairly well on our collection of steel gongs and tumblers.



I’m not exactly auditioning for Team Taurus with this video, but my steel targets were 10-12 yards out and only 4 inches across. Those six misses were frustrating, but very single bullet would have been a headshot on a standard silhouette target.

After the trigger repair, it all got even better since the improved trigger didn’t provoke so many operator errors. I’m sorry I didn’t get any video.


The 24/7 wasn’t completely reliable out of the box. On the first range day we fired 250 rounds of 230-grain FMJs (mostly Remington-UMC), then 20 rounds of Fiocchi 230-grain JHP, then 25 rounds of Hornady TAP defensive ammo. On the second range day I fired 50 rounds of 230-grain lead roundnose handloads, 20 rounds of plated 230-grain hollowpoint handloads, and about 30 rounds of the Fiocchi JHPs.

Here’s a summary of the 10 malfunctions we experienced in about 400 rounds fired:

  • Two simple stovepipe FTEs at round count 75 on the first range day, firing UMC 230-grain FMJs. Both were cleared by sweeping the case out of the ejection port; the gun then returned itself to battery with the next fresh round, ready to fire.
  • Four failures to feed at round count 150-175 on the first range day, firing UMC 230-gr FMJs all from the same magazine. These nose-dive jams were caused by a single dirty or defective magazine, and I foolishly forgot to mark the magazine as questionable. The gun was filthy at this point, and I gave it a cursory cleaning before continuing.
  • One double-feed jam with Fiocchi 230-grain JHP at round count 225, remedied by dropping the magazine with the slide manually retracted, then re-inserting the magazine and re-racking tha slide
  • On the second range day (after the repair) there were two failures to fire at round 374 and 379, firing Fiocchi JHP. The firing pin struck a fairly solid blow to their primers but they failed to ignite. They each fired on the second pull of the trigger.
  • One nose-up failure to feed at round 377 with Fiocchi JHP.



This video was from the first range day, and shows the string of jams all from the same magazine.



Ten jams in 400 rounds is not impressive, but it’s not quite as bad as it looks. If you eliminate the Fiocchi ammo which was responsible for 4 jams or misfires, and eliminate the bad magazine which caused 4 more jams, you get a better picture of the 24/7’s reliability: 2 simple stovepipes in 350 rounds. (Instead of 400 rounds, ’cause we’re not counting the Fiocchi, right?)

That’s not bad, especially when the last 275 rounds went downrange without a single gun-caused malfunction. Now that I’ve set aside the bad magazine and gotten rid of the Fiocchi ammo, the gun is running 100%.


With the exception of the bad initial trigger, Taurus really hit one out of the park with the 24/7 G2’s ergonomics; it handles and fires extremely comfortably. The grip is textured enough to stay grippy even when dripping wet (I tested this) but not enough to beat up your hand like the meat-tenderizing mallet that FN euphemistically calls the FNS. The safety and slide release are both positioned in that sweet spot where they’re easy to manipulate, yet almost impossible to engage accidentally. The magazine release is well-positioned for my medium-sized hands.

The ambidextrous slide releases are perfectly placed and angled for quick reloads, but I almost never used them because the slide released itself whenever I slammed a loaded magazine into place. No ‘slingshot’ release method is needed, not that I ever do it anyway. I’ve noticed more new pistols doing this lately and it can be a bit of a surprise the first few times it happens, especially if you grew up around the 1911. As long as the slide doesn’t release itself at the wrong moment (which the Taurus never did) it’s pretty easy to get used to.



The polymer sights are fully adjustable and nicely visible, with a 3-dot configuration. Plastic sights might not seem as durable as metal, but if they’re good enough for Glock they’re good enough for Taurus and certainly good enough for me. The 24/7’s sights are streamlined enough that I can’t imagine them snagging on anything.

The grip is only 1.15-inches wide, which is exactly 10 percent thinner than a G21’s chunky love handles. With the medium backstrap installed, the Taurus’ trigger reach is just under 3.0 inches  for a double-action pull, and only 2.6 inches for single-action shots. These are wonderfully trim dimensions for a double-stack .45 ACP, and only minimally larger than most “compact” double-stack 9mms.

Recoil was very comfortable and manageable in the robust .45 ACP chambering. The video I posted last week shows that I was bringing the gun down from recoil and aiming toward the next target — before the 830-fps bullet even hit the target — 10-12 yards downrange.


I approached this review with more than my typical skepticism, because I’ve had very guarded opinions about Taurus semi-automatics for decades. After shooting this Taurus pistol a lot, I’ve come away impressed: it comes very close to being a world-class fighting handgun.

It’s got excellent ergonomics and accuracy but it begs for a lighter trigger, and ammo sensitivity is not a mark of greatness. I give it a solid “B” for effort.


Type: Short-recoil locked-breech semi-automatic pistol.

Caliber: .45 ACP (tested), also available in 9×19 and .40 S&W.

Action: Striker-fired DA/SA with manual safety/decocker.

Finish: Stainless Steel 

Barrel Length: 4.2″

Magazine Capacity: 12 (more in 9mm and .40)

Sights: Three-dot configuration with dovetail front and low-profile windage/elevation adjustable rear.

Length: 7.3″

Height: 5.8″ from the tip of the 12-round magazine to the top of the sights, measured perpendicular to the slide.

Width: 1.15″ (grip), 1.13″ (slide), 1.45″ (widest point of safety levers).

Weight: 29 oz. empty.

MSRP: $523 (about $380 street)

Ratings (out of five)

Accuracy * * *1/2

Lighten the trigger by two pounds and add a star. You could shoot horseflies at 15 yards with a lighter trigger on this gun, and the adjustable sights mean you hit exactly where you aim.

Styling * * *1/2

Rugged and businesslike; I like the all-black version even better. Only the long magazine extension looks out of place, which must be why they don’t show it in their online pictures or their print catalog.

Ergonomics * * * *

All the right controls are in all the right places, with just the right feel except for the heavy 8-pound trigger. Lighten the trigger by two pounds for a perfect five stars.

Reliability * * *

It should have been better, but ammo sensitivity and a single bad magazine (along with some big problems right out of the box) took their toll on reliability. There is a silver lining: After a factory repair and much trial-and-error, it’s now running great.

Overall * * *1/2

The Taurus PT 24/7 G2 combine the best features from the Taurus 800 Series, 24/7 Series and 24/7 OSS and is a solid design and a good shooter at an amazing price, but it needs a lighter trigger and a little better QC to be really great.

Gun Review: Colt 1911 Government Series 80 .45 ACP

Cheap Gun Showdown: Hi-Point C9 vs Taurus G2s

Gun Review: SIG SAUER P365 Manual Safety

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97 thoughts on “Gun Review: Taurus 24/7 G2 .45 ACP”

  1. So in other words, for a new product line, you utilized good customer service to have an issue fixed with the gun.
    Minus the trigger pull weight and long magazine it feels more like a $900 gun to you?
    For the price they are competing with Kel Tec and others, which you said this gun is better. I am in interested in this gun seriously, and was waiting for your review.
    It sounds like this gun out performs anything else in it’s price range, and if you take the time to get past some of the fit and finish, it should be a serious contender. Also use quality ammo…

    • “they are competing with Kel Tec and others”
      If only KT made something, anything in 45ACP. The biggest they do for a pistol cartridge is 357 SIG in the Sub2k.

      • I missed the sub 2k in 357 sig that actually seems like a really good round for a carbine like that

        • I dont think they sell them, but offer them as a conversion. I know it needs a special tungsten bolt.

    • This gun is made poorly, jams frequently and the manufacturer’s customer service is the worst of any company I have ever dealt with. I will never buy and Taurus.
      They have had my gun for 6 weeks now. They say it might be another 6 to 8 weeks because the have to order the parts. The manufacturer has to order the parts.
      I asked if they would notify me when it’s sent back to me so I can be here to sign for it and not have FedEx return it. They said NO!

      Bad gun. Bad company

      • Finally got the gun back from Taurus. Shoots good. I own 6 hand guns now and will never buy another Taurus. My wife wanted a new gun and said she wanted a Taurus. I bought her a S&W instead. It is excellent. I will keep my Taurus, mostly because I can’t sell something like this to someone else.

      • I own a taurus pt111 g2 millenium, which i purchased new and I haven’t been able to shoot the first shot due to misfire , I called taurus and the told me that they’ll take care of it to send it in. It would take 4 to 6 weeks to repair it. Is been 6 weeks and I called and they haven’t even received the parts , very disappointed with the service. They don’t even have a supervisor available, and they won’t replace their own new gun with problems for a new one .a supervisor is suppose to contact me within 2 days. Bad bad customer service, not happy at all.

        • Dennis,

          I had a similar situation, except I had a gouge on the inside of the chrome barrel. The weapon was sent back, the part was never shipped. The weapon was replaced with a brand new one at 16 weeks. This was the PT111 Millennium G2, while I was upset over the shipping issue, I will say that Taurus Customer Service handled my issue and I am happy. I carry the PT111 as an off-duty weapon and have gone on to acquire the M85 .38 Zombie revolver and just recently purchased the 24/7 G2 .45, best choices I’ve made and I too used to be a skeptic of Taurus. They have stepped up their game.

      • Your experience isn’t any different than the experience I had earlier this year. Only my problem was with a Smith and Wesson .380. One of their handguns blew up in my hand. It took about 8 weeks for them to send a Shield in 9mm to replace the loss. I love the Shield, and I won’t have any reservations about buying another Smith and Wesson. While waiting for the Shield, I bought a 24/7 G2. It’s a solid gun. If I ever have to send it back, I assume that I will get no better service than I did with Smith and Wesson. They were hard to reach and once I figured out who to talk to, they were never available. They kept telling us that they would send one when one was available, but that they didn’t know when guns were available. Then one day the gun just arrived. Like I said, I love it, and I would do business with them again. I just assume that in the gun industry, customer service doesn’t communicate well with the customer, and 6-8 weeks is about the normal time range to get problems fixed.

    • I have purchased this weapon recently. 2 weeks ago actually. I have put a little over 500 rounds, different brand names and I have to have a single misfire. 1st pull is heavy yes. I have fired Glocks Springfield’s and I love this 24/7 Gen 2. I wear it open and concealed low back, sticky holster. It is very concealable. Fits my hands perfectly.

  2. “An 8 pound trigger is too heavy for a fighting handgun”
    lol, DA could be worse, my FNP45T is 13lbs on my Timney gauge

    • As Lil John would say, WHAAAT? My carry gun has a 10 lb DA trigger pull, and its not a problem. Course I dry fire the thing daily almost, so perhaps that’s why.

      • It isnt a big problem, but it certainly takes some getting used to. The biggest problem is the trigger moving side to side because your pressing so hard and it is made of plastic. SA isnt that bad at 3lbs.

        • Here’s something odd about the 24/7’s trigger: the DA pull is long and light (6 lbs) and stiffens into the crisp 8 lb SA trigger pull. It’s unlike any cheese you’ve ever tasted, Gromit, but it’s pretty easy to get used to.

          6 lbs is f-ing fantastic for a DA pull, but 8 lbs is a bit too heavy for the SA portion.

  3. Had the 9×19 G2 brother to the weapon reviewed. Taurus absolutely crams grease into every nook and cranny of the G2. The pistol was not fully reliable until a thorough take down and lube including under the extractor, firing pin channel and loaded chamber indicator.

    No real complaints about the finish or function of the weapon, and the ability to force a first shot single action pull (depress trigger while unloaded and slide is to the rear) was interesting.

    Worth mentioning that many of the top edges of the slide were SHARP. Seriously so. Near the barrel and around the ejector port especially. If you fast rack by palming the rear of the slide/sight you will almost certianly gouge yourself. Doesn’t take much to “melt” them and reblue, but an annoyance and holster shredder.

  4. “230 grain roundnose lead slugs over 5.5 grains of Unique”

    LOL…a man after my own heart. I can’t begin to count how many pounds of Unique I’ve bought since the mid-70’s. You could actually cheapify the load even more by going to a 200 gr CSWC and Bullseye.

    • +1. 230 LRN over Unique is my competition load. Switching to Win 231 on the next batch to see if there’s any appreciable difference. And you’re right; Bullseye would be cheaper. Dirtier, though, IMHO.

      • Really? I like cheap, but it’s hard to get dirtier than Unique. I love it because it’s perfect for medium-velocity loads in every pistol caliber I handload: 9mm, .38/.357, .45 Colt, .44 Magnum, and .45 ACP. A pound of it only costs $20 and will fill at least 1000 rounds of .45.

        • I’ve never really understood the debate about clean vs. dirty propellants. It’s not unusual for me to shoot 2-300 rounds when I make it to the range and I’ve never had a single malfunction. The guns get cleaned the same day and I’ve never noticed any maintenance difficulty caused by “dirty” powder. Maybe I’ve just been lucky.

          In my .45’s, I often use 4.0gr of Bullseye behind a 200gr CSWC. It’s a mild load and may not cycle every pistols’ action, but it works 100% in mine and is scary accurate.

          I would also like to say that Unique is appropriately named. I first used it in 20ga 7/8oz field loads that put a lot of Quail in the pot. As Chris stated, it is also useful in almost every pistol caliber. Further, if you want to shoot low-powered cast bullets from your hi-power rifle, well, Unique can do that too.

  5. Good review. It’s always good to see the good the bad and the ugly in a gun review. However, 2 stovepipe jams in 350 rounds, 13 lb trigger reduced to 8 lbs, certainly leaves this pistol a lot less than “close to being a world class fighting handgun.” Plus I’m not sure that some of the failures to fire aren’t due to the trigger system and not the ammo. Not to mention a bad magazine with a new gun.

    All in all, maybe a good range gun for under $400 if someone is so inclined. For a fighting gun, better stick with Sig and Glock.

    • I think you’re exaggerating the issue. Some guns are simply magazine and ammo sensitive. Once you’ve sorted that out, you’re golden. I mean, how many 1911s have been fixed by swapping magazines and avoiding certain kinds of ammo?

      The trigger issue is more bothersome to me, especially since there’s no obvious path to fixing it.

      • A 100 year old gun that is or has to be modified to shoot rounds (JHP) that it was never intended to is MUCH different than a modern gun made with “advanced technologies” and modern design. I’m pretty sure a Wilson, Les Baer, or even a modern Springfield 1911 would have NO problems with all types of ammo and with all quality-made magazines.

        Some guns are ammo sensitive and some are magazine sensitive… some guns are also Taurus’!

        • My 1.5 year old Springfield 1911 cannot handle Federal or Remington FMJ without jamming on the first round from slide release. Every magazine. JHPs, or every other FMJ brand I’ve tried so far, including Tula=no problem.

      • I really don’t. This is a “modern” hand gun. Supposedly designed to cope with all modern ammunition’s in it’s chambered caliber. I’ve shot steel case, and brass from my friends 24/7 G2, and it almost always has some malfunction inside of 50 rounds.

        • I have quite a few modern firearms. Many if most of them have some ammunition that they love and some that they hate. Even minute differences in the shape of the bullet can make a world of difference in some firearms.

  6. I’ve had problems with Fiocchi ammo, too. Fiocchi seems to make its primers from reinforced concrete or something, and there are guns that just won’t shoot Fiocchi ammo.

    For example, I tested a S&W Bodyguard .380 last year and found that Fiocchi ammo misfired every other round. The guy next to me on the firing line was shooting his BG .380 and had the same problem. It’s a theme with Fiocchi range ammo, so I can understand discounting misfires with that brand.

    We all know that the weak spot of any pistol is the magazine, so a bad magazine can be written off without writing off the pistol. Multiple failures to feed from a single mag don’t freak me out. Return a bad mag to the manufacturer for a replacement, and keep extra good ones handy.

    The stovepipes would worry me, though. I’ve had pistols for years and years and put many thousands of rounds through them without a single stovepipe. Maybe the stovepipes were a break-in issue and the Taurus will run like a Deere from now on. Still, it’s a concern.

    • I have 24/7 g2 40 s&w and in the first 300 rounds i had about 10 maybe 12, but after i hit about 500 rounds never had another stove pipe currently i am close to 2300 rounds threw pistol

  7. I have never owned a Taurus, but I would be hesitant to ever buy one. I work at a gun shop and I see a lot more people come in with their Taurus handguns to get sent back to the manufacturer to get fixed than any other brand. Taurus does fix them and get them back in a reasonable amount of time, but I just wouldn’t want to be sending my handgun off to get fixed once or twice every year.

    • I own a taurus pt111 g2 millenium, which i purchased new and I haven’t been able to shoot the first shot due to misfire , I called taurus and the told me that they’ll take care of it to send it in. It would take 4 to 6 weeks to repair it. Is been 6 weeks and I called and they haven’t even received the parts , very disappointed with the service. They don’t even have a supervisor available, and they won’t replace their own new gun with problems for a new one .a supervisor is suppose to contact me within 2 days. Bad bad customer service, not happy at all.

      • I I finally received a replacement from taurus, pt111 millenium g2 and shot the 1st 100 rounds and worked perfectly, no jams or misfeeds. Im very satisfied so far with my pt111 g2 millenium. Will keep you updated

  8. I tend to spend more on handguns and mostly use “higher end” stuff, but I do have a Taurus PT143 Millennium Pro (very similar to the PT 24/7) and have handled and shot MANY Tauruses. After copious dry fire practice and several thousand .45ACP reloads through my PT145 I started to get light primer strikes and had to replace the striker spring. Taurus did it for free with less than a week turnaround and said that mine was one of an early batch of this model which had weaker striker springs and they have since been using a different one on all models. I can’t say anything bad about them in normal circumstances. I like that they have more rail-on-rail contact surface between the frame and slide than a Glock. I think Tauruses are sleepers in the gun world in that negative reputation held over from their early years of production keeps prices lower than what they are actually worth.


    • Have had a PT145 for probably ten years, lots of rounds down range. The original trigger pull was stiff, but it’s slick now. There were problems with cracking frames back then, but I’ve never had a problem. For ten rounds of .45 at 22.5 oz and a smooth small profile (checkering on grip a bit strong) it is hard to beat, particularly price wise.

  9. You are telling me I can get 12 rounds of .45 ACP in a pistol for under $400??!! I’ve gotta check this out. My one and only concern is you mentioned the trigger is made of plastic? I’ve been blessed/cursed with hands the size of catcher mitts, so the mag extending out of the bottom will probably be a good thing for me. But I think I just found my next handgun.

    • Just make sure you buy from a local dealer so you can dry-fire it before you hand over your debit card. Cherry-picking a good gun is a lot more fun than doing the Customer Service Shuffle.

  10. Gee, a Taurus demonstrates poor QC, needs to be returned, and fails to function? But it’s cheap, so some people will buy it! Not enough, though, so next year it will be orphaned, and Taurus will introduce yet another gun with even more dubious features, failing to recognize that it’s the poor quality that makes their guns unattractive, and not the lack of fishscale texturing, or digital round count displays, or whatever the fad of the month in 2013 is.

      • I’ve got a few years of experience putting lead through Taurus’. Including this model. And they are just all around bad. I wouldn’t ever carry one.

        • I have a Taurus PT24/7 PRO DS 9mm which fires consistently and reliably every time. It has yet to let me down.

          It seems like people who don’t like Taurus all claim to have years of terrible experience… while those of us who actually own one or more tend to have little to no problems… Weird.

  11. I bought my daughter a PT111 in 9mm, and have been looking at that PT745 for myself. (maybe I should hurry up–the 24/7 is no longer on the California roster.) I haven’t been able to figure out what it is exactly that distinguishes one madel from the other; they all look pretty much alike and have the same features. Especially for the price, I think they are underrated. My Kimber was not nearly this reliable in its first 1000 rounds, and it cost twice as much five years ago.

  12. People also need to realize something.
    This is a $370 gun we are talking about. If you expect it to feel and perform like a sig which sells anywhere from $800 to $1,100 you are never going to get it. The only reasonable comparison would be to that of a Kel Tec or something similar. If it is better than that, great. Comparing it to something that costs twice as much is asking a lot. It seems like it is amost on par with S&W MP pistols.
    Personally I think this would be a great purchase.
    Clean it well first off.
    Check everything and shoot the hell out of it. Run different types of ammo including a hundred or so of your carry ammo. I would do this with any gun that I was putting on my body for protection.
    Like Chris found out, there was an issue with his trigger. And one bad magazine. Those issues were fixed. As he gets his preferred ammo sorted, then we can review it again. I would hope after market folks pick up better trigger assemblies etc. Heck most folks who by an S&W MP swap the trigger before their first trip to the range at a cost of $40 or more, depending on what you change out. So how is that any different? Also the Taurus costs oh 200 or so less than the S&W. And I love S&W pistols.
    We know Taurus is trying to make serious changes to make itself better, I think this pistol is part of that change.

    • No fair comparing polymer frame to metal frame guns. The SIG SP2022 is not much more money, and up to SIG standards. By the time you factor in the time & money required to do a return to the factory, it’s probably cheaper than a Taurus. And no, I don’t think having to swap the trigger on an M&P is acceptable either. Do the job right the first time. If SIG can do it, there’s no excuse for anyone else.

      • Hi Jason I haven’t looked at that one yet. You are correct, in that we should be comparing apples with apples.
        I hope they get their kinks worked out. I think if they stick with it, then it is always good to see other alternatives in the market place.
        Also the market price of the CA approved 40 cal is like $550. Not that I don’t love their firearms, just sayin… 🙂

        • Well, a broad comparison, you’ve made there. A Sig-P250 in .45ACP runs anywhere from $380-450’s here. And you get a 10x better firearm right out of the box, with no worries about bad anything really.

          I’ve always been the one to buy carry arms from companies that I [know] for a fact make the same reliable handgun, every single batch. Glock, SIG, and Charter mostly. I can see why people would jump on things like this, and HI-points. But, if they had any sense, and weren’t so short sighted, they would realize that they could get a Glock in the same caliber that is never going to give you any lip, for just about $200~ more dinero this this chunky monkey paper weight.

    • Exactly. You have to take everything with a grain of salt. Everyone wants Johnny Delmonico’s on a Burger King budget. I need a .45+ handgun I don’t have the money to spend on a $800+ handgun so what are my alternatives, this seems a decent alternative.

  13. I think Taurus needs to learn something about branding. Throwing a crapload of products at the wall every couple years and seeing what sticks is not a good strategy in my opinion.

    In the same way that you know what to expect when you hear : Camry, F150, G19, iPod, you don’t know what to think when you hear 24/7 G2. It sounds like the hours for a quickie mart. I’m not against innovation or new products but it might be better to improve existing lines of known products ala Glock.

  14. a Ruger P95 costs about $350 street price. i’ve been reading THR and TFL for about 6 yrs now. i have NOT heard of a single malfunction on this pistol during all this time. Nuff said.

    • +1. I’ve got much love for the P-series. They’re not terribly accurate or ergonomic, but they are insanely rugged and reliable.

      • +1. My P95, I bought the week I crossed into handgun eligibility. It’s not a beautiful gun, but it goes bang with shocking consistency. It’s outlasted the majority of the rest of my possessions.

  15. I would never consider owning a Taurus pistol for anything other than a paperweight. I worked at a gun shop and a shooting range, and lets put it this way: Its a damn good thing Taurus comes with a great warranty, because their guns go back. A lot.

    Their triggers are poor, their reliability is abysmal…They don’t like to feed, and some of them don’t like to extract.

    If you’re buying a budget handgun…Dont. Save your money up, swipe your Amex card, or what ever. I would never trust my life to anything made by Taurus. Seriously, folks, if a company brags about how they use MIM and other techniques to “Reduce Cost” on the second or third page of their catolouge…Thats a good bet that they are NOT a good choice for something to bet your life on.

    Its also funny to note that Taurus started out ripping of S&W and Beretta designs…By buying up their factories once all the machining and tools had been worn out. A fine history of quality, there.

    And seriously, their motto…It makes me very, very sad and upset.

    • Also, good luck finding a good holster, and enjoy buying magazines that cost just about as much as the ones made by H&K…Except not only do you pay far out the ass for them, but to add insult to fiscal injury, Taurus mags don’t even work very well.

  16. My friend has one of these, and while we love them for their punch to price ratio, (I) hate them for their aesthetics. I think they are an ugly wanna-be Glock. And the pads on the magazines make them look like trash. Not to mention screw the handling all to shit.

    This is certainly not one of Taurus’ revolutionary off the way designs either. It’s a straight up Glock copy. Break down the Taurus G2, and put it next to a Glock-22 and the untrained eye wouldn’t be able to tell you which is which. Infact, even some trained eye’s might get that one wrong. Taurus pretty much yanked Glocks layout. Which surprised me due to the S&W incident. I’m really, REALLY surprised that Glock hasn’t taken Taurus to court over this. And while the layout is essentially the same as a Glock, the reliability isn’t. Ol’ boy up here cut through about, what, 370~ some-odd rounds, and suffered more malfunctions than the GI’s in Vietnam put together! I’ve fired the thing, and it doesn’t impress me at all. I wouldn’t waste the money on it. If you want something good in a low cost .45 automatic, I recommend PX4 “Storm”, which is around $500 where I’m from. Or the Para-Ordnance 1911, which costs about $530. Rock Island 3.5in 1911’s run about $400~. Ruger-P’s run about $450. Bersa Thunder, around $400. Even Sig-P250’s are under $500 in most area’s.

    There are so many better and more comfortable options, than this bad Glock copy cat. Realistically, they should rename this the “Taurus JAMS 7 out of 24 G2”. It’s too big to concealed carry, and feels like a bowl of front heavy melted butter… Ofcourse this is ALL in MY opinion.

  17. Got a PT845 when they were the latest greatest ultimate blah blah offering from Taurus. The POS would not function, FTE FTF. Inside of slide looked like a drunk epileptic polished it with a drill bit.

    Taurus took it back, then put me on the BS train for 3 months, making excuse after excuse. After telling them to send my gun back or have a police report filed for withholding my property they finally broke down and sent me a new one. Promptly sold the new one at a 100 dollar loss and bought another Glock.

    Taurus is the KIA of gunmakers, they look neato and always have new flashy versions but take a closer look and they are junk underneath.

  18. Note: our test gun arrived with an excessively heavy 12+ pound trigger pull, but Taurus repaired the trigger bar and replaced the firing pin promptly. After the repair the 24/7′s trigger was much smoother and lighter, although at 8 pounds it was still too heavy.
    After reading the above information. I called Taurus and asked if the factory trigger work was part of my warranty coverage or if it required an additional charge. At first the customer service rep said she never heard of the trigger work described in the review. After a 10 minute go around she said she would check with her supervisor and call me back. That was five days ago and no call back. Does anyone know if the factory trigger work is available to ordinary 24/7 G2 .45 purchasers? Thanks.

  19. I have a Taurus pt 24/7 g2 45 and it is an awesome gun always has shot without any flaws or misfeeds I don’t know why people hate them maybe because there competing with bigger names in the game and still perform with performance right out of the box

  20. I thought I had bought the wrong gun for my wife (709 slim 9mm) after 75 rounds with 0 problems it started to fte,stove pipe and then light striking the primer. So I took it to my local gun smith. And a couple of days later he said take this out and try it out. It works perfectly to this day.I asked him what he did he said I cleaned it right down to the firing pin these guns come from the factory with some sort of grease that must be cleaned out thoroughly. no filing no grinding just a thorough cleaning.for $400 I will pay to have it cleaned out of the box if it performs anything like my wifes 9 mm

  21. Funny all these comments bout taurus goin back I worked in a gun shop all through highschool and afterward never saw a single judge or any other taurus for that matter come back… then again we did tell them to soak her down with hoppes and clean it till the blue is barely hangin on. taurus is a lil cosmoline happy.

  22. There seems to be two camps about Taurus. One camp tells all the same stories, almost verbatim and to ‘ad nauseum’, about how badly Taurus sucks, how bad Taurus QC sucks, how bad Taurus CS sucks, etc. When pressed, it usually seems it was a gun that belonged to a ‘friend’, or a ‘friend-of-a-friend-said-he-saw’ scenario. Then there is the other camp that realizes Taurus for what they are; excellent revolvers and decent pistols. That, just like any other pistol, should be cleaned prior to firing the first time, and, just like any other pistol, is prone to issues. Ever pull the trigger on a factory M&P? Ever pull the trigger on a factory P229? Taurus catches flack from the people that drop $1K on a pistol, but only get $400 performance out of it. BUT, because it says Kimber, or Les Baer on it, it MUST be better. I call bullshit.
    I’d put my Taurus PT 845 and 809 up against any .45ACP and 9mm on the market. I run Kevin Underwood’s hottest ammo in those two calibers flawlessly. Do I like my M&P, 96A1, or G23 any less? Of course not, but are they substantially better than the Taurus? No.
    It would behoove you Wilson, Baer and Kimber purists to do a little research when you get the time and find out who supplies the bulk of their MIM parts. Yup, you guessed it.
    I fondled a 24/7 G2 after reading this review. I liked it. A lot. Ordered one in black.

  23. I have 3 Taurus revolvers. A Judge, a model 82, and a polymer frame model 85. The model 85 was very stiff out of the box but after firing it a few times it loosened right up and it’s been golden ever since. Other than that I have NEVER had a single issue with any of my Taurus revolvers. They outperfom my Ruger Blackhawk in many aspects. I’ve never owned one of their semiautos, but if their revolvers are any indication then I’m sure that their semiautos aren’t as bad as some of the posters are saying. My personal track record with Taurus would compel me to drop the cash on a PT. My point is that Taurus does NOT suck. Maybe some of the Taurus detractors here simply had USER MALFUNCTIONS.

    • Jacob, I’m glad you had a good experience. I find it interesting that you decided that anyone who did not have the same experience must be defective themselves. I’m pretty sure that Taurus did not replace 3 parts on my handgun because I’m stupid. I own 8 handguns and I’ve been shooting since 1974. The fact that you have not bad a negative experience also means that you have not had the opportunity to deal directly with the manufacturer and their customer service. I’m not sure your completely qualified to honestly rate this company. While they had my semiautomatic 9mm for warranty repairs, I asked them why it was taking more than six months. They told me the back log of repairs was overwhelming them and they had to order parts from Brazil and did so one part at a time. They also told me that they had used some inferior parts from a supplier who used metals that were too soft.

      It is good to see that they have a cheerleader though.

  24. dude, the taurus is a way better gun then that glock.. i was hittin 10 inch plates from 50 yards, you need to learn how to shoot before you try comparing guns,..

  25. Hi all
    Just wanted to say I’ve owned many Taurus firearms since the mid 80s and all have served me well. Currently own a pt111, pt145, pt1911 and several revolvers. The semi auto pistols all run flawlessly and they’ve all had 500 or more rounds through them without incident. That being said, clearly some folks have been having problems in recent years and Taurus, by their own admission has been having some quality issues. Their new CEO seems to be focusing on resolving quality and customerb service issues and anonymous tests on turn around times seem to indicate things are improving. Taurus is a very innovative company worthy of respect in the marketplace. Those who purchase one, please clean it thoroughly and lubricate prior to shooting. I hope all who have outstanding issues get them resolved soon.


    • I received my taurus pt111 g2 replacement back. I have shot one thousand rounds and not a single problem, im very satisfied, I would definitely buy another taurus for sure, as a matter my next one is revolver taurus 905.

  27. I wanted a .45 the Taurus 24/7 is the only one I could afford, only fired it 12 times had one stove pipe, with Remington ammo

  28. I have a 24/7C that I’ve put over 800 rounds thru. Using Federal, Remmington, and several off brand FMJ’s I’ve had only 2 jams. Both from other shooters “limp wristing” when they shoot. I’d say that’s pretty awesome. Took the gun down for cleaning the other day to find a broken recoil spring pin. I’ll have to wait and see how they handle the warranty work before I have an opinion there, but based on reviews, I’m not expecting much. All in all I’m pretty impressed with the gun.

  29. I have a 24/7 Pro and I have never had a jam misfired or any of the above. It sounds like from what I have just read in all the above posts that most owner do not keep there weapon clean. Not one problem at all from my weapon because I maintain it. I look at it like this and i see allot of morons doing it, go to range after range they put there weapon in there trucks or cars till the next time they grow a hair in there ass to shoot again and then the gun jams. THINGS THAT MAKE YOU GO HMMM. MAINTAIN IT AND IT WILL MAINTAIN U

    • I admit. I didn’t clean it before firing the new 24/7. It was brand new out of the box, got the one jam with 12 rounds, ha I had taken only one clip with me, forgot my ammo lol. But I have cleaned it and ready to go again

    • Good. Call. If you don’t clean your gun, and are mad that its malfunctioning, sell it immediately (or use it on yourself) then go to walmart and buy yourself a daisy .177, cuz you’re probably too dumb for the real thing.

  30. Okay well i have this gun took it out cleaned it made sweet love to it put it back toghteri then proceded to fire 2000 rounds out of it it stove piped 3 times bt i figured out why it was stove piping my arms hands and fingers where tired from loading and shooting so i was limp wristing the recoil why would you want to limp wrist the recoil figure it out buts that is the only problem i have had

  31. Just read dannos post about linp wristing after i posted my above just good to know thinking act of valor senoir in the tunnel all shot up weak can hardly keep his weapon up or in real life events state trooper gets hit hit in hand or a small guy or girl .think about it you gonna throw your glock away just because you limp wristed it the ar started off the same way now everyone wants one. Always run your weapon through its paces see what it van do amd what you can make it do. I even threw my gun in the air unloaded sticker cocked to see if it would release i jad my 9 year old try to unlock the lock on it with incentibe to baskin robbins to see if there was a way for her to undo it just say 2000 rounds and 3 limp wrist malfunctions thats it just like my m14 in the navy at watch turn over little bump would release the slide and camber my round its a good gun a solition to the limp wrist maybe a ++p as where i was using +p as recommended by manufacturer

  32. I’ve had my 24/7 G2 .45 for 2? years now and I’ve had almost no issues with it at all. It is my daily carry and it actually gets fired probably every few weeks or so. I’ve run Federal, Remington, PPU and PMC through it and I’ve never had a misfire, never had to pull the trigger twice on a round. I had a few stove pipes (FTEs) when it was new but the only time that happens anymore is when I hand it off to someone and they limp-wrist it. I’m not a real big dude but I have no trouble concealing this gun in my typical inside the waist holster. This is a great gun and with it I usually out shoot my buddies with their Rugers, Glocks, and XD’s. Not saying those aren’t good guns, just saying my significantly less expensive, feature packed, Taurus MORE than holds its own in comparison. I recommend this gun regularly.

    • Correction – looking at my reciept it’s closer to a year and a half . . . just correcting for accuracy.

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  34. I’ve owned a 24/7 g2 for about 4 years and had thousands of rounds through it only problems I’ve had was with one Winchester round. And that was a bad primer. Shot my first 1000 rounds with out cleaning and not a single problem. Don’t like the sights though

  35. I have a 24/7 pro ds in 9mm, put i don’t even know how many rds through it without one single malfunction to report. Can’t say that about my uncles glock 17 that regularly shares range time with my taurus. Seen that one malfunction many times, including an incident where it discharged on feeding, without a finger on the trigger. Scary. The taurus is not special in any way, but it is good. Very good. The trigger is… funny… at first but once you get used to all that take up its predictable “enough” to be accurate “enough”. Not a match gun, so don’t expect that….but I would never sell it, even for more than the price i paid for it.

  36. I have a Taurus 24/7 Pro C in 9mm. It’s the 5 year old model with the “ribber” grips. I love those grips more than any of the solid checkered polymer ones now. This model is very similar though with the same style slide release and safety. I like the ambi functions and the decocker and the fact that its a .45. My 9mm has had no issues in several thousand rounds fired through it and I actually have had more issues with my Sig 1911 than any other firearm I own. Though I think that’s just an inherent 1911 trait! My only gripe about my 24/7 are my sights. I HATE the 2 dot Heinie’s and I’ve had no luck in finding replacements 3 dot sights that fit. Did I mention I HATE 2 dot sights?!? Apart from that, I really like my 24/7. I’m really thinking about that .45 now…

    • Hei täältä löytyy työpöydältä ihan sama lamppu ja keltaisena! Löysin myös kirpparilta parilla eurolla. Oli niin halpa, koska siitä puuttui tuo kiinnikejutska millä sen saa pöytään kiinni. Saatiin se kuitenkin toimimaan pienellä kikkailulla:) Hieno on!

  37. And the Taurus debate continues… Even I waffle between getting one of their models that looks appealing or not getting it due to all the negative comments. I’ve had a snub nose 38 special that never failed. I lost that to a divorce. My only other Taurus is a PT24/7 Pro-Compact. I’m guessing it’s about 4-5 years old now maybe and I’ve fired at least a couple thousand rounds through it with both 13 and 15 round mags. Not one single FTF, misfire, stovepipe, etc… It shoots light, returns to aim quickly, and has one of the nicest grips ever designed – the “Ribber” grip. I LOVE IT! Now for the bad… I HAAATTTTEEE the mag release button. I’ve ejected countless mags while firing due to the lightness of the spring and not enough positive contact between the release tab and the mag slot. I sent it back to Taurus when I first got it since I could literally pull the magazines out with a little force without depressing the release! They replaced the release mechanism and it worked better but still too little contact between the release tab and mag slot. I resorted to modifying my mags by bending out the bottom of the slot to put more metal over the release tab. This “corrected” the problem but why they couldn’t just design the release to be 1/16″ bigger is beyond me.
    The only other problem – if you wish to call it that – is that my particular model has practically no aftermarket suppliers. It came with heinie 2 dot sights which I can’t stand! I want to put 3 dot (night sights if possible) on it but can’t find anything that may work. If anyone knows what may work let me know!
    Apart from that, I still love the gun and the way it shoots.

  38. Purchased my Taurus 24/7 PRO DS 9mm in August 2008. Never had any problems. Put approximately 4,000 rds through it; no jams, no issues. Never had it modified in anyway, never dismantled it beyond manufacturer recommendations. February 2014, gun fell out of my holster, landed muzzle-up between my legs and under my chin. First rule of a falling gun? DON’T grab for it. I cringed as it was air bourne…. When it hit the ground, it discharged a round passing through my right tibia, essentially exploding it… Law suit against Taurus is still pending… AND guess what? I’m not the only one this has happened to. At least 11 others that have received injury, and one DEATH. Good weapons EXCEPT they are not drop safe, which the manual claims they are, AND Taurus won’t take appropriate actions for their unsafe firearms. Are YOU carrying a round in your Taurus chamber? I wouldn’t. 45 degrees would have put a bullet through my chin and brain matter…

  39. I have the taurus 24/7g2 in a 40s&w , I’ve put roughly 900 rounds through it without any fte,ftf or any problems trigger got smoother around 200 rounds it’s been reliable and accurate after i adjusted the sights a little, overall its a well made firearm i dont see why taurus gets a bad rep just use Winchester ammo and keep it clean and it’ll serve you well

  40. Taurus whatever.
    I learned that the Taurus Arms Brand triggers hate by some people. I understand, just imagine you go out and buy a gun for a Million bugs and than come home and read a review like that. It must produce anger.
    I have the PT 380 TCP, the PT 111 G2, The PT 24/7 G2 and had never a problem. The trigger even is better now than back than when this review was done.
    So I have no problem and honestly, I have no problem you keep your overpriced guns, and I stay with my Taurus.

  41. Sounds like a typical Taurus purchase: the pistol had to be returned for repair, had a bad magazine and higher than acceptable failures to function. No thanks.

  42. Bought a Rossi Circuit Judge like new in box with all paperwork. Less than 60 rounds through it and the butt-stock started cracking in the wrist grip area, multiple cracks. Called Rossi Customer Service and Samantha said she would order me one at no charge to me. That was on 10-26-2015… yeah, over two and a half years ago! I’ve called and talked to: Samantha, Tammy, Rafael, Malisha, Troy, Nadeege, Sammy, Alexandria, Ofilia, Johnathan, and a few others I forgot to write down. They all sounded pretty much like they were responding from a script. Later, they wanted me to send in my gun, and even sent me a shipping label. After a little internet research (which I recommend everyone do BEFORE you buy a Rossi) there were indications my gun may be with them for three years (for a butt-stock change!!!!) or longer. Initially, they “promised” to send me a new butt-stock, so I decided to stick with that method for repair. I hope all of you are beginning to get the picture of the so called “LIFETIME REPAIR GUARANTEE” promised by Rossi. We’ve all heard the warning…”BUYER BEWARE”… and, that is especially true when dealing with these “slick” phone personalities at Rossi. I had to put my Taurus/Rossi Circuit Judge in .410/45 Colt up and discontinue shooting it. That was over 2 1/2 years ago. Remember these four words from Taurus/Rossi…”IT”S ON BACK ORDER”. When you hear them on your phone, you know you’ve been had! Others mileage may vary…but that’s my experience with Taurus/Rossi.

  43. I have three price ranges, cheap, inexpensive, and that which I can not afford. Never buy cheap.

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